Server Name The name iTunes and other daap clients should see This is both the name of the server as advertised via rendezvous, and the name of the database exported via DAAP. Also know as "What shows up in iTunes". short_text Web Root long_text Port The port the server should run at; default is 3689 short_text Logfile long_text Run As short_text Admin password The password for this administration interface. short_text MP3 Password The password clients need to access this server. short_text Compress Should browsing data be compressed on the way to the client? select 0 Debug Level Possible values are 0 to 9, 9 being the most detailed debug level. select 0
MP3 Directory long_text_multiple Extensions short_text Playlist File long_text Process .m3u Files Should m3u files be processed as playlists? select 0 Compilation Directories long_text_multiple Art Filename long_text
Database Type select sqlite Database Directory long_text Scan Type select 2 Rescan Interval How often should mt-daapd look for new files? In seconds. short_text Always Scan select 0
Plugin Directory long_text Plugins short_text_multiple
SSC Program long_text SSC Codec Types long_text