#ifndef __HTTPD_INTERNAL_H__ #define __HTTPD_INTERNAL_H__ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* Response codes from event2/http.h */ #define HTTP_CONTINUE 100 /**< client should proceed to send */ #define HTTP_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS 101 /**< switching to another protocol */ #define HTTP_PROCESSING 102 /**< processing the request, but no response is available yet */ #define HTTP_EARLYHINTS 103 /**< return some response headers */ #define HTTP_OK 200 /**< request completed ok */ #define HTTP_CREATED 201 /**< new resource is created */ #define HTTP_ACCEPTED 202 /**< accepted for processing */ #define HTTP_NONAUTHORITATIVE 203 /**< returning a modified version of the origin's response */ #define HTTP_NOCONTENT 204 /**< request does not have content */ #define HTTP_MOVEPERM 301 /**< the uri moved permanently */ #define HTTP_MOVETEMP 302 /**< the uri moved temporarily */ #define HTTP_NOTMODIFIED 304 /**< page was not modified from last */ #define HTTP_BADREQUEST 400 /**< invalid http request was made */ #define HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED 401 /**< authentication is required */ #define HTTP_PAYMENTREQUIRED 402 /**< user exceeded limit on requests */ #define HTTP_FORBIDDEN 403 /**< user not having the necessary permissions */ #define HTTP_NOTFOUND 404 /**< could not find content for uri */ #define HTTP_BADMETHOD 405 /**< method not allowed for this uri */ #define HTTP_ENTITYTOOLARGE 413 /**< request is larger than the server is able to process */ #define HTTP_EXPECTATIONFAILED 417 /**< we can't handle this expectation */ #define HTTP_INTERNAL 500 /**< internal error */ #define HTTP_NOTIMPLEMENTED 501 /**< not implemented */ #define HTTP_BADGATEWAY 502 /**< received an invalid response from the upstream */ #define HTTP_SERVUNAVAIL 503 /**< the server is not available */ #define HTTPD_STREAM_SAMPLE_RATE 44100 #define HTTPD_STREAM_BPS 16 #define HTTPD_STREAM_CHANNELS 2 #define HTTPD_STREAM_BIT_RATE 320000 struct httpd_request; // Declaring here instead of including event2/http.h makes it easier to support // other backends than evhttp in the future, e.g. libevhtp struct httpd_server; struct evhttp_connection; struct evhttp_request; struct evkeyvalq; struct httpd_uri_parsed; typedef struct httpd_server httpd_server; typedef struct evhttp_connection httpd_connection; typedef struct evhttp_request httpd_backend; typedef struct evkeyvalq httpd_headers; typedef struct evkeyvalq httpd_query; typedef struct httpd_uri_parsed httpd_uri_parsed; typedef struct httpd_backend_data httpd_backend_data; typedef char *httpd_uri_path_parts[31]; typedef void (*httpd_request_cb)(struct httpd_request *hreq, void *arg); typedef void (*httpd_close_cb)(void *arg); typedef void (*httpd_connection_chunkcb)(httpd_connection *conn, void *arg); typedef void (*httpd_query_iteratecb)(const char *key, const char *val, void *arg); enum httpd_methods { HTTPD_METHOD_GET = 1 << 0, HTTPD_METHOD_POST = 1 << 1, HTTPD_METHOD_HEAD = 1 << 2, HTTPD_METHOD_PUT = 1 << 3, HTTPD_METHOD_DELETE = 1 << 4, HTTPD_METHOD_OPTIONS = 1 << 5, HTTPD_METHOD_TRACE = 1 << 6, HTTPD_METHOD_CONNECT = 1 << 7, HTTPD_METHOD_PATCH = 1 << 8, }; #define HTTPD_F_REPLY_LAST (1 << 15) enum httpd_reply_type { HTTPD_REPLY_START = 1, HTTPD_REPLY_CHUNK = 2, HTTPD_REPLY_END = HTTPD_F_REPLY_LAST | 1, HTTPD_REPLY_COMPLETE = HTTPD_F_REPLY_LAST | 2, }; enum httpd_send_flags { HTTPD_SEND_NO_GZIP = (1 << 0), }; /*---------------------------------- MODULES ---------------------------------*/ // Must be in sync with modules[] in httpd.c enum httpd_modules { MODULE_DACP, MODULE_DAAP, MODULE_JSONAPI, MODULE_ARTWORKAPI, MODULE_STREAMING, MODULE_OAUTH, MODULE_RSP, }; enum httpd_handler_flags { // Most requests