mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 23:40:57 -04:00
This should reduce live stream latency by two seconds when my cameras are at their default setting (I frame interval = 2 * frame rate)! I was under the impression that every HTML5 Media Source Extensions media segment had to start with a Random Access Point. This used to be true, but apparently changed quite a while ago: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=229412 Support generating segments that don't start with a key frame, and plumb this through the mp4 media segment generation logic. Add some extra error checking in mp4 slice handling, as my first attempts had a mismatch between expected and actual lengths that silently returned corrupted .m4s files. Also pull everything from the most recent key frame on along with the first live segment to reduce startup latency. Live view is quite a bit more pleasant now.
593 lines
24 KiB
593 lines
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// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016-2020 The Moonfire NVR Authors
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use crate::coding::{append_varint32, decode_varint32, unzigzag32, zigzag32};
use crate::db;
use failure::{Error, bail};
use log::trace;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ops::Range;
pub use base::time::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
pub use base::time::Time;
pub use base::time::Duration;
/// Converts from a wall time offset into a recording to a media time offset or vice versa.
pub fn rescale(from_off_90k: i32, from_duration_90k: i32, to_duration_90k: i32) -> i32 {
debug_assert!(from_off_90k <= from_duration_90k,
"from_off_90k={} from_duration_90k={} to_duration_90k={}",
from_off_90k, from_duration_90k, to_duration_90k);
if from_duration_90k == 0 {
return 0; // avoid a divide by zero.
// The intermediate values here may overflow i32, so use an i64 instead. The max wall
// time is recording::MAX_RECORDING_WALL_DURATION; the max media duration should be
// roughly the same (design limit of 500 ppm correction). The final result should fit
// within i32.
i32::try_from(i64::from(from_off_90k) *
i64::from(to_duration_90k) /
.map_err(|_| format!("rescale overflow: {} * {} / {} > i32::max_value()",
from_off_90k, to_duration_90k, from_duration_90k))
/// An iterator through a sample index.
/// Initially invalid; call `next()` before each read.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct SampleIndexIterator {
/// The index byte position of the next sample to read (low 31 bits) and if the current
/// same is a key frame (high bit).
i_and_is_key: u32,
/// The starting data byte position of this sample within the segment.
pub pos: i32,
/// The starting time of this sample within the segment (in 90 kHz units).
pub start_90k: i32,
/// The duration of this sample (in 90 kHz units).
pub duration_90k: i32,
/// The byte length of this frame.
pub bytes: i32,
/// The byte length of the last frame of the "other" type: if this one is key, the last
/// non-key; if this one is non-key, the last key.
bytes_other: i32,
impl SampleIndexIterator {
pub fn new() -> SampleIndexIterator {
SampleIndexIterator{i_and_is_key: 0,
pos: 0,
start_90k: 0,
duration_90k: 0,
bytes: 0,
bytes_other: 0}
pub fn next(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, Error> {
self.pos += self.bytes;
self.start_90k += self.duration_90k;
let i = (self.i_and_is_key & 0x7FFF_FFFF) as usize;
if i == data.len() {
return Ok(false)
let (raw1, i1) = match decode_varint32(data, i) {
Ok(tuple) => tuple,
Err(()) => bail!("bad varint 1 at offset {}", i),
let (raw2, i2) = match decode_varint32(data, i1) {
Ok(tuple) => tuple,
Err(()) => bail!("bad varint 2 at offset {}", i1),
let duration_90k_delta = unzigzag32(raw1 >> 1);
self.duration_90k += duration_90k_delta;
if self.duration_90k < 0 {
bail!("negative duration {} after applying delta {}",
self.duration_90k, duration_90k_delta);
if self.duration_90k == 0 && data.len() > i2 {
bail!("zero duration only allowed at end; have {} bytes left", data.len() - i2);
let (prev_bytes_key, prev_bytes_nonkey) = match self.is_key() {
true => (self.bytes, self.bytes_other),
false => (self.bytes_other, self.bytes),
self.i_and_is_key = (i2 as u32) | (((raw1 & 1) as u32) << 31);
let bytes_delta = unzigzag32(raw2);
