mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:00:58 -04:00
Add translation files necessary for i18n
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(beschikbaar als Firefly aktief is)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< niet localizeren >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<onbekend>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Uitgebreide configuratie opties zijn beschikbaar via Firefly's ingebouwde web pagina. Available when Firefly is running.";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Uitgebreid";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Aanbrengen";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "toekennen Server Poort:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automatisch";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automatisch, als ik aanlog";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Box";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Bladeren...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Firefly Server Versie:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly is uitgeschakeld";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "Algemeen";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Plaats van de Bibliotheek:";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Log";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Handmatig";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Open Web Pagina";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "Andere mogelijkheden";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Prefs Panel Versie:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Password verplicht:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Naam van de Share:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Toon Firefly menu in menu balk";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Start Firefly";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Start server:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "De Firefly muziek server shared je muziek bibliotheek met andere computers en compatible aparaten op het locale netwerk.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%1$@'s Firefly op %2$@";
/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(beschikbaar als Firefly aktief is)";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Uitgebreide configuratie opties zijn beschikbaar via Firefly's ingebouwde web pagina. Available when Firefly is running.";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Extra configuratie opties zijn beschikbaar via Firefly's ingebouwde web pagina. Click om deze pagina in een browser te openen.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Er is een onverwacht probleem opgetreden tijdens het bepalen van de status van de Firefly server. Sluit het window en re-open dit Preference pane, en probeer het opnieuw.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Er is een onverwacht probleem bij het starten van Firefly. Sluit en heropen dit Preference pane en probeer het opnieuw.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Er is een onverwacht proiblem opgetreden bij het stoppen van Firefly. Sluit het Preference paneen probeer het opnieuw.";
/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Aanbrengen";
/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Breng configuratie wijzigingen aan?";
/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Anuleren";
/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Bezig Firefly status te controleren…";
/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Keuze";
/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Kies plaats voor bibliotheek";
/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Communicatie met de Firefly Helper is gestopt. Sluit en heropen dit Preference pane en probeer het opnieuw.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Configuratie fout";
/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Niet aanbrengen";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "Als gevolg van een onverwachte fout kunnen de wijzigingen niet aangebracht worden.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Aanbrengen wijzigingen mislukt";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Opslaan wijzigingen mislukt";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly lijkt verkeerd geinstalleerd of beschadigd. Raadpleeg de documentatie.\n\n";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly kan niet opgestart worden omdat de wijzigingen niet opgeslagen konden worden";
/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "de Firefly map kan niet gevonden of aangemaakt worden op: %@";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Firefly kon niet opgestart worden";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly is niet aktief";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly word opnieuw gestart";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly is aktief";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly is bezig de bibliotheek te scannen";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly is aan het opstarten";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly is bezig met stoppen";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "De statuts van Firefly is onbekend";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly is onverwacht gestopt";
/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Onjuist poort nummer";
/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Ongeldige waarde";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Bibliotheek map kan niet gevonden in de user map";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Verbinding met Firefly Helper verloren gegaan";
/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Ontbrekende bibliotheek naam";
/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Password ontbreekt";
/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Voer een bibliotheek naam in";
/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Vul een password in, of un-check de password checkbox";
/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Enter een port nummer tussen 1024 en 65535, of kies \"Automatisch\" in het pop-up menu";
/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Selecteer de map die de muziek bibliotheek bevat, en klik Kies.";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Start Firefly";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Stop Firefly";
/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Het configuratie bestand is aanwezig, maar niet beschrijfbaar: %@";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper.";
/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Het log bestand is niet aangemaakt.";
/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Het log bestand is leeg.";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "Aanmaken van een default configuratie bestand op: %@ mislukt";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Het is niet mogelijk om de Application Support map te vinden of aan te maken";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Onmogelijk server status te bepalen";
