// TODO // move stuff to responsehandler // handle source change events (keyPress etc) // If playlist is empty don't confirm delete var CustomDraggable = Class.create(); CustomDraggable.removeOnDrop = false; CustomDraggable.revereNamesOnDrop = true; CustomDraggable.prototype = (new Rico.Draggable()).extend( { initialize: function( htmlElement, name ) { this.type = 'Custom'; this.htmlElement = htmlElement; this.name = name; }, log: function(str) { // alert(str); }, select: function() { this.selected = true; }, deselect: function() { this.selected = false; }, startDrag: function() { var el = this.htmlElement; this.log("startDrag: [" + this.name +"]"); }, cancelDrag: function() { var el = this.htmlElement; this.log("cancelDrag: [" + this.name +"]"); }, endDrag: function() { var el = this.htmlElement; this.log("endDrag: [" + this.name +"]"); if ( CustomDraggable.removeOnDrop ) this.htmlElement.style.display = 'none'; }, getSingleObjectDragGUI: function() { var el = this.htmlElement; var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = 'customDraggable'; div.style.width = (this.htmlElement.offsetWidth - 10) + "px"; new Insertion.Top( div, "some songs" ); return div; }, getMultiObjectDragGUI: function( draggables ) { var el = this.htmlElement; var names = ""; names = "some song(s)"; var div = document.createElement("div"); div.className = 'customDraggable'; div.style.width = (this.htmlElement.offsetWidth - 10) + "px"; new Insertion.Top( div, names ); return div; }, getDroppedGUI: function() { var el = this.htmlElement; var div = document.createElement("div"); var names = this.name.split(","); if ( CustomDraggable.revereNamesOnDrop ) new Insertion.Top( div, "[" + names[1].substring(1) + " " + names[0]+ "]" ); else new Insertion.Top( div, "[" + this.name + "]" ); return div; }, toString: function() { return this.name; } } ); var CustomDropzone = Class.create(); CustomDropzone.prototype = (new Rico.Dropzone()).extend( { initialize: function( htmlElement, header) { this.htmlElement = htmlElement; this.header = header; this.absoluteRect = null; this.acceptedObjects = []; this.offset = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") >= 0 ? 0 : 1; }, activate: function() { }, deactivate: function() { }, showHover: function() { if ( this.showingHover ) return; this.header.style.color = "#1111bb"; this.showingHover = true; }, hideHover: function() { if ( !this.showingHover ) return; this.header.style.color = "#000000"; this.showingHover = false; }, accept: function(draggableObjects) { var songids = ''; for (var i = SelectedRows.songId.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (SelectedRows.songId[i]) { if (songids != '') { songids += ","; } songids += i; } } this._insert(songids); }, _insert: function(songids) { var url = '/databases/1/containers/' + this.htmlElement.value + "/items/add?output=xml&dmap.itemid=" + songids; new Ajax.Request(url ,{method: 'get',onComplete:this.responseAdd}); }, responseAdd: function(request) { var status = Element.textContent(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.status')[0]); if ('200' != status) { alert("Couldn't add songs to playlist"); return; } alert("Added songs to playlist"); }, canAccept: function(draggableObjects) { return true; } } ); Event.observe(window,'load',initPlaylist); var SEARCH_DELAY = 500; // # ms without typing before the search box searches var BROWSE_TEXT_LEN = 30; // genres/artists/albums select options longer than this will have // a title attribute (to show a tool tip for items that doesn't fit the box var g_myLiveGrid; // the live grid; function initPlaylist() { Ajax.Responders.register({ onCreate: Spinner.incRequestCount, onComplete: Spinner.decRequestCount}); new Ajax.Request('/databases/1/containers?output=xml',{method: 'get',onComplete:rsSource}); Query.send('genres'); Event.observe('search','keypress',EventHandler.searchKeyPress); Event.observe('source','change',EventHandler.sourceChange); Event.observe('source','click',EventHandler.sourceClick); Event.observe('source','keypress',EventHandler.sourceKeyPress); Event.observe('genres','change',EventHandler.genresChange); Event.observe('artists','change',EventHandler.artistsChange); Event.observe('albums','change',EventHandler.albumsChange); Event.observe('add_playlist_href','click',EventHandler.addPlaylistHrefClick); Event.observe(document,'click',GlobalEvents.click); Event.observe('edit_playlist_name','keypress',EventHandler.editPlaylistNameKeyPress); Event.observe('songs_data','click',SelectedRows.click); // Firefox remebers the search box value on page reload Field.clear('search'); g_myLiveGrid = new Rico.LiveGrid('songs_data',20,1000,'',{prefetchBuffer: false}); for (var i = $('songs_data').rows.