/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Julien BLACHE * Copyright (C) 2010 Kai Elwert * * Adapted from mt-daapd: * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Ron Pedde * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "evhttp/evhttp.h" #include #include "logger.h" #include "db.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "misc.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "transcode.h" #include "artwork.h" #include "httpd_daap.h" #include "daap_query.h" #include "dmap_helpers.h" /* httpd event base, from httpd.c */ extern struct event_base *evbase_httpd; /* Session timeout in seconds */ #define DAAP_SESSION_TIMEOUT 1800 struct uri_map { regex_t preg; char *regexp; void (*handler)(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query); }; struct daap_session { int id; struct event timeout; }; struct daap_update_request { struct evhttp_request *req; struct daap_update_request *next; }; struct dmap_field { char *tag; char *desc; enum dmap_type type; }; struct dmap_field_map { uint32_t hash; const struct dmap_field *field; ssize_t mfi_offset; ssize_t pli_offset; ssize_t gri_offset; }; struct sort_ctx { struct evbuffer *headerlist; int16_t mshc; uint32_t mshi; uint32_t mshn; uint32_t misc_mshn; }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_abal = { "abal", "daap.browsealbumlisting", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_abar = { "abar", "daap.browseartistlisting", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_abcp = { "abcp", "daap.browsecomposerlisting", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_abgn = { "abgn", "daap.browsegenrelisting", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_abpl = { "abpl", "daap.baseplaylist", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_abro = { "abro", "daap.databasebrowse", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_adbs = { "adbs", "daap.databasesongs", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeAD = { "aeAD", "com.apple.itunes.adam-ids-array", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeAI = { "aeAI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-artistid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeCI = { "aeCI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-composerid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeCR = { "aeCR", "com.apple.itunes.content-rating", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeDP = { "aeDP", "com.apple.itunes.drm-platform-id", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeDR = { "aeDR", "com.apple.itunes.drm-user-id", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeDV = { "aeDV", "com.apple.itunes.drm-versions", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeEN = { "aeEN", "com.apple.itunes.episode-num-str", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeES = { "aeES", "com.apple.itunes.episode-sort", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeGD = { "aeGD", "com.apple.itunes.gapless-enc-dr", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeGE = { "aeGE", "com.apple.itunes.gapless-enc-del", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeGH = { "aeGH", "com.apple.itunes.gapless-heur", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeGI = { "aeGI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-genreid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeGR = { "aeGR", "com.apple.itunes.gapless-resy", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeGU = { "aeGU", "com.apple.itunes.gapless-dur", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeHD = { "aeHD", "com.apple.itunes.is-hd-video", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeHV = { "aeHV", "com.apple.itunes.has-video", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeK1 = { "aeK1", "com.apple.itunes.drm-key1-id", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeK2 = { "aeK2", "com.apple.itunes.drm-key2-id", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeMk = { "aeMk", "com.apple.itunes.extended-media-kind", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeMK = { "aeMK", "com.apple.itunes.mediakind", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeND = { "aeND", "com.apple.itunes.non-drm-user-id", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeNN = { "aeNN", "com.apple.itunes.network-name", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeNV = { "aeNV", "com.apple.itunes.norm-volume", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aePC = { "aePC", "com.apple.itunes.is-podcast", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aePI = { "aePI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-playlistid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aePP = { "aePP", "com.apple.itunes.is-podcast-playlist", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aePS = { "aePS", "com.apple.itunes.special-playlist", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSE = { "aeSE", "com.apple.itunes.store-pers-id", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSF = { "aeSF", "com.apple.itunes.itms-storefrontid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSG = { "aeSG", "com.apple.itunes.saved-genius", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSI = { "aeSI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-songid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSN = { "aeSN", "com.apple.itunes.series-name", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSP = { "aeSP", "com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSU = { "aeSU", "com.apple.itunes.season-num", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeSV = { "aeSV", "com.apple.itunes.music-sharing-version", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aeXD = { "aeXD", "com.apple.itunes.xid", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_agrp = { "agrp", "daap.songgrouping", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aply = { "aply", "daap.databaseplaylists", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aprm = { "aprm", "daap.playlistrepeatmode", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_apro = { "apro", "daap.protocolversion", DMAP_TYPE_VERSION }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_apsm = { "apsm", "daap.playlistshufflemode", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_apso = { "apso", "daap.playlistsongs", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_arif = { "arif", "daap.resolveinfo", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_arsv = { "arsv", "daap.resolve", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asaa = { "asaa", "daap.songalbumartist", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asai = { "asai", "daap.songalbumid", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asal = { "asal", "daap.songalbum", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asar = { "asar", "daap.songartist", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asbk = { "asbk", "daap.bookmarkable", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asbo = { "asbo", "daap.songbookmark", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asbr = { "asbr", "daap.songbitrate", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asbt = { "asbt", "daap.songbeatsperminute", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_ascd = { "ascd", "daap.songcodectype", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_ascm = { "ascm", "daap.songcomment", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_ascn = { "ascn", "daap.songcontentdescription", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asco = { "asco", "daap.songcompilation", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_ascp = { "ascp", "daap.songcomposer", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_ascr = { "ascr", "daap.songcontentrating", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_ascs = { "ascs", "daap.songcodecsubtype", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asct = { "asct", "daap.songcategory", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asda = { "asda", "daap.songdateadded", DMAP_TYPE_DATE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdb = { "asdb", "daap.songdisabled", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdc = { "asdc", "daap.songdisccount", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdk = { "asdk", "daap.songdatakind", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdm = { "asdm", "daap.songdatemodified", DMAP_TYPE_DATE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdn = { "asdn", "daap.songdiscnumber", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdp = { "asdp", "daap.songdatepurchased", DMAP_TYPE_DATE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdr = { "asdr", "daap.songdatereleased", DMAP_TYPE_DATE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asdt = { "asdt", "daap.songdescription", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ased = { "ased", "daap.songextradata", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aseq = { "aseq", "daap.songeqpreset", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asfm = { "asfm", "daap.songformat", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asgn = { "asgn", "daap.songgenre", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asgp = { "asgp", "daap.songgapless", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ashp = { "ashp", "daap.songhasbeenplayed", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asky = { "asky", "daap.songkeywords", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_aslc = { "aslc", "daap.songlongcontentdescription", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asls = { "asls", "daap.songlongsize", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_aspu = { "aspu", "daap.songpodcasturl", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asrv = { "asrv", "daap.songrelativevolume", DMAP_TYPE_BYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_assa = { "assa", "daap.sortartist", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_assc = { "assc", "daap.sortcomposer", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_assl = { "assl", "daap.sortalbumartist", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_assn = { "assn", "daap.sortname", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_assp = { "assp", "daap.songstoptime", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_assr = { "assr", "daap.songsamplerate", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_asss = { "asss", "daap.sortseriesname", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asst = { "asst", "daap.songstarttime", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_assu = { "assu", "daap.sortalbum", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_assz = { "assz", "daap.songsize", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_astc = { "astc", "daap.songtrackcount", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_astm = { "astm", "daap.songtime", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_astn = { "astn", "daap.songtracknumber", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asul = { "asul", "daap.songdataurl", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asur = { "asur", "daap.songuserrating", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_asyr = { "asyr", "daap.songyear", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ated = { "ated", "daap.supportsextradata", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_avdb = { "avdb", "daap.serverdatabases", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ceJC = { "ceJC", "com.apple.itunes.jukebox-client-vote", DMAP_TYPE_BYTE }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ceJI = { "ceJI", "com.apple.itunes.jukebox-current", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ceJS = { "ceJS", "com.apple.itunes.jukebox-score", DMAP_TYPE_SHORT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_ceJV = { "ceJV", "com.apple.itunes.jukebox-vote", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mbcl = { "mbcl", "dmap.bag", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mccr = { "mccr", "dmap.contentcodesresponse", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mcna = { "mcna", "dmap.contentcodesname", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mcnm = { "mcnm", "dmap.contentcodesnumber", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mcon = { "mcon", "dmap.container", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mctc = { "mctc", "dmap.containercount", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mcti = { "mcti", "dmap.containeritemid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mcty = { "mcty", "dmap.contentcodestype", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mdcl = { "mdcl", "dmap.dictionary", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_meds = { "meds", "dmap.editcommandssupported", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_miid = { "miid", "dmap.itemid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mikd = { "mikd", "dmap.itemkind", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mimc = { "mimc", "dmap.itemcount", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_minm = { "minm", "dmap.itemname", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mlcl = { "mlcl", "dmap.listing", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mlid = { "mlid", "dmap.sessionid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mlit = { "mlit", "dmap.listingitem", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mlog = { "mlog", "dmap.loginresponse", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mpco = { "mpco", "dmap.parentcontainerid", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mper = { "mper", "dmap.persistentid", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mpro = { "mpro", "dmap.protocolversion", DMAP_TYPE_VERSION }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mrco = { "mrco", "dmap.returnedcount", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msal = { "msal", "dmap.supportsautologout", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msas = { "msas", "dmap.authenticationschemes", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msau = { "msau", "dmap.authenticationmethod", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msbr = { "msbr", "dmap.supportsbrowse", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msdc = { "msdc", "dmap.databasescount", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mshl = { "mshl", "dmap.sortingheaderlisting", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mshc = { "mshc", "dmap.sortingheaderchar", DMAP_TYPE_SHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mshi = { "mshi", "dmap.sortingheaderindex", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mshn = { "mshn", "dmap.sortingheadernumber", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msex = { "msex", "dmap.supportsextensions", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msix = { "msix", "dmap.supportsindex", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mslr = { "mslr", "dmap.loginrequired", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mspi = { "mspi", "dmap.supportspersistentids", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msqy = { "msqy", "dmap.supportsquery", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msrs = { "msrs", "dmap.supportsresolve", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msrv = { "msrv", "dmap.serverinforesponse", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_mstc = { "mstc", "dmap.utctime", DMAP_TYPE_DATE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mstm = { "mstm", "dmap.timeoutinterval", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; //static const struct dmap_field dmap_msto = { "msto", "dmap.utcoffset", DMAP_TYPE_INT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msts = { "msts", "dmap.statusstring", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mstt = { "mstt", "dmap.status", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_msup = { "msup", "dmap.supportsupdate", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mtco = { "mtco", "dmap.specifiedtotalcount", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mudl = { "mudl", "dmap.deletedidlisting", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_mupd = { "mupd", "dmap.updateresponse", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_musr = { "musr", "dmap.serverrevision", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_muty = { "muty", "dmap.updatetype", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static struct dmap_field_map dmap_fields[] = { { 0, &dmap_miid, dbmfi_offsetof(id), dbpli_offsetof(id), -1 }, { 0, &dmap_minm, dbmfi_offsetof(title), dbpli_offsetof(title), dbgri_offsetof(itemname) }, { 0, &dmap_mikd, dbmfi_offsetof(item_kind), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mper, dbmfi_offsetof(id), dbpli_offsetof(id), dbgri_offsetof(persistentid) }, { 0, &dmap_mcon, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mcti, dbmfi_offsetof(id), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mpco, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mstt, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msts, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mimc, dbmfi_offsetof(total_tracks), dbpli_offsetof(items), dbgri_offsetof(itemcount) }, { 0, &dmap_mctc, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mrco, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mtco, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mlcl, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mlit, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mbcl, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mdcl, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msrv, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msau, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mslr, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mpro, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msal, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msup, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mspi, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msex, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msbr, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msqy, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msix, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msrs, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mstm, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_msdc, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mlog, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mlid, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mupd, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_musr, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_muty, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mudl, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mccr, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mcnm, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mcna, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_mcty, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_apro, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_avdb, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_abro, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_abal, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_abar, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_abcp, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_abgn, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_adbs, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asal, dbmfi_offsetof(album), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asai, dbmfi_offsetof(songalbumid), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asaa, dbmfi_offsetof(album_artist), -1, dbgri_offsetof(songalbumartist) }, { 0, &dmap_asar, dbmfi_offsetof(artist), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asbt, dbmfi_offsetof(bpm), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asbr, dbmfi_offsetof(bitrate), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_ascm, dbmfi_offsetof(comment), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asco, dbmfi_offsetof(compilation), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_ascp, dbmfi_offsetof(composer), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asda, dbmfi_offsetof(time_added), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asdm, dbmfi_offsetof(time_modified), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asdc, dbmfi_offsetof(total_discs), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asdn, dbmfi_offsetof(disc), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asdb, dbmfi_offsetof(disabled), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aseq, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asfm, dbmfi_offsetof(type), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asgn, dbmfi_offsetof(genre), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asdt, dbmfi_offsetof(description), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asrv, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_assr, dbmfi_offsetof(samplerate), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_assz, dbmfi_offsetof(file_size), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asst, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_assp, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_astm, dbmfi_offsetof(song_length), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_astc, dbmfi_offsetof(total_tracks), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_astn, dbmfi_offsetof(track), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asur, dbmfi_offsetof(rating), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asyr, dbmfi_offsetof(year), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asdk, dbmfi_offsetof(data_kind), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asul, dbmfi_offsetof(url), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aply, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_abpl, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_apso, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_arsv, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_arif, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeNV, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeSP, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aePS, -1, -1, -1 }, /* iTunes 4.5+ */ { 0, &dmap_ascd, dbmfi_offsetof(codectype), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_ascs, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_agrp, dbmfi_offsetof(grouping), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeSV, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aePI, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeCI, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeGI, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeAI, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeSI, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeSF, -1, -1, -1 }, /* iTunes 5.0+ */ { 0, &dmap_ascr, dbmfi_offsetof(contentrating), -1, -1 }, #if 0 { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "f" "\x8d" "ch", "dmap.haschildcontainers", -1, -1, -1 }, #endif /* iTunes 6.0.2+ */ { 0, &dmap_aeHV, dbmfi_offsetof(has_video), -1, -1 }, /* iTunes 6.0.4+ */ { 0, &dmap_msas, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asct, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_ascn, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aslc, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_asky, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_apsm, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aprm, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aePC, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aePP, -1, -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeMK, dbmfi_offsetof(media_kind), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeMk, dbmfi_offsetof(media_kind), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeSN, dbmfi_offsetof(tv_series_name), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeNN, dbmfi_offsetof(tv_network_name), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeEN, dbmfi_offsetof(tv_episode_num_str), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeES, dbmfi_offsetof(tv_episode_sort), -1, -1 }, { 0, &dmap_aeSU, dbmfi_offsetof(tv_season_num), -1, -1 }, { 0, NULL, -1, -1, -1 } }; /* Default meta tags if not provided in the query */ static char *default_meta_plsongs = "dmap.itemkind,dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dmap.containeritemid,dmap.parentcontainerid"; static char *default_meta_pl = "dmap.itemid,dmap.itemname,dmap.persistentid,com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist"; static char *default_meta_group = "dmap.itemname,dmap.persistentid,daap.songalbumartist"; static avl_tree_t *dmap_fields_hash; /* DAAP session tracking */ static avl_tree_t *daap_sessions; static int next_session_id; /* Update requests */ static struct daap_update_request *update_requests; /* Session handling */ static int daap_session_compare(const void *aa, const void *bb) { struct daap_session *a = (struct daap_session *)aa; struct daap_session *b = (struct daap_session *)bb; if (a->id < b->id) return -1; if (a->id > b->id) return 1; return 0; } static void daap_session_free(void *item) { struct daap_session *s; s = (struct daap_session *)item; evtimer_del(&s->timeout); free(s); } static void daap_session_kill(struct daap_session *s) { avl_delete(daap_sessions, s); } static void daap_session_timeout_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { struct daap_session *s; s = (struct daap_session *)arg; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Session %d timed out\n", s->id); daap_session_kill(s); } static struct daap_session * daap_session_register(void) { #if 0 struct timeval tv; #endif struct daap_session *s; avl_node_t *node; #if 0 int ret; #endif s = (struct daap_session *)malloc(sizeof(struct daap_session)); if (!s) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Out of memory for DAAP session\n"); return NULL; } memset(s, 0, sizeof(struct daap_session)); s->id = next_session_id; next_session_id++; evtimer_set(&s->timeout, daap_session_timeout_cb, s); event_base_set(evbase_httpd, &s->timeout); node = avl_insert(daap_sessions, s); if (!node) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not register DAAP session: %s\n", strerror(errno)); free(s); return NULL; } #if 0 evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = DAAP_SESSION_TIMEOUT; ret = evtimer_add(&s->timeout, &tv); if (ret < 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add session timeout event for session %d\n", s->id); #endif /* 0 */ return s; } struct daap_session * daap_session_find(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evkeyvalq *query, struct evbuffer *evbuf) { struct daap_session needle; #if 0 struct timeval tv; #endif struct daap_session *s; avl_node_t *node; const char *param; int ret; param = evhttp_find_header(query, "session-id"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_DAAP, "No session-id specified in request\n"); goto invalid; } ret = safe_atoi32(param, &needle.id); if (ret < 0) goto invalid; node = avl_search(daap_sessions, &needle); if (!node) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_DAAP, "DAAP session id %d not found\n", needle.id); goto invalid; } s = (struct daap_session *)node->item; #if 0 event_del(&s->timeout); evutil_timerclear(&tv); tv.tv_sec = DAAP_SESSION_TIMEOUT; ret = evtimer_add(&s->timeout, &tv); if (ret < 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add session timeout event for session %d\n", s->id); #endif /* 0 */ return s; invalid: evhttp_send_error(req, 403, "Forbidden"); return NULL; } /* Update requests helpers */ static void update_fail_cb(struct evhttp_connection *evcon, void *arg) { struct daap_update_request *ur; struct daap_update_request *p; ur = (struct daap_update_request *)arg; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Update request: client closed connection\n"); if (ur->req->evcon) evhttp_connection_set_closecb(ur->req->evcon, NULL, NULL); if (ur == update_requests) update_requests = ur->next; else { for (p = update_requests; p && (p->next != ur); p = p->next) ; if (!p) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "WARNING: struct daap_update_request not found in list; BUG!\n"); return; } p->next = ur->next; } free(ur); } /* DMAP fields helpers */ static int dmap_field_map_compare(const void *aa, const void *bb) { struct dmap_field_map *a = (struct dmap_field_map *)aa; struct dmap_field_map *b = (struct dmap_field_map *)bb; if (a->hash < b->hash) return -1; if (a->hash > b->hash) return 1; return 0; } static struct dmap_field_map * dmap_find_field(uint32_t hash) { struct dmap_field_map dfm; avl_node_t *node; dfm.hash = hash; node = avl_search(dmap_fields_hash, &dfm); if (!node) return NULL; return (struct dmap_field_map *)node->item; } static void dmap_add_field(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const struct dmap_field *df, char *strval, int32_t intval) { union { int32_t v_i32; uint32_t v_u32; int64_t v_i64; uint64_t v_u64; } val; int ret; if (strval && (df->type != DMAP_TYPE_STRING)) { switch (df->type) { case DMAP_TYPE_DATE: case DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE: case DMAP_TYPE_USHORT: case DMAP_TYPE_UINT: ret = safe_atou32(strval, &val.v_u32); if (ret < 0) val.v_u32 = 0; break; case DMAP_TYPE_BYTE: case DMAP_TYPE_SHORT: case DMAP_TYPE_INT: ret = safe_atoi32(strval, &val.v_i32); if (ret < 0) val.v_i32 = 0; break; case DMAP_TYPE_ULONG: ret = safe_atou64(strval, &val.v_u64); if (ret < 0) val.v_u64 = 0; break; case DMAP_TYPE_LONG: ret = safe_atoi64(strval, &val.v_i64); if (ret < 0) val.v_i64 = 0; break; /* DMAP_TYPE_VERSION & DMAP_TYPE_LIST not handled here */ default: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Unsupported DMAP type %d for DMAP field %s\n", df->type, df->desc); return; } } else if (!strval && (df->type != DMAP_TYPE_STRING)) { switch (df->type) { case DMAP_TYPE_DATE: case DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE: case DMAP_TYPE_USHORT: case DMAP_TYPE_UINT: val.v_u32 = intval; break; case DMAP_TYPE_BYTE: case DMAP_TYPE_SHORT: case DMAP_TYPE_INT: val.v_i32 = intval; break; case DMAP_TYPE_ULONG: val.v_u64 = intval; break; case DMAP_TYPE_LONG: val.v_i64 = intval; break; /* DMAP_TYPE_VERSION & DMAP_TYPE_LIST not handled here */ default: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Unsupported DMAP type %d for DMAP field %s\n", df->type, df->desc); return; } } switch (df->type) { case DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE: if (val.v_u32) dmap_add_char(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_u32); break; case DMAP_TYPE_BYTE: if (val.v_i32) dmap_add_char(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_i32); break; case DMAP_TYPE_USHORT: if (val.v_u32) dmap_add_short(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_u32); break; case DMAP_TYPE_SHORT: if (val.v_i32) dmap_add_short(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_i32); break; case DMAP_TYPE_DATE: case DMAP_TYPE_UINT: if (val.v_u32) dmap_add_int(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_u32); break; case DMAP_TYPE_INT: if (val.v_i32) dmap_add_int(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_i32); break; case DMAP_TYPE_ULONG: if (val.v_u64) dmap_add_long(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_u64); break; case DMAP_TYPE_LONG: if (val.v_i64) dmap_add_long(evbuf, df->tag, val.v_i64); break; case DMAP_TYPE_STRING: if (strval) dmap_add_string(evbuf, df->tag, strval); break; case DMAP_TYPE_VERSION: case DMAP_TYPE_LIST: return; } } /* DAAP sort headers helpers */ static struct sort_ctx * daap_sort_context_new(void) { struct sort_ctx *ctx; int ret; ctx = (struct sort_ctx *)malloc(sizeof(struct sort_ctx)); if (!ctx) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Out of memory for sorting context\n"); return NULL; } memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(struct sort_ctx)); ctx->headerlist = evbuffer_new(); if (!ctx->headerlist) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DAAP sort headers list\n"); free(ctx); return NULL; } ret = evbuffer_expand(ctx->headerlist, 512); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP sort headers list\n"); evbuffer_free(ctx->headerlist); free(ctx); return NULL; } ctx->mshc = -1; return ctx; } static void daap_sort_context_free(struct sort_ctx *ctx) { evbuffer_free(ctx->headerlist); free(ctx); } static int daap_sort_build(struct sort_ctx *ctx, char *str) { uint8_t *ret; size_t len; char fl; len = strlen(str); ret = u8_normalize(UNINORM_NFD, (uint8_t *)str, len, NULL, &len); if (!ret) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not normalize string for sort header\n"); return -1; } fl = ret[0]; free(ret); if (isascii(fl) && isalpha(fl)) { fl = toupper(fl); /* Init */ if (ctx->mshc == -1) ctx->mshc = fl; if (fl == ctx->mshc) ctx->mshn++; else { dmap_add_container(ctx->headerlist, "mlit", 34); dmap_add_short(ctx->headerlist, "mshc", ctx->mshc); /* 10 */ dmap_add_int(ctx->headerlist, "mshi", ctx->mshi); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(ctx->headerlist, "mshn", ctx->mshn); /* 12 */ DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Added sort header: mshc = %c, mshi = %u, mshn = %u fl %c\n", ctx->mshc, ctx->mshi, ctx->mshn, fl); ctx->mshi = ctx->mshi + ctx->mshn; ctx->mshn = 1; ctx->mshc = fl; } } else { /* Non-ASCII, goes to misc category */ ctx->misc_mshn++; } return 0; } static int daap_sort_finalize(struct sort_ctx *ctx, struct evbuffer *evbuf) { int ret; /* Add current entry, if any */ if (ctx->mshc != -1) { dmap_add_container(ctx->headerlist, "mlit", 34); dmap_add_short(ctx->headerlist, "mshc", ctx->mshc); /* 10 */ dmap_add_int(ctx->headerlist, "mshi", ctx->mshi); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(ctx->headerlist, "mshn", ctx->mshn); /* 12 */ ctx->mshi = ctx->mshi + ctx->mshn; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Added sort header: mshc = %c, mshi = %u, mshn = %u (final)\n", ctx->mshc, ctx->mshi, ctx->mshn); } /* Add misc category */ dmap_add_container(ctx->headerlist, "mlit", 34); dmap_add_short(ctx->headerlist, "mshc", '0'); /* 10 */ dmap_add_int(ctx->headerlist, "mshi", ctx->mshi); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(ctx->headerlist, "mshn", ctx->misc_mshn); /* 12 */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mshl", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(ctx->headerlist)); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(evbuf, ctx->headerlist); if (ret < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void get_query_params(struct evkeyvalq *query, int *sort_headers, struct query_params *qp) { const char *param; char *ptr; int low; int high; int ret; low = 0; high = -1; /* No limit */ param = evhttp_find_header(query, "index"); if (param) { if (param[0] == '-') /* -n, last n entries */ DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Unsupported index range: %s\n", param); else { ret = safe_atoi32(param, &low); if (ret < 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not parse index range: %s\n", param); else { ptr = strchr(param, '-'); if (!ptr) /* single item */ high = low; else { ptr++; if (*ptr != '\0') /* low-high */ { ret = safe_atoi32(ptr, &high); if (ret < 0) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not parse high index in range: %s\n", param); } } } } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Index range %s: low %d, high %d (offset %d, limit %d)\n", param, low, high, qp->offset, qp->limit); } if (high < low) high = -1; /* No limit */ qp->offset = low; if (high < 0) qp->limit = -1; /* No limit */ else qp->limit = (high - low) + 1; qp->idx_type = I_SUB; qp->sort = S_NONE; param = evhttp_find_header(query, "sort"); if (param) { if (strcmp(param, "name") == 0) qp->sort = S_NAME; else if (strcmp(param, "album") == 0) qp->sort = S_ALBUM; else if (strcmp(param, "artist") == 0) qp->sort = S_ARTIST; else DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Unknown sort param: %s\n", param); if (qp->sort != S_NONE) DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Sorting songlist by %s\n", param); } if (sort_headers) { *sort_headers = 0; param = evhttp_find_header(query, "include-sort-headers"); if (param) { if (strcmp(param, "1") == 0) { *sort_headers = 1; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Sort headers requested\n"); } else DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Unknown include-sort-headers param: %s\n", param); } } param = evhttp_find_header(query, "query"); if (!param) param = evhttp_find_header(query, "filter"); if (param) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "DAAP browse query filter: %s\n", param); qp->filter = daap_query_parse_sql(param); if (!qp->filter) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Ignoring improper DAAP query\n"); } } static void parse_meta(struct evhttp_request *req, char *tag, const char *param, uint32_t **out_meta, int *out_nmeta) { char *ptr; char *meta; char *metastr; uint32_t *hashes; int nmeta; int i; *out_nmeta = -1; metastr = strdup(param); if (!metastr) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not duplicate meta parameter; out of memory\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } nmeta = 1; ptr = metastr; while ((ptr = strchr(ptr + 1, ','))) nmeta++; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Asking for %d meta tags\n", nmeta); hashes = (uint32_t *)malloc((nmeta + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); if (!hashes) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not allocate meta array; out of memory\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); free(metastr); return; } memset(hashes, 0, (nmeta + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); meta = strtok_r(metastr, ",", &ptr); for (i = 0; i < nmeta; i++) { hashes[i] = djb_hash(meta, strlen(meta)); meta = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &ptr); if (!meta) break; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Found %d meta tags\n", nmeta); *out_nmeta = nmeta; *out_meta = hashes; free(metastr); } static void daap_reply_server_info(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { cfg_t *lib; char *name; char *passwd; const char *clientver; int mpro; int apro; int len; int ret; lib = cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"); passwd = cfg_getstr(lib, "password"); name = cfg_getstr(lib, "name"); len = 136 + strlen(name); ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, len); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP server-info reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "msrv", "Out of memory"); return; } mpro = 2 << 16; apro = 3 << 16; clientver = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "Client-DAAP-Version"); if (clientver) { if (strcmp(clientver, "1.0") == 0) { mpro = 1 << 16; apro = 1 << 16; } else if (strcmp(clientver, "2.0") == 0) { mpro = 1 << 16; apro = 2 << 16; } } dmap_add_container(evbuf, "msrv", len - 8); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mpro", mpro); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "apro", apro); /* 12 */ dmap_add_string(evbuf, "minm", name); /* 8 + strlen(name) */ #if 0 dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstm", DAAP_SESSION_TIMEOUT); /* 12 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msal", 1); /* 9 */ #endif dmap_add_char(evbuf, "mslr", 1); /* 9 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msau", (passwd) ? 2 : 0); /* 9 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msex", 1); /* 9 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msix", 1); /* 9 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msbr", 1); /* 9 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msqy", 1); /* 9 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "mspi", 1); /* 9 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "msdc", 1); /* 12 */ /* Advertise updates support even though we don't send updates */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "msup", 1); /* 9 */ httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); } static void daap_reply_content_codes(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { const struct dmap_field *df; int i; int len; int ret; len = 12; for (i = 0; dmap_fields[i].field; i++) len += 8 + 12 + 10 + 8 + strlen(dmap_fields[i].field->desc); ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, len + 8); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP content-codes reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "mccr", "Out of memory"); return; } dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mccr", len); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); for (i = 0; dmap_fields[i].field; i++) { df = dmap_fields[i].field; len = 12 + 10 + 8 + strlen(df->desc); dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mdcl", len); dmap_add_string(evbuf, "mcnm", df->tag); /* 12 */ dmap_add_string(evbuf, "mcna", df->desc); /* 8 + strlen(desc) */ dmap_add_short(evbuf, "mcty", df->type); /* 10 */ } httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); } static void daap_reply_login(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct pairing_info pi; struct daap_session *s; const char *ua; const char *guid; int ret; ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 32); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP login reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "mlog", "Out of memory"); return; } ua = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "User-Agent"); if (!ua) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "No User-Agent header, rejecting login request\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, 403, "Forbidden"); return; } if (strncmp(ua, "Remote", strlen("Remote")) == 0) { guid = evhttp_find_header(query, "pairing-guid"); if (!guid) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Login attempt with U-A: Remote and no pairing-guid\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, 403, "Forbidden"); return; } memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(struct pairing_info)); pi.guid = strdup(guid + 2); /* Skip leading 0X */ ret = db_pairing_fetch_byguid(&pi); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Login attempt with invalid pairing-guid\n"); free_pi(&pi, 1); evhttp_send_error(req, 403, "Forbidden"); return; } DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_DAAP, "Remote '%s' logging in with GUID %s\n", pi.name, pi.guid); free_pi(&pi, 1); } s = daap_session_register(); if (!s) { dmap_send_error(req, "mlog", "Could not start session"); return; } dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mlog", 24); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mlid", s->id); /* 12 */ httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); } static void daap_reply_logout(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct daap_session *s; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; daap_session_kill(s); httpd_send_reply(req, 204, "Logout Successful", evbuf); } static void daap_reply_update(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct daap_session *s; struct daap_update_request *ur; const char *param; int current_rev = 2; int reqd_rev; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; param = evhttp_find_header(query, "revision-number"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Missing revision-number in update request\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "mupd", "Invalid request"); return; } ret = safe_atoi32(param, &reqd_rev); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Parameter revision-number not an integer\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "mupd", "Invalid request"); return; } if (reqd_rev == 1) /* Or revision is not valid */ { ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 32); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP update reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "mupd", "Out of memory"); return; } /* Send back current revision */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mupd", 24); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "musr", current_rev); /* 12 */ httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); return; } /* Else, just let the request hang until we have changes to push back */ ur = (struct daap_update_request *)malloc(sizeof(struct daap_update_request)); if (!ur) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Out of memory for update request\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "mupd", "Out of memory"); return; } /* NOTE: we may need to keep reqd_rev in there too */ ur->req = req; ur->next = update_requests; update_requests = ur; /* If the connection fails before we have an update to push out * to the client, we need to know. */ evhttp_connection_set_closecb(req->evcon, update_fail_cb, ur); } static void daap_reply_activity(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { /* That's so nice, thanks for letting us know */ evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_NOCONTENT, "No Content", evbuf); } static void daap_reply_dblist(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct daap_session *s; cfg_t *lib; char *name; int namelen; int count; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; lib = cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"); name = cfg_getstr(lib, "name"); namelen = strlen(name); ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 129 + namelen); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP dblist reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "avdb", "Out of memory"); return; } dmap_add_container(evbuf, "avdb", 121 + namelen); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "muty", 0); /* 9 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mtco", 1); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mrco", 1); /* 12 */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mlcl", 68 + namelen); dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mlit", 60 + namelen); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "miid", 1); /* 12 */ dmap_add_long(evbuf, "mper", 1); /* 16 */ dmap_add_string(evbuf, "minm", name); /* 8 + namelen */ count = db_files_get_count(); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mimc", count); /* 12 */ count = db_pl_get_count(); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mctc", count); /* 12 */ httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); } static void daap_reply_songlist_generic(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, int playlist, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct query_params qp; struct db_media_file_info dbmfi; struct evbuffer *song; struct evbuffer *songlist; struct dmap_field_map *dfm; struct sort_ctx *sctx; const char *param; char *tag; char **strval; char *ptr; uint32_t *meta; int nmeta; int sort_headers; int nsongs; int transcode; int want_mikd; int want_asdk; int32_t val; int i; int ret; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Fetching song list for playlist %d\n", playlist); if (playlist != -1) tag = "apso"; /* Songs in playlist */ else tag = "adbs"; /* Songs in database */ ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 61); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP song list reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } songlist = evbuffer_new(); if (!songlist) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP song list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } /* Start with a big enough evbuffer - it'll expand as needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(songlist, 4096); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP song list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_list_free; } song = evbuffer_new(); if (!song) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP song block\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_list_free; } /* The buffer will expand if needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(song, 512); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP song block\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_song_free; } param = evhttp_find_header(query, "meta"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "No meta parameter in query, using default\n"); if (playlist != -1) param = default_meta_plsongs; } if (param) { parse_meta(req, tag, param, &meta, &nmeta); if (nmeta < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Failed to parse meta parameter in DAAP query\n"); goto out_song_free; } } else { meta = NULL; nmeta = 0; } memset(&qp, 0, sizeof(struct query_params)); get_query_params(query, &sort_headers, &qp); sctx = NULL; if (sort_headers) { sctx = daap_sort_context_new(); if (!sctx) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create sort context\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_query_free; } } if (playlist != -1) { qp.type = Q_PLITEMS; qp.id = playlist; } else qp.type = Q_ITEMS; ret = db_query_start(&qp); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not start query\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Could not start query"); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); goto out_query_free; } want_mikd = 0; want_asdk = 0; nsongs = 0; while (((ret = db_query_fetch_file(&qp, &dbmfi)) == 0) && (dbmfi.id)) { nsongs++; transcode = transcode_needed(req->input_headers, dbmfi.codectype); i = -1; while (1) { i++; /* Specific meta tags requested (or default list) */ if (nmeta > 0) { if (i == nmeta) break; dfm = dmap_find_field(meta[i]); if (!dfm) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_DAAP, "Could not find requested meta field (%d)\n", i + 1); continue; } } /* No specific meta tags requested, send out everything */ else { /* End of list */ if (!dmap_fields[i].field) break; dfm = &dmap_fields[i]; } /* Not in struct media_file_info */ if (dfm->mfi_offset < 0) continue; /* Will be prepended to the list */ if (dfm->field == &dmap_mikd) { /* item kind */ want_mikd = 1; continue; } else if (dfm->field == &dmap_asdk) { /* data kind */ want_asdk = 1; continue; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Investigating %s\n", dfm->field->desc); strval = (char **) ((char *)&dbmfi + dfm->mfi_offset); if (!(*strval) || (**strval == '\0')) continue; /* Here's one exception ... codectype (ascd) is actually an integer */ if (dfm->field == &dmap_ascd) { dmap_add_literal(song, dfm->field->tag, *strval, 4); continue; } val = 0; if (transcode) { switch (dfm->mfi_offset) { case dbmfi_offsetof(type): ptr = "wav"; strval = &ptr; break; case dbmfi_offsetof(bitrate): val = 0; ret = safe_atoi32(dbmfi.samplerate, &val); if ((ret < 0) || (val == 0)) val = 1411; else val = (val * 8) / 250; ptr = NULL; strval = &ptr; break; case dbmfi_offsetof(description): ptr = "wav audio file"; strval = &ptr; break; default: break; } } dmap_add_field(song, dfm->field, *strval, val); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with meta tag %s (%s)\n", dfm->field->desc, *strval); } if (sort_headers) { ret = daap_sort_build(sctx, dbmfi.title); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add sort header to DAAP song list reply\n"); ret = -100; break; } } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with song\n"); val = 0; if (want_mikd) val += 9; if (want_asdk) val += 9; dmap_add_container(songlist, "mlit", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(song) + val); /* Prepend mikd & asdk if needed */ if (want_mikd) { /* dmap.itemkind must come first */ ret = safe_atoi32(dbmfi.item_kind, &val); if (ret < 0) val = 2; /* music by default */ dmap_add_char(songlist, "mikd", val); } if (want_asdk) { ret = safe_atoi32(dbmfi.data_kind, &val); if (ret < 0) val = 0; dmap_add_char(songlist, "asdk", val); } ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(songlist, song); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add song to song list for DAAP song list reply\n"); ret = -100; break; } } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with song list, %d songs\n", nsongs); if (nmeta > 0) free(meta); evbuffer_free(song); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); if (ret < 0) { if (ret == -100) dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); else { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Error fetching results\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Error fetching query results"); } db_query_end(&qp); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); goto out_list_free; } /* Add header to evbuf, add songlist to evbuf */ if (sort_headers) dmap_add_container(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(songlist) + EVBUFFER_LENGTH(sctx->headerlist) + 53); else dmap_add_container(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(songlist) + 53); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "muty", 0); /* 9 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mtco", qp.results); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mrco", nsongs); /* 12 */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mlcl", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(songlist)); db_query_end(&qp); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(evbuf, songlist); evbuffer_free(songlist); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add song list to DAAP song list reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); return; } if (sort_headers) { ret = daap_sort_finalize(sctx, evbuf); daap_sort_context_free(sctx); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add sort headers to DAAP song list reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } } httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); return; out_query_free: if (nmeta > 0) free(meta); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); out_song_free: evbuffer_free(song); out_list_free: evbuffer_free(songlist); } static void daap_reply_dbsonglist(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct daap_session *s; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; daap_reply_songlist_generic(req, evbuf, -1, query); } static void daap_reply_plsonglist(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct daap_session *s; int playlist; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; ret = safe_atoi32(uri[3], &playlist); if (ret < 0) { dmap_send_error(req, "apso", "Invalid playlist ID"); return; } daap_reply_songlist_generic(req, evbuf, playlist, query); } static void daap_reply_playlists(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct query_params qp; struct db_playlist_info dbpli; struct daap_session *s; struct evbuffer *playlistlist; struct evbuffer *playlist; struct dmap_field_map *dfm; const char *param; char **strval; uint32_t *meta; int nmeta; int npls; int32_t val; int i; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 61); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP playlists reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); return; } playlistlist = evbuffer_new(); if (!playlistlist) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP playlist list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); return; } /* Start with a big enough evbuffer - it'll expand as needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(playlistlist, 1024); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP playlist list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); goto out_list_free; } playlist = evbuffer_new(); if (!playlist) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP playlist block\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); goto out_list_free; } /* The buffer will expand if needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(playlist, 128); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP playlist block\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); goto out_pl_free; } param = evhttp_find_header(query, "meta"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "No meta parameter in query, using default\n"); param = default_meta_pl; } parse_meta(req, "aply", param, &meta, &nmeta); if (nmeta < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Failed to parse meta parameter in DAAP query\n"); goto out_pl_free; } memset(&qp, 0, sizeof(struct query_params)); get_query_params(query, NULL, &qp); qp.type = Q_PL; ret = db_query_start(&qp); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not start query\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Could not start query"); goto out_query_free; } npls = 0; while (((ret = db_query_fetch_pl(&qp, &dbpli)) == 0) && (dbpli.id)) { npls++; for (i = 0; i < nmeta; i++) { dfm = dmap_find_field(meta[i]); if (!dfm) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_DAAP, "Could not find requested meta field (%d)\n", i + 1); continue; } /* dmap.itemcount - always added */ if (dfm->field == &dmap_mimc) continue; /* com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist - type = 1 AND id != 1 */ if (dfm->field == &dmap_aeSP) { val = 0; ret = safe_atoi32(dbpli.type, &val); if ((ret == 0) && (val == PL_SMART)) { val = 1; ret = safe_atoi32(dbpli.id, &val); if ((ret == 0) && (val != 1)) { int32_t aePS = 0; dmap_add_char(playlist, "aeSP", 1); ret = safe_atoi32(dbpli.special_id, &aePS); if ((ret == 0) && (aePS > 0)) dmap_add_char(playlist, "aePS", aePS); } } continue; } /* Not in struct playlist_info */ if (dfm->pli_offset < 0) continue; strval = (char **) ((char *)&dbpli + dfm->pli_offset); if (!(*strval) || (**strval == '\0')) continue; dmap_add_field(playlist, dfm->field, *strval, 0); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with meta tag %s (%s)\n", dfm->field->desc, *strval); } /* Item count (mimc) */ val = 0; ret = safe_atoi32(dbpli.items, &val); if ((ret == 0) && (val > 0)) dmap_add_int(playlist, "mimc", val); /* Container ID (mpco) */ dmap_add_int(playlist, "mpco", 0); /* Base playlist (abpl), id = 1 */ val = 0; ret = safe_atoi32(dbpli.id, &val); if ((ret == 0) && (val == 1)) dmap_add_char(playlist, "abpl", 1); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with playlist\n"); dmap_add_container(playlistlist, "mlit", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(playlist)); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(playlistlist, playlist); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add playlist to playlist list for DAAP playlists reply\n"); ret = -100; break; } } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with playlist list, %d playlists\n", npls); free(meta); evbuffer_free(playlist); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); if (ret < 0) { if (ret == -100) dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); else { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Error fetching results\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Error fetching query results"); } db_query_end(&qp); goto out_list_free; } /* Add header to evbuf, add playlistlist to evbuf */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "aply", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(playlistlist) + 53); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "muty", 0); /* 9 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mtco", qp.results); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf,"mrco", npls); /* 12 */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mlcl", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(playlistlist)); db_query_end(&qp); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(evbuf, playlistlist); evbuffer_free(playlistlist); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add playlist list to DAAP playlists reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "aply", "Out of memory"); return; } httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); return; out_query_free: free(meta); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); out_pl_free: evbuffer_free(playlist); out_list_free: evbuffer_free(playlistlist); } static void daap_reply_groups(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct query_params qp; struct db_group_info dbgri; struct daap_session *s; struct evbuffer *group; struct evbuffer *grouplist; struct dmap_field_map *dfm; struct sort_ctx *sctx; const char *param; char **strval; uint32_t *meta; int nmeta; int sort_headers; int ngrp; int32_t val; int i; int ret; char *tag; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; /* For now we only support album groups */ tag = "agal"; ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 61); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP groups reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } grouplist = evbuffer_new(); if (!grouplist) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP group list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } /* Start with a big enough evbuffer - it'll expand as needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(grouplist, 1024); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP group list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_list_free; } group = evbuffer_new(); if (!group) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP group block\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_list_free; } /* The buffer will expand if needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(group, 128); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP group block\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_group_free; } param = evhttp_find_header(query, "meta"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "No meta parameter in query, using default\n"); param = default_meta_group; } parse_meta(req, tag, param, &meta, &nmeta); if (nmeta < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Failed to parse meta parameter in DAAP query\n"); goto out_group_free; } memset(&qp, 0, sizeof(struct query_params)); get_query_params(query, &sort_headers, &qp); qp.type = Q_GROUPS; sctx = NULL; if (sort_headers) { sctx = daap_sort_context_new(); if (!sctx) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create sort context\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); goto out_query_free; } } ret = db_query_start(&qp); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not start query\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Could not start query"); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); goto out_query_free; } ngrp = 0; while ((ret = db_query_fetch_group(&qp, &dbgri)) == 0) { ngrp++; for (i = 0; i < nmeta; i++) { dfm = dmap_find_field(meta[i]); if (!dfm) { DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_DAAP, "Could not find requested meta field (%d)\n", i + 1); continue; } /* dmap.itemcount - always added */ if (dfm->field == &dmap_mimc) continue; /* Not in struct group_info */ if (dfm->gri_offset < 0) continue; strval = (char **) ((char *)&dbgri + dfm->gri_offset); if (!