/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "De configuratie informatie kan niet gelezen worden";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Firefly kon niet gestart worden";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Het stoppen van Firefly is niet mogelijk";
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(available when Firefly is running)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<unknown>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Advanced";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Apply Now";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "Assign Server Port:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automatically";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automatically, when I log in";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Box";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Browse...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Firefly Server Version:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly is disabled";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "General";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Library Location:";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Log";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Manually";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Open Web Page";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "OtherViews";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Prefs Panel Version:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Require Password:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Shared Name:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Show Firefly menu in menu bar";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Start Firefly";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Start server:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.";
Normal file
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Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(disponible lorsque Firefly est démarré)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<unknown>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "D'autres options de configuration additionnelles sont disponible depuis la page Web incluse dans Firefly. Disponible lorsque Firefly est démarré.";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Avancé";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Appliquer Maintenant";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "Assigner un Port au Serveur:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automatiquement";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automatiquement, lorsque je m'authentifie";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Boîte";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Parcourir...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Version du Serveru Firefly:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly est désactivé";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "Général";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Localisation de la Bibliothèque:";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Log";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Manuellement";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Ouvrir la page Web";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "Autres Vues";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Version du Paneau de Prefs:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Mot de passe requis:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Nom de partage:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Afficher le menu Firefly dans la barre de menu";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Démarrer Firefly";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Démarrer le serveur:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "Le serveur de musique Firefly partage votre bibliothèque musicale avec d'autres ordinateurs et les périphériques compatibles du réseau local.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%1$@ de Firefly sur %2$@";
/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(disponible lorsque Firefly est démarré)";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "D'autres options de configuration additionnelles sont disponible depuis la page Web incluse dans Firefly. Disponible lorsque Firefly est démarré.";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "D'autres options de configuration additionnelles sont disponible depuis la page Web incluse dans Firefly. Cliquez pour ouvrir la page dans votre navigateur.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite pendant l'obtention du status du serveur Firefly. Veuillez fermer puis ré-ouvrir cette Préférence, et essayez à nouveau.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite pendant le démarrage de Firefly. Veuillez fermer puis ré-ouvrir cette Préférence, et essayez à nouveau.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite pendant l'arrêt de Firefly. Veuillez fermer puis ré-ouvrir cette Préférence, et essayez à nouveau.";
/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Appliquer";
/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Appliquer les changements de configuration?";
/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Vérification du status de Firefly…";
/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Choisissez";
/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Choisissez l'emplacement de la bibliothèque";
/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "La communication avec l'Aide Firefly a été perdue. Veuillez fermer puis ré-ouvrir cette Préférence, et essayez à nouveau.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Erreur de configuration";
/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Ne pas appliquer";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "Dû à une erreur inatendue, vos changements n'ont pas pu être appliquées.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Impossible d'appliquer les changements";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Impossible de sauver les changements";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly semble être incorrectement installé ou endommagé. Veuillez consulter la documentation.\n\n";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly peut ne pas démarrer parce que vos changements peuvent ne pas être sauvés";
