"hide-singles-help":"If active, hides artists that only appear on singles or playlists.",
"hide-singles":"Hide singles",
"hide-spotify-help":"If active, hides artists that only appear in your Spotify library.",
"hide-spotify":"Hide artists from Spotify",
"track-count":"{count} tracks"
"count":"{count} audiobooks",
"albums-count":"{count} albums",
"count":"{count} authors",
"show-more":"Show more",
"title":"Recently added"
"title":"Recently played",
"album-count":"{count} albums {'|'}",
"track-count":"{count} tracks",
"album-count":"{count} albums",
"track-count":" {'|'} {count} tracks",
"count":"{count} composers",
"album-count":"{count} albums {'|'} ",
"album-count":"{count} albums {'|'} ",
"count":" {count} tracks",
"count":"{count} genres",
"info":"Add some tracks by browsing your library",
"title":"Your play queue is empty"
"length":"{length} tracks",
"count":"{count} playlists"
"remove-error":"Podcast cannot be removed. Probably it was not added as an RSS playlist.",
"remove-info-1":"Permanently remove this podcast from your library?",
"remove-info-2":"This will also remove the RSS playlist ",
"track-count":"{count} tracks"
"count":"{count} podcasts",
"mark-all-played":"Mark All Played",
"new-episodes":"New Episodes",
"add-stream":"Add stream",
"count":"{count} tracks",
"hide-previous":"Hide previous",
"count":"{count} stations",
"help":"Tip: you can search by a smart playlist query language <a href=\"https://github.com/owntone/owntone-server/blob/master/README_SMARTPL.md\" target=\"_blank\">expression</a> if you prefix it with <code>query:</code>.",
"no-albums":"No albums found",
"no-artists":"No artists found",
"no-audiobooks":"No audiobooks found",
"no-composers":"No composers found",
"no-playlists":"No playlists found",
"no-podcasts":"No podcasts found",
"no-tracks":"No tracks found",
"show-albums":"Show all {count} albums",
"show-artists":"Show all {count} artists",
"show-audiobooks":"Show all {count} audiobooks",
"show-composers":"Show all {count} composers",
"show-playlists":"Show all {count} playlists",
"show-podcasts":"Show all {count} podcasts",
"show-tracks":"Show all {count} tracks",
"coverartarchive":"Cover Art Archive",
"explanation-1":"OwnTone supports PNG and JPEG artwork which is either placed as separate image files in the library, embedded in the media files or made available online by radio stations.",
"explanation-2":"In addition to that, you can enable fetching artwork from the following artwork providers:",
"speaker-pairing-info":"If your speaker requires pairing then activate it below and enter the PIN that it displays.",
"speaker-pairing":"Speaker pairing and device verification",
"verification-code":"Enter verification code",
"album-lists":"Album Lists",
"files":"Audio Files",
"navigation-item-selection-info":"If you select more items than can be shown on your screen then the burger menu will disappear.",
"navigation-item-selection":"Select the top navigation bar menu items",
"navigation-items":"Navigation Bar",
"now-playing-page":"Now playing page",
"recently-added-page-info":"Limit the number of albums shown on the \"Recently Added\" page",
"recently-added-page":"Recently added page",
"show-composer-genres-info-1":"Comma separated list of genres the composer should be displayed on the \"now playing page\"",
"show-composer-genres-info-2":"Leave empty to always show the composer.",
"show-composer-genres-info-3":"The genre tag of the current track is matched by checking, if one of the defined genres are included. For example setting to \"classical, soundtrack\" will show the composer for tracks with a genre tag of \"Contemporary Classical\"",
"show-composer-genres":"Show composer only for listed genres",
"show-composer-info":"If enabled the composer of the current playing track is shown on the \"now playing page\"",
"show-composer":"Show composer",
"show-coverart":"Show cover artwork in album list"
"grant-access":"<b>Last.fm</b> - Login with your Last.fm username and password to enable scrobbling",
"info":"OwnTone will not store your Last.fm username/password, only the session key. The session key does not expire.",
"no-support":"OwnTone was built without support for Last.fm.",
"stop-scrobbling":"Stop scrobbling"
"no-support":"OwnTone was either built without support for Spotify or libspotify is not installed.",
"help":"If you normally log into Spotify with your Facebook account you must first go to Spotify's web site where you can get the Spotify username and password that matches your account.",
"logged-as":"Logged in as ",
"requirements":"You must have a Spotify premium account.",
"scopes":"Access to the Spotify Web API enables scanning of your Spotify library. Required scopes are: ",
"user":"Access granted for ",
"authorize":"Authorize Web API access",
"credentials":" - Login with your Spotify username and password",
"grant-access":"<b>Spotify Web API</b> - Grant access to the Spotify Web API",
"help-1":"libspotify enables OwnTone to play Spotify tracks.",
"help-2":"OwnTone will not store your password, but will still be able to log you in automatically afterwards, because libspotify saves a login token.",
"reauthorize":"Please reauthorize Web API access to grant OwnTone the following additional access rights: ",