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { dndMgr.registerDraggable(new CustomDraggable($('songs_data').rows[i], "bob " + i)); } } var Spinner = { count: 0, incRequestCount: function (ca) { Spinner.count++; $('spinner').style.visibility = 'visible'; }, decRequestCount: function (caller) { Spinner.count--; if (/type=browse/.test(caller.url)) { Spinner.count = 0; $('spinner').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } }; var GlobalEvents = { _clickListeners: [], click: function (e) { GlobalEvents._clickListeners.each(function (name) { name.click(e); }); }, addClickListener: function (el) { this._clickListeners.push(el); }, removeClickListener: function (el) { this._clickListeners = this._clickListeners.findAll(function (element) { return (element != el); }); } }; var Source = { playlistId: '', playlistName: '', _getOptionElement: function (id) { return option = $A($('source').getElementsByTagName('option')).find(function (el) { return (el.value == id); }); }, addPlaylist: function () { var url = '/databases/1/containers/add?output=xml'; var name= 'untitled playlist'; if (this._playlistExists(name)) { var i=1; while (this._playlistExists(name +' ' + i)) { i++; } name += ' ' +i; } this.playlistName = name; url += '&org.mt-daapd.playlist-type=0&dmap.itemname=' + encodeURIComponent(name); new Ajax.Request(url ,{method: 'get',onComplete:this.responseAdd}); }, _playlistExists: function (name) { return $A($('source').getElementsByTagName('option')).pluck('firstChild').find(function (el) { return el.nodeValue == name; }); }, removePlaylist: function () { if (window.confirm('Really delete playlist?')) { var url = '/databases/1/containers/del?output=xml'; url += '&dmap.itemid=' + $('source').value; new Ajax.Request(url ,{method: 'get',onComplete:this.response}); var option = this._getOptionElement($('source').value); Element.remove(option); } }, savePlaylistName: function () { input = $('edit_playlist_name'); var url = '/databases/1/containers/edit?output=xml'; url += '&dmap.itemid=' + Source.playlistId; url += '&dmap.itemname=' + encodeURIComponent(input.value); new Ajax.Request(url ,{method: 'get',onComplete:this.response}); var option = this._getOptionElement(Source.playlistId); option.text = input.value; this.hideEditPlaylistName(); }, editPlaylistName: function () { input = $('edit_playlist_name'); Source.playlistId = $('source').value; playlistName = Element.textContent(this._getOptionElement(Source.playlistId)); //###FIXME use prototype Position instead input.style.top = RicoUtil.toDocumentPosition(this._getOptionElement(Source.playlistId)).y + 'px'; input.value = playlistName; input.style.display = 'block'; Field.activate(input); GlobalEvents.addClickListener(this); }, hideEditPlaylistName: function () { $('edit_playlist_name').style.display = 'none'; Field.activate('source'); Source.playlistId = ''; GlobalEvents.removeClickListener(this); }, response: function (request) { // Check that the save gave response 200 OK }, responseAdd: function(request) { var status = Element.textContent(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.status')[0]); if ('200' != status) { //###FIXME if someone else adds a playlist with the same name // as mine, (before My page is refreshed) won't happen that often alert('There is a playlist with that name, write some code to handle this'); return; } Source.playlistId = Element.textContent(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemid')[0]); var o = document.createElement('option'); o.value = Source.playlistId; o.text = Source.playlistName; $('static_playlists').appendChild(o); $('source').value = Source.playlistId; Source.editPlaylistName(); Query.setSource(Source.playlistId); Query.send('genres'); }, click: function (e) { //###FIXME use prototype Position instead var x = Event.pointerX(e); var y = Event.pointerY(e); var el = $('edit_playlist_name'); var pos = RicoUtil.toViewportPosition(el); if ((x > pos.x) && (x < pos.x + el.offsetWidth) && (y > pos.y) && (y < pos.y + el.offsetHeight)) { // Click was in input box return; } Source.savePlaylistName(); } }; var EventHandler = { searchTimeOut: '', sourceClickCount: [], sourceClick: function (e) { var playlistId = Event.element(e).value; if (1 == playlistId) { // do nothing for Library return; } if (EventHandler.sourceClickCount[playlistId]) { EventHandler.sourceClickCount[playlistId]++; } else { EventHandler.sourceClickCount[playlistId] = 1; } if (EventHandler.sourceClickCount[playlistId] > 1) { el = Event.element(e); if (!document.all && !el.text) { // IE sends the select in the event, not the option // Firefox generates and event when clicking in and empty area // of the select box return; } Source.editPlaylistName(); } }, sourceChange: function (e) { EventHandler.sourceClickCount = []; Field.clear('search'); var playlistId = $('source').value; Query.setSource(playlistId); Query.send('genres'); }, sourceKeyPress: function (e) { if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_DELETE) { Source.removePlaylist(); } if (113 == e.keyCode) { // F2 //TODO edit playist, what is