/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%1$@'s Firefly op %2$@";

/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(beschikbaar als Firefly aktief is)";

/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Uitgebreide configuratie opties zijn beschikbaar via Firefly's ingebouwde web pagina. Available when Firefly is running.";

/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Extra configuratie opties zijn beschikbaar via Firefly's ingebouwde web pagina. Click om deze pagina in een browser te openen.";

/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Er is een onverwacht probleem opgetreden tijdens het bepalen van de status van de Firefly server. Sluit het window en re-open dit Preference pane, en probeer het opnieuw.";

/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Er is een onverwacht probleem bij het starten van Firefly. Sluit en heropen dit Preference pane en probeer het opnieuw.";

/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Er is een onverwacht proiblem opgetreden bij het stoppen van Firefly. Sluit het Preference paneen probeer het opnieuw.";

/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Aanbrengen";

/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Breng configuratie wijzigingen aan?";

/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Anuleren";

/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Bezig Firefly status te controleren…";

/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Keuze";

/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Kies plaats voor bibliotheek";

/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Communicatie met de Firefly Helper is gestopt. Sluit en heropen dit Preference pane en probeer het opnieuw.";

/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Configuratie fout";

/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Niet aanbrengen";

/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "Als gevolg van een onverwachte fout kunnen de wijzigingen niet aangebracht worden.";

/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Aanbrengen wijzigingen mislukt";

/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Opslaan wijzigingen mislukt";

/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly lijkt verkeerd geinstalleerd of beschadigd. Raadpleeg de documentatie.\n\n";

/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly kan niet opgestart worden omdat de wijzigingen niet opgeslagen konden worden";

/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "de Firefly map kan niet gevonden of aangemaakt worden op: %@";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Firefly kon niet opgestart worden";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly is niet aktief";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly word opnieuw gestart";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly is aktief";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly is bezig de bibliotheek te scannen";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly is aan het opstarten";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly is bezig met stoppen";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "De statuts van Firefly is onbekend";

/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly is onverwacht gestopt";

/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Onjuist poort nummer";

/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Ongeldige waarde";

/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Bibliotheek map kan niet gevonden in de user map";

/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Verbinding met Firefly Helper verloren gegaan";

/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Ontbrekende bibliotheek naam";

/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Password ontbreekt";

/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Voer een bibliotheek naam in";

/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Vul een password in, of un-check de password checkbox";

/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Enter een port nummer tussen 1024 en 65535, of kies \"Automatisch\" in het pop-up menu";

/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Selecteer de map die de muziek bibliotheek bevat, en klik Kies.";

/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Start Firefly";

/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Stop Firefly";

/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Het configuratie bestand is aanwezig, maar niet beschrijfbaar: %@";

/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged.  Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "The Firefly installation appears to be damaged.  Unable to locate Firefly Helper.";

/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Het log bestand is niet aangemaakt.";

/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Het log bestand is leeg.";

/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "Aanmaken van een default configuratie bestand op: %@ mislukt";

/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Het is niet mogelijk om de Application Support map te vinden of aan te maken";

/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Onmogelijk server status te bepalen";

/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "De configuratie informatie kan niet gelezen worden";

/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Firefly kon niet gestart worden";

/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Het stoppen van Firefly is niet mogelijk";