2019-10-01 12:22:30 -03:00
package main
import (
func main ( ) {
chainService , close , _ := startChainService ( )
defer close ( )
printWelcomeMessage ( )
recoveryCode := readRecoveryCode ( )
userRawKey := readKey ( "first encrypted private key" , 147 )
userKey := buildExtendedKey ( userRawKey , recoveryCode )
userKey . Key . Path = "m/1'/1'"
muunRawKey := readKey ( "second encrypted private key" , 147 )
muunKey := buildExtendedKey ( muunRawKey , recoveryCode )
derivedMuunKey , err := muunKey . Key . DeriveTo ( "m/1'/1'" )
if err != nil {
printError ( err )
sweepAddress := readSweepAddress ( )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "Starting to scan the blockchain. This may take a while." )
g := NewAddressGenerator ( userKey . Key , muunKey . Key )
g . Generate ( )
birthday := muunKey . Birthday
if birthday == 0xFFFF {
birthday = 0
utxos := startRescan ( chainService , g . Addresses ( ) , birthday )
fmt . Println ( "" )
if len ( utxos ) > 0 {
fmt . Printf ( "The recovery tool has found the following utxos: %v" , utxos )
} else {
fmt . Printf ( "No utxos found" )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( )
// This is fun:
// First we build a sweep tx with 0 fee with the only purpouse of seeing its signed size
zeroFeehexSweepTx := buildSweepTx ( utxos , sweepAddress , 0 )
zeroFeeSweepTx , err := buildSignedTx ( utxos , zeroFeehexSweepTx , userKey . Key , derivedMuunKey )
if err != nil {
printError ( err )
weightInBytes := int64 ( zeroFeeSweepTx . SerializeSize ( ) )
fee := readFee ( zeroFeeSweepTx . TxOut [ 0 ] . Value , weightInBytes )
// Then we re-build the sweep tx with the actual fee
hexSweepTx := buildSweepTx ( utxos , sweepAddress , fee )
tx , err := buildSignedTx ( utxos , hexSweepTx , userKey . Key , derivedMuunKey )
if err != nil {
printError ( err )
fmt . Println ( "Transaction ready to be sent" )
err = chainService . SendTransaction ( tx )
if err != nil {
printError ( err )
fmt . Printf ( "Transaction sent! You can check the status here: https://blockstream.info/tx/%v" , tx . TxHash ( ) . String ( ) )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Printf ( "If you have any feedback, feel free to share it with us. Our email is contact@muun.com" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
func buildSweepTx ( utxos [ ] * RelevantTx , sweepAddress btcutil . Address , fee int64 ) string {
tx := wire . NewMsgTx ( 2 )
value := int64 ( 0 )
for _ , utxo := range utxos {
tx . AddTxIn ( wire . NewTxIn ( & utxo . Outpoint , [ ] byte { } , [ ] [ ] byte { } ) )
value += utxo . Satoshis
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Printf ( "Total balance in satoshis: %v" , value )
fmt . Println ( )
value -= fee
script , err := txscript . PayToAddrScript ( sweepAddress )
if err != nil {
printError ( err )
tx . AddTxOut ( wire . NewTxOut ( value , script ) )
writer := & bytes . Buffer { }
err = tx . Serialize ( writer )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
if fee != 0 {
readConfirmation ( value , fee , sweepAddress . String ( ) )
return hex . EncodeToString ( writer . Bytes ( ) )
func buildSignedTx ( utxos [ ] * RelevantTx , hexSweepTx string , userKey * libwallet . HDPrivateKey ,
muunKey * libwallet . HDPrivateKey ) ( * wire . MsgTx , error ) {
pstx , err := libwallet . NewPartiallySignedTransaction ( hexSweepTx )
if err != nil {
printError ( err )
for index , utxo := range utxos {
input := & input {
utxo ,
[ ] byte { } ,
pstx . AddInput ( input )
sig , err := pstx . MuunSignatureForInput ( index , userKey . PublicKey ( ) , muunKey )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
input . muunSignature = sig
signedTx , err := pstx . Sign ( userKey , muunKey . PublicKey ( ) )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
wireTx := wire . NewMsgTx ( 0 )
wireTx . BtcDecode ( bytes . NewReader ( signedTx . Bytes ) , 0 , wire . WitnessEncoding )
return wireTx , nil
func printError ( err error ) {
log . Printf ( "The recovery tool failed with the following error: %v" , err . Error ( ) )
log . Printf ( "" )
log . Printf ( "You can try again or contact us at support@muun.com" )
panic ( err )
func printWelcomeMessage ( ) {
fmt . Println ( "Welcome to Muun's Recovery Tool" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "You can use this tool to swipe all the balance in your muun account to an" )
fmt . Println ( "address of your choosing." )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "To do this you will need:" )
fmt . Println ( "* The recovery code, that you set up when you created your muun account" )
fmt . Println ( "* The two encrypted private keys that you exported from your muun wallet" )
