2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
2018-12-19 07:02:38 -05:00
<template slot="options">
<index-button-list :index="index_list"></index-button-list>
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
<template slot="heading-left">
<p class="title is-4">{{ genre }}</p>
<template slot="heading-right">
2019-02-20 03:22:17 -05:00
<div class="buttons is-centered">
<a class="button is-small is-light is-rounded" @click="show_genre_details_modal = true">
<span class="icon"><i class="mdi mdi-dots-horizontal mdi-18px"></i></span>
<a class="button is-small is-dark is-rounded" @click="play">
<span class="icon"><i class="mdi mdi-shuffle"></i></span> <span>Shuffle</span>
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
<template slot="content">
2018-12-08 03:30:45 -05:00
<p class="heading has-text-centered-mobile"><a class="has-text-link" @click="open_genre">albums</a> | {{ tracks.total }} tracks</p>
2018-12-17 04:35:39 -05:00
<list-item-track v-for="(track, index) in tracks.items" :key="track.id" :track="track" @click="play_track(index)">
2018-12-15 03:56:09 -05:00
<template slot="actions">
<a @click="open_dialog(track)">
<span class="icon has-text-dark"><i class="mdi mdi-dots-vertical mdi-18px"></i></span>
<modal-dialog-track :show="show_details_modal" :track="selected_track" @close="show_details_modal = false" />
2019-02-20 03:22:17 -05:00
<modal-dialog-genre :show="show_genre_details_modal" :genre="{ 'name': genre }" @close="show_genre_details_modal = false" />
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
import { LoadDataBeforeEnterMixin } from './mixin'
import ContentWithHeading from '@/templates/ContentWithHeading'
2018-12-19 07:02:38 -05:00
import IndexButtonList from '@/components/IndexButtonList'
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
import ListItemTrack from '@/components/ListItemTrack'
2018-12-15 03:56:09 -05:00
import ModalDialogTrack from '@/components/ModalDialogTrack'
2019-02-20 03:22:17 -05:00
import ModalDialogGenre from '@/components/ModalDialogGenre'
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
import webapi from '@/webapi'
const tracksData = {
load: function (to) {
return webapi.library_genre_tracks(to.params.genre)
set: function (vm, response) {
vm.genre = vm.$route.params.genre
vm.tracks = response.data.tracks
export default {
name: 'PageGenreTracks',
2020-04-11 13:43:53 -04:00
mixins: [LoadDataBeforeEnterMixin(tracksData)],
2019-02-20 03:22:17 -05:00
components: { ContentWithHeading, ListItemTrack, IndexButtonList, ModalDialogTrack, ModalDialogGenre },
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
data () {
return {
2018-12-19 07:02:38 -05:00
tracks: { items: [] },
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
genre: '',
2018-12-15 03:56:09 -05:00
show_details_modal: false,
2019-02-20 03:22:17 -05:00
selected_track: {},
show_genre_details_modal: false
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
2018-12-19 07:02:38 -05:00
computed: {
index_list () {
return [...new Set(this.tracks.items
2018-12-23 03:57:34 -05:00
.map(track => track.title_sort.charAt(0).toUpperCase()))]
2018-12-19 07:02:38 -05:00
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
methods: {
open_genre: function () {
this.show_details_modal = false
2019-02-17 05:33:23 -05:00
this.$router.push({ name: 'Genre', params: { genre: this.genre } })
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00
play: function () {
2019-02-22 07:20:04 -05:00
webapi.player_play_expression('genre is "' + this.genre + '" and media_kind is music', true)
2018-12-15 03:56:09 -05:00
2018-12-17 04:35:39 -05:00
play_track: function (position) {
2019-02-22 07:20:04 -05:00
webapi.player_play_expression('genre is "' + this.genre + '" and media_kind is music', false, position)
2018-12-17 04:35:39 -05:00
2018-12-15 03:56:09 -05:00
open_dialog: function (track) {
this.selected_track = track
this.show_details_modal = true
2018-11-24 11:22:23 -05:00