/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Christian Meffert * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "library.h" #include "cache.h" #include "commands.h" #include "conffile.h" #include "db.h" #include "logger.h" #include "misc.h" #include "listener.h" #include "player.h" #define LIBRARY_MAX_CALLBACKS 16 struct library_callback_register { library_cb cb; void *arg; struct event *ev; }; struct playlist_item_add_param { const char *vp_playlist; const char *vp_item; }; struct queue_item_add_param { const char *path; int position; char reshuffle; uint32_t item_id; int *count; int *new_item_id; }; struct item_param { const char *path; uint32_t id; enum library_attrib attrib; uint32_t value; }; static struct commands_base *cmdbase; static pthread_t tid_library; struct event_base *evbase_lib; extern struct library_source filescanner; #ifdef SPOTIFY extern struct library_source spotifyscanner; #endif extern struct library_source rssscanner; static struct library_source *sources[] = { &filescanner, #ifdef SPOTIFY &spotifyscanner, #endif &rssscanner, NULL }; /* Flag for aborting scan on exit */ static bool scan_exit; /* Flag for scan in progress */ static bool scanning; // After being told by db that the library was updated through // library_update_trigger(), wait 5 seconds before notifying listeners // of LISTENER_DATABASE. This is to catch bulk updates like automated // tag editing, music file imports/renames. This way multiple updates // are collected for a single update notification (useful to avoid // repeated library reads from clients). // // Note: this update delay does not apply to library scans. The scans // use the flag `scanning` for deferring update notifcations. static struct timeval library_update_wait = { 5, 0 }; static struct event *updateev; // Counts the number of changes made to the database between to DATABASE // event notifications static unsigned int deferred_update_notifications; static short deferred_update_events; // Stores callbacks that backends may have requested static struct library_callback_register library_cb_register[LIBRARY_MAX_CALLBACKS]; /* ------------------- CALLED BY LIBRARY SOURCE MODULES -------------------- */ int library_media_save(struct media_file_info *mfi) { int ret; if (!mfi->path || !mfi->fname || !mfi->scan_kind) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Ignoring media file with missing values (path='%s', fname='%s', scan_kind='%d', data_kind='%d')\n", mfi->path, mfi->fname, mfi->scan_kind, mfi->data_kind); return -1; } if (!mfi->directory_id || !mfi->virtual_path) { // Missing informations for virtual_path and directory_id (may) lead to misplaced appearance in mpd clients DPRINTF(E_WARN, L_LIB, "Media file with missing values (path='%s', directory='%d', virtual_path='%s')\n", mfi->path, mfi->directory_id, mfi->virtual_path); } if (mfi->id == 0) ret = db_file_add(mfi); else ret = db_file_update(mfi); return ret; } int library_playlist_save(struct playlist_info *pli) { if (!pli->path || !pli->scan_kind) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Ignoring playlist with missing values (path='%s', scan_kind='%d')\n", pli->path, pli->scan_kind); return -1; } // Missing virtual_path and directory_id (may) lead to misplaced appearance in // mpd clients, but for e.g. spotify:playlistfolder they will not be set if (pli->id == 0) return db_pl_add(pli); else return db_pl_update(pli); } int library_directory_save(char *virtual_path, char *path, int disabled, int parent_id, enum scan_kind scan_kind) { struct directory_info di = { 0 }; int id; int ret; id = db_directory_id_byvirtualpath(virtual_path); di.id = id; di.parent_id = parent_id; di.virtual_path = safe_strdup(virtual_path); di.path = safe_strdup(path); di.disabled = disabled; di.db_timestamp = (uint64_t)time(NULL); di.scan_kind = scan_kind; if (di.id == 0) ret = db_directory_add(&di, &id); else ret = db_directory_update(&di); free_di(&di, 1); if (ret < 0 || id <= 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_DB, "Insert or update of directory failed '%s'\n", virtual_path); return -1; } return id; } static void scheduled_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { struct library_callback_register *cbreg = arg; library_cb cb = cbreg->cb; void *cb_arg = cbreg->arg; // Must reset the register before calling back, otherwise it won't work if the // callback reschedules by calling library_callback_schedule() event_free(cbreg->ev); memset(cbreg, 0, sizeof(struct library_callback_register)); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Executing library callback to %p\n", cb); cb(cb_arg); } int library_callback_schedule(library_cb cb, void *arg, struct timeval *wait, enum library_cb_action action) { struct library_callback_register *cbreg; bool replace_done; int idx_available; int i; for (i = 0, idx_available = -1, replace_done = false; i < ARRAY_SIZE(library_cb_register); i++) { if (idx_available == -1 && library_cb_register[i].cb == NULL) idx_available = i; if (library_cb_register[i].cb != cb) continue; if (action == LIBRARY_CB_REPLACE || action == LIBRARY_CB_ADD_OR_REPLACE) { event_add(library_cb_register[i].ev, wait); library_cb_register[i].arg = arg; replace_done = true; } else if (action == LIBRARY_CB_DELETE) { event_free(library_cb_register[i].ev); memset(&library_cb_register[i], 0, sizeof(struct library_callback_register)); } } if (action == LIBRARY_CB_REPLACE || action == LIBRARY_CB_DELETE || (action == LIBRARY_CB_ADD_OR_REPLACE && replace_done)) { return 0; // All done } else if (idx_available == -1) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Error scheduling callback, register full (size=%d, action=%d)\n", LIBRARY_MAX_CALLBACKS, action); return -1; } cbreg = &library_cb_register[idx_available]; cbreg->cb = cb; cbreg->arg = arg; if (!cbreg->ev) cbreg->ev = evtimer_new(evbase_lib, scheduled_cb, cbreg); CHECK_NULL(L_LIB, cbreg->ev); event_add(cbreg->ev, wait); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Added library callback to %p (id %d), wait %ld.%06ld\n", cbreg->cb, idx_available, (long) wait->tv_sec, (long) wait->tv_usec); return idx_available; } /* ---------------------- LIBRARY ABSTRACTION --------------------- */ /* thread: library */ static bool handle_deferred_update_notifications(void) { time_t update_time; bool ret = (deferred_update_notifications > 0); if (ret) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Database changed (%d changes)\n", deferred_update_notifications); deferred_update_notifications = 0; update_time = time(NULL); db_admin_setint64(DB_ADMIN_DB_UPDATE, (int64_t) update_time); db_admin_setint64(DB_ADMIN_DB_MODIFIED, (int64_t) update_time); } return ret; } static void purge_cruft(time_t start, enum scan_kind scan_kind) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Purging old library content\n"); if (scan_kind > 0) db_purge_cruft_bysource(start, scan_kind); else db_purge_cruft(start); db_groups_cleanup(); db_queue_cleanup(); if (scan_kind <= 0) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Purging old artwork content\n"); cache_artwork_purge_cruft(start); } } static enum command_state rescan(void *arg, int *ret) { enum scan_kind *scan_kind; time_t starttime; time_t endtime; int i; DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library rescan triggered\n"); listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); starttime = time(NULL); scan_kind = arg; for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (!sources[i]->disabled && sources[i]->rescan) { if (*scan_kind > 0 && *scan_kind != sources[i]->scan_kind) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Skipping library source '%s'\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); } else { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Rescan library source '%s'\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); sources[i]->rescan(); } } else { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); } } purge_cruft(starttime, *scan_kind); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Running post library scan jobs\n"); db_hook_post_scan(); endtime = time(NULL); DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library rescan completed in %.f sec (%d changes)\n", difftime(endtime, starttime), deferred_update_notifications); scanning = false; if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE | LISTENER_DATABASE); else listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); *ret = 0; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state metarescan(void *arg, int *ret) { enum scan_kind *scan_kind; time_t starttime; time_t endtime; int i; DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library meta rescan triggered\n"); listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); starttime = time(NULL); scan_kind = arg; for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (!sources[i]->disabled && sources[i]->metarescan) { if (*scan_kind > 0 && *scan_kind != sources[i]->scan_kind) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Skipping library source '%s'\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); } else { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Meta rescan library source '%s'\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); sources[i]->metarescan(); } } else { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); } } purge_cruft(starttime, *scan_kind); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Running post library scan jobs\n"); db_hook_post_scan(); endtime = time(NULL); DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library meta rescan completed in %.f sec (%d changes)\n", difftime(endtime, starttime), deferred_update_notifications); scanning = false; if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE | LISTENER_DATABASE); else listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); *ret = 0; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state fullrescan(void *arg, int *ret) { time_t starttime; time_t endtime; int i; DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library full-rescan triggered\n"); listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); starttime = time(NULL); player_playback_stop(); db_queue_clear(0); db_purge_all(); // Clears files, playlists, playlistitems, inotify and groups, incl RSS