/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "Le répertoire de Firefly ne peut être trouvé ou crée sur: %@";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Firefly n'a pas pu démarrer";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly n'est pas démarré";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly redémarre";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly est démarré";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly parcours la bibliothèque";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly démarre";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly est arrêté";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "Le status de Firefly est inconnu";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly s'est arrêté inopinément";
/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Numéro de port Invalide";
/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Valeur invalide";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Le répertoire contenant la bibliothèque n'a pas pu être trouvé dans le répertoire utilisateur";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Perte de contact avec l'Aide de Firefly";
/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Nom de bibliothèque manquant";
/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Mot de passe manquant";
/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Veuillez entrer un nom de bibliothèque";
/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Veuillez entrer un mot de passe, ou déselectionnez la checkbox du mot de passe";
/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Veuillez entrer un numéro de port entre 1024 et 65535, ou choisissez \"Automatic\" depuis le menu pop-up";
/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Veuillez sélectionner le dossier contennant votre bibliothèque musicale, puis cliquez sur Choisir.";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Démarrer Firefly";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Arrêter Firefly";
/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Le fichier de configuration est présent, mais est protégé en écriture: %@";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "L'installation de Firefly semble endommagée. Impossible de localiser l'Aide de Firefly.";
/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Le fichier de log n'a pas été crée.";
/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Le fichier de log est vide.";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "impossible de créer un fichier de configuraion par défaut sur: %@";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Impossible de trouver ou de créer le dossier de support de l'application";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Impossible d'obtenir le status du serveur";
/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "impossible de lire les informations de configuration information";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Impossible de démarrer Firefly";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Impossible d'arrêter Firefly";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(verfügbar wenn Firefly gestartet ist)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<unbekannt>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Erweiterte Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten befinden sich auf der eingebauten Firefly Website. Sie ist verfügbar, wenn Firefly gestartet wurde.";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Erweitert";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Übernehmen";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "Portnummer zuweisen:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automatisch";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automatisch, bei der Anmeldung";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Box";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Durchsuchen...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Firefly Server Version:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly ist deaktiviert";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "Allgemein";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Pfad zur Bibliothek";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Log";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Manuell";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Website öffnen";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "OtherViews";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Prefs Panel Version:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Benötigt Passwort:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Freigabename:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Firefly Menü in der Menüleiste anzeigen";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Firefly starten";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Server starten:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "Der Firefly Musik Server kann Ihre Musik mit anderen Computern und anderen kompatiblen Geräten im Netzwerk freigeben.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%1$@'s Firefly auf %2$@";
/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(verfügbar wenn Firefly gestartet ist)";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Erweiterte Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten befinden sich auf der eingebauten Firefly Website. Sie ist verfügbar, wenn Firefly gestartet wurde.";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Erweiterte Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten gibt es auf der eingebauten Website von Firefly. Klicken Sie um diese Site in Ihrem Browser zu öffnen.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Der Status von Firefly ist unbekannt. Bitte schliessen Sie dieses Fenster und versuchen Sie es erneut.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "in Fehler ist aufgetreten. Firefly konnte nicht gestartet werden. Bitte schliessen Sie dieses Fenster, und versuchen Sie es erneut.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Firefly konnte nicht beendet werden. Bitte schliessen Sie dieses Fenster, und versuchen Sie es erneut.";
/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Übernehmen";
/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Änderungen übernehmen?";
/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Abbrechen";
/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Überprüfe Status von Firefly…";
/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Auswählen";
/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Wählen Sie den Ort der Bibliothek";
/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Die Verbindung zum Firefly Helfer wurde verloren. Schliessen Sie dieses Fenster und versuchen Sie es erneut.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Fehler beim Konfigurieren";
/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Nicht übernehmen";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "Aufgrund eines Fehlers konnten die Änderungen nicht übernommen werden.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Fehler beim Übernehmen der Änderungen";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Fehler beim Speichern";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly ist fehlerhaft installiert oder beschädigt. Bitte lesen Sie die Dokumentation.\n\n";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly konnte nicht gestartet werden weil die Änderungen nicht gespeichert werden konnten.";
