/* * $Id: $ * Simple plug-in api for output, transcode, and scanning plug-ins * * Copyright (C) 2006 Ron Pedde (ron@pedde.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /** unix98? pthread_once_t, etc */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "conf.h" #include "db-generic.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "err.h" #include "os.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "rend.h" #include "smart-parser.h" #include "xml-rpc.h" #include "webserver.h" typedef struct tag_pluginentry { void *phandle; int type; char *versionstring; regex_t regex; PLUGIN_OUTPUT_FN *output_fns; PLUGIN_EVENT_FN *event_fns; PLUGIN_REND_INFO *rend_info; struct tag_pluginentry *next; } PLUGIN_ENTRY; /* Globals */ static pthread_key_t _plugin_lock_key; static PLUGIN_ENTRY _plugin_list; static int _plugin_initialized = 0; static pthread_rwlock_t _plugin_lock; static char* _plugin_error_list[] = { "Success.", "Could not load plugin: %s", "Plugin missing required export: plugin_type/plugin_ver" }; /* Forwards */ void _plugin_readlock(void); void _plugin_writelock(void); void _plugin_unlock(void); int _plugin_error(char **pe, int error, ...); void _plugin_free(int *pi); /* webserver helpers */ char *pi_ws_uri(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc); void pi_ws_close(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc); int pi_ws_fd(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc); /* misc helpers */ char *pi_server_ver(void); int pi_server_name(char *, int *); void pi_log(int, char *, ...); /* db helpers */ int pi_db_count(void); int pi_db_enum_start(char **pe, DBQUERYINFO *pinfo); int pi_db_enum_fetch_row(char **pe, char ***row, DBQUERYINFO *pinfo); int pi_db_enum_end(char **pe); void pi_stream(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, DBQUERYINFO *pqi, char *id); void pi_conf_dispose_string(char *str); int pi_sp_parse(PARSETREE tree, char *term); PLUGIN_INPUT_FN pi = { pi_ws_uri, pi_ws_close, ws_returnerror, ws_getvar, ws_writefd, ws_addresponseheader, ws_emitheaders, pi_ws_fd, ws_getrequestheader, ws_writebinary, pi_server_ver, pi_server_name, pi_log, pi_db_count, pi_db_enum_start, pi_db_enum_fetch_row, pi_db_enum_end, pi_stream, sp_init, pi_sp_parse, sp_dispose, sp_get_error, conf_alloc_string, pi_conf_dispose_string }; /** * initialize stuff for plugins * * @returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise */ int plugin_init(void) { pthread_rwlock_init(&_plugin_lock,NULL); pthread_key_create(&_plugin_lock_key, (void*)_plugin_free); return TRUE; } /** * free the tls */ void _plugin_free(int *pi) { if(pi) free(pi); } /** * deinitialize stuff for plugins * * @returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise */ int plugin_deinit(void) { return TRUE; } /** * lock the plugin_mutex. As it turns out, there might be one thread that calls * multiple plug-ins. So we need to be able to just get one readlock, rather than * multiple. so we'll keep a tls counter. * * NO DPRINTFING IN HERE! */ void _plugin_readlock(void) { int err; int *current_count; current_count = pthread_getspecific(_plugin_lock_key); if(!current_count) { current_count = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); if(!current_count) { /* hrm */ DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"Malloc error in _plugin_readlock\n"); } *current_count = 0; } DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Current lock level: %d\n",*current_count); if(!(*current_count)) { (*current_count)++; pthread_setspecific(_plugin_lock_key,(void*)current_count); if((err=pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&_plugin_lock))) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"cannot lock plugin lock: %s\n",strerror(err)); } } else { (*current_count)++; pthread_setspecific(_plugin_lock_key,(void*)current_count); } } /** * lock the plugin_mutex */ void _plugin_writelock(void) { int err; int *current_count; current_count = pthread_getspecific(_plugin_lock_key); if(!current_count) { current_count = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)); if(!current_count) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"Malloc error in _plugin_readlock\n"); } *current_count = 0; } DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Current lock level: %d\n",*current_count); if(!