fmt . Println ( "* A destination bitcoin address where all your funds will be sent" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "If you have any questions, contact us at contact@muun.com" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
func readRecoveryCode ( ) string {
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Printf ( "Enter your Recovery Code" )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( "(it looks like this: 'ABCD-1234-POW2-R561-P120-JK26-12RW-45TT')" )
fmt . Print ( "> " )
var userInput string
fmt . Scan ( & userInput )
userInput = strings . TrimSpace ( userInput )
finalRC := strings . ToUpper ( userInput )
if strings . Count ( finalRC , "-" ) != 7 {
fmt . Printf ( "Wrong recovery code, remember to add the '-' separator between the 4 characters chunks" )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( "Please, try again" )
return readRecoveryCode ( )
if len ( finalRC ) != 39 {
fmt . Println ( "Your recovery code must have 39 characters" )
fmt . Println ( "Please, try again" )
return readRecoveryCode ( )
return finalRC
func readKey ( keyType string , characters int ) string {
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Printf ( "Enter your %v" , keyType )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( "(it looks like this: '9xzpc7y6sNtRvh8Fh...')" )
fmt . Print ( "> " )
var userInput string
fmt . Scan ( & userInput )
userInput = strings . TrimSpace ( userInput )
if len ( userInput ) != characters {
fmt . Printf ( "Your %v must have %v characters" , keyType , characters )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "Please, try again" )
return readKey ( keyType , characters )
return userInput
func readSweepAddress ( ) btcutil . Address {
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "Enter your destination bitcoin address" )
fmt . Print ( "> " )
var userInput string
fmt . Scan ( & userInput )
userInput = strings . TrimSpace ( userInput )
addr , err := btcutil . DecodeAddress ( userInput , & chainParams )
if err != nil {
fmt . Println ( "This is not a valid bitcoin address" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "Please, try again" )
return readSweepAddress ( )
return addr
func readFee ( totalBalance , weight int64 ) int64 {
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Printf ( "Enter the fee in satoshis per byte. Tx weight: %v bytes. You can check the status of the mempool here: https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/#fees" , weight )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( "(Example: 5)" )
fmt . Print ( "> " )
var userInput string
fmt . Scan ( & userInput )
feeInSatsPerByte , err := strconv . ParseInt ( userInput , 10 , 64 )
if err != nil || feeInSatsPerByte <= 0 {
fmt . Printf ( "The fee must be a number" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "Please, try again" )
return readFee ( totalBalance , weight )
totalFee := feeInSatsPerByte * weight
if totalBalance - totalFee < 546 {
fmt . Printf ( "The fee is too high. The amount left must be higher than dust" )
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Println ( "Please, try again" )
return readFee ( totalBalance , weight )
return totalFee
func readConfirmation ( value , fee int64 , address string ) {
fmt . Println ( "" )
fmt . Printf ( "About to send %v satoshis with fee: %v satoshis to %v" , value , fee , address )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( "Confirm? (y/n)" )
fmt . Print ( "> " )
var userInput string
fmt . Scan ( & userInput )
if userInput == "y" || userInput == "Y" {
if userInput == "n" || userInput == "N" {
log . Println ( )
log . Printf ( "Recovery tool stopped" )
log . Println ( )
log . Printf ( "You can try again or contact us at support@muun.com" )
os . Exit ( 1 )
fmt . Println ( )
fmt . Println ( "You can only enter 'y' to accept or 'n' to cancel" )
readConfirmation ( value , fee , address )
type input struct {
tx * RelevantTx
muunSignature [ ] byte
func ( i * input ) OutPoint ( ) libwallet . Outpoint {
return & outpoint { tx : i . tx }
func ( i * input ) Address ( ) libwallet . MuunAddress {
return i . tx . SigningDetails . Address
func ( i * input ) UserSignature ( ) [ ] byte {
return [ ] byte { }
func ( i * input ) MuunSignature ( ) [ ] byte {
return i . muunSignature
2019-11-28 20:13:09 -03:00
func ( i * input ) SubmarineSwapV1 ( ) libwallet . InputSubmarineSwapV1 {
return nil
func ( i * input ) SubmarineSwapV2 ( ) libwallet . InputSubmarineSwapV2 {
2019-10-01 12:22:30 -03:00
return nil
type outpoint struct {
tx * RelevantTx
func ( o * outpoint ) TxId ( ) [ ] byte {
return o . tx . Outpoint . Hash . CloneBytes ( )
func ( o * outpoint ) Index ( ) int {
return int ( o . tx . Outpoint . Index )
func ( o * outpoint ) Amount ( ) int64 {
return o . tx . Satoshis