/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "Firefly-Ordner konnte nicht gefunden bzw. erstellt werden: %@";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Starten von Firefly fehlgeschlagen";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly ist nicht gestartet";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly wird neu gestartet";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly ist gestartet";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly durchsucht die Musikbibliothek";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly wird gestartet";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly wird beendet";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "Der Status von Firefly ist unbekannt";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly wurde unerwartet beendet";
/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Ungültige Portnummer";
/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Ungültiger Wert";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Die Bibliothek konnte nicht im Benutzerordner gefunden werden.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Verbindung zum Firefly Helfer verloren";
/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Bibliothekname fehlt";
/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Passwort fehlt";
/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Bitte geben Sie einen Namen der Bibliothek ein";
/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein, oder entfernen Sie das Häkchen";
/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Bitte wählen Sie eine Portnummer zwischen 1024 und 65535, oder wählen Sie \"Automatisch\" aus dem Menü";
/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Wählen Sie den Ordner, der Ihre Musik enthält. Drücken Sie dann Auswählen.";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Firefly starten";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Firefly beenden";
/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Die Konfigurationsdatei ist vorhanden, aber schreibgeschützt: %@";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "Die Firefly Installation scheint fehlerhaft zu sein. Kann Firefly Helfer nicht finden.";
/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Eine Logdatei existiert nicht.";
/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Die Logdatei ist leer.";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "Fehler beim erstellen der Standardkonfiguration in: %@";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Kann Anwendungsdaten-Ordner nicht finden";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Fehler beim Überprüfen des Status von Firefly";
/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "Fehler beim Lesen der Konfigurationsdatei";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Fehler beim Starten von Firefly";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Firefly konnte nicht beendet werden";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(disponibile quando Firefly è avviato)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<unknown>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Ulteriori opzioni di configurazione sono disponibili nella pagina web di controllo di Firefly (disponibile solo quando Firefly è avviato).";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Avanzata";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Applica";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "Imposta la porta per il server:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automaticamente";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automaticamente, durante il login";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Box";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Sfoglia...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Versione di Firefly Server:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly è disattivato";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "Generale";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Ubicazione della libreria:";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Log";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Manuale";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Apri la pagina web";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "OtherViews";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Versione del pannello di controllo:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Richiedi Password:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Nome condiviso:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Mostra il menu di Firefly nella barra dei menu";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Avvia Firefly";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Avvia il server:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "Il server di musica Firefly condivide la tua libreria musicale con altri computers e lettori compatibili che si trovano sulla rete locale.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "Firefly di %1$@ su %2$@";
/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(disponibile quando Firefly è avviato)";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Ulteriori opzioni di configurazione sono disponibili nella pagina web di controllo di Firefly (disponibile solo quando Firefly è avviato).";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Ulteriori opzioni di configurazione sono disponibili nella pagina web di controllo di Firefly. Fare click per aprirla con il tuo browser.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Si è verificato un errore nel controllare lo stato di Firefly server. Per favore chiudere il pannello di controllo, aprirlo di nuovo e riprovare.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Si è verificato un errore inaspettato nell'avviare Firefly. Per favore chiudere il pannello di controllo, aprirlo di nuovo e riprovare.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Si è verificato un errore nell'arrestare Firefly. Per favore chiudere il pannello di controllo, aprirlo di nuovo e riprovare.";
/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Applica";
/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Applicare le modifiche alla configurazione?";
/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Annulla";
/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Controllo dello stato di Firefly…";
/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Scegli";
/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Scegliere l'ubicazione per la libreria";
/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Comunicazione interrotta con Firefly Helper. Per favore chiudere il pannello di controllo, aprirlo di nuovo e riprovare.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Errore di configurazione";