(*current_count)) { (*current_count)++; pthread_setspecific(_plugin_lock_key,(void*)current_count); if((err=pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&_plugin_lock))) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"cannot lock plugin lock: %s\n",strerror(err)); } } else { (*current_count)++; pthread_setspecific(_plugin_lock_key,(void*)current_count); } } /** * unlock the plugin_mutex */ void _plugin_unlock(void) { int err; int *current_count; current_count = pthread_getspecific(_plugin_lock_key); if(!current_count) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"_plug_unlock without tls. wtf?\n"); } (*current_count)--; if(!(*current_count)) { pthread_setspecific(_plugin_lock_key,(void*)current_count); if((err=pthread_rwlock_unlock(&_plugin_lock))) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"cannot unlock plugin lock: %s\n",strerror(err)); } } else { pthread_setspecific(_plugin_lock_key,(void*)current_count); } } /** * return the error * * @param pe buffer to store the error string in * @param error error to return * @returns the specified error,to thelp with returns */ int _plugin_error(char **pe, int error, ...) { va_list ap; char errbuf[1024]; if(!pe) return error; va_start(ap, error); vsnprintf(errbuf, sizeof(errbuf), _plugin_error_list[error], ap); va_end(ap); DPRINTF(E_SPAM,L_PLUG,"Raising error: %s\n",errbuf); *pe = strdup(errbuf); return error; } /** * load a specified plugin. * * @param pe pointer to error string returned (if error) * @param plugin path to plugin to load * * return PLUGIN_E_SUCCESS, or not, with pe set */ int plugin_load(char **pe, char *path) { PLUGIN_ENTRY *ppi; void *phandle; PLUGIN_INFO *(*info_func)(void); PLUGIN_INFO *pinfo; DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Attempting to load plugin %s\n",path); phandle = os_loadlib(pe, path); if(!phandle) { DPRINTF(E_INF,L_PLUG,"Couldn't get lib handle for %s\n",path); return PLUGIN_E_NOLOAD; } ppi = (PLUGIN_ENTRY*)malloc(sizeof(PLUGIN_ENTRY)); memset(ppi,0x00,sizeof(PLUGIN_ENTRY)); ppi->phandle = phandle; info_func = (PLUGIN_INFO*(*)(void)) os_libfunc(pe, phandle,"plugin_info"); if(info_func == NULL) { DPRINTF(E_INF,L_PLUG,"Couldn't get info_func for %s\n",path); return PLUGIN_E_BADFUNCS; } pinfo = info_func(); ppi->type = pinfo->type; ppi->versionstring = pinfo->server; if(ppi->type & PLUGIN_OUTPUT) { /* build the regex */ if(regcomp(&ppi->regex,pinfo->url,REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB)) { DPRINTF(E_LOG,L_PLUG,"Bad regex in %s: %s\n",path,pinfo->url); } } ppi->output_fns = pinfo->output_fns; ppi->event_fns = pinfo->event_fns; ppi->rend_info = pinfo->rend_info; DPRINTF(E_INF,L_PLUG,"Loaded plugin %s (%s)\n",path,ppi->versionstring); pinfo->pi = (void*)π _plugin_writelock(); if(!_plugin_initialized) { _plugin_initialized = 1; memset((void*)&_plugin_list,0,sizeof(_plugin_list)); } ppi->next = _plugin_list.next; _plugin_list.next = ppi; _plugin_unlock(); return PLUGIN_E_SUCCESS; } /** * check to see if we want to dispatch a particular url * * @param pwsc the connection info (including uri) to check * @returns TRUE if we want to handle it */ int plugin_url_candispatch(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc) { PLUGIN_ENTRY *ppi; DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Entering candispatch\n"); _plugin_readlock(); ppi = _plugin_list.next; while(ppi) { if(ppi->type & PLUGIN_OUTPUT) { if(!regexec(&ppi->regex,pwsc->uri,0,NULL,0)) { /* we have a winner */ _plugin_unlock(); return TRUE; } } ppi = ppi->next; } _plugin_unlock(); return FALSE; } /** * actually DISPATCH the hander we said we wanted * * @param pwsc the connection info (including uri) to check * @returns TRUE if we want to handle it */ void plugin_url_handle(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc) { PLUGIN_ENTRY *ppi; void (*disp_fn)(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc); _plugin_readlock(); ppi = _plugin_list.next; while(ppi) { if(ppi->type & PLUGIN_OUTPUT) { if(!regexec(&ppi->regex,pwsc->uri,0,NULL,0)) { /* we have a winner */ DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Dispatching %s to %s\n", pwsc->uri, ppi->versionstring); /* so functions must be a tag_plugin_output_fn */ disp_fn=(ppi->output_fns)->handler; disp_fn(pwsc); _plugin_unlock(); return; } } ppi = ppi->next; } /* should 500 here or something */ ws_returnerror(pwsc, 500, "Can't find plugin handler"); _plugin_unlock(); return; } /** * walk through the plugins and register whatever rendezvous * names the