Extend conditions identifying podcasts (media_kind=4)

- if path contains "/Podcasts/"
- if iTunes XML says it's a podcast
This commit is contained in:
ejurgensen 2013-10-21 22:52:04 +02:00
parent c70496bb58
commit c935f8cc3b
2 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -617,6 +617,10 @@ scan_metadata_ffmpeg(char *file, struct media_file_info *mfi)
mfi->media_kind = 2;
/* Podcasts are either media_kind 4, 6 or 7 - unsure what the difference is */
else if (mfi->path && strstr(mfi->path, "/Podcasts/"))
mfi->media_kind = 4;
else if ((mdcount > 0) && mfi->genre && (strcmp(mfi->genre,"Podcast") == 0))
mfi->media_kind = 4;

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@ -419,6 +419,13 @@ process_track_file(plist_t trk)
/* Set media_kind to 4 (Podcast) if Podcast is true */
ret = get_dictval_bool_from_key(trk, "Podcast", &boolean);
if ((ret == 0) && boolean)
mfi->media_kind = 4;
/* Don't let album_artist set to "Unknown artist" if we've
* filled artist from the iTunes data in the meantime