/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Non applicare";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "A causa di un errore inaspettato, le modifiche non possono essere applicate.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Impossibile salvare le modifiche";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Impossibile salvare le modifiche";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly sembra essere danneggiato o installato non correttamente. Cortesemente consultare la documentazione.\n\n";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly non può essere avviato in quanto non è possibile salvare le modifiche";
/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "Impossibile trovare o creare la cartella di Firefly: %@";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Impossibile avviare Firefly";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly non è attivo";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly è in fase di riavvio";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly è attivo";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly sta analizzando la libreria";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly è in fase di avvio";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly è in fase di arresto";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "Lo stato di Firefly è sconosciuto";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly si è arrestato inaspettatamente";
/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Numero di porta non valido";
/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Valore non valido";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Impossibile trovare la cartella con la libreria di sistema nella cartella dell'utente";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Perso il contatto con Firefly Helper";
/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Nome della libreria mancante";
/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Password mancante";
/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Inserire un nome per la libreria";
/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Inserire una password, oppure rimuovere il visto dal corrispondente checkbox";
/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Scegliere una porta tra 1024 e 65535, oppure scegliere \"Automatico\" dal menu";
/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Selezionare la cartella contentente la libreria musicale, quindi premere Scegli.";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Avvia Firefly";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Arresta Firefly";
/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Il file di configurazione è presente, ma non è possibile l'accesso in scrittura: %@";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "L'installazione di Firefly sembra essere danneggiata. Impossibile localizzare Firefly Helper.";
/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Il file di log non è stato creato.";
/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Il file di log è vuoto.";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "Impossibile creare il file di configurazione in: %@";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Impossibile trovare o creare la cartella di supporto per l'applicazione";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Impossibile determinare lo stato del server";
/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "Impossibile leggere la configurazione";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Impossibile avviare Firefly";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Impossibile arrestare Firefly";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(Firefly サーバが実行中のみに表示)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<unknown>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Firefly の内蔵ウェブページによって、詳細の設定を変更することができます。Firefly が実行中のみに使用することができます。 Available when Firefly is running.";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "詳細";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "今すぐ適用";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "サーバポート番号の指定:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "自動的";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "ログイン時に自動的に開始";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "ボックス";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "ブラウズ...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Firefly サーババージョン:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly は切です";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "一般";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "ライブラリフォルダ:";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Log";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "手動";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "ページを開く";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "OtherViews";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "環境設定パネルのバージョン:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "パスワードで保護:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "ライブラリ名:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Firefly をメニューバーで表示";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Firefly を開始";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "サーバを開始:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "Firefly ミュージックサーバはお使いのコンピュータに保存した音楽をネットワーク上のコンピュータやその他の対応しているデバイスと共有します。";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%2$@ 上の %1$@ のライブラリ";
/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(Firefly サーバが実行中のみに表示)";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Firefly の内蔵ウェブページによって、詳細の設定を変更することができます。Firefly が実行中のみに使用することができます。 Available when Firefly is running.";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Firefly の内蔵ウェブページによって、詳細の設定を変更することができます。「ページを開く」ボタンをクリックして、ブラウザでそのウェブページを開きます。";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Firefly サーバの状態を検査中に、予期しないエラーが発生しました。この環境設定パネルを閉じて、再び開いて、もう一度やり直してください。";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Firefly サーバを開始中に、予期しないエラーが発生しました。この環境設定パネルを閉じて、再び開いて、もう一度やり直してください。";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Firefly サーバを停止中に、予期しないエラーが発生しました。この環境設定パネルを閉じて、再び開いて、もう一度やり直してください。";
/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "適用";
/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "変更した設定を適用しますか?";
/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "キャンセル";
/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Firefly の状態を検査しています...";
/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "選択";
/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "ライブラリフォルダの選択";
/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Firefly ヘルパーとの通信が切られました。この環境設定パネルを閉じて、再び開いて、もう一度やり直してください。";
/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "設定のエラー";