clients want */ int plugin_rend_register(char *name, int port, char *iface, char *txt) { PLUGIN_ENTRY *ppi; PLUGIN_REND_INFO *pri; char *supplied_txt; char *new_name; int name_len; _plugin_readlock(); ppi = _plugin_list.next; while(ppi) { DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Checking %s\n",ppi->versionstring); if(ppi->rend_info) { pri = ppi->rend_info; while(pri->type) { supplied_txt = pri->txt; if(!pri->txt) supplied_txt = txt; DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Registering %s\n",pri->type); name_len = (int)strlen(name) + 4 + (int)strlen(ppi->versionstring); new_name=(char*)malloc(name_len); if(!new_name) DPRINTF(E_FATAL,L_PLUG,"plugin_rend_register: malloc"); memset(new_name,0,name_len); if(conf_get_int("plugins","mangle_rendezvous",1)) { snprintf(new_name,name_len,"%s (%s)",name,ppi->versionstring); } else { snprintf(new_name,name_len,"%s",name); } rend_register(new_name,pri->type,port,iface,supplied_txt); free(new_name); pri++; } } ppi=ppi->next; } _plugin_unlock(); return TRUE; } /** * Test password for the handled namespace * * @param pwsc the connection info (including uri) to check * @param username user attempting to login * @param pw password attempting * @returns TRUE if we want to handle it */ int plugin_auth_handle(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, char *username, char *pw) { PLUGIN_ENTRY *ppi; int (*auth_fn)(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, char *username, char *pw); int result; _plugin_readlock(); ppi = _plugin_list.next; while(ppi) { if(ppi->type & PLUGIN_OUTPUT) { if(!regexec(&ppi->regex,pwsc->uri,0,NULL,0)) { /* we have a winner */ DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Dispatching %s to %s\n", pwsc->uri, ppi->versionstring); /* so functions must be a tag_plugin_output_fn */ auth_fn=(ppi->output_fns)->auth; if(auth_fn) { result=auth_fn(pwsc,username,pw); _plugin_unlock(); return result; } else { _plugin_unlock(); return TRUE; } } } ppi = ppi->next; } /* should 500 here or something */ ws_returnerror(pwsc, 500, "Can't find plugin handler"); _plugin_unlock(); return FALSE; } /** * send an event to a plugin... this can be a connection, disconnection, etc. */ void plugin_event_dispatch(int event_id, int intval, void *vp, int len) { PLUGIN_ENTRY *ppi; fprintf(stderr,"entering plugin_event_dispatch\n"); // _plugin_readlock(); ppi = _plugin_list.next; while(ppi) { fprintf(stderr,"Checking %s\n",ppi->versionstring); if(ppi->type & PLUGIN_EVENT) { /* DPRINTF(E_DBG,L_PLUG,"Dispatching event %d to %s\n", event_id,ppi->versionstring); */ if((ppi->event_fns) && (ppi->event_fns->handler)) { ppi->event_fns->handler(event_id, intval, vp, len); } } ppi=ppi->next; } // _plugin_unlock(); } /* plugin wrappers for utility functions & stuff * * these functions need to be wrapped so we can maintain a stable * interface to older plugins even if we get newer functions or apis * upstream... it's a binary compatibility layer. */ char *pi_ws_uri(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc) { return pwsc->uri; } void pi_ws_close(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc) { pwsc->close=1; } int pi_ws_fd(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc) { return pwsc->fd; } void pi_log(int level, char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap,fmt); vsnprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),fmt,ap); va_end(ap); DPRINTF(level,L_PLUG,"%s",buf); } char *pi_server_ver(void) { return VERSION; } int pi_server_name(char *name, int *len) { char *servername; servername = conf_get_servername(); if((servername) && (strlen(servername) < (size_t)len)) { strcpy(name,servername); } else { if((size_t)len > strlen("Firefly Media Server")) strcpy(name,"Firefly Media Server"); } free(servername); return CONF_E_SUCCESS; } int pi_db_count(void) { int count; db_get_song_count(NULL, &count); return count; } int pi_db_enum_start(char **pe, DBQUERYINFO *pinfo) { return db_enum_start(pe, pinfo); } int pi_db_enum_fetch_row(char **pe, char ***row, DBQUERYINFO *pinfo) { return db_enum_fetch_row(pe, (PACKED_MP3FILE*)row, pinfo); } int pi_db_enum_end(char **pe) { return db_enum_end(pe); } void pi_stream(WS_CONNINFO *pwsc, DBQUERYINFO *pqi, char *id) { dispatch_stream_id(pwsc, pqi,id); return; } int pi_sp_parse(PARSETREE tree, char *term) { return sp_parse(tree, term, 0); } void pi_conf_dispose_string(char *str) { free(str); }