if self.is_key() {
self.bytes = prev_bytes_key + bytes_delta;
self.bytes_other = prev_bytes_nonkey;
} else {
self.bytes = prev_bytes_nonkey + bytes_delta;
self.bytes_other = prev_bytes_key;
if self.bytes <= 0 {
bail!("non-positive bytes {} after applying delta {} to key={} frame at ts {}",
self.bytes, bytes_delta, self.is_key(), self.start_90k);
pub fn is_key(&self) -> bool { (self.i_and_is_key & 0x8000_0000) != 0 }
pub struct SampleIndexEncoder {
prev_duration_90k: i32,
prev_bytes_key: i32,
prev_bytes_nonkey: i32,
impl SampleIndexEncoder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
SampleIndexEncoder {
prev_duration_90k: 0,
prev_bytes_key: 0,
prev_bytes_nonkey: 0,
pub fn add_sample(&mut self, duration_90k: i32, bytes: i32, is_key: bool,
r: &mut db::RecordingToInsert) {
let duration_delta = duration_90k - self.prev_duration_90k;
self.prev_duration_90k = duration_90k;
r.media_duration_90k += duration_90k;
r.sample_file_bytes += bytes;
r.video_samples += 1;
let bytes_delta = bytes - if is_key {
let prev = self.prev_bytes_key;
r.video_sync_samples += 1;
self.prev_bytes_key = bytes;
} else {
let prev = self.prev_bytes_nonkey;
self.prev_bytes_nonkey = bytes;
append_varint32((zigzag32(duration_delta) << 1) | (is_key as u32), &mut r.video_index);
append_varint32(zigzag32(bytes_delta), &mut r.video_index);
/// A segment represents a view of some or all of a single recording, starting from a key frame.
/// This struct is not specific to a container format; for `.mp4`s, it's wrapped in a
/// `mp4::Segment`. Other container/transport formats could be supported in a similar manner.
pub struct Segment {
pub id: db::CompositeId,
pub open_id: u32,
/// An iterator positioned at the beginning of the segment, or `None`. Most segments are
/// positioned at the beginning of the recording, so this is an optional box to shrink a long
/// of segments. `None` is equivalent to `SampleIndexIterator::new()`.
begin: Option<Box<SampleIndexIterator>>,
pub file_end: i32,
pub frames: u16,
pub key_frames: u16,
video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero: i32,
impl Segment {
/// Creates a segment.
/// `desired_media_range_90k` represents the desired range of the segment relative to the start
/// of the recording, in media time units.
/// The actual range will start at the most recent acceptable frame's start at or before the
/// desired start time. If `start_at_key` is true, only key frames are acceptable; otherwise
/// any frame is. The caller is responsible for skipping over the undesired prefix, perhaps
/// with an edit list in the case of a `.mp4`.
/// The actual range will end at the first frame after the desired range (unless the desired
/// range extends beyond the recording). Likewise, the caller is responsible for trimming the
/// final frame's duration if desired.
pub fn new(db: &db::LockedDatabase,
recording: &db::ListRecordingsRow,
desired_media_range_90k: Range<i32>,
start_at_key: bool) -> Result<Segment, Error> {
let mut self_ = Segment {
id: recording.id,
open_id: recording.open_id,
begin: None,
file_end: recording.sample_file_bytes,
frames: recording.video_samples as u16,
key_frames: recording.video_sync_samples as u16,
recording.video_sample_entry_id |
((((recording.flags & db::RecordingFlags::TrailingZero as i32) != 0) as i32) << 31),
if desired_media_range_90k.start > desired_media_range_90k.end ||
desired_media_range_90k.end > recording.media_duration_90k {
bail!("desired media range [{}, {}) invalid for recording of length {}",
desired_media_range_90k.start, desired_media_range_90k.end,
if desired_media_range_90k.start == 0 &&
desired_media_range_90k.end == recording.media_duration_90k {
// Fast path. Existing entry is fine.
trace!("recording::Segment::new fast path, recording={:#?}", recording);
return Ok(self_)
// Slow path. Need to iterate through the index.
trace!("recording::Segment::new slow path, desired_media_range_90k={:?}, recording={:#?}",
desired_media_range_90k, recording);
db.with_recording_playback(self_.id, &mut |playback| {
let mut begin = Box::new(SampleIndexIterator::new());
let data = &(&playback).video_index;
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
if !it.next(data)? {
bail!("no index");
if !it.is_key() {
bail!("not key frame");
// Stop when hitting a frame with this start time.