/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "適用しない";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "予期しないエラーの発生によって、変更を適用することができませんでした。";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "変更を適用することができませんでした";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "変更した設定の保存の失敗";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly は正常にインストールされていないようです。ヘルプを参照してください。\n\n";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "変更した設定を保存することができなかったため、 Firefly を起動することができませんでした。";
/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "%@ に Firefly フォルダの作成、もしくは見つけることができませんでした。";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Firefly の開始が失敗しました";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly は実行していません";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly は再起動しています";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly は実行しています";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly はライブラリをスキャンしています";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly は開始しています";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly は停止しています";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "Firefly の状態は不明です";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly は予期せずに停止しました。";
/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "不正なポート番号";
/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "不正な数値";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "ユーザフォルだにライブラリのフォルダを見つけることができませんでした。";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Firefly ヘルパーとの通信の中止";
/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "空白のライブラリ名";
/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "空白のパスワード";
/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "ライブラリ名を入力してください。";
/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "パスワードを入力して、もしくはパスワードのチックボックスを外してください。";
/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "1024 から 65535 の間のポート番号を入力して、もしくは \"自動\" を選択してください。";
/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "ミュージックライブラリを含むフォルダを選択して、「選択」ボタンをクリックしてください。";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Firefly を開始";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Firefly を停止";
/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "%@ という設定のファイルが存在していますが書くことができません。";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "Firefly のアプリケーションはインストールに関わる問題があるようです。 Firefly ヘルパーを見つけることができません。";
/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "ログファイルが作成されませんでした。";
/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "ログファイルは空白です。";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "%@ にデフォルト設定のファイルを作成することができませんでした。";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "アプリケーションサポートフォルダの作成、もしくは見つけることができませんでした。";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "サーバの状態を取得することができません";
/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "設定を読み込むことができませんでした。";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Firefly を開始することができませんでした";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Firefly を停止することができません";
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* NSTextField ((available when Firefly is running)) : <title:(available when Firefly is running)> (oid:172) */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(tillgängligt när Firefly ar aktivt)";
/* NSWindow (<< do not localize >>) : <title:<< do not localize >>> (oid:12) */
"<< do not localize >>" = "<< do not localize >>";
/* NSTextField (<unknown>) : <title:<unknown>> (oid:128) */
"<unknown>" = "<okänd>";
/* NSTextField (Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.) : <title:Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running.> (oid:119) */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Fler konfigurations alternativ är tillgängliga via Fireflys inbyggde webb sida. Tillgängligt när Firefly är aktivt.";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Advanced> (oid:101) */
"Advanced" = "Avancerat";
/* NSButton (Apply Now) : <title:Apply Now> (oid:167) */
"Apply Now" = "Använd";
/* NSTextField (Assign Server Port:) : <title:Assign Server Port:> (oid:116) */
"Assign Server Port:" = "Ange Serverns Port:";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically> (oid:162) */
"Automatically" = "Automatiskt";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Automatically, when I log in> (oid:111) */
"Automatically, when I log in" = "Automatiskt, när jag loggar in";
/* NSBox (Box) : <title:Box> (oid:181) */
"Box" = "Box";
/* NSButton (Browse...) : <title:Browse...> (oid:123) */
"Browse..." = "Välj mapp...";
/* NSTextField (Firefly Server Version:) : <title:Firefly Server Version:> (oid:171) */
"Firefly Server Version:" = "Firefly serverns version:";
/* NSTextField (Firefly is disabled) : <title:Firefly is disabled> (oid:104) */
"Firefly is disabled" = "Firefly är avaktiverat";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:General> (oid:99) */
"General" = "Allmänt";
/* NSTextField (Library Location:) : <title:Library Location:> (oid:122) */
"Library Location:" = "Bibliotekets mappen:";
/* NSTabViewItem : <title:Log> (oid:199) */
"Log" = "Logg";
/* NSMenuItem : <title:Manually> (oid:163) */
"Manually" = "Manuellt";
/* NSButton (Open Web Page) : <title:Open Web Page> (oid:120) */
"Open Web Page" = "Öppna Webbsida";
/* NSMenu : <title:OtherViews> (oid:161) */
"OtherViews" = "Andra Vyer";
/* NSTextField (Prefs Panel Version:) : <title:Prefs Panel Version:> (oid:170) */
"Prefs Panel Version:" = "Inställningspanelens version:";
/* NSButton (Require Password:) : <title:Require Password:> (oid:107) */
"Require Password:" = "Lösenord som krävs:";
/* NSTextField (Shared Name:) : <title:Shared Name:> (oid:106) */
"Shared Name:" = "Delat Namn:";
/* NSButton (Show Firefly menu in menu bar) : <title:Show Firefly menu in menu bar> (oid:196) */
"Show Firefly menu in menu bar" = "Visa Firefly status i menyraden";
/* NSButton (Start Firefly) : <title:Start Firefly> (oid:103) */
"Start Firefly" = "Starta Firefly";
/* NSTextField (Start server:) : <title:Start server:> (oid:114) */
"Start server:" = "Starta servern:";
/* NSTextField (The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.) : <title:The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network.> (oid:125) */
"The Firefly music server shares your music library with other computers and compatible devices on the local network." = "Firefly delar ditt musikbibliotek med andra datorer och kompatibla enheter på det lokala nätverket.";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
/* Localized versions of Info.plist keys */
"NSHumanReadableCopyright" = "© 2006 Roku LLC";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
/* Format string for default library name */
"%@'s Firefly on %@" = "%1$@'s Firefly på %2$@";
/* Displayed in place of server version when server is not running */
"(available when Firefly is running)" = "(tillgängligt när Firefly ar aktivt)";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is not running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Available when Firefly is running." = "Fler konfigurations alternativ är tillgängliga via Fireflys inbyggde webb sida. Tillgängligt när Firefly är aktivt.";
