/* * $Id: $ * * Win32-only transcoder for WMA using the Windows Media Format SDK. */ #define _WIN32_DCOM #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ff-plugins.h" #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE 1 # define FALSE 0 #endif typedef struct tag_ssc_handle { int state; IWMSyncReader *pReader; int errnum; int duration; char wav_header[44]; int wav_offset; INSSBuffer *pBuffer; BYTE *pdata; DWORD data_len; int offset; DWORD channels; DWORD sample_rate; WORD bits_per_sample; } SSCHANDLE; #define STATE_DONE 0 #define STATE_OPEN 1 #define STATE_STREAMOPEN 2 #define SSC_WMA_E_SUCCESS 0 #define SSC_WMA_E_NOCOM 1 #define SSC_WMA_E_NOREADER 2 #define SSC_WMA_E_OPEN 3 #define SSC_WMA_E_READ 4 char *_ssc_wma_errors[] = { "Success", "Could not initialize COM", "Could not create WMA reader", "Could not open file", "Error while reading file" }; /* Forwards */ void *ssc_wma_init(void); void ssc_wma_deinit(void *pv); int ssc_wma_open(void *pv, MP3FILE *pmp3); int ssc_wma_close(void *pv); int ssc_wma_read(void *pv, char *buffer, int len); char *ssc_wma_error(void *pv); PLUGIN_INFO *plugin_info(PLUGIN_INPUT_FN*); /* Globals */ PLUGIN_TRANSCODE_FN _ptfn = { ssc_wma_init, ssc_wma_deinit, ssc_wma_open, ssc_wma_close, ssc_wma_read, ssc_wma_error }; PLUGIN_INPUT_FN *_ppi; PLUGIN_INFO _pi = { PLUGIN_VERSION, /* version */ PLUGIN_TRANSCODE, /* type */ "ssc-wma/" VERSION, /* server */ NULL, /* output fns */ NULL, /* event fns */ &_ptfn, /* fns */ NULL, /* rend info */ "wma,wmal,wmap,wmav" /* codeclist */ }; /** * return the string representation of the last error */ char *ssc_wma_error(void *pv) { SSCHANDLE *handle = (SSCHANDLE*)pv; return _ssc_wma_errors[handle->errnum]; } PLUGIN_INFO *plugin_info(PLUGIN_INPUT_FN *ppi) { _ppi = ppi; return &_pi; } void *ssc_wma_init(void) { SSCHANDLE *handle; HRESULT hr; hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL,COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_INF,"Could not initialize COM, Error code: 0x%08X\n",hr); return NULL; } handle=(SSCHANDLE *)malloc(sizeof(SSCHANDLE)); if(handle) { memset(handle,0,sizeof(SSCHANDLE)); } return (void*)handle; } void ssc_wma_deinit(void *vp) { SSCHANDLE *handle = (SSCHANDLE *)vp; ssc_wma_close(handle); if(handle) { free(handle); CoUninitialize(); } return; } int ssc_wma_open(void *vp, MP3FILE *pmp3) { SSCHANDLE *handle = (SSCHANDLE*)vp; HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR fname[PATH_MAX]; DWORD byte_count; char *file; char *codec; int duration; file = pmp3->path; codec = pmp3->codectype; duration = pmp3->song_length; if(!handle) return FALSE; handle->state = STATE_DONE; handle->duration = duration; handle->errnum = SSC_WMA_E_OPEN; hr = WMCreateSyncReader(NULL,0,&handle->pReader); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_INF,"Could not create WMA reader. Error code: 0x%08X\n",hr); handle->errnum = SSC_WMA_E_NOREADER; return FALSE; } /* convert file name to wchar */ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,file,-1,fname,sizeof(fname)/sizeof(fname[0])); hr = handle->pReader->Open(fname); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_INF,"Could not open file. Error code: 0x%08X\n",hr); return FALSE; } handle->state=STATE_OPEN; hr = handle->pReader->SetRange(0,0); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_INF,"Could not set range. Error code: 0x%08X\n",hr); return FALSE; } hr = handle->pReader->SetReadStreamSamples(1,0); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_INF,"Could not stream samples. Error code: 0x%08X\n",hr); return FALSE; } handle->channels = 2; handle->bits_per_sample = 16; handle->sample_rate = 44100; IWMOutputMediaProps *pprops; hr = handle->pReader->GetOutputFormat(0,0,&pprops); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_LOG,"Could not get output format for %s\n",file); return TRUE; /* we'll assume 44100/16/2 */ } hr = pprops->GetMediaType(NULL,&byte_count); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_LOG,"Could not get media type for %s\n",file); return TRUE; } WM_MEDIA_TYPE *ptype = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*)calloc(byte_count,1); if(!ptype) { _ppi->log(E_FATAL,"ssc_wma_open: malloc\n"); } hr = pprops->GetMediaType(ptype, &byte_count); if(FAILED(hr)) { free(ptype); return TRUE; } /* now get sample info */ if(ptype->formattype == WMFORMAT_WaveFormatEx) { WAVEFORMATEX *pformat = (WAVEFORMATEX*)ptype->pbFormat; handle->channels = pformat->nChannels; handle->sample_rate = pformat->nSamplesPerSec; handle->bits_per_sample = pformat->wBitsPerSample; } free(ptype); return TRUE; } int ssc_wma_close(void *vp) { SSCHANDLE *handle = (SSCHANDLE *)vp; if(!handle) return TRUE; if(handle->state >= STATE_OPEN) { handle->pReader->Close(); } if(handle->pReader) handle->pReader->Release(); handle->pReader = NULL; handle->state = STATE_DONE; return TRUE; } int ssc_wma_read(void *vp, char *buffer, int len) { SSCHANDLE *handle = (SSCHANDLE *)vp; int bytes_returned = 0; int bytes_to_copy; HRESULT hr; unsigned int channels, sample_rate, bits_per_sample; unsigned int byte_rate, block_align, duration; QWORD sample_time=0, sample_duration=0; DWORD sample_len=0, flags=0, output_number=0; /* if we have not yet sent the header, let's do that first */ if(handle->wav_offset != sizeof(handle->wav_header)) { /* still have some to send */ if(!handle->wav_offset) { /* Should pull this from format info in the wma file */ channels = handle->channels; sample_rate = handle->sample_rate; bits_per_sample = handle->bits_per_sample; if(handle->duration) duration = handle->duration; sample_len = ((bits_per_sample * sample_rate * channels / 8) * (duration/1000)); byte_rate = sample_rate * channels * bits_per_sample / 8; block_align = channels * bits_per_sample / 8; _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Channels.......: %d\n",channels); _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Sample rate....: %d\n",sample_rate); _ppi->log(E_DBG,"Bits/Sample....: %d\n",bits_per_sample); memcpy(&handle->wav_header[0],"RIFF",4); *((unsigned int*)(&handle->wav_header[4])) = 36 + sample_len; memcpy(&handle->wav_header[8],"WAVE",4); memcpy(&handle->wav_header[12],"fmt ",4); *((unsigned int*)(&handle->wav_header[16])) = 16; *((unsigned short*)(&handle->wav_header[20])) = 1; *((unsigned short*)(&handle->wav_header[22])) = channels; *((unsigned int*)(&handle->wav_header[24])) = sample_rate; *((unsigned int*)(&handle->wav_header[28])) = byte_rate; *((unsigned short*)(&handle->wav_header[32])) = block_align; *((unsigned short*)(&handle->wav_header[34])) = bits_per_sample; memcpy(&handle->wav_header[36],"data",4); *((unsigned int*)(&handle->wav_header[40])) = sample_len; } bytes_to_copy = sizeof(handle->wav_header) - handle->wav_offset; if(len < bytes_to_copy) bytes_to_copy = len; memcpy(buffer,&handle->wav_header[handle->wav_offset],bytes_to_copy); handle->wav_offset += bytes_to_copy; return bytes_to_copy; } /* see if we have any leftover data */ if(handle->data_len) { bytes_returned = handle->data_len; if(bytes_returned > len) { bytes_returned = len; } memcpy(buffer,handle->pdata + handle->offset,bytes_returned); handle->offset += bytes_returned; handle->data_len -= bytes_returned; if(!handle->data_len) { handle->pBuffer->Release(); handle->pBuffer = NULL; } return bytes_returned; } handle->offset = 0; hr = handle->pReader->GetNextSample(1,&handle->pBuffer,&sample_time, &sample_duration, &flags, &output_number, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = handle->pBuffer->GetBufferAndLength(&handle->pdata, &handle->data_len); if(FAILED(hr)) { _ppi->log(E_LOG,"Read error while transcoding file\n"); handle->errnum = SSC_WMA_E_READ; return -1; } // _ppi->log(E_SPAM,"Read %d bytes\n",handle->data_len); bytes_returned = handle->data_len; if(bytes_returned > len) bytes_returned = len; memcpy(buffer,handle->pdata + handle->offset,bytes_returned); handle->offset += bytes_returned; handle->data_len -= bytes_returned; if(!handle->data_len) { handle->pBuffer->Release(); handle->pBuffer = NULL; } } else { return 0; } return bytes_returned; }