are pushed to a worker thread, but some handlers deal with // requests that must be answered quickly. Can only be used for nonblocking // handlers. HTTPD_HANDLER_REALTIME = (1 << 0), }; struct httpd_module { const char *name; enum httpd_modules type; char initialized; int logdomain; // Null-terminated list of URL subpath that the module accepts e.g., /subpath/morepath/file.mp3 const char *subpaths[16]; // Null-terminated list of URL fullpaths that the module accepts e.g., /fullpath const char *fullpaths[16]; // Pointer to the module's handler definitions struct httpd_uri_map *handlers; int (*init)(void); void (*deinit)(void); void (*request)(struct httpd_request *); }; /* * Maps a regex of the request path to a handler of the request */ struct httpd_uri_map { enum httpd_methods method; char *regexp; int (*handler)(struct httpd_request *hreq); void *preg; int flags; // See enum httpd_handler_flags }; /*------------------------------- HTTPD STRUCTS ------------------------------*/ /* * A collection of pointers to request data that the reply handlers may need. * Also has the function pointer to the reply handler and a pointer to a reply * evbuffer. */ struct httpd_request { // Request method enum httpd_methods method; // Backend private request object httpd_backend *backend; // For storing data that the actual backend doesn't have readily available httpd_backend_data *backend_data; // User-agent (if available) const char *user_agent; // Source IP address (ipv4 or ipv6) and port of the request (if available) const char *peer_address; unsigned short peer_port; // The original, request URI. The URI may have been complete: // scheme:[//[user[:password]@]host[:port]][/path][?query][#fragment] // or relative: // [/path][?query][#fragment] const char *uri; // URI decoded path from the request URI const char *path; // If the request is http://x:3689/foo/bar?key1=val1, then part_parts[0] is // "foo", [1] is "bar" and the rest is null. Each path_part is an allocated // URI decoded string. httpd_uri_path_parts path_parts; // Struct with the query, used with httpd_query_ functions httpd_query *query; // Backend private parser URI object httpd_uri_parsed *uri_parsed; // Request headers httpd_headers *in_headers; // Request body struct evbuffer *in_body; // Response headers httpd_headers *out_headers; // Response body struct evbuffer *out_body; // Our httpd module that will process this request struct httpd_module *module; // A pointer to the handler that will process the request int (*handler)(struct httpd_request *hreq); // Is the processing defered to a worker thread bool is_async; // Handler thread's evbase in case the handler needs to scehdule an event struct event_base *evbase; // A pointer to extra data that the module handling the request might need void *extra_data; }; /*------------------------------ HTTPD FUNCTIONS -----------------------------*/ void httpd_stream_file(struct httpd_request *hreq, int id); void httpd_request_handler_set(struct httpd_request *hreq); bool httpd_request_not_modified_since(struct httpd_request *hreq, time_t mtime); bool httpd_request_etag_matches(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *etag); void httpd_response_not_cachable(struct httpd_request *hreq); /* * This wrapper around evhttp_send_reply should be used whenever a request may * come from a browser. It will automatically gzip if feasible, but the caller * may direct it not to. It will set CORS headers as appropriate. Should be * thread safe. * * @in hreq The http request struct. NOTE: is automatically deallocated if * this is the final reply. * @in code HTTP code, e.g. 200 * @in reason A brief explanation of the error - if NULL the standard meaning of the error code will be used * @in flags See