Scott Lamb dc402bdc01 schema version 2: support sub streams
This allows each camera to have a main and a sub stream. Previously there was
a field in the schema for the sub stream's url, but it didn't do anything. Now
you can configure individual retention for main and sub streams. They show up
grouped in the UI.

No support for upgrading from schema version 1 yet.
2018-02-03 22:15:54 -08:00

402 lines
16 KiB

// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Scott Lamb <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
use clock::{Clocks, TimerGuard};
use db::{Camera, Database, Stream};
use dir;
use error::Error;
use h264;
use recording;
use std::result::Result;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use stream;
use time;
pub static ROTATE_INTERVAL_SEC: i64 = 60;
/// Common state that can be used by multiple `Streamer` instances.
pub struct Environment<'a, 'b, C, S> where C: 'a + Clocks, S: 'a + stream::Stream {
pub clocks: &'a C,
pub opener: &'a stream::Opener<S>,
pub db: &'b Arc<Database>,
pub dir: &'b Arc<dir::SampleFileDir>,
pub shutdown: &'b Arc<AtomicBool>,
pub struct Streamer<'a, C, S> where C: 'a + Clocks, S: 'a + stream::Stream {
shutdown: Arc<AtomicBool>,
// State below is only used by the thread in Run.
rotate_offset_sec: i64,
rotate_interval_sec: i64,
db: Arc<Database>,
dir: Arc<dir::SampleFileDir>,
syncer_channel: dir::SyncerChannel,
clocks: &'a C,
opener: &'a stream::Opener<S>,
stream_id: i32,
short_name: String,
url: String,
redacted_url: String,
struct WriterState<'a> {
writer: dir::Writer<'a>,
/// Seconds since epoch at which to next rotate.
rotate: i64,
impl<'a, C, S> Streamer<'a, C, S> where C: 'a + Clocks, S: 'a + stream::Stream {
pub fn new<'b>(env: &Environment<'a, 'b, C, S>, syncer_channel: dir::SyncerChannel,
stream_id: i32, c: &Camera, s: &Stream, rotate_offset_sec: i64,
rotate_interval_sec: i64) -> Self {
Streamer {
shutdown: env.shutdown.clone(),
rotate_offset_sec: rotate_offset_sec,
rotate_interval_sec: rotate_interval_sec,
db: env.db.clone(),
dir: env.dir.clone(),
syncer_channel: syncer_channel,
clocks: env.clocks,
opener: env.opener,
stream_id: stream_id,
short_name: format!("{}-{}", c.short_name, s.type_.as_str()),
url: format!("rtsp://{}:{}@{}{}", c.username, c.password,, s.rtsp_path),
redacted_url: format!("rtsp://{}:redacted@{}{}", c.username,, s.rtsp_path),
pub fn short_name(&self) -> &str { &self.short_name }
pub fn run(&mut self) {
while !self.shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
if let Err(e) = self.run_once() {
let sleep_time = time::Duration::seconds(1);
warn!("{}: sleeping for {:?} after error: {}", self.short_name, sleep_time, e);
info!("{}: shutting down", self.short_name);
fn run_once(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("{}: Opening input: {}", self.short_name, self.redacted_url);
let mut stream = {
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks, || format!("opening {}", self.redacted_url));
let realtime_offset = self.clocks.realtime() - self.clocks.monotonic();
// TODO: verify width/height.
