sbin_PROGRAMS = forked-daapd if COND_ITUNES ITUNES_SRC=library/filescanner_itunes.c endif if COND_SPOTIFY SPOTIFY_SRC=spotify.c spotify.h spotify_webapi.c spotify_webapi.h inputs/spotify.c endif if COND_LASTFM LASTFM_SRC=lastfm.c lastfm.h endif if COND_CHROMECAST if COND_PROTOBUF_OLD CHROMECAST_SRC=outputs/cast.c outputs/cast_channel.v0.pb-c.h outputs/cast_channel.v0.pb-c.c else CHROMECAST_SRC=outputs/cast.c outputs/cast_channel.pb-c.h outputs/cast_channel.pb-c.c endif endif if COND_MPD MPD_SRC=mpd.c mpd.h endif if COND_RAOP_VERIFICATION RAOP_VERIFICATION_SRC=outputs/raop_verification.c outputs/raop_verification.h endif if COND_ALSA ALSA_SRC=outputs/alsa.c endif if COND_PULSEAUDIO PULSEAUDIO_SRC=outputs/pulse.c endif if COND_AVAHI MDNS_SRC=mdns_avahi.c else MDNS_SRC=mdns_dnssd.c endif if COND_WEBSOCKET WEBSOCKET_SRC=websocket.c websocket.h endif if COND_FFMPEG_LEGACY FFMPEG_SRC=transcode_legacy.c artwork_legacy.c ffmpeg-compat.h else FFMPEG_SRC=transcode.c artwork.c endif GPERF_FILES = \ daap_query.gperf \ rsp_query.gperf \ dacp_prop.gperf \ dmap_fields.gperf GPERF_SRC = $(GPERF_FILES:.gperf=_hash.h) ANTLR_GRAMMARS = \ RSP.g RSP2SQL.g \ DAAP.g DAAP2SQL.g \ SMARTPL.g SMARTPL2SQL.g ANTLR_TOKENS = $(ANTLR_GRAMMARS:.g=.tokens) ANTLR_DEPS = $(ANTLR_GRAMMARS:%.g=$(srcdir)/%.u) ANTLR_SRC = \ RSPLexer.c RSPLexer.h RSPParser.c RSPParser.h \ RSP2SQL.c RSP2SQL.h \ DAAPLexer.c DAAPLexer.h DAAPParser.c DAAPParser.h \ DAAP2SQL.c DAAP2SQL.h \ SMARTPLLexer.c SMARTPLLexer.h SMARTPLParser.c SMARTPLParser.h \ SMARTPL2SQL.c SMARTPL2SQL.h AM_CPPFLAGS += \ $(FORKED_CPPFLAGS) \ $(FORKED_OPTS_CPPFLAGS) \ $(COMMON_CPPFLAGS) \ \ -D_GNU_SOURCE \ -DDATADIR=\"$(pkgdatadir)\" \ -DCONFDIR=\"$(sysconfdir)\" \ -DSTATEDIR=\"$(localstatedir)\" \ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"$(pkglibdir)\" forked_daapd_LDADD = \ $(FORKED_LIBS) \ $(FORKED_OPTS_LIBS) \ $(COMMON_LIBS) forked_daapd_SOURCES = main.c \ db.c db.h \ db_init.c db_init.h \ db_upgrade.c db_upgrade.h \ logger.c logger.h \ conffile.c conffile.h \ cache.c cache.h \ library/filescanner.c library/filescanner.h \ library/filescanner_ffmpeg.c library/filescanner_playlist.c \ library/filescanner_smartpl.c $(ITUNES_SRC) \ library.c library.h \ $(MDNS_SRC) mdns.h \ remote_pairing.c remote_pairing.h \ avio_evbuffer.c avio_evbuffer.h \ httpd.c httpd.h \ httpd_rsp.c httpd_rsp.h \ httpd_daap.c httpd_daap.h \ httpd_dacp.c httpd_dacp.h \ httpd_jsonapi.c httpd_jsonapi.h \ httpd_streaming.c httpd_streaming.h \ http.c http.h \ dmap_common.c dmap_common.h \ $(FFMPEG_SRC) \ misc.c misc.h \ misc_json.c misc_json.h \ rng.c rng.h \ rsp_query.c rsp_query.h \ daap_query.c daap_query.h \ player.c player.h \ worker.c worker.h \ input.h input.c \ inputs/file_http.c inputs/pipe.c \ outputs.h outputs.c \ outputs/raop.c $(RAOP_VERIFICATION_SRC) \ outputs/streaming.c outputs/dummy.c outputs/fifo.c \ $(ALSA_SRC) $(PULSEAUDIO_SRC) $(CHROMECAST_SRC) \ evrtsp/rtsp.c evrtsp/evrtsp.h evrtsp/rtsp-internal.h evrtsp/log.h \ $(SPOTIFY_SRC) \ $(LASTFM_SRC) \ $(MPD_SRC) \ listener.c listener.h \ commands.c commands.h \ mxml-compat.h \ $(WEBSOCKET_SRC) \ $(GPERF_SRC) \ $(ANTLR_SRC) # built by maintainers, and distributed. Clean with maintainer-clean BUILT_SOURCES = \ $(GPERF_SRC) \ $(ANTLR_SRC) \ $(ANTLR_TOKENS) \ $(ANTLR_DEPS) EXTRA_DIST = \ $(GPERF_FILES) \ $(ANTLR_GRAMMARS) \ $(ANTLR_TOKENS) \ $(ANTLR_DEPS) # gperf construction rules %_hash.h: %.gperf $(AM_V_GEN)$(GPERF) --output-file=$@ $< # silent rules for antlr antlr_verbose = $(antlr_verbose_@AM_V@) antlr_verbose_ = $(antlr_verbose_@AM_DEFAULT_V@) antlr_verbose_0 = @echo " GEN " $< "products"; # ANTLR grammar products %.tokens %.c %Lexer.c %Parser.c %Lexer.h %Parser.h %.h: %.g $(antlr_verbose)$(ANTLR) -Xconversiontimeout 30000 $(ANTLR_OPTIONS) -fo . $< # ANTLR dependency files (bypass circular dependency of .g on .tokens) %.u: %.g $(AM_V_GEN)$(ANTLR) -depend -fo . $< > $@ $(AM_V_at)$(SED) -n -e '/^.*\.g[ ]*:\(.*\)/ { s//\1/;h;d; }' -e '/\.tokens.*:/ { p;d; }' -e '/:/ { G;s/\n/ /;p; }' $@ > $@-t $(AM_V_at)mv $@-t $@ -include $(ANTLR_DEPS)