/* * $Id$ * Build daap structs for replies * * Copyright (C) 2003 Ron Pedde (ron@pedde.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "configfile.h" #include "db-memory.h" #include "daap-proto.h" #include "daap.h" #include "err.h" #include "daapd.h" typedef struct tag_daap_items { int type; char *tag; char *description; } DAAP_ITEMS; DAAP_ITEMS taglist[] = { { 0x05, "miid", "dmap.itemid" }, { 0x09, "minm", "dmap.itemname" }, { 0x01, "mikd", "dmap.itemkind" }, { 0x07, "mper", "dmap.persistentid" }, { 0x0C, "mcon", "dmap.container" }, { 0x05, "mcti", "dmap.containeritemid" }, { 0x05, "mpco", "dmap.parentcontainerid" }, { 0x05, "mstt", "dmap.status" }, { 0x09, "msts", "dmap.statusstring" }, { 0x05, "mimc", "dmap.itemcount" }, { 0x05, "mctc", "dmap.containercount" }, { 0x05, "mrco", "dmap.returnedcount" }, { 0x05, "mtco", "dmap.specifiedtotalcount" }, { 0x0C, "mlcl", "dmap.listing" }, { 0x0C, "mlit", "dmap.listingitem" }, { 0x0C, "mbcl", "dmap.bag" }, { 0x0C, "mdcl", "dmap.dictionary" }, { 0x0C, "msrv", "dmap.serverinforesponse" }, { 0x01, "msau", "dmap.authenticationmethod" }, { 0x01, "mslr", "dmap.loginrequired" }, { 0x0B, "mpro", "dmap.protocolversion" }, { 0x01, "msal", "dmap.supportsautologout" }, { 0x01, "msup", "dmap.supportsupdate" }, { 0x01, "mspi", "dmap.supportspersistentids" }, { 0x01, "msex", "dmap.supportsextensions" }, { 0x01, "msbr", "dmap.supportsbrowse" }, { 0x01, "msqy", "dmap.supportsquery" }, { 0x01, "msix", "dmap.supportsindex" }, { 0x01, "msrs", "dmap.supportsresolve" }, { 0x05, "mstm", "dmap.timeoutinterval" }, { 0x05, "msdc", "dmap.databasescount" }, { 0x0C, "mlog", "dmap.loginresponse" }, { 0x05, "mlid", "dmap.sessionid" }, { 0x0C, "mupd", "dmap.updateresponse" }, { 0x05, "musr", "dmap.serverrevision" }, { 0x01, "muty", "dmap.updatetype" }, { 0x0C, "mudl", "dmap.deletedidlisting" }, { 0x0C, "mccr", "dmap.contentcodesresponse" }, { 0x05, "mcnm", "dmap.contentcodesnumber" }, { 0x09, "mcna", "dmap.contentcodesname" }, { 0x03, "mcty", "dmap.contentcodestype" }, { 0x0B, "apro", "daap.protocolversion" }, { 0x0C, "avdb", "daap.serverdatabases" }, { 0x0C, "abro", "daap.databasebrowse" }, { 0x0C, "abal", "daap.browsealbumlisting" }, { 0x0C, "abar", "daap.browseartistlisting" }, { 0x0C, "abcp", "daap.browsecomposerlisting" }, { 0x0C, "abgn", "daap.browsegenrelisting" }, { 0x0C, "adbs", "daap.databasesongs" }, { 0x09, "asal", "daap.songalbum" }, { 0x09, "asar", "daap.songartist" }, { 0x03, "asbt", "daap.songbeatsperminute" }, { 0x03, "asbr", "daap.songbitrate" }, { 0x09, "ascm", "daap.songcomment" }, { 0x01, "asco", "daap.songcompilation" }, { 0x09, "ascp", "daap.songcomposer" }, { 0x0A, "asda", "daap.songdateadded" }, { 0x0A, "asdm", "daap.songdatemodified" }, { 0x03, "asdc", "daap.songdisccount" }, { 0x03, "asdn", "daap.songdiscnumber" }, { 0x01, "asdb", "daap.songdisabled" }, { 0x09, "aseq", "daap.songeqpreset" }, { 0x09, "asfm", "daap.songformat" }, { 0x09, "asgn", "daap.songgenre" }, { 0x09, "asdt", "daap.songdescription" }, { 0x02, "asrv", "daap.songrelativevolume" }, { 0x05, "assr", "daap.songsamplerate" }, { 0x05, "assz", "daap.songsize" }, { 0x05, "asst", "daap.songstarttime" }, { 0x05, "assp", "daap.songstoptime" }, { 0x05, "astm", "daap.songtime" }, { 0x03, "astc", "daap.songtrackcount" }, { 0x03, "astn", "daap.songtracknumber" }, { 0x01, "asur", "daap.songuserrating" }, { 0x03, "asyr", "daap.songyear" }, { 0x01, "asdk", "daap.songdatakind" }, { 0x09, "asul", "daap.songdataurl" }, { 0x0C, "aply", "daap.databaseplaylists" }, { 0x01, "abpl", "daap.baseplaylist" }, { 0x0C, "apso", "daap.playlistsongs" }, { 0x0C, "arsv", "daap.resolve" }, { 0x0C, "arif", "daap.resolveinfo" }, { 0x05, "aeNV", "com.apple.itunes.norm-volume" }, { 0x01, "aeSP", "com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist" }, { 0x00, NULL, NULL } }; /* Forwards */ int daap_add_mdcl(DAAP_BLOCK *root, char *tag, char *name, short int number) { DAAP_BLOCK *mdcl; int g=1; mdcl=daap_add_empty(root,"mdcl"); if(mdcl) { g=(int)daap_add_string(mdcl,"mcnm",tag); g = g && daap_add_string(mdcl,"mcna",name); g = g && daap_add_short(mdcl,"mcty",number); } return (mdcl ? g : 0); } /* * daap_response_content_codes * * handle the daap block for the /content-codes URI * * This might more easily be done by just emitting a binary * of the content-codes from iTunes, since this really * isn't dynamic */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_content_codes(void) { DAAP_BLOCK *root; DAAP_ITEMS *current=taglist; int g=1; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to get content codes\n"); root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"mccr"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); while(current->type) { g = g && daap_add_mdcl(root,current->tag,current->description, current->type); current++; } } if(!g) { daap_free(root); return NULL; } return root; } /* * daap_response_login * * handle the daap block for the /login URI */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_login(char *hostname) { DAAP_BLOCK *root; int g=1; int session=0; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send login response\n"); root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"mlog"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); session=config_get_next_session(); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mlid",session); } if(!g) { daap_free(root); return NULL; } DPRINTF(ERR_LOG,"%s logging in as session %d\n",hostname,session); return root; } /* * daap_response_songlist * * handle the daap block for the /databases/x/items URI */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_songlist(void) { DAAP_BLOCK *root; int g=1; DAAP_BLOCK *mlcl; DAAP_BLOCK *mlit; ENUMHANDLE henum; MP3FILE *current; char fdescr[50]; char *artist; int artist_len; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send db items\n"); henum=db_enum_begin(); if((!henum) && (db_get_song_count())) { DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Can't get enum handle\n"); return NULL; } root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"adbs"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); g = g && daap_add_char(root,"muty",0); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mtco",db_get_song_count()); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mrco",db_get_song_count()); mlcl=daap_add_empty(root,"mlcl"); if(mlcl) { while((current=db_enum(&henum))) { DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Got entry for %s\n",current->fname); mlit=daap_add_empty(mlcl,"mlit"); if(mlit) { g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"mikd",2); /* audio */ if(current->album) g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asal",current->album); artist=NULL; artist_len=0; if(current->orchestra || current->conductor) { if(current->orchestra) artist_len += strlen(current->orchestra); if(current->conductor) artist_len += strlen(current->conductor); artist_len += 4; artist=(char*)malloc(artist_len); if(artist) { memset(artist,0x0,artist_len); if(current->orchestra) strcat(artist,current->orchestra); if(current->orchestra && current->conductor) strcat(artist," - "); if(current->conductor) strcat(artist,current->conductor); g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asar",artist); free(artist); artist=NULL; } else g=1; } else if(current->artist) { g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asar",current->artist); } // g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"asbt",0); /* bpm */ if(current->bitrate) g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"asbr",current->bitrate); /* bitrate!! */ if(current->comment) g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"ascm",current->comment); /* comment */ // g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"asco",0x0); /* compilation */ if(current->composer) g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"ascp",current->composer); /* composer */ if(current->grouping) g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"agrp",current->grouping); /* grouping */ if(current->time_added) { g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"asda",current->time_added); /* added */ } if(current->time_modified) { g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"asdm",current->time_modified); /* modified */ } if(current->total_discs) { /* # of discs */ g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"asdc",current->total_discs); } if(current->disc) { /* disc number */ g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"asdn",current->disc); } // g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"asdk",0); /* song datakind? */ // aseq - null string! if(current->genre) g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asgn",current->genre); /* genre */ g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"miid",current->id); /* id */ /* these quite go hand in hand */ g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asfm",(char*)¤t->type[1]); /* song format */ if(!strcasecmp(current->type,".ogg")) { sprintf(fdescr,"QuickTime movie file"); } else { sprintf(fdescr,"%s audio file",current->type); } g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asdt",fdescr); /* descr */ // g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"asdt","MPEG audio file"); /* descr */ if(current->title) g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"minm",current->title); /* descr */ else g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"minm",current->fname); // mper (long) // g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"asdb",0); /* disabled */ // g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"asrv",0); /* rel vol */ if(current->samplerate) g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"assr",current->samplerate); /* samp rate */ if(current->file_size) g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"assz",current->file_size); /* Size! */ g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"asst",0); /* song start time? */ g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"assp",0); /* songstoptime */ if(current->song_length) g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"astm",current->song_length*1000); /* song time */ if(current->total_tracks) g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"astc",current->total_tracks); /* track count */ if(current->track) g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"astn",current->track); /* track number */ // g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"asur",3); /* rating */ if(current->year) g = g && daap_add_short(mlit,"asyr",current->year); } else g=0; } } else g=0; } db_enum_end(); if(!g) { DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Error enumerating database\n"); daap_free(root); return NULL; } DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Successfully enumerated database\n"); return root; } /* * daap_response_update * * handle the daap block for the /update URI */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_update(int fd, int clientver) { DAAP_BLOCK *root; int g=1; fd_set rset; struct timeval tv; int result; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send update response\n"); while(clientver == db_version()) { FD_ZERO(&rset); FD_SET(fd,&rset); tv.tv_sec=30; tv.tv_usec=0; result=select(fd+1,&rset,NULL,NULL,&tv); if(FD_ISSET(fd,&rset)) { /* can't be ready for read, must be error */ DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Socket closed?\n"); return NULL; } } root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"mupd"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); /* theoretically, this would go up if the db changes? */ g = g && daap_add_int(root,"musr",db_version()); } if(!g) { daap_free(root); return NULL; } return root; } /* * daap_response_playlists * * handle the daap block for the /databases/containers URI */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_playlists(char *name) { DAAP_BLOCK *root=NULL; DAAP_BLOCK *mlcl=NULL; DAAP_BLOCK *mlit=NULL; int g=1; int playlistid; ENUMHANDLE henum; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send playlists\n"); root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"aply"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); g = g && daap_add_char(root,"muty",0); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mtco",1 + db_get_playlist_count()); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mrco",1 + db_get_playlist_count()); mlcl=daap_add_empty(root,"mlcl"); if(mlcl) { mlit=daap_add_empty(mlcl,"mlit"); if(mlit) { g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"miid",0x1); g = g && daap_add_long(mlit,"mper",0,2); g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"minm",name); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"mimc",db_get_song_count()); } g = g && mlit; /* add the rest of the playlists */ henum=db_playlist_enum_begin(); while(henum) { playlistid=db_playlist_enum(&henum); DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Returning playlist %d\n",playlistid); DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG," -- Songs: %d\n", db_get_playlist_entry_count(playlistid)); DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG," -- Smart: %s\n", db_get_playlist_is_smart(playlistid) ? "Yes" : "No"); mlit=daap_add_empty(mlcl,"mlit"); if(mlit) { g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"miid",playlistid); g = g && daap_add_long(mlit,"mper",0,playlistid); g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"minm",db_get_playlist_name(playlistid)); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"mimc",db_get_playlist_entry_count(playlistid)); if(db_get_playlist_is_smart(playlistid)) { g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"aeSP",0x1); } } g = g && mlit; } db_playlist_enum_end(); } } g = g && mlcl; if(!g) { DPRINTF(ERR_INFO,"Memory problem. Bailing\n"); daap_free(root); return NULL; } return root; } /* * daap_response_dbinfo * * handle the daap block for the /databases URI */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_dbinfo(char *name) { DAAP_BLOCK *root=NULL; DAAP_BLOCK *mlcl=NULL; DAAP_BLOCK *mlit=NULL; int g=1; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send db info\n"); root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"avdb"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); g = g && daap_add_char(root,"muty",0); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mtco",1); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mrco",1); mlcl=daap_add_empty(root,"mlcl"); if(mlcl) { mlit=daap_add_empty(mlcl,"mlit"); if(mlit) { g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"miid",1); g = g && daap_add_long(mlit,"mper",0,1); g = g && daap_add_string(mlit,"minm",name); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"mimc",db_get_song_count()); /* songs */ g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"mctc",1 + db_get_playlist_count()); /* playlists */ } } } g = g && mlcl && mlit; if(!g) { DPRINTF(ERR_INFO,"Memory problem. Bailing\n"); daap_free(root); return NULL; } return root; } /* * daap_response_server_info * * handle the daap block for the /server-info URI */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_server_info(char *name, char *client_version) { DAAP_BLOCK *root; int g=1; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send server info for client version %s\n",client_version); root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"msrv"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); /* result */ if((!client_version)||(!strcmp(client_version,"3.0"))) { g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mpro",2 << 16); /* dmap proto ? */ g = g && daap_add_int(root,"apro",3 << 16); /* daap protocol */ } else { if(!strcmp(client_version,"1.0")) { g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mpro",1 << 16); /* dmap proto ? */ g = g && daap_add_int(root,"apro",1 << 16); /* daap protocol */ } else if(!strcmp(client_version,"2.0")) { g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mpro",1 << 16); /* dmap proto ? */ g = g && daap_add_int(root,"apro",2 << 16); /* daap protocol */ } } g = g && daap_add_string(root,"minm",name); /* server name */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"mslr",config.readpassword != NULL); /* logon required */ g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mstm",1800); /* timeout - iTunes=1800 */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msal",0); /* autologout */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msup",1); /* update */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"mspi",0); /* persistant ids */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msex",0); /* extensions */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msbr",0); /* browsing */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msqy",0); /* queries */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msix",0); /* indexing? */ g = g && daap_add_char(root,"msrs",0); /* resolve? req. persist id */ g = g && daap_add_int(root,"msdc",1); /* database count */ } if(!g) { daap_free(root); return NULL; } return root; } /* * daap_response_playlist_items * * given a playlist number, return the items on the playlist */ DAAP_BLOCK *daap_response_playlist_items(unsigned int playlist) { DAAP_BLOCK *root; DAAP_BLOCK *mlcl; DAAP_BLOCK *mlit; ENUMHANDLE henum; MP3FILE *current; int itemid; int g=1; DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Preparing to send playlist items for pl #%d\n",playlist); if(playlist == 1) { henum=db_enum_begin(); } else { henum=db_playlist_items_enum_begin(playlist); } if(!henum) return NULL; root=daap_add_empty(NULL,"apso"); if(root) { g = (int)daap_add_int(root,"mstt",200); g = g && daap_add_char(root,"muty",0); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mtco",0); g = g && daap_add_int(root,"mrco",0); mlcl=daap_add_empty(root,"mlcl"); if(mlcl) { if(playlist == 1) { while((current=db_enum(&henum))) { mlit=daap_add_empty(mlcl,"mlit"); if(mlit) { g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"mikd",2); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"miid",current->id); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"mcti",playlist); } else g=0; } } else { /* other playlist */ while((itemid=db_playlist_items_enum(&henum)) != -1) { mlit=daap_add_empty(mlcl,"mlit"); if(mlit) { DPRINTF(ERR_DEBUG,"Adding itemid %d\n",itemid); g = g && daap_add_char(mlit,"mikd",2); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"miid",itemid); g = g && daap_add_int(mlit,"mcti",playlist); } else g = 0; } } } else g=0; } if(playlist == 1) db_enum_end(); else db_playlist_items_enum_end(); if(!g) { daap_free(root); return NULL; } return root; }