Scott Lamb b037c9bdd7 knob to reduce db commits (SSD write cycles)
This improves the practicality of having many streams (including the doubling
of streams by having main + sub streams for each camera). With these tuned
properly, extra streams don't cause any extra write cycles in normal or error
cases. Consider the worst case in which each RTSP session immediately sends a
single frame and then fails. Moonfire retries every second, so this would
formerly cause one commit per second per stream. (flush_if_sec=0 preserves
this behavior.) Now the commits can be arbitrarily infrequent by setting
higher values of flush_if_sec.

WARNING: this isn't production-ready! I hacked up to make tests pass
and "moonfire-nvr run" work in the best-case scenario, but it doesn't handle
errors gracefully. I've been debating what to do when writing a recording
fails. I considered "abandoning" the recording then either reusing or skipping
its id. (in the latter case, marking the file as garbage if it can't be
unlinked immediately). I think now there's no point in abandoning a recording.
If I can't write to that file, there's no reason to believe another will work
better. It's better to retry that recording forever, and perhaps put the whole
directory into an error state that stops recording until those writes go
through. I'm planning to redesign to make this happen.
2018-02-22 16:35:34 -08:00

379 lines
16 KiB

// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Scott Lamb <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
extern crate cursive;
use self::cursive::Cursive;
use self::cursive::traits::{Boxable, Identifiable, Finder};
use self::cursive::views;
use db::{self, dir};
use failure::Error;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use stream::{self, Opener, Stream};
use super::{decode_size, encode_size};
/// Builds a `CameraChange` from an active `edit_camera_dialog`.
fn get_change(siv: &mut Cursive) -> db::CameraChange {
// Note: these find_id calls are separate statements, which seems to be important:
let sn = siv.find_id::<views::EditView>("short_name").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let d = siv.find_id::<views::TextArea>("description").unwrap().get_content().into();
let h = siv.find_id::<views::EditView>("host").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let u = siv.find_id::<views::EditView>("username").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let p = siv.find_id::<views::EditView>("password").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let mut c = db::CameraChange {
short_name: sn,
description: d,
host: h,
username: u,
password: p,
streams: Default::default(),
for &t in &db::ALL_STREAM_TYPES {
let p = siv.find_id::<views::EditView>(&format!("{}_rtsp_path", t.as_str()))
let r = siv.find_id::<views::Checkbox>(&format!("{}_record", t.as_str()))
let f = i64::from_str(siv.find_id::<views::EditView>(
&format!("{}_flush_if_sec", t.as_str())).unwrap().get_content().as_str())
let d = *siv.find_id::<views::SelectView<Option<i32>>>(
&format!("{}_sample_file_dir", t.as_str()))
c.streams[t.index()] = db::StreamChange {
rtsp_path: p,
sample_file_dir_id: d,
record: r,
flush_if_sec: f,
fn press_edit(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: Option<i32>) {
let change = get_change(siv);
let result = {
let mut l = db.lock();
if let Some(id) = id {
l.update_camera(id, change)
} else {
l.add_camera(change).map(|_| ())
if let Err(e) = result {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Unable to add camera: {}", e))
} else {
siv.pop_layer(); // get rid of the add/edit camera dialog.
// Recreate the "Edit cameras" dialog from scratch; it's easier than adding the new entry.
top_dialog(db, siv);
fn press_test_inner(url: &str) -> Result<String, Error> {
let stream =;
let extra_data = stream.get_extra_data()?;
Ok(format!("{}x{} video stream", extra_data.width, extra_data.height))
fn press_test(siv: &mut Cursive, t: db::StreamType) {
let c = get_change(siv);
let url = format!("rtsp://{}:{}@{}{}", c.username, c.password,,
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Testing {} stream at {}. This may take a while \
on timeout or if you have a long key frame interval",
t.as_str(), url))
// Let siv have this thread for its event loop; do the work in a background thread.
// siv.cb_sink doesn't actually wake up the event loop. Tell siv to poll, as a workaround.
let sink = siv.cb_sink().clone();
::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let r = press_test_inner(&url);
sink.send(Box::new(move |siv| {
// Polling is no longer necessary.
let description = match r {
Err(ref e) => {
views::Dialog::text(format!("{} stream at {}:\n\n{}", t.as_str(), url, e))
.title("Stream test failed")
Ok(ref d) => d,
format!("{} stream at {}:\n\n{}", t.as_str(), url, description))
.title("Stream test succeeded")
fn press_delete(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: i32, name: String, to_delete: i64) {
let dialog = if to_delete > 0 {
let prompt = format!("Camera {} has recorded video. Please confirm the amount \
of data to delete by typing it back:\n\n{}", name,
let db = db.clone();
move |siv, _| confirm_deletion(siv, &db, id, to_delete)
.button("Delete", {
let db = db.clone();
move |siv| confirm_deletion(siv, &db, id, to_delete)
} else {
views::Dialog::text(format!("Delete camera {}? This camera has no recorded video.", name))
.button("Delete", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| actually_delete(s, &db, id)
}.title("Delete camera").dismiss_button("Cancel");
fn confirm_deletion(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: i32, to_delete: i64) {
let typed = siv.find_id::<views::EditView>("confirm").unwrap().get_content();