let extra_data = stream.get_extra_data()?;
let video_sample_entry_id = {
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks, || "inserting video sample entry");
self.db.lock().insert_video_sample_entry(extra_data.width, extra_data.height,
debug!("{}: video_sample_entry_id={}", self.short_name, video_sample_entry_id);
let mut seen_key_frame = false;
let mut state: Option<WriterState> = None;
let mut transformed = Vec::new();
let mut prev = None;
while !self.shutdown.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
let pkt = {
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks, || "getting next packet");
let pts = pkt.pts().ok_or_else(|| Error::new("packet with no pts".to_owned()))?;
if !seen_key_frame && !pkt.is_key() {
} else if !seen_key_frame {
debug!("{}: have first key frame", self.short_name);
seen_key_frame = true;
let frame_realtime = self.clocks.monotonic() + realtime_offset;
let local_time = recording::Time::new(frame_realtime);
state = if let Some(s) = state {
if frame_realtime.sec > s.rotate && pkt.is_key() {
trace!("{}: write on normal rotation", self.short_name);
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks, || "closing writer");
prev = Some(s.writer.close(Some(pts))?);
} else {
} else { None };
let mut s = match state {
Some(s) => s,
None => {
let sec = frame_realtime.sec;
let r = sec - (sec % self.rotate_interval_sec) + self.rotate_offset_sec;
let r = r + if r <= sec { self.rotate_interval_sec } else { 0 };
// On the first recording, set rotate time to not the next rotate offset, but
// the one after, so that it's longer than usual rather than shorter than
// usual. This ensures there's plenty of frame times to use when calculating
// the start time.
let r = r + if prev.is_none() { self.rotate_interval_sec } else { 0 };
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks, || "creating writer");
let w = self.dir.create_writer(&self.syncer_channel, prev, self.stream_id,
writer: w,
rotate: r,
let orig_data = match {
Some(d) => d,
None => return Err(Error::new("packet has no data".to_owned())),
let transformed_data = if extra_data.need_transform {
h264::transform_sample_data(orig_data, &mut transformed)?;
} else {
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks,
|| format!("writing {} bytes", transformed_data.len()));
s.writer.write(transformed_data, local_time, pts, pkt.is_key())?;
state = Some(s);
if let Some(s) = state {
let _t = TimerGuard::new(self.clocks, || "closing writer");
mod tests {
use clock::{self, Clocks};
use db;
use error::Error;
use h264;
use moonfire_ffmpeg;
use recording;
use std::cmp;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use stream::{self, Opener, Stream};
use testutil;
use time;
struct ProxyingStream<'a> {
clocks: &'a clock::SimulatedClocks,
inner: stream::FfmpegStream,
buffered: time::Duration,
slept: time::Duration,
ts_offset: i64,
ts_offset_pkts_left: u32,
pkts_left: u32,
impl<'a> ProxyingStream<'a> {
fn new(clocks: &'a clock::SimulatedClocks, buffered: time::Duration,
inner: stream::FfmpegStream) -> ProxyingStream {
ProxyingStream {
clocks: clocks,
inner: inner,
buffered: buffered,
slept: time::Duration::seconds(0),
ts_offset: 0,
ts_offset_pkts_left: 0,
pkts_left: 0,
impl<'a> Stream for ProxyingStream<'a> {
fn get_next(&mut self) -> Result<moonfire_ffmpeg::Packet, moonfire_ffmpeg::Error> {
if self.pkts_left == 0 {
return Err(moonfire_ffmpeg::Error::eof());
self.pkts_left -= 1;
let mut pkt = self.inner.get_next()?;
// Advance clock to the end of this frame.
// Avoid accumulating conversion error by tracking the total amount to sleep and how
// much we've already slept, rather than considering each frame in isolation.
let goal = pkt.pts().unwrap() + pkt.duration() as i64;
let goal = time::Duration::nanoseconds(
goal * 1_000_000_000 / recording::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
let duration = goal - self.slept;
let buf_part = cmp::min(self.buffered, duration);
self.buffered = self.buffered - buf_part;
self.clocks.sleep(duration - buf_part);
self.slept = goal;
if self.ts_offset_pkts_left > 0 {
self.ts_offset_pkts_left -= 1;
let old_pts = pkt.pts().unwrap();
let old_dts = pkt.dts();
pkt.set_pts(Some(old_pts + self.ts_offset));
pkt.set_dts(old_dts + self.ts_offset);
// In a real rtsp stream, the duration of a packet is not known until the
// next packet. ffmpeg's duration is an unreliable estimate.
