/* * $Id$ * Implementation for simple in-memory linked list db * * Copyright (C) 2003 Ron Pedde (ron@pedde.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "mp3-scanner.h" /* * Typedefs */ typedef struct tag_mp3record { MP3FILE mp3file; struct tag_mp3record *next; } MP3RECORD; #define MAYBEFREE(a) { if((a)) free((a)); }; /* * Globals */ MP3RECORD db_root; int db_version; int db_update_mode=0; pthread_rwlock_t db_rwlock=PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; /* * Forwards */ int db_start_initial_update(void); int db_end_initial_update(void); int db_is_empty(void); int db_init(char *parameters); int db_deinit(void); int db_version(void); int db_add(MP3FILE *mp3file); void db_freerecord(MP3RECORD *mp3record); /* * db_init * * Initialize the database. For the in-memory db * the parameters are insignificant */ int db_init(char *parameters) { db_root.next=NULL; return 0; } /* * db_deinit * * Close the db, in this case freeing memory */ int db_deinit(void) { /* free used memory here */ return 0; } /* * db_version * * return the db version */ int db_version(void) { return db_version; } /* * db_start_initial_update * * Set the db to bulk import mode */ int db_start_initial_update(void) { db_update_mode=1; return 0; } /* * db_end_initial_update * * Take the db out of bulk import mode */ int db_end_initial_update(void) { db_update_mode=0; return 0; } /* * db_is_empty * * See if the db is empty or not -- that is, should * the scanner start up in bulk update mode or in * background update mode */ int db_is_empty(void) { return db_root.next; } /* * db_add * * add an MP3 file to the database. */ int db_add(MP3FILE *mp3file) { int err; MP3RECORD *pnew; if(!pnew=(MP3RECORD*)malloc(sizeof(MP3RECORD))) { free(pnew); errno=ENOMEM; return -1; } memset(pnew,0,sizeof(MP3RECORD)); memcpy(pnew->mp3file,mp3file,sizeof(MP3FILE)); err=(int) pnew->mp3file.path=strdup(mp3file->path); err = err | pnew->mp3file.fname=strdup(mp3file->fname); err = err | pnew->mp3file.artist=strdup(mp3file->artist); err = err | pnew->mp3file.album=strdup(mp3file->album); err = err | pnew->mp3file.genre=strdup(mp3file->genre); if(err) { db_freerecord(pnew); errno=ENOMEM; return -1; } if(err=pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&db_wrlock)) { db_freerecord(pnew); errno=err; return -1; } pnew->next=root.next; root.next=pnew->next; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&db_wrlock); } /* * db_freerecord * * free a complete mp3record */ void db_freerecord(MP3RECORD *mp3record) { MAYBEFREE(mp3record->mp3file.path); MAYBEFREE(mp3record->mp3file.fname); MAYBEFREE(mp3record->mp3file.artist); MAYBEFREE(mp3record->mp3file.album); MAYBEFREE(mp3record->mp3file.genre); free(mp3record); }