const GROUP_KEY_NONE = 'GROUP_KEY_NONE' export function noop() { return { compareFn: null, groupKeyFn: (item) => GROUP_KEY_NONE } } /* * Keep default sorting of item list and build index and group by given field */ export function bySortName(field, defaultValue = '_') { return { // Keep the sort order of the original item list // Assumes that the list is already ordered by name compareFn: null, groupKeyFn: (item) => { const fieldValue = item[field] || defaultValue return fieldValue.charAt(0).toUpperCase() } } } export function byName(field, defaultValue = '_') { return { compareFn: (a, b) => { const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue return fieldA.localeCompare(fieldB) }, groupKeyFn: (item) => { const fieldValue = item[field] || defaultValue return fieldValue.charAt(0).toUpperCase() } } } export function byYear(field, { direction = 'asc', defaultValue = '0000' }) { return { compareFn: (a, b) => { const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue const result = fieldA.localeCompare(fieldB) return direction === 'asc' ? result : result * -1 }, groupKeyFn: (item) => { const fieldValue = item[field] || defaultValue return fieldValue.substring(0, 4) } } } export function byDateSinceToday(field, defaultValue = '0000') { return { compareFn: (a, b) => { const fieldA = a[field] || defaultValue const fieldB = b[field] || defaultValue return fieldB.localeCompare(fieldA) }, groupKeyFn: (item) => { const fieldValue = item[field] if (!fieldValue) { return defaultValue } const diff = new Date().getTime() - new Date(fieldValue).getTime() if (diff < 86400000) { // 24h return 'Today' } else if (diff < 604800000) { // 7 days return 'Last week' } else if (diff < 2592000000) { // 30 days return 'Last month' } return fieldValue.substring(0, 4) } } } export class GroupByList { constructor({ items = [], total = 0, offset = 0, limit = -1 } = {}) { this.items = items = total this.offset = offset this.limit = limit this.count = items.length this.indexList = [] } get() { return this.itemsByGroup } isEmpty() { return !this.items || this.items.length <= 0 } group(options, filterFns = []) { const itemsFiltered = filterFns ? this.items.filter((item) => filterFns.every((fn) => fn(item))) : this.items this.count = itemsFiltered.length // Sort item list let itemsSorted = options.compareFn ? [...itemsFiltered].sort(options.compareFn) : itemsFiltered // Create index list this.indexList = [ Set(] // Group item list this.itemsByGroup = itemsSorted.reduce((r, item) => { const groupKey = options.groupKeyFn(item) r[groupKey] = [...(r[groupKey] || []), item] return r }, {}) } [Symbol.iterator]() { // Use a new index for each iterator. This makes multiple // iterations over the iterable safe for non-trivial cases, // such as use of break or nested looping over the same iterable. let groupIndex = -1 let itemIndex = -1 return { next: () => { /* console.log( '[group-by-list] itemIndex=' + itemIndex + ', groupIndex=' + groupIndex ) */ if (this.isEmpty()) { return { done: true } } else if (groupIndex >= this.indexList.length) { // We reached the end of all groups and items // // This should never happen, as the we already // return "done" after we reached the last item // of the last group /* console.log( '[group-by-list] done! (groupIndex >= this.indexList.length)' ) */ return { done: true } } else if (groupIndex < 0) { // We start iterating // // Return the first group title as the next item ++groupIndex itemIndex = 0 if (this.indexList[groupIndex] !== GROUP_KEY_NONE) { // Only return the group, if it is not the "noop" default group return { value: { groupKey: this.indexList[groupIndex], itemId: this.indexList[groupIndex], isItem: false, item: {} }, done: false } } } let currentGroupKey = this.indexList[groupIndex] let currentGroupItems = this.itemsByGroup[currentGroupKey] if (itemIndex < currentGroupItems.length) { // We are in a group with items left // // Return the current item and increment the item index const currentItem = this.itemsByGroup[currentGroupKey][itemIndex++] return { value: { groupKey: currentGroupKey, itemId:, isItem: true, item: currentItem }, done: false } } else { // We reached the end of the current groups item list // // Move to the next group and return the group key/title // as the next item ++groupIndex itemIndex = 0 if (groupIndex < this.indexList.length) { currentGroupKey = this.indexList[groupIndex] return { value: { groupKey: currentGroupKey, itemId: currentGroupKey, isItem: false, item: {} }, done: false } } else { // No group left, we are done iterating /* console.log( '[group-by-list] done! (groupIndex >= this.indexList.length)' ) */ return { done: true } } } } } } }