pkt.set_duration(recording::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC as i32);
fn get_extra_data(&self) -> Result<h264::ExtraData, Error> { self.inner.get_extra_data() }
struct MockOpener<'a> {
expected_url: String,
streams: Mutex<Vec<ProxyingStream<'a>>>,
shutdown: Arc<AtomicBool>,
impl<'a> stream::Opener<ProxyingStream<'a>> for MockOpener<'a> {
fn open(&self, src: stream::Source) -> Result<ProxyingStream<'a>, Error> {
match src {
stream::Source::Rtsp(url) => assert_eq!(url, &self.expected_url),
stream::Source::File(_) => panic!("expected rtsp url"),
let mut l = self.streams.lock().unwrap();
match l.pop() {
Some(stream) => {
trace!("MockOpener returning next stream");
None => {
trace!("MockOpener shutting down");, Ordering::SeqCst);
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Frame {
start_90k: i32,
duration_90k: i32,
is_key: bool,
fn get_frames(db: &db::LockedDatabase, camera_id: i32, recording_id: i32) -> Vec<Frame> {
db.with_recording_playback(camera_id, recording_id, |rec| {
let mut it = recording::SampleIndexIterator::new();
let mut frames = Vec::new();
while {
start_90k: it.start_90k,
duration_90k: it.duration_90k,
is_key: it.is_key(),
fn basic() {
// 2015-04-25 00:00:00 UTC
let clocks = clock::SimulatedClocks::new(time::Timespec::new(1429920000, 0));
clocks.sleep(time::Duration::seconds(86400)); // to 2015-04-26 00:00:00 UTC
let stream ="src/testdata/clip.mp4")).unwrap();
let mut stream = ProxyingStream::new(&clocks, time::Duration::seconds(2), stream);
stream.ts_offset = 180000; // starting pts of the input should be irrelevant
stream.ts_offset_pkts_left = u32::max_value();
stream.pkts_left = u32::max_value();
let opener = MockOpener{
expected_url: "rtsp://foo:bar@test-camera/main".to_owned(),
streams: Mutex::new(vec![stream]),
shutdown: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)),
let db = testutil::TestDb::new();
let env = super::Environment{
clocks: &clocks,
opener: &opener,
db: &db.db,
dir: &db.dir,
shutdown: &opener.shutdown,
let mut stream;
let l = db.db.lock();
let camera = l.cameras_by_id().get(&testutil::TEST_CAMERA_ID).unwrap();
let s = l.streams_by_id().get(&testutil::TEST_STREAM_ID).unwrap();
stream = super::Streamer::new(&env, db.syncer_channel.clone(), testutil::TEST_STREAM_ID,
camera, s, 0, 3);
let db = db.db.lock();
// Compare frame-by-frame. Note below that while the rotation is scheduled to happen near
// 3-second boundaries (such as 2016-04-26 00:00:03), rotation happens somewhat later:
// * the first rotation is always skipped
// * the second rotation is deferred until a key frame.
assert_eq!(get_frames(&db, testutil::TEST_STREAM_ID, 1), &[
Frame{start_90k: 0, duration_90k: 90379, is_key: true},
Frame{start_90k: 90379, duration_90k: 89884, is_key: false},
Frame{start_90k: 180263, duration_90k: 89749, is_key: false},
Frame{start_90k: 270012, duration_90k: 89981, is_key: false}, // pts_time 3.0001...
Frame{start_90k: 359993, duration_90k: 90055, is_key: true},
Frame{start_90k: 450048, duration_90k: 89967, is_key: false},
Frame{start_90k: 540015, duration_90k: 90021, is_key: false}, // pts_time 6.0001...
Frame{start_90k: 630036, duration_90k: 89958, is_key: false},
assert_eq!(get_frames(&db, testutil::TEST_STREAM_ID, 2), &[
Frame{start_90k: 0, duration_90k: 90011, is_key: true},
Frame{start_90k: 90011, duration_90k: 0, is_key: false},
let mut recordings = Vec::new();
db.list_recordings_by_id(testutil::TEST_STREAM_ID, 1..3, |r| {
assert_eq!(2, recordings.len());
assert_eq!(1, recordings[0].id);
assert_eq!(recording::Time(128700575999999), recordings[0].start);
assert_eq!(0, recordings[0].flags);
assert_eq!(2, recordings[1].id);
assert_eq!(recording::Time(128700576719993), recordings[1].start);
assert_eq!(db::RecordingFlags::TrailingZero as i32, recordings[1].flags);