// Going until the end of the recording is special-cased because there can be a trailing
// frame of zero duration. It's unclear exactly how this should be handled, but let's
// include it for consistency with the fast path. It'd be bizarre to have it included or
// not based on desired_media_range_90k.start.
let end_90k = if desired_media_range_90k.end == recording.media_duration_90k {
} else {
loop {
if it.start_90k <= desired_media_range_90k.start &&
(!start_at_key || it.is_key()) {
// new start candidate.
*begin = it;
self_.frames = 0;
self_.key_frames = 0;
if it.start_90k >= end_90k && self_.frames > 0 {
self_.frames += 1;
self_.key_frames += it.is_key() as u16;
if !it.next(data)? {
self_.begin = Some(begin);
self_.file_end = it.pos;
self_.video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero =
recording.video_sample_entry_id |
(((it.duration_90k == 0) as i32) << 31);
pub fn video_sample_entry_id(&self) -> i32 {
self.video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero & 0x7FFFFFFF
pub fn have_trailing_zero(&self) -> bool { self.video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero < 0 }
/// Returns the byte range within the sample file of data associated with this segment.
pub fn sample_file_range(&self) -> Range<u64> {
self.begin.as_ref().map(|b| b.pos as u64).unwrap_or(0) .. self.file_end as u64
/// Returns the actual media start time. As described in `new`, this can be less than the
/// desired media start time if there is no key frame at the right position.
pub fn actual_start_90k(&self) -> i32 { self.begin.as_ref().map(|b| b.start_90k).unwrap_or(0) }
/// Iterates through each frame in the segment.
/// Must be called without the database lock held; retrieves video index from the cache.
pub fn foreach<F>(&self, playback: &db::RecordingPlayback, mut f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(&SampleIndexIterator) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!("foreach on recording {}: {} frames, actual_start_90k: {}",
self.id, self.frames, self.actual_start_90k());
let data = &(&playback).video_index;
let mut it = match self.begin {
Some(ref b) => **b,
None => {
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
if !it.next(data)? {
bail!("recording {} has no frames", self.id);
if !it.is_key() {
bail!("recording {} doesn't start with key frame", self.id);
let mut have_frame = true;
let mut key_frame = 0;
for i in 0 .. self.frames {
if !have_frame {
bail!("recording {}: expected {} frames, found only {}", self.id, self.frames, i+1);
if it.is_key() {
key_frame += 1;
if key_frame > self.key_frames {
bail!("recording {}: more than expected {} key frames",
self.id, self.key_frames);
// Note: this inner loop avoids ? for performance. Don't change these lines without
// reading https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/37939 and running
// mp4::bench::build_index.
if let Err(e) = f(&it) {
return Err(e);
have_frame = match it.next(data) {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(hf) => hf,
if key_frame < self.key_frames {
bail!("recording {}: expected {} key frames, found only {}",
self.id, self.key_frames, key_frame);
/// Returns true if this starts with a non-key frame.
pub fn starts_with_nonkey(&self) -> bool {
match self.begin {
Some(ref b) => !b.is_key(),
// Fast-path case, in which this holds an entire recording. They always start with a
// key frame.
None => false,
mod tests {
use base::clock::RealClocks;
use super::*;
use crate::testutil::{self, TestDb};
/// Tests encoding the example from design/schema.md.
fn test_encode_example() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut e = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
e.add_sample(10, 1000, true, &mut r);
e.add_sample(9, 10, false, &mut r);
e.add_sample(11, 15, false, &mut r);
e.add_sample(10, 12, false, &mut r);
e.add_sample(10, 1050, true, &mut r);
assert_eq!(r.video_index, b"\x29\xd0\x0f\x02\x14\x08\x0a\x02\x05\x01\x64");
assert_eq!(10 + 9 + 11 + 10 + 10, r.media_duration_90k);
assert_eq!(5, r.video_samples);
assert_eq!(2, r.video_sync_samples);
/// Tests a round trip from `SampleIndexEncoder` to `SampleIndexIterator`.
fn test_round_trip() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Sample {
duration_90k: i32,
bytes: i32,
is_key: bool,
let samples = [
Sample{duration_90k: 10, bytes: 30000, is_key: true},
Sample{duration_90k: 9, bytes: 1000, is_key: false},
Sample{duration_90k: 11, bytes: 1100, is_key: false},
Sample{duration_90k: 18, bytes: 31000, is_key: true},
Sample{duration_90k: 0, bytes: 1000, is_key: false},
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut e = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for sample in &samples {
e.add_sample(sample.duration_90k, sample.bytes, sample.is_key, &mut r);
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
for sample in &samples {
&Sample{duration_90k: it.duration_90k,
bytes: it.bytes,
is_key: it.is_key()});
/// Tests that `SampleIndexIterator` spots several classes of errors.