(*strval) || (**strval == '\0')) continue; dmap_add_field(group, dfm->field, *strval, 0); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with meta tag %s (%s)\n", dfm->field->desc, *strval); } if (sort_headers) { ret = daap_sort_build(sctx, dbgri.itemname); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add sort header to DAAP groups reply\n"); ret = -100; break; } } /* Item count, always added (mimc) */ val = 0; ret = safe_atoi32(dbgri.itemcount, &val); if ((ret == 0) && (val > 0)) dmap_add_int(group, "mimc", val); /* Song album artist, always added (asaa) */ dmap_add_string(group, "asaa", dbgri.songalbumartist); /* Item id (miid) */ val = 0; ret = safe_atoi32(dbgri.id, &val); if ((ret == 0) && (val > 0)) dmap_add_int(group, "miid", val); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with group\n"); dmap_add_container(grouplist, "mlit", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(group)); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(grouplist, group); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add group to group list for DAAP groups reply\n"); ret = -100; break; } } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "Done with group list, %d groups\n", ngrp); free(meta); evbuffer_free(group); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); if (ret < 0) { if (ret == -100) dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); else { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Error fetching results\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Error fetching query results"); } db_query_end(&qp); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); goto out_list_free; } /* Add header to evbuf, add grouplist to evbuf */ if (sort_headers) dmap_add_container(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(grouplist) + EVBUFFER_LENGTH(sctx->headerlist) + 53); else dmap_add_container(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(grouplist) + 53); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_char(evbuf, "muty", 0); /* 9 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mtco", qp.results); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf,"mrco", ngrp); /* 12 */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, "mlcl", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(grouplist)); db_query_end(&qp); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(evbuf, grouplist); evbuffer_free(grouplist); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add group list to DAAP groups reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); return; } if (sort_headers) { ret = daap_sort_finalize(sctx, evbuf); daap_sort_context_free(sctx); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add sort headers to DAAP browse reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } } httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); return; out_query_free: free(meta); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); out_group_free: evbuffer_free(group); out_list_free: evbuffer_free(grouplist); } static void daap_reply_browse(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct query_params qp; struct daap_session *s; struct evbuffer *itemlist; struct sort_ctx *sctx; char *browse_item; char *tag; int sort_headers; int nitems; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; memset(&qp, 0, sizeof(struct query_params)); if (strcmp(uri[3], "artists") == 0) { tag = "abar"; qp.type = Q_BROWSE_ARTISTS; } else if (strcmp(uri[3], "genres") == 0) { tag = "abgn"; qp.type = Q_BROWSE_GENRES; } else if (strcmp(uri[3], "albums") == 0) { tag = "abal"; qp.type = Q_BROWSE_ALBUMS; } else if (strcmp(uri[3], "composers") == 0) { tag = "abcp"; qp.type = Q_BROWSE_COMPOSERS; } else { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Invalid DAAP browse request type '%s'\n", uri[3]); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Invalid browse type"); return; } ret = evbuffer_expand(evbuf, 52); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DAAP browse reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Out of memory"); return; } itemlist = evbuffer_new(); if (!itemlist) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP browse item list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Out of memory"); return; } /* Start with a big enough evbuffer - it'll expand as needed */ ret = evbuffer_expand(itemlist, 512); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not expand evbuffer for DMAP browse item list\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Out of memory"); evbuffer_free(itemlist); return; } get_query_params(query, &sort_headers, &qp); sctx = NULL; if (sort_headers) { sctx = daap_sort_context_new(); if (!sctx) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create sort context\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Out of memory"); evbuffer_free(itemlist); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); return; } } ret = db_query_start(&qp); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not start query\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Could not start query"); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); evbuffer_free(itemlist); if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); return; } nitems = 0; while (((ret = db_query_fetch_string(&qp, &browse_item)) == 0) && (browse_item)) { nitems++; if (sort_headers) { ret = daap_sort_build(sctx, browse_item); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add sort header to DAAP browse reply\n"); break; } } dmap_add_string(itemlist, "mlit", browse_item); } if (qp.filter) free(qp.filter); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Error fetching/building results\n"); dmap_send_error(req, "abro", "Error fetching/building query results"); db_query_end(&qp); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); evbuffer_free(itemlist); return; } if (sort_headers) dmap_add_container(evbuf, "abro", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(itemlist) + EVBUFFER_LENGTH(sctx->headerlist) + 44); else dmap_add_container(evbuf, "abro", EVBUFFER_LENGTH(itemlist) + 44); dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mstt", 200); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mtco", qp.results); /* 12 */ dmap_add_int(evbuf, "mrco", nitems); /* 12 */ dmap_add_container(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(itemlist)); db_query_end(&qp); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(evbuf, itemlist); evbuffer_free(itemlist); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add item list to DAAP browse reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); if (sort_headers) daap_sort_context_free(sctx); return; } if (sort_headers) { ret = daap_sort_finalize(sctx, evbuf); daap_sort_context_free(sctx); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add sort headers to DAAP browse reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, tag, "Out of memory"); return; } } httpd_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); } /* NOTE: We only handle artwork at the moment */ static void daap_reply_extra_data(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { char clen[32]; struct daap_session *s; const char *param; int id; int max_w; int max_h; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; ret = safe_atoi32(uri[3], &id); if (ret < 0) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } param = evhttp_find_header(query, "mw"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Request for artwork without mw parameter\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } ret = safe_atoi32(param, &max_w); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not convert mw parameter to integer\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } param = evhttp_find_header(query, "mh"); if (!param) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Request for artwork without mh parameter\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } ret = safe_atoi32(param, &max_h); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not convert mh parameter to integer\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } if (strcmp(uri[2], "groups") == 0) ret = artwork_get_group(id, max_w, max_h, evbuf); else if (strcmp(uri[2], "items") == 0) ret = artwork_get_item(id, max_w, max_h, evbuf); if (ret < 0) { if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf) > 0) evbuffer_drain(evbuf, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf)); goto no_artwork; } evhttp_remove_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Type"); evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Type", "image/png"); snprintf(clen, sizeof(clen), "%ld", (long)EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf)); evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Length", clen); /* No gzip compression for artwork */ evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); return; no_artwork: evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_NOCONTENT, "No Content", evbuf); } static void daap_stream(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { struct daap_session *s; int id; int ret; s = daap_session_find(req, query, evbuf); if (!s) return; ret = safe_atoi32(uri[3], &id); if (ret < 0) evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); else httpd_stream_file(req, id); } static char * daap_fix_request_uri(struct evhttp_request *req, char *uri) { char *ret; /* iTunes 9 gives us an absolute request-uri like * daap:// */ if (strncmp(uri, "daap://", strlen("daap://")) != 0) return uri; /* Clear the proxy request flag set by evhttp * due to the request URI being absolute. * It has side-effects on Connection: keep-alive */ req->flags &= ~EVHTTP_PROXY_REQUEST; ret = strchr(uri + strlen("daap://"), '/'); if (!ret) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Malformed DAAP Request URI '%s'\n", uri); return NULL; } return ret; } #ifdef DMAP_TEST static const struct dmap_field dmap_TEST = { "TEST", "test.container", DMAP_TYPE_LIST }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST1 = { "TST1", "test.ubyte", DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST2 = { "TST2", "test.byte", DMAP_TYPE_BYTE }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST3 = { "TST3", "test.ushort", DMAP_TYPE_USHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST4 = { "TST4", "test.short", DMAP_TYPE_SHORT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST5 = { "TST5", "test.uint", DMAP_TYPE_UINT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST6 = { "TST6", "test.int", DMAP_TYPE_INT }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST7 = { "TST7", "test.ulong", DMAP_TYPE_ULONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST8 = { "TST8", "test.long", DMAP_TYPE_LONG }; static const struct dmap_field dmap_TST9 = { "TST9", "test.string", DMAP_TYPE_STRING }; static void daap_reply_dmap_test(struct evhttp_request *req, struct evbuffer *evbuf, char **uri, struct evkeyvalq *query) { char buf[64]; struct evbuffer *test; int ret; test = evbuffer_new(); if (!test) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not create evbuffer for DMAP test\n"); dmap_send_error(req, dmap_TEST.tag, "Out of memory"); return; } /* UBYTE */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu8, UINT8_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST1, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* BYTE */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi8, INT8_MIN); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST2, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi8, INT8_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST2, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* USHORT */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu16, UINT16_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST3, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* SHORT */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi16, INT16_MIN); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST4, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi16, INT16_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST4, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* UINT */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, UINT32_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST5, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* INT */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi32, INT32_MIN); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST6, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi32, INT32_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST6, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* ULONG */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu64, UINT64_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST7, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); /* LONG */ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi64, INT64_MIN); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST8, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi64, INT64_MAX); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST8, buf, 0); dmap_add_field(test, &dmap_TST9, buf, 0); dmap_add_container(evbuf, dmap_TEST.tag, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(test)); ret = evbuffer_add_buffer(evbuf, test); evbuffer_free(test); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not add test results to DMAP test reply\n"); dmap_send_error(req, dmap_TEST.tag, "Out of memory"); return; } evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evbuf); } #endif /* DMAP_TEST */ static struct uri_map daap_handlers[] = { { .regexp = "^/server-info$", .handler = daap_reply_server_info }, { .regexp = "^/content-codes$", .handler = daap_reply_content_codes }, { .regexp = "^/login$", .handler = daap_reply_login }, { .regexp = "^/logout$", .handler = daap_reply_logout }, { .regexp = "^/update$", .handler = daap_reply_update }, { .regexp = "^/activity$", .handler = daap_reply_activity }, { .regexp = "^/databases$", .handler = daap_reply_dblist }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/browse/[^/]+$", .handler = daap_reply_browse }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/items$", .handler = daap_reply_dbsonglist }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/items/[[:digit:]]+[.][^/]+$", .handler = daap_stream }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/items/[[:digit:]]+/extra_data/artwork$", .handler = daap_reply_extra_data }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/containers$", .handler = daap_reply_playlists }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/containers/[[:digit:]]+/items$", .handler = daap_reply_plsonglist }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/groups$", .handler = daap_reply_groups }, { .regexp = "^/databases/[[:digit:]]+/groups/[[:digit:]]+/extra_data/artwork$", .handler = daap_reply_extra_data }, #ifdef DMAP_TEST { .regexp = "^/dmap-test$", .handler = daap_reply_dmap_test }, #endif /* DMAP_TEST */ { .regexp = NULL, .handler = NULL } }; void daap_request(struct evhttp_request *req) { char *full_uri; char *uri; char *ptr; char *uri_parts[7]; struct evbuffer *evbuf; struct evkeyvalq query; const char *ua; cfg_t *lib; char *libname; char *passwd; int handler; int ret; int i; memset(&query, 0, sizeof(struct evkeyvalq)); full_uri = httpd_fixup_uri(req); if (!full_uri) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } ptr = daap_fix_request_uri(req, full_uri); if (!ptr) { free(full_uri); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } if (ptr != full_uri) { uri = strdup(ptr); free(full_uri); if (!uri) { evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } full_uri = uri; } ptr = strchr(full_uri, '?'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; uri = strdup(full_uri); if (!uri) { free(full_uri); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); return; } if (ptr) *ptr = '?'; ptr = uri; uri = evhttp_decode_uri(uri); free(ptr); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_DAAP, "DAAP request: %s\n", full_uri); handler = -1; for (i = 0; daap_handlers[i].handler; i++) { ret = regexec(&daap_handlers[i].preg, uri, 0, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) { handler = i; break; } } if (handler < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Unrecognized DAAP request\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); free(uri); free(full_uri); return; } /* Check authentication */ lib = cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"); passwd = cfg_getstr(lib, "password"); /* No authentication for these URIs */ if ((strcmp(uri, "/server-info") == 0) || (strcmp(uri, "/logout") == 0) || (strncmp(uri, "/databases/1/items/", strlen("/databases/1/items/")) == 0)) passwd = NULL; /* Waive HTTP authentication for Remote * Remotes are authentified by their pairing-guid; DAAP queries require a * valid session-id that Remote can only obtain if its pairing-guid is in * our database. So HTTP authentication is waived for Remote. */ ua = evhttp_find_header(req->input_headers, "User-Agent"); if ((ua) && (strncmp(ua, "Remote", strlen("Remote")) == 0)) passwd = NULL; if (passwd) { libname = cfg_getstr(lib, "name"); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Checking authentication for library '%s'\n", libname); /* We don't care about the username */ ret = httpd_basic_auth(req, NULL, passwd, libname); if (ret != 0) { free(uri); free(full_uri); return; } DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_HTTPD, "Library authentication successful\n"); } memset(uri_parts, 0, sizeof(uri_parts)); uri_parts[0] = strtok_r(uri, "/", &ptr); for (i = 1; (i < sizeof(uri_parts) / sizeof(uri_parts[0])) && uri_parts[i - 1]; i++) { uri_parts[i] = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &ptr); } if (!uri_parts[0] || uri_parts[i - 1] || (i < 2)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "DAAP URI has too many/few components (%d)\n", (uri_parts[0]) ? i : 0); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, "Bad Request"); free(uri); free(full_uri); return; } evbuf = evbuffer_new(); if (!evbuf) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DAAP, "Could not allocate evbuffer for DAAP reply\n"); evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL, "Internal Server Error"); free(uri); free(full_uri); return; } evhttp_parse_query(full_uri, &query); evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "DAAP-Server", "forked-daapd/" VERSION); /* Content-Type for all replies, even the actual audio streaming. Note that * video streaming will override this Content-Type with a more appropriate * video/ Content-Type as expected by clients like Front Row. */ evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Type", "application/x-dmap-tagged"); daap_handlers[handler].handler(req, evbuf, uri_parts, &query); evbuffer_free(evbuf); evhttp_clear_headers(&query); free(uri); free(full_uri); } int daap_is_request(struct evhttp_request *req, char *uri) { uri = daap_fix_request_uri(req, uri); if (!uri) return 0; if (strncmp(uri, "/databases/", strlen("/databases/")) == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/databases") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/server-info") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/content-codes") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/login") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/update") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/activity") == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(uri, "/logout") == 0) return 1; #ifdef DMAP_TEST if (strcmp(uri, "/dmap-test") == 0) return 1; #endif return 0; } int daap_init(void) { char buf[64]; avl_node_t *node; struct dmap_field_map *dfm; int i; int ret; next_session_id = 100; /* gotta start somewhere, right? */ update_requests = NULL; ret = daap_query_init(); if (ret < 0) return ret; for (i = 0; daap_handlers[i].handler; i++) { ret = regcomp(&daap_handlers[i].preg, daap_handlers[i].regexp, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB); if (ret != 0) { regerror(ret, &daap_handlers[i].preg, buf, sizeof(buf)); DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "DAAP init failed; regexp error: %s\n", buf); goto regexp_fail; } } daap_sessions = avl_alloc_tree(daap_session_compare, daap_session_free); if (!daap_sessions) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "DAAP init could not allocate DAAP sessions AVL tree\n"); goto daap_avl_alloc_fail; } dmap_fields_hash = avl_alloc_tree(dmap_field_map_compare, NULL); if (!dmap_fields_hash) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "DAAP init could not allocate DMAP fields AVL tree\n"); goto dmap_avl_alloc_fail; } for (i = 0; dmap_fields[i].field; i++) { dmap_fields[i].hash = djb_hash(dmap_fields[i].field->desc, strlen(dmap_fields[i].field->desc)); node = avl_insert(dmap_fields_hash, &dmap_fields[i]); if (!node) { if (errno != EEXIST) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "DAAP init failed; AVL insert error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else { node = avl_search(dmap_fields_hash, &dmap_fields[i]); dfm = node->item; DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "DAAP init failed; WARNING: duplicate hash key\n"); DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "Hash %x, string %s\n", dmap_fields[i].hash, dmap_fields[i].field->desc); DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_DAAP, "Hash %x, string %s\n", dfm->hash, dfm->field->desc); } goto dmap_avl_insert_fail; } } return 0; dmap_avl_insert_fail: avl_free_tree(dmap_fields_hash); dmap_avl_alloc_fail: avl_free_tree(daap_sessions); daap_avl_alloc_fail: for (i = 0; daap_handlers[i].handler; i++) regfree(&daap_handlers[i].preg); regexp_fail: daap_query_deinit(); return -1; } void daap_deinit(void) { struct daap_update_request *ur; int i; daap_query_deinit(); for (i = 0; daap_handlers[i].handler; i++) regfree(&daap_handlers[i].preg); avl_free_tree(daap_sessions); avl_free_tree(dmap_fields_hash); for (ur = update_requests; update_requests; ur = update_requests) { update_requests = ur->next; if (ur->req->evcon) { evhttp_connection_set_closecb(ur->req->evcon, NULL, NULL); evhttp_connection_free(ur->req->evcon); } free(ur); } }