diff --git a/src/httpd_daap.c b/src/httpd_daap.c index b4e2d8ca..f9e9850c 100644 --- a/src/httpd_daap.c +++ b/src/httpd_daap.c @@ -76,245 +76,245 @@ struct dmap_field_map { static struct dmap_field_map dmap_fields[] = { { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "miid", "dmap.itemid", - dbmfi_offsetof(id), dbpli_offsetof(id) }, + dbmfi_offsetof(id), dbpli_offsetof(id) }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "minm", "dmap.itemname", - dbmfi_offsetof(title), dbpli_offsetof(title) }, + dbmfi_offsetof(title), dbpli_offsetof(title) }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "mikd", "dmap.itemkind", - dbmfi_offsetof(item_kind), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(item_kind), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LONG, "mper", "dmap.persistentid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mcon", "dmap.container", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mcti", "dmap.containeritemid", - dbmfi_offsetof(id), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(id), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mpco", "dmap.parentcontainerid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mstt", "dmap.status", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "msts", "dmap.statusstring", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mimc", "dmap.itemcount", - -1, dbpli_offsetof(items) }, + -1, dbpli_offsetof(items) }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mctc", "dmap.containercount", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mrco", "dmap.returnedcount", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mtco", "dmap.specifiedtotalcount", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mlcl", "dmap.listing", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mlit", "dmap.listingitem", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mbcl", "dmap.bag", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mdcl", "dmap.dictionary", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "msrv", "dmap.serverinforesponse", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msau", "dmap.authenticationmethod", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "mslr", "dmap.loginrequired", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_VERSION, "mpro", "dmap.protocolversion", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msal", "dmap.supportsautologout", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msup", "dmap.supportsupdate", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "mspi", "dmap.supportspersistentids", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msex", "dmap.supportsextensions", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msbr", "dmap.supportsbrowse", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msqy", "dmap.supportsquery", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msix", "dmap.supportsindex", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msrs", "dmap.supportsresolve", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mstm", "dmap.timeoutinterval", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "msdc", "dmap.databasescount", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mlog", "dmap.loginresponse", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mlid", "dmap.sessionid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mupd", "dmap.updateresponse", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "musr", "dmap.serverrevision", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "muty", "dmap.updatetype", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mudl", "dmap.deletedidlisting", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "mccr", "dmap.contentcodesresponse", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "mcnm", "dmap.contentcodesnumber", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "mcna", "dmap.contentcodesname", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "mcty", "dmap.contentcodestype", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_VERSION, "apro", "daap.protocolversion", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "avdb", "daap.serverdatabases", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "abro", "daap.databasebrowse", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "abal", "daap.browsealbumlisting", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "abar", "daap.browseartistlisting", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "abcp", "daap.browsecomposerlisting", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "abgn", "daap.browsegenrelisting", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "adbs", "daap.databasesongs", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asal", "daap.songalbum", - dbmfi_offsetof(album), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(album), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asar", "daap.songartist", - dbmfi_offsetof(artist), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(artist), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "asbt", "daap.songbeatsperminute", - dbmfi_offsetof(bpm), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(bpm), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "asbr", "daap.songbitrate", - dbmfi_offsetof(bitrate), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(bitrate), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "ascm", "daap.songcomment", - dbmfi_offsetof(comment), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(comment), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "asco", "daap.songcompilation", - dbmfi_offsetof(compilation), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(compilation), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "ascp", "daap.songcomposer", - dbmfi_offsetof(composer), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(composer), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_DATE, "asda", "daap.songdateadded", - dbmfi_offsetof(time_added), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(time_added), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_DATE, "asdm", "daap.songdatemodified", - dbmfi_offsetof(time_modified), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(time_modified), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "asdc", "daap.songdisccount", - dbmfi_offsetof(total_discs), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(total_discs), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "asdn", "daap.songdiscnumber", - dbmfi_offsetof(disc), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(disc), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "asdb", "daap.songdisabled", - dbmfi_offsetof(disabled), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(disabled), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "aseq", "daap.songeqpreset", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asfm", "daap.songformat", - dbmfi_offsetof(type), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(type), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asgn", "daap.songgenre", - dbmfi_offsetof(genre), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(genre), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asdt", "daap.songdescription", - dbmfi_offsetof(description), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(description), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_UBYTE, "asrv", "daap.songrelativevolume", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "assr", "daap.songsamplerate", - dbmfi_offsetof(samplerate), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(samplerate), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "assz", "daap.songsize", - dbmfi_offsetof(file_size), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(file_size), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "asst", "daap.songstarttime", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "assp", "daap.songstoptime", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "astm", "daap.songtime", - dbmfi_offsetof(song_length), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(song_length), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "astc", "daap.songtrackcount", - dbmfi_offsetof(total_tracks), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(total_tracks), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "astn", "daap.songtracknumber", - dbmfi_offsetof(track), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(track), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "asur", "daap.songuserrating", - dbmfi_offsetof(rating), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(rating), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_SHORT, "asyr", "daap.songyear", - dbmfi_offsetof(year), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(year), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "asdk", "daap.songdatakind", - dbmfi_offsetof(data_kind), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(data_kind), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asul", "daap.songdataurl", - dbmfi_offsetof(url), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(url), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "aply", "daap.databaseplaylists", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "abpl", "daap.baseplaylist", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "apso", "daap.playlistsongs", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "arsv", "daap.resolve", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_LIST, "arif", "daap.resolveinfo", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeNV", "com.apple.itunes.norm-volume", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aeSP", "com.apple.itunes.smart-playlist", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, /* iTunes 4.5+ */ #if 0 /* Duplicate: type changed to INT in iTunes 6.0.4 */ { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "msas", "dmap.authenticationschemes", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, #endif { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "ascd", "daap.songcodectype", - dbmfi_offsetof(codectype), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(codectype), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "ascs", "daap.songcodecsubtype", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "agrp", "daap.songgrouping", - dbmfi_offsetof(grouping), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(grouping), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeSV", "com.apple.itunes.music-sharing-version", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aePI", "com.apple.itunes.itms-playlistid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeCI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-composerid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeGI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-genreid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeAI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-artistid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeSI", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-songid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeSF", "com.apple.iTunes.itms-storefrontid", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, /* iTunes 5.0+ */ { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "ascr", "daap.songcontentrating", - dbmfi_offsetof(contentrating), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(contentrating), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "f" "\x8d" "ch", "dmap.haschildcontainers", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, /* iTunes 6.0.2+ */ { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aeHV", "com.apple.itunes.has-video", - dbmfi_offsetof(has_video), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(has_video), -1 }, /* iTunes 6.0.4+ */ { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "msas", "dmap.authenticationschemes", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asct", "daap.songcategory", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "ascn", "daap.songcontentdescription", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "aslc", "daap.songlongcontentdescription", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "asky", "daap.songkeywords", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "apsm", "daap.playlistshufflemode", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aprm", "daap.playlistrepeatmode", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aePC", "com.apple.itunes.is-podcast", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aePP", "com.apple.itunes.is-podcast-playlist", - -1, -1 }, + -1, -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aeMK", "com.apple.itunes.mediakind", - dbmfi_offsetof(media_kind), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(media_kind), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_BYTE, "aeMk", "com.apple.itunes.mediakind.lower", - dbmfi_offsetof(media_kind), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(media_kind), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "aeSN", "com.apple.itunes.series-name", - dbmfi_offsetof(tv_series_name),-1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(tv_series_name), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "aeNN", "com.apple.itunes.network-name", - dbmfi_offsetof(tv_network_name),-1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(tv_network_name), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_STRING, "aeEN", "com.apple.itunes.episode-num-str", - dbmfi_offsetof(tv_episode_num_str),-1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(tv_episode_num_str), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeES", "com.apple.itunes.episode-sort", - dbmfi_offsetof(tv_episode_sort),-1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(tv_episode_sort), -1 }, { 0, DMAP_TYPE_INT, "aeSU", "com.apple.itunes.season-num", - dbmfi_offsetof(tv_season_num), -1 }, + dbmfi_offsetof(tv_season_num), -1 }, { 0, 0, "", NULL, - -1, -1 } + -1, -1 } }; /* Default meta tags if not provided in the query */