/// TODO: test and fix overflow cases.
fn test_iterator_errors() {
struct Test {
encoded: &'static [u8],
err: &'static str,
let tests = [
Test{encoded: b"\x80", err: "bad varint 1 at offset 0"},
Test{encoded: b"\x00\x80", err: "bad varint 2 at offset 1"},
Test{encoded: b"\x00\x02\x00\x00",
err: "zero duration only allowed at end; have 2 bytes left"},
Test{encoded: b"\x02\x02",
err: "negative duration -1 after applying delta -1"},
Test{encoded: b"\x04\x00",
err: "non-positive bytes 0 after applying delta 0 to key=false frame at ts 0"},
for test in &tests {
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
assert_eq!(it.next(test.encoded).unwrap_err().to_string(), test.err);
fn get_frames<F, T>(db: &db::Database, segment: &Segment, f: F) -> Vec<T>
where F: Fn(&SampleIndexIterator) -> T {
let mut v = Vec::new();
db.lock().with_recording_playback(segment.id, &mut |playback| {
segment.foreach(playback, |it| { v.push(f(it)); Ok(()) })
/// Tests that a `Segment` correctly can clip at the beginning and end.
/// This is a simpler case; all sync samples means we can start on any frame.
fn test_segment_clipping_with_all_sync() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for i in 1..6 {
let duration_90k = 2 * i;
let bytes = 3 * i;
encoder.add_sample(duration_90k, bytes, true, &mut r);
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
// Time range [2, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8) means the 2nd, 3rd, 4th samples should be
// included.
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 2 .. 2+4+6+8, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.duration_90k), &[4, 6, 8]);
/// Half sync frames means starting from the last sync frame <= desired point.
fn test_segment_clipping_with_half_sync() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for i in 1..6 {
let duration_90k = 2 * i;
let bytes = 3 * i;
encoder.add_sample(duration_90k, bytes, (i % 2) == 1, &mut r);
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
// Time range [2 + 4 + 6, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8) means the 4th sample should be included.
// The 3rd also gets pulled in because it is a sync frame and the 4th is not.
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 2+4+6 .. 2+4+6+8, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.duration_90k), &[6, 8]);
fn test_segment_clipping_with_trailing_zero() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
encoder.add_sample(1, 1, true, &mut r);
encoder.add_sample(1, 2, true, &mut r);
encoder.add_sample(0, 3, true, &mut r);
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 1 .. 2, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.bytes), &[2, 3]);
/// Even if the desired duration is 0, there should still be a frame.
fn test_segment_zero_desired_duration() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
encoder.add_sample(1, 1, true, &mut r);
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 0 .. 0, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.bytes), &[1]);
/// Test a `Segment` which uses the whole recording.
/// This takes a fast path which skips scanning the index in `new()`.
fn test_segment_fast_path() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for i in 1..6 {
let duration_90k = 2 * i;
let bytes = 3 * i;
encoder.add_sample(duration_90k, bytes, (i % 2) == 1, &mut r);
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 0 .. 2+4+6+8+10, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.duration_90k), &[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]);
fn test_segment_fast_path_with_trailing_zero() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
encoder.add_sample(1, 1, true, &mut r);
encoder.add_sample(1, 2, true, &mut r);
encoder.add_sample(0, 3, true, &mut r);
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 0 .. 2, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.bytes), &[1, 2, 3]);
// TODO: test segment error cases involving mismatch between row frames/key_frames and index.
#[cfg(all(test, feature="nightly"))]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use super::*;
/// Benchmarks the decoder, which is performance-critical for .mp4 serving.
fn bench_decoder(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let data = include_bytes!("testdata/video_sample_index.bin");
b.bytes = data.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
while it.next(data).unwrap() {}
assert_eq!(30104460, it.pos);
assert_eq!(5399985, it.start_90k);