/* Info text for the web page button when server is running */
"Additional configuration options are available from Firefly's built-in web page. Click to open the page in your browser." = "Fler konfigurations alternativ är tillgängliga via Firefly’s inbyggde webb sida. Klicka för att öppna sidan i din webbläsare.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-get-status alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to get the status of the Firefly server. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ett oväntat fel har uppstått när Firefly’s status kontrollerades. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to start Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ett oväntat fel uppstod när Firefly startades. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-stop alert */
"An unexpected error occurred when trying to stop Firefly. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Ett oväntat fel uppstod när Firefly skulle stoppas. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Label for apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Apply" = "Använd";
/* Prompt to save changes when exiting prefs pane */
"Apply configuration changes?" = "Använd konfigurations ändringarna?";
/* Label for cancel button in save prompt dialog */
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
/* Status text for when Firefly state is not known */
"Checking Firefly status…" = "Checking Firefly status…";
/* The Choose button in the library browser dialog */
"Choose" = "Välj";
/* Title of the library browser dialog */
"Choose Library Location" = "Välj din biblioteketsmapp";
/* Explanatory text for the connection-lost alert */
"Communication has been lost with the Firefly Helper. Please close and re-open this Preference pane, and try again." = "Kontakten med Firefly Helper har förlorats. Starta om den här panelen för att försöka igen.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of config error */
"Configuration error" = "Konfigurations fel";
/* Label for dont' apply button in save prompt dialog */
"Don't Apply" = "Aktivera Inte";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Due to an unexpected error, your changes could not be applied." = "Ett oväntat fel gjorde att dina ändringar inte kunde sparas.";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to apply */
"Failed to apply changes" = "Kunde inte utföra ändringarna";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to save */
"Failed to save changes" = "Kunde inte spara ändringarna";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-apply alert */
"Firefly appears to be incorrectly installed or damaged. Please consult the documentation.\n\n" = "Firefly verkar vara felaktig installerat eller skadat. Se dokumentationen för mer information.\n\n";
/* Explanatory text for the failure-to-save alert */
"Firefly could not be started because your changes could not be saved" = "Firefly kunde inte startas eftersom dina ändringar inte kunde sparas";
/* Format string for error message */
"Firefly directory could not be found or created at: %@" = "Firefly mappen kunde inte hittas eller skapas i: %@";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly failed to start" = "Firefly kunde inte startas";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is not running" = "Firefly är inte aktivt";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is restarting" = "Firefly startar om";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is running" = "Firefly är inte aktivt";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is scanning the library" = "Firefly söker igenom biblioteket";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is starting" = "Firefly startar";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly is stopping" = "Firefly stoppas";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly status is unknown" = "Fireflys status är okänd";
/* Status message for Firefly */
"Firefly stopped unexpectedly" = "Firefly stannade oväntat";
/* @Alert title when port number is invalid */
"Invalid port number" = "Felaktigt port nummer";
/* Generic alert string for an invalid control */
"Invalid value" = "Ogiltigt värde";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Library directory could not be found in user folder" = "Biblioteksmappen kunde inte hittas i användar mappen";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Lost contact with Firefly Helper" = "Förlorade kontakten med Firefly Helper";
/* @Alert title when library name is invalid */
"Missing library name" = "Saknar bibliotekets namn";
/* @Alert title when password is invalid */
"Missing password" = "Lösenord saknas";
/* Error message if library name is invalid */
"Please enter a library name" = "Skriv in bibliotekets namn";
/* Error message if password is empty */
"Please enter a password, or un-check the password checkbox" = "Ange ett lösenord eller kryssa ur lösenords rutan";
/* Error message if invalid port entered */
"Please enter a port number between 1024 and 65535, or choose \"Automatic\" from the pop-up menu" = "Ange ett port nummer mellan 1024 och 65535, eller välj \"Automatisk\" från pop-up menyn";
/* Info text for the library browse dialog */
"Please select the folder containing your music library, then click Choose." = "Välj mappen som innehåller ditt musik bibliotek, och klicka Välj.";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Start Firefly" = "Starta Firefly";
/* One of several titles for the start/stop button */
"Stop Firefly" = "Stoppa Firefly";
/* Format string for error message */
"The configuration file is present, but is not writable: %@" = "Konfigurations filen existerar, men går inte att skriva till: %@";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"The Firefly installation appears to be damaged. Unable to locate Firefly Helper." = "Installationen av Firefly verkar vara skadad. Kan inte lokalisera Firefly Helper.";
/* Text for missing log file */
"The log file has not been created." = "Loggfilen har inte skapats.";
/* Text for empty log file */
"The log file is empty." = "Logg filen är tom.";
/* Format string for error message upon invalid install */
"Unable to create a default configuration file at: %@" = "Kunde inte skapa en standard konfigutaions fil i: %@";
/* Error message displayed at panel load */
"Unable to find or create Application Support folder" = "Kunde inte hitta eller skapa Application Support mappen";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to get status */
"Unable to get server status" = "Kunde inte få serverns status";
/* Error message related to invalid config */
"Unable to read configuration information" = "Kan inte läsa konfigurationen";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to start Firefly" = "Kunde inte starta Firefly";
/* Alert message notifying the user of failure to stop */
"Unable to stop Firefly" = "Kunde inte stoppa Firefly";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user