Anders Betnér
Switched playlist.html from DAAP XML requests to RSP.
This is quite a bit of a fast hack, just to se if it works.
2006-05-03 19:03:33 +00:00
Anders Betnér
Added a spinner closes #34
Started work on #60 you can select songs by clicking and ctrl-clicking
(can't do anything with the selected songs though)
2006-04-20 21:30:47 +00:00
Anders Betnér
* added a somewhat flaky spinner, will make it more smooth later
* started work on selectable songs in songlist
* removed unused code in playlist.js
2006-04-18 20:23:19 +00:00
Anders Betnér
playlist.html: Put songid as a row attribute in songlist
2006-04-17 21:13:28 +00:00
Anders Betnér
Removed genre from songlist.
2006-04-14 05:34:47 +00:00
Anders Betnér
Change all element.firstChild.nodeValue to
Element.textContent(element) to fix bug #58
2006-04-11 07:22:34 +00:00
Anders Betnér
playlist.html: The livegrid works you can scroll up and down,
but songnames etc are truncated to 10 chars to prevent
the rows from expanding their heights.
I have to do something about the layout to get more room.
2006-04-08 23:57:40 +00:00
Anders Betnér
playlist.html: changed display of song time from ms to
2006-04-08 20:37:06 +00:00
Anders Betnér
First incarnation of playlist scrolling with Openrico Livegrid.
If you open playlist.html and without selecting anything head
to the song list scroller you can scroll in your song list. With
rows fetched dynamicly from the server.
A lot of things are broken, but the scrolling works!
2006-04-08 19:48:18 +00:00
Anders Betnér
Added rico.js to the javascript libraries
Added rename playlist functionality. (click wait click on a playlist,
type new name hit return) WARNING this will remove the smart playlist
spec, use it only on static playlists (which you can't even add through
the web interface)
2006-03-27 20:26:12 +00:00
Anders Betnér
Autoconf is supposed to make life easy, I guess that
is only true if someone else sets it up for you.
Here's my fumbly finger approach to get it right.
2006-03-23 10:38:11 +00:00
Ron Pedde
automake sucks
2006-03-22 23:48:13 +00:00
Anders Betnér
First steps towards a web based static playlist editor.
Not so functional at the moment.
2006-03-21 21:59:18 +00:00