flags above */ void httpd_send_reply(struct httpd_request *hreq, int code, const char *reason, enum httpd_send_flags flags); void httpd_send_reply_start(struct httpd_request *hreq, int code, const char *reason); void httpd_send_reply_chunk(struct httpd_request *hreq, httpd_connection_chunkcb cb, void *arg); void httpd_send_reply_end(struct httpd_request *hreq); /* * This is a substitute for evhttp_send_error that should be used whenever an * error may be returned to a browser. It will set CORS headers as appropriate, * which is not possible with evhttp_send_error, because it clears the headers. * Should be thread safe. * * @in hreq The http request struct. NOTE: is automatically deallocated if * this is the final reply. * @in error HTTP code, e.g. 200 * @in reason A brief explanation of the error - if NULL the standard meaning of the error code will be used */ void httpd_send_error(struct httpd_request *hreq, int error, const char *reason); void httpd_redirect_to(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *path); bool httpd_admin_check_auth(struct httpd_request *hreq); int httpd_basic_auth(struct httpd_request *hreq, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *realm); /*-------------------------- WRAPPERS FOR EVHTTP -----------------------------*/ const char * httpd_query_value_find(httpd_query *query, const char *key); void httpd_query_iterate(httpd_query *query, httpd_query_iteratecb cb, void *arg); void httpd_query_clear(httpd_query *query); const char * httpd_header_find(httpd_headers *headers, const char *key); void httpd_header_remove(httpd_headers *headers, const char *key); void httpd_header_add(httpd_headers *headers, const char *key, const char *val); void httpd_headers_clear(httpd_headers *headers); void httpd_request_close_cb_set(struct httpd_request *hreq, httpd_close_cb cb, void *arg); void httpd_request_free(struct httpd_request *hreq); struct httpd_request * httpd_request_new(httpd_backend *backend, httpd_server *server, const char *uri, const char *user_agent); void httpd_server_free(httpd_server *server); httpd_server * httpd_server_new(struct event_base *evbase, unsigned short port, httpd_request_cb cb, void *arg); void httpd_server_allow_origin_set(httpd_server *server, bool allow); /*----------------- Only called by httpd.c to send raw replies ---------------*/ void httpd_send(struct httpd_request *hreq, enum httpd_reply_type type, int code, const char *reason, httpd_connection_chunkcb cb, void *cbarg); /*---------- Only called by httpd.c to populate struct httpd_request ---------*/ httpd_backend_data * httpd_backend_data_create(httpd_backend *backend, httpd_server *server); void httpd_backend_data_free(httpd_backend_data *backend_data); struct event_base * httpd_backend_evbase_get(httpd_backend *backend); const char * httpd_backend_uri_get(httpd_backend *backend, httpd_backend_data *backend_data); httpd_headers * httpd_backend_input_headers_get(httpd_backend *backend); httpd_headers * httpd_backend_output_headers_get(httpd_backend *backend); struct evbuffer * httpd_backend_input_buffer_get(httpd_backend *backend); int httpd_backend_peer_get(const char **addr, uint16_t *port, httpd_backend *backend, httpd_backend_data *backend_data); int httpd_backend_method_get(enum httpd_methods *method, httpd_backend *backend); httpd_uri_parsed * httpd_uri_parsed_create(httpd_backend *backend); httpd_uri_parsed * httpd_uri_parsed_create_fromuri(const char *uri); void httpd_uri_parsed_free(httpd_uri_parsed *uri_parsed); httpd_query * httpd_uri_query_get(httpd_uri_parsed *parsed); const char * httpd_uri_path_get(httpd_uri_parsed *parsed); void httpd_uri_path_parts_get(httpd_uri_path_parts *part_parts, httpd_uri_parsed *parsed); #endif /* !__HTTPD_INTERNAL_H__ */