name: macOS 12


    runs-on: macos-12

    - uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Install build tools
      run: brew install automake autoconf libtool pkg-config

    - name: Install gperf, bison and flex
      # macOS has ancient versions of bison and flex, so we need a newer from
      # Homebrew. The new versions are installed keg-only, so we must tell
      # configure/make where to look. Adjusting $PATH doesn't work (maybe
      # because make invokes the two via ylwrap), so instead symlink the two
      # into /usr/local/bin.
      run: |
        brew install gperf bison flex
        sudo ln -s "$(brew --prefix)/opt/bison/bin/bison" /usr/local/bin/bison
        sudo ln -s "$(brew --prefix)/opt/flex/bin/flex" /usr/local/bin/flex

    - name: Install libinotify-kqueue
      # brew does not have libinotify package
      run: |
        git clone
        cd libinotify-kqueue
        autoreconf -fvi
        sudo make install
        cd ..

    - name: Install other dependencies
      # libxml2 is included with macOS
      run: |
        brew install libunistring confuse libplist libwebsockets libevent libgcrypt json-c protobuf-c libsodium gnutls pulseaudio openssl ffmpeg sqlite

    - name: Configure
      # We configure a non-privileged setup, since how to add a "owntone" system
      # user in macOS isn't clear to me (useradd etc. isn't available)
      run: |
        export CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/include -I$(brew --prefix sqlite)/include"
        export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix)/lib -L$(brew --prefix sqlite)/lib"
        autoreconf -fi
        ./configure --prefix=$HOME/owntone_data/usr --sysconfdir=$HOME/owntone_data/etc --localstatedir=$HOME/owntone_data/var --enable-chromecast --with-pulseaudio

    - name: Build
      run: |

    - name: Install
      run: |
        make install

    - name: Prepare test run
      run: |
        mkdir -p $HOME/owntone_data/media
        sed -i '' 's/uid = "owntone"/uid = ${USER}/g' $HOME/owntone_data/etc/owntone.conf
        sed -i '' 's/loglevel = log/loglevel = debug/g' $HOME/owntone_data/etc/owntone.conf
        sed -i '' 's/directories = { "\/srv\/music" }/directories = { "${HOME}\/owntone_data\/media" }/g' $HOME/owntone_data/etc/owntone.conf

    - name: Test run
      run: |
        $HOME/owntone_data/usr/sbin/owntone -f -t