for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (!sources[i]->disabled && sources[i]->fullrescan) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Full-rescan library source '%s'\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); sources[i]->fullrescan(); } else { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); } } endtime = time(NULL); DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library full-rescan completed in %.f sec (%d changes)\n", difftime(endtime, starttime), deferred_update_notifications); scanning = false; if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE | LISTENER_DATABASE); else listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); *ret = 0; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state playlist_item_add(void *arg, int *retval) { struct playlist_item_add_param *param = arg; int i; int ret = LIBRARY_ERROR; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Adding item '%s' to playlist '%s'\n", param->vp_item, param->vp_playlist); for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (sources[i]->disabled || !sources[i]->playlist_item_add) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled or does not support playlist_item_add\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); continue; } ret = sources[i]->playlist_item_add(param->vp_playlist, param->vp_item); if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Adding item '%s' to playlist '%s' with library source '%s'\n", param->vp_item, param->vp_playlist, db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); listener_notify(LISTENER_STORED_PLAYLIST); break; } } *retval = ret; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state playlist_remove(void *arg, int *retval) { const char *virtual_path = arg; int i; int ret = LIBRARY_ERROR; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Removing playlist at path '%s'\n", virtual_path); for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (sources[i]->disabled || !sources[i]->playlist_remove) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled or does not support playlist_remove\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); continue; } ret = sources[i]->playlist_remove(virtual_path); if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Removing playlist '%s' with library source '%s'\n", virtual_path, db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); listener_notify(LISTENER_STORED_PLAYLIST); break; } } *retval = ret; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state queue_item_add(void *arg, int *retval) { struct queue_item_add_param *param = arg; int i; int ret; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Add items for path '%s' to the queue\n", param->path); ret = LIBRARY_PATH_INVALID; for (i = 0; sources[i] && ret == LIBRARY_PATH_INVALID; i++) { if (sources[i]->disabled || !sources[i]->queue_item_add) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled or does not support queue_add\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); continue; } ret = sources[i]->queue_item_add(param->path, param->position, param->reshuffle, param->item_id, param->count, param->new_item_id); if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Items for path '%s' from library source '%s' added to the queue\n", param->path, db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); break; } } if (ret != LIBRARY_OK) DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Failed to add items for path '%s' to the queue (%d)\n", param->path, ret); *retval = ret; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state queue_save(void *arg, int *retval) { const char *virtual_path = arg; int i; int ret = LIBRARY_ERROR; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Saving queue to path '%s'\n", virtual_path); for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (sources[i]->disabled || !sources[i]->queue_save) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled or does not support queue_save\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); continue; } ret = sources[i]->queue_save(virtual_path); if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Saving queue to path '%s' with library source '%s'\n", virtual_path, db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); listener_notify(LISTENER_STORED_PLAYLIST); break; } } *retval = ret; return COMMAND_END; } static enum command_state item_add(void *arg, int *retval) { struct item_param *param = arg; int i; int ret = LIBRARY_ERROR; DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Adding item to library '%s'\n", param->path); for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (sources[i]->disabled || !sources[i]->item_add) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Library source '%s' is disabled or does not support add_item\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); continue; } ret = sources[i]->item_add(param->path); if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) { DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Add item to path '%s' with library source '%s'\n", param->path, db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); listener_notify(LISTENER_DATABASE); break; } } scanning = false; if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) { if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE | LISTENER_DATABASE); else listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); } *retval = ret; return COMMAND_END; } static int write_metadata(struct media_file_info *mfi) { int ret; int i; for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (sources[i]->disabled || !sources[i]->write_metadata) continue; ret = sources[i]->write_metadata(mfi); if (ret == LIBRARY_OK) return ret; } return LIBRARY_PATH_INVALID; } static enum command_state item_attrib_save(void *arg, int *retval) { struct item_param *param = arg; struct media_file_info *mfi = NULL; int ret; if (scanning) goto error; mfi = db_file_fetch_byid(param->id); if (!mfi) goto error; *retval = LIBRARY_OK; switch (param->attrib) { case LIBRARY_ATTRIB_RATING: if (param->value > DB_FILES_RATING_MAX) goto error; mfi->rating = param->value; if (cfg_getbool(cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"), "write_rating")) *retval = write_metadata(mfi); listener_notify(LISTENER_RATING); break; case LIBRARY_ATTRIB_USERMARK: mfi->usermark = param->value; break; case LIBRARY_ATTRIB_PLAY_COUNT: mfi->play_count = param->value; break; case LIBRARY_ATTRIB_SKIP_COUNT: mfi->skip_count = param->value; break; case LIBRARY_ATTRIB_TIME_PLAYED: mfi->time_played = param->value; break; case LIBRARY_ATTRIB_TIME_SKIPPED: mfi->time_skipped = param->value; break; default: goto error; } ret = db_file_update(mfi); if (ret < 0) goto error; free_mfi(mfi, 0); return COMMAND_END; error: DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Error updating attribute %d to %d for file with id %d\n", param->attrib, param->value, param->id); *retval = LIBRARY_ERROR; free_mfi(mfi, 0); return COMMAND_END; } // Callback to notify listeners of database changes static void update_trigger_cb(int fd, short what, void *arg) { if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) { listener_notify(deferred_update_events); deferred_update_events = 0; } } static enum command_state update_trigger(void *arg, int *retval) { short *events = arg; ++deferred_update_notifications; deferred_update_events |= *events; // Only add the timer event if the update occurred outside a (init-/re-/fullre-) scan. // The scanning functions take care of notifying clients of database changes directly // after the scan finished. if (!scanning) evtimer_add(updateev, &library_update_wait); *retval = 0; return COMMAND_END; } /* ----------------------- LIBRARY EXTERNAL INTERFACE ---------------------- */ void library_rescan(enum scan_kind scan_kind) { int *param; if (scanning) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Scan already running, ignoring request to trigger a new init scan\n"); return; } scanning = true; param = malloc(sizeof(int)); *param = scan_kind; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, rescan, param); } void library_metarescan(enum scan_kind scan_kind) { int *param; if (scanning) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Scan already running, ignoring request to trigger metadata scan\n"); return; } scanning = true; param = malloc(sizeof(int)); *param = scan_kind; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, metarescan, param); } void library_fullrescan() { if (scanning) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Scan already running, ignoring request to trigger a new full rescan\n"); return; } scanning = true; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, fullrescan, NULL); } static void initscan() { time_t starttime; time_t endtime; bool clear_queue_disabled; int i; scanning = true; starttime = time(NULL); listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); // Only clear the queue if enabled (default) in config clear_queue_disabled = cfg_getbool(cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"), "clear_queue_on_stop_disable"); /* Handle deprecated config options */ if (0 < cfg_opt_size(cfg_getopt(cfg_getsec(cfg, "mpd"), "clear_queue_on_stop_disable"))) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_MPD, "Found deprecated option 'clear_queue_on_stop_disable' in section 'mpd', please update configuration file (move option to section 'library').\n"); clear_queue_disabled = cfg_getbool(cfg_getsec(cfg, "mpd"), "clear_queue_on_stop_disable"); } if (!clear_queue_disabled) { db_queue_clear(0); } for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (!sources[i]->disabled && sources[i]->initscan) sources[i]->initscan(); } if (! (cfg_getbool(cfg_getsec(cfg, "library"), "filescan_disable"))) { purge_cruft(starttime, 0); DPRINTF(E_DBG, L_LIB, "Running post library scan jobs\n"); db_hook_post_scan(); } endtime = time(NULL); DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Library init scan completed in %.f sec (%d changes)\n", difftime(endtime, starttime), deferred_update_notifications); scanning = false; if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE | LISTENER_DATABASE); else listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); } bool library_is_scanning() { return scanning; } void library_set_scanning(bool is_scanning) { scanning = is_scanning; } bool library_is_exiting() { return scan_exit; } void library_update_trigger(short update_events) { short *events; int ret; pthread_t current_thread = pthread_self(); if (pthread_equal(current_thread, tid_library)) { // We are already running in the library thread, it is safe to directly call update_trigger update_trigger(&update_events, &ret); } else { events = malloc(sizeof(short)); *events = update_events; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, update_trigger, events); } } int library_playlist_item_add(const char *vp_playlist, const char *vp_item) { struct playlist_item_add_param param; if (library_is_scanning()) return -1; param.vp_playlist = vp_playlist; param.vp_item = vp_item; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, playlist_item_add, NULL, ¶m); } int library_playlist_remove(char *virtual_path) { if (library_is_scanning()) return -1; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, playlist_remove, NULL, virtual_path); } int library_playlist_remove_byid(int pl_id) { if (scanning) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Scan already running, ignoring request to remove playlist '%d'\n", pl_id); return -1; } db_pl_delete(pl_id); if (handle_deferred_update_notifications()) listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE | LISTENER_DATABASE); else listener_notify(LISTENER_UPDATE); return 0; } int library_queue_save(char *path) { if (library_is_scanning()) return -1; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, queue_save, NULL, path); } int library_queue_item_add(const char *path, int position, char reshuffle, uint32_t item_id, int *count, int *new_item_id) { struct queue_item_add_param param; int count_internal; int new_item_id_internal; if (library_is_scanning()) return -1; param.path = path; param.position = position; param.reshuffle = reshuffle; param.item_id = item_id; param.count = count ? count : &count_internal; param.new_item_id = new_item_id ? new_item_id : &new_item_id_internal; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, queue_item_add, NULL, ¶m); } int library_item_add(const char *path) { struct item_param param; if (scanning) { DPRINTF(E_INFO, L_LIB, "Scan already running, ignoring request to add item '%s'\n", path); return -1; } scanning = true; param.path = path; return commands_exec_sync(cmdbase, item_add, NULL, ¶m); } void library_item_attrib_save(uint32_t id, enum library_attrib attrib, uint32_t value) { struct item_param *param; param = malloc(sizeof(struct item_param)); param->id = id; param->attrib = attrib; param->value = value; commands_exec_async(cmdbase, item_attrib_save, param); } struct library_source ** library_sources(void) { return sources; } int library_exec_async(command_function func, void *arg) { return commands_exec_async(cmdbase, func, arg); } static void * library(void *arg) { int ret; #ifdef __linux__ struct sched_param param; /* Lower the priority of the thread so the server may still respond * during library scan on low power devices. Param must be 0 for the SCHED_BATCH * policy. */ memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(struct sched_param)); ret = pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), SCHED_BATCH, ¶m); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Warning: Could not set thread priority to SCHED_BATCH\n"); } #endif ret = db_perthread_init(); if (ret < 0) { DPRINTF(E_LOG, L_LIB, "Error: DB init failed\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); } initscan(); event_base_dispatch(evbase_lib); if (!scan_exit) DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_LIB, "Scan event loop terminated ahead of time!\n"); db_hook_post_scan(); db_perthread_deinit(); pthread_exit(NULL); } /* Thread: main */ int library_init(void) { int i; int ret; scan_exit = false; scanning = false; CHECK_NULL(L_LIB, evbase_lib = event_base_new()); CHECK_NULL(L_LIB, updateev = evtimer_new(evbase_lib, update_trigger_cb, NULL)); for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (!sources[i]->initscan || !sources[i]->rescan || !sources[i]->metarescan || !sources[i]->fullrescan) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_LIB, "BUG: library source '%s' is missing a scanning method\n", db_scan_kind_label(sources[i]->scan_kind)); return -1; } if (sources[i]->init && !sources[i]->disabled) { ret = sources[i]->init(); if (ret < 0) sources[i]->disabled = 1; } } CHECK_NULL(L_LIB, cmdbase = commands_base_new(evbase_lib, NULL)); CHECK_ERR(L_LIB, pthread_create(&tid_library, NULL, library, NULL)); thread_setname(tid_library, "library"); return 0; } /* Thread: main */ void library_deinit() { int i; int ret; scan_exit = true; commands_base_destroy(cmdbase); ret = pthread_join(tid_library, NULL); if (ret != 0) { DPRINTF(E_FATAL, L_LIB, "Could not join library thread: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } for (i = 0; sources[i]; i++) { if (sources[i]->deinit && !sources[i]->disabled) sources[i]->deinit(); } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(library_cb_register); i++) { if (library_cb_register[i].ev) event_free(library_cb_register[i].ev); } event_free(updateev); event_base_free(evbase_lib); }