if decode_size(typed.as_str()).ok() == Some(to_delete) {
siv.pop_layer(); // deletion confirmation dialog
let mut zero_limits = BTreeMap::new();
let l = db.lock();
for (&stream_id, stream) in l.streams_by_id() {
if stream.camera_id == id {
let dir_id = match stream.sample_file_dir_id {
Some(d) => d,
None => continue,
let l = zero_limits.entry(dir_id).or_insert_with(|| Vec::with_capacity(2));
l.push(dir::NewLimit {
limit: 0,
if let Err(e) = lower_retention(db, zero_limits) {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Unable to delete recordings: {}", e))
actually_delete(siv, db, id);
} else {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text("Please confirm amount.")
.title("Try again")
fn lower_retention(db: &Arc<db::Database>, zero_limits: BTreeMap<i32, Vec<dir::NewLimit>>)
-> Result<(), Error> {
let dirs_to_open: Vec<_> = zero_limits.keys().map(|id| *id).collect();
for (&dir_id, l) in &zero_limits {
dir::lower_retention(db.clone(), dir_id, &l)?;
fn actually_delete(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: i32) {
siv.pop_layer(); // get rid of the add/edit camera dialog.
let result = {
let mut l = db.lock();
if let Err(e) = result {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Unable to delete camera: {}", e))
} else {
// Recreate the "Edit cameras" dialog from scratch; it's easier than adding the new entry.
top_dialog(db, siv);
/// Adds or updates a camera.
/// (The former if `item` is None; the latter otherwise.)
fn edit_camera_dialog(db: &Arc<db::Database>, siv: &mut Cursive, item: &Option<i32>) {
let camera_list = views::ListView::new()
.child("id", views::TextView::new(match *item {
None => "<new>".to_string(),
Some(id) => id.to_string(),
.child("uuid", views::TextView::new("<new>").with_id("uuid"))
.child("short name", views::EditView::new().with_id("short_name"))
.child("host", views::EditView::new().with_id("host"))
.child("username", views::EditView::new().with_id("username"))
.child("password", views::EditView::new().with_id("password"))
let mut layout = views::LinearLayout::vertical()
let dirs: Vec<_> = ::std::iter::once(("<none>".to_owned(), None))
.map(|(&id, d)| (d.path.as_str().to_owned(), Some(id))))
for &type_ in &db::ALL_STREAM_TYPES {
let list = views::ListView::new()
.child("rtsp path", views::LinearLayout::horizontal()
.with_id(format!("{}_rtsp_path", type_.as_str()))
.child(views::Button::new("Test", move |siv| press_test(siv, type_))))
.child("sample file dir",
.with_all(dirs.iter().map(|d| d.clone()))
.with_id(format!("{}_sample_file_dir", type_.as_str())))
.child("record", views::Checkbox::new().with_id(format!("{}_record", type_.as_str())))
.child("flush_if_sec", views::EditView::new()
.with_id(format!("{}_flush_if_sec", type_.as_str())))
views::TextView::new("").with_id(format!("{}_usage_cap", type_.as_str())))
layout.add_child(views::TextView::new(format!("{} stream", type_.as_str())));
let mut dialog = views::Dialog::around(layout);
let dialog = if let Some(camera_id) = *item {
let l = db.lock();
let camera = l.cameras_by_id().get(&camera_id).expect("missing camera");
dialog.find_id("uuid", |v: &mut views::TextView| v.set_content(camera.uuid.to_string()))
.expect("missing TextView");
let mut bytes = 0;
for (i, sid) in camera.streams.iter().enumerate() {
let t = db::StreamType::from_index(i).unwrap();
// Find the index into dirs of the stored sample file dir.
let mut selected_dir = 0;
if let Some(s) =|sid| l.streams_by_id().get(&sid).unwrap()) {
if let Some(id) = s.sample_file_dir_id {
for (i, &(_, d_id)) in dirs.iter().skip(1).enumerate() {
if Some(id) == d_id {
selected_dir = i + 1;
bytes += s.sample_file_bytes;
let u = if s.retain_bytes == 0 {
"0 / 0 (0.0%)".to_owned()
} else {
format!("{} / {} ({:.1}%)", s.sample_file_bytes, s.retain_bytes,
100. * s.sample_file_bytes as f32 / s.retain_bytes as f32)
dialog.find_id(&format!("{}_rtsp_path", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::EditView| v.set_content(s.rtsp_path.to_owned()));
dialog.find_id(&format!("{}_usage_cap", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::TextView| v.set_content(u));
dialog.find_id(&format!("{}_record", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::Checkbox| v.set_checked(s.record));
dialog.find_id(&format!("{}_flush_if_sec", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::EditView| v.set_content(s.flush_if_sec.to_string()));
dialog.find_id(&format!("{}_sample_file_dir", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::SelectView<Option<i32>>| v.set_selection(selected_dir));
let name = camera.short_name.clone();
for &(view_id, content) in &[("short_name", &*camera.short_name),
("host", &*,
("username", &*camera.username),
("password", &*camera.password)] {
dialog.find_id(view_id, |v: &mut views::EditView| v.set_content(content.to_string()))
.expect("missing EditView");
|v: &mut views::TextArea| v.set_content(camera.description.to_string()))
.expect("missing TextArea");
dialog.title("Edit camera")
.button("Edit", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| press_edit(s, &db, Some(camera_id))
.button("Delete", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| press_delete(s, &db, camera_id, name.clone(), bytes)
} else {
for t in &db::ALL_STREAM_TYPES {
dialog.find_id(&format!("{}_usage_cap", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::TextView| v.set_content("<new>"));
dialog.title("Add camera")
.button("Add", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| press_edit(s, &db, None)
pub fn top_dialog(db: &Arc<db::Database>, siv: &mut Cursive) {
let db = db.clone();
move |siv, item| edit_camera_dialog(&db, siv, item)
.item("<new camera>".to_string(), None)
.map(|(&id, camera)| (format!("{}: {}", id, camera.short_name), Some(id))))
.title("Edit cameras"));