/* * $Id$ * Header info for generic database * * Copyright (C) 2005 Ron Pedde (ron@pedde.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _DB_GENERIC_H_ #define _DB_GENERIC_H_ #include "mp3-scanner.h" /** for MP3FILE */ typedef enum { // generic meta data metaItemId, metaItemName, metaItemKind, metaPersistentId, metaContainerItemId, metaParentContainerId, firstTypeSpecificMetaId, // song meta data metaSongAlbum = firstTypeSpecificMetaId, metaSongArtist, metaSongBPM, /* beats per minute */ metaSongBitRate, metaSongComment, metaSongCompilation, metaSongComposer, metaSongDataKind, metaSongDataURL, metaSongDateAdded, metaSongDateModified, metaSongDescription, metaSongDisabled, metaSongDiscCount, metaSongDiscNumber, metaSongEqPreset, metaSongFormat, metaSongGenre, metaSongGrouping, metaSongRelativeVolume, metaSongSampleRate, metaSongSize, metaSongStartTime, metaSongStopTime, metaSongTime, metaSongTrackCount, metaSongTrackNumber, metaSongUserRating, metaSongYear } MetaFieldName_t; typedef enum { queryTypeItems, queryTypePlaylists, queryTypePlaylistItems, queryTypeBrowseArtists, queryTypeBrowseAlbums, queryTypeBrowseGenres, queryTypeBrowseComposers } QueryType_t; typedef enum { indexTypeNone, indexTypeFirst, indexTypeLast, indexTypeSub } IndexType_t; typedef enum { countSongs, countPlaylists } CountType_t; typedef unsigned long long MetaField_t; typedef struct tag_dbqueryinfo { QueryType_t query_type; IndexType_t index_type; MetaField_t meta; int index_low; int index_high; int playlist_id; int db_id; int session_id; int uri_count; char *uri_sections[10]; char *whereclause; } DBQUERYINFO; typedef struct { const char* tag; MetaFieldName_t bit; } METAMAP; typedef struct tag_daap_items { int type; char *tag; char *description; } DAAP_ITEMS; extern DAAP_ITEMS taglist[]; extern int db_set_backend(char *type); extern int db_open(char *parameters); extern int db_init(int reload); extern int db_deinit(void); extern int db_revision(void); extern int db_add(MP3FILE *pmp3); extern int db_enum_start(DBQUERYINFO *pinfo); extern int db_enum_size(DBQUERYINFO *pinfo, int *count); extern int db_enum_fetch(DBQUERYINFO *pinfo, unsigned char **pdmap); extern int db_enum_reset(DBQUERYINFO *pinfo); extern int db_enum_end(void); extern int db_start_scan(void); extern int db_end_scan(void); extern int db_exists(char *path); extern int db_scanning(void); extern int db_last_modified(char *path); extern MetaField_t db_encode_meta(char *meta); extern int db_wantsmeta(MetaField_t meta, MetaFieldName_t fieldNo); /* dmap helper functions */ extern int db_dmap_add_char(char *where, char *tag, char value); extern int db_dmap_add_short(char *where, char *tag, short value); extern int db_dmap_add_int(char *where, char *tag, int value); extern int db_dmap_add_string(char *where, char *tag, char *value); extern int db_dmap_add_container(char *where, char *tag, int size); /* Holdover functions from old db interface... * should these be removed? Refactored? */ extern int db_get_song_count(void); extern int db_get_playlist_count(void); extern MP3FILE *db_fetch_item(int id); extern int db_get_id(char *path); extern void db_dispose_item(MP3FILE *pmp3); #endif /* _DB_GENERIC_H_ */