the key on a mac? } }, editPlaylistNameKeyPress: function (e) { input = $('edit_playlist_name'); if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_ESC) { Source.hideEditPlaylistName(); } if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { Source.savePlaylistName(); } }, addPlaylistHrefClick: function (e) { Source.addPlaylist(); }, searchKeyPress: function (e) { if (EventHandler.searchTimeOut) { window.clearTimeout(EventHandler.searchTimeOut); } if (e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN) { EventHandler._search(); } else { EventHandler.searchTimeOut = window.setTimeout(EventHandler._search,SEARCH_DELAY); } }, _search: function () { Query.setSearchString($('search').value); Query.send('genres'); }, genresChange: function (e) { EventHandler._setSelected('genres'); Query.send('artists'); }, artistsChange: function (e) { EventHandler._setSelected('artists'); Query.send('albums'); }, albumsChange: function (e) { EventHandler._setSelected('albums'); SelectedRows.clearAll(); g_myLiveGrid.resetContents(); g_myLiveGrid.requestContentRefresh(0); // Query.send('songs'); }, _setSelected: function (type) { var options = $A($(type).options); Query.clearSelection(type); if ($(type).value != 'all') { options.each(function (option) { if (option.selected) { Query.addSelection(type,option.value); } }); } } }; var Query = { baseUrl: '/rsp/db/', playlistId: '1', genres: [], artists:[], albums: [], busy: '', searchString: '', clearSelection: function (type) { this[type] = []; }, addSelection: function (type,value){ this[type].push(value); }, setSearchString: function (string) { this.searchString = string; }, setSource: function (playlistId) { Query.clearSelection('genres'); Query.clearSelection('artists'); Query.clearSelection('albums'); Query.setSearchString(''); Query.playlistId = playlistId; }, getUrl: function (type) { var query=[]; switch (type) { case 'artists': if (this.genres.length > 0) { query = this.genres.collect(function(value){return 'genre%3D"'+value.encode()+'"';}); } break; case 'albums': if (this.artists.length > 0) { query = this.artists.collect(function(value){return 'artist%3D"'+value.encode()+'"';}); } else if (this.genres.length > 0) { query = this.genres.collect(function(value){return 'genre%3D"'+value.encode()+'"';}); } break; case 'songs': if (this.albums.length > 0) { query = this.albums.collect(function(value){return 'album%3D"'+value.encode()+'"';}); } else if (this.artists.length > 0) { query = this.artists.collect(function(value){return 'artist%3D"'+value.encode()+'"';}); } else if (this.genres.length > 0) { query = this.genres.collect(function(value){return 'genre%3D"'+value.encode()+'"';}); } break; default: // Do nothing break; } if (this.searchString) { var search = []; var string = this.searchString.encode(); ['genre','artist','album','title'].each(function (item) { search.push(item +' includes "' + string + '"'); }); if (query.length > 0) { return '&query=(' + search.join(' or ') + ') and ('.encode() + query.join(' or ')+ ')'; } else { return '&query=' + search.join(' or '); } } else { if (query.length > 0) { return '&query=' + query.join(' or '); } else { return ''; } } }, getFullUrl: function (type) { this.busy = true; var url; var handler; var meta = ''; switch (type) { case 'genres': url = '/genre'; break; case 'artists': url = '/artist'; break; case 'albums': url = '/album'; break; case 'songs': url = ''; meta = '&type=browse'; break; default: alert("Shouldn't happen 2"); break; } return this.baseUrl + this.playlistId + url + '?dummy=' + meta + this.getUrl(type); }, send: function(type) { if (('genres' == type) || ('artists' == type) || ('albums' == type)) { handler = ResponseHandler[type]; } else { return; // handler = rsSongs; } new Ajax.Request(this.getFullUrl(type), {method: 'get',onComplete:handler}); } }; var ResponseHandler = { genres: function (request) { ResponseHandler._genreAlbumArtist(request,'genres'); }, artists: function (request) { ResponseHandler._genreAlbumArtist(request,'artists'); }, albums: function (request) { ResponseHandler._genreAlbumArtist(request,'albums'); }, _genreAlbumArtist: function (request,type) { var items = $A(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item')); items = items.collect(function (el) { return Element.textContent(el); }).sort(); var select = $(type); Element.removeChildren(select); var o = document.createElement('option'); o.value = 'all'; o.appendChild(document.createTextNode('All (' + items.length + ' ' + type + ')')); select.appendChild(o); var selected = {}; Query[type].each(function(item) { selected[item] = true; }); Query.clearSelection(type); if (ResponseHandler._addOptions(type,items,selected)) { select.value='all'; } switch (type) { case 'genres': Query.send('artists'); break; case 'artists': Query.send('albums'); break; case 'albums': SelectedRows.clearAll(); g_myLiveGrid.resetContents(); g_myLiveGrid.requestContentRefresh(0); // Query.send('songs'); break; default: alert("Shouldn't happen 3"); break; } }, _addOptions: function (type,options,selected) { el = $(type); var nothingSelected = true; options.each(function (option) { var node; //###FIXME I have no idea why the Builder.node can't create options // with the selected state I want. var o = document.createElement('option'); o.value = option; if (option.length >= BROWSE_TEXT_LEN) { o.title = option; } o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(option)); if (selected[option]) { o.selected = true; nothingSelected = false; Query.addSelection(type,option); } else { o.selected = false; } el.appendChild(o); }); return nothingSelected; } }; function rsSource(request) { var items = $A(request.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('dmap.listingitem')); var sourceSelect = $('source'); var smartPlaylists = []; var staticPlaylists = []; Element.removeChildren(sourceSelect); items.each(function (item,index) { if (0 === index) { // Skip Library return; } if (item.getElementsByTagName('com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist').length > 0) { smartPlaylists.push({name: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemname')[0]), id: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemid')[0])}); } else { staticPlaylists.push({name: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemname')[0]), id: Element.textContent(item.getElementsByTagName('dmap.itemid')[0])}); } }); sourceSelect.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: '1'},'Library')); if (smartPlaylists.length > 0) { optgroup = Builder.node('optgroup',{label: 'Smart playlists'}); smartPlaylists.each(function (item) { var option = document.createElement('option'); optgroup.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: item.id},item.name)); }); sourceSelect.appendChild(optgroup); } if (staticPlaylists.length > 0) { optgroup = Builder.node('optgroup',{label: 'Static playlists',id: 'static_playlists'}); staticPlaylists.each(function (item) { var option = document.createElement('option'); optgroup.appendChild(Builder.node('option',{value: item.id},item.name)); }); sourceSelect.appendChild(optgroup); var options = $('static_playlists').getElementsByTagName("option"); for (var j = 0; j < options.length; j++) { dndMgr.registerDropZone(new CustomDropzone(options[j], $('static_playlists'))); } } // Select Library sourceSelect.value = 1; } SelectedRows = { songId: [], click: function(e) { var tr = Event.findElement(e,'tr'); var id = tr.getAttribute('songid'); if (!id) { return; } if (e.ctrlKey) { if (SelectedRows.isSelected(tr)) { SelectedRows.unsetSelected(tr); } else { SelectedRows.setSelected(tr); } return; } if (e.shiftKey) { return; } if (SelectedRows.isSelected(tr)) { SelectedRows.clearAll(); } else { SelectedRows.clearAll(); SelectedRows.setSelected(tr); } }, isSelected: function (tr) { return SelectedRows.songId[tr.getAttribute('songid')]; }, setSelected: function (tr) { SelectedRows.songId[tr.getAttribute('songid')] = tr.getAttribute('index'); tr.style.backgroundColor = '#8CACBB'; }, unsetSelected: function (tr) { SelectedRows.songId[tr.getAttribute('songid')] = ''; tr.style.backgroundColor = ''; }, clearAll: function () { SelectedRows.songId = []; $A($('songs_data').getElementsByTagName('tr')).each(SelectedRows.unsetSelected); }, updateState: function (tr,songId,index) { if (songId && (index || 0 === index)) { // 0 == false but we want to catch index == 0 tr.setAttribute('songid',songId); tr.setAttribute('index',index); if (SelectedRows.isSelected(tr)) { SelectedRows.setSelected(tr); } else { SelectedRows.unsetSelected(tr); } } else { tr.setAttribute('songid',''); tr.setAttribute('index',''); SelectedRows.unsetSelected(tr); } } }; Object.extend(Element, { removeChildren: function(element) { while(element.hasChildNodes()) { element.removeChild(element.firstChild); } }, textContent: function(node) { if ((!node) || !node.hasChildNodes()) { // Empty text node return ''; } else { if (node.textContent) { // W3C ? return node.textContent; } else if (node.text) { // IE return node.text; } } // We shouldn't end up here; return ''; } }); String.prototype.encode = function () { return encodeURIComponent(this).replace(/\'/g,"\\'"); }; // Stolen from prototype 1.5 String.prototype.truncate = function(length, truncation) { length = length || 30; truncation = truncation === undefined ? '...' : truncation; var ret = (this.length > length) ? this.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : this; return '' + ret; }; /* Detta script finns att hamta pa http://www.jojoxx.net och far anvandas fritt sa lange som dessa rader star kvar. */ function DataDumper(obj,n,prefix){ var str=""; prefix=(prefix)?prefix:""; n=(n)?n+1:1; var ind=""; for(var i=0;i"); } } else { for(var i in obj){ str+=DataDumper(obj[i],n,i+"=>"); } } str+=ind+"]\n"; } return str; }