mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 19:50:10 -04:00
It's supposed to be a trailing underscore, not a leading underscore, as described here: https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html#naming-method-names https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html#naming-non-constant-field-names and discussed in an earlier PR: https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/pull/48#discussion_r175678736 I fixed these mechanically: rg -l0 'this[.]_' | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/this[.]_(\w+)/this.$1_/g' rg -l0 '\s_\w+\(' | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/_(\w+)\(/$1_(/g'
410 lines
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410 lines
13 KiB
// vim: set et sw=2 ts=2:
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Moonfire NVR Authors
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import $ from 'jquery';
import DatePickerView from './DatePickerView';
import CalendarTSRange from '../models/CalendarTSRange';
import TimeStamp90kFormatter from '../support/TimeStamp90kFormatter';
import Time90kParser from '../support/Time90kParser';
* Find the earliest and latest dates from an array of StreamView
* objects.
* Each camera view has a "days" property, whose keys identify days with
* recordings. All such dates are collected and then scanned to find earliest
* and latest dates.
* "days" for camera views that are not enabled are ignored.
* @param {[Iterable]} streamViews Camera views to look into
* @return {[Set, String, String]} Array with set of all dates, and
* earliest and latest dates
function minMaxDates(streamViews) {
* Produce a set with all dates, across all enabled cameras, that
* have at least one recording available (allDates).
const allDates = new Set(
.filter((v) => v.enabled)
.map((v) => Array.from(v.stream.days.keys()))
return [
...Array.from(allDates.values()).reduce((acc, dateStr) => {
acc[0] = !acc[0] || dateStr < acc[0] ? dateStr : acc[0];
acc[1] = !acc[1] || dateStr > acc[1] ? dateStr : acc[1];
return acc;
}, []),
* Class to represent a calendar view.
* The view consists of:
* - Two date pickers (from and to)
* - A time input box with each date picker (from time, to time)
* - A set of radio buttons to select between same day or not
export default class CalendarView {
* Construct the view with UI elements IDs specified.
* @param {String} options.fromPickerId Id for from datepicker
* @param {String} options.toPickerId Id for to datepicker
* @param {String} options.isSameDayId Id for same day radio button
* @param {String} options.isOtherDayId Id for other day radio button
* @param {String} options.fromPickerTimeId Id for from time field
* @param {String} options.toPickerTimeId Id for to time field
* @param {[type]} options.timeZone Timezone
fromPickerId = 'start-date',
toPickerId = 'end-date',
isSameDayId = 'end-date-same',
isOtherDayId = 'end-date-other',
fromPickerTimeId = 'start-time',
toPickerTimeId = 'end-time',
timeZone = null,
} = {}) {
// Lookup all by id, check and remember
] = [
].map((id) => {
const el = $(`#${id}`);
if (el.length == 0) {
console.log('Warning: Calendar element with id "' + id + '" not found');
return el;
this.fromPickerView_ = new DatePickerView(this.fromPickerView_);
this.toPickerView_ = new DatePickerView(this.toPickerView_);
this.timeFormatter_ = new TimeStamp90kFormatter(timeZone);
this.timeParser_ = new Time90kParser(timeZone);
this.selectedRange_ = new CalendarTSRange(timeZone);
this.sameDay_ = true; // Start in single day view
this.sameDayElement_.prop('checked', this.sameDay_);
this.otherDayElement_.prop('checked', !this.sameDay_);
this.availableDates_ = null;
this.minDateStr_ = null;
this.maxDateStr_ = null;
this.singleDateStr_ = null;
this.streamViews_ = null;
this.rangeChangedHandler_ = null;
* Change timezone.
* @param {String} tz New timezone
set tz(tz) {
this.timeParser_.tz = tz;
* (Re)configure the datepickers and other calendar range inputs to reflect
* available dates.
configureDatePickers_() {
const dateSet = this.availableDates_;
const minDateStr = this.minDateStr_;
const maxDateStr = this.maxDateStr_;
const fromPickerView = this.fromPickerView_;
const toPickerView = this.toPickerView_;
const beforeShowDay = function(date) {
const dateStr = date.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
return [dateSet.has(dateStr), '', ''];
if (this.sameDay_) {
dateFormat: DatePickerView.datepicker.ISO_8601,
minDate: minDateStr,
maxDate: maxDateStr,
onSelect: (dateStr /* , picker */) =>
this.updateRangeDates_(dateStr, dateStr),
beforeShowDay: beforeShowDay,
disabled: false,
toPickerView.activate(); // Default state, but alive
} else {
dateFormat: DatePickerView.datepicker.ISO_8601,
minDate: minDateStr,
onSelect: (dateStr /* , picker */) => {
toPickerView.minDate = this.fromDateISO;
this.updateRangeDates_(dateStr, this.toDateISO);
beforeShowDay: beforeShowDay,
disabled: false,
dateFormat: DatePickerView.datepicker.ISO_8601,
minDate: fromPickerView.dateISO,
maxDate: maxDateStr,
onSelect: (dateStr /* , picker */) => {
fromPickerView.maxDate = this.toDateISO;
this.updateRangeDates_(this.fromDateISO, dateStr);
beforeShowDay: beforeShowDay,
disabled: false,
toPickerView.date = fromPickerView.date;
fromPickerView.maxDate = toPickerView.date;
* Call an installed handler (if any) to inform that range has changed.
informRangeChange_() {
if (this.rangeChangedHandler_ !== null) {
* Handle a change in the time input of either from or to.
* The change requires updating the selected range and then informing
* any listeners that the range has changed (so they can update data).
* @param {event} event DOM event that triggered us
* @param {Boolean} isEnd True if this is for end time
pickerTimeChanged_(event, isEnd) {
const pickerElement = event.currentTarget;
const newTimeStr = pickerElement.value;
const selectedRange = this.selectedRange_;
const parsedTS = isEnd ?
selectedRange.setEndTime(newTimeStr) :
if (parsedTS === null) {
console.warn('bad time change');
(isEnd ? 'End' : 'Start') +
' time changed to: ' +
parsedTS +
' (' +
this.timeFormatter_.formatTimeStamp90k(parsedTS) +
* Handle a change in the calendar's same/other day settings.
* The change means the selected range changes.
* @param {Boolean} isSameDay True if the same day radio button was activated
pickerSameDayChanged_(isSameDay) {
// Prevent change if not real change (can happen on initial setup)
if (this.sameDay_ != isSameDay) {
* This is called when the status of the same/other day radio buttons
* changes. We need to determine a new selected range and activiate it.
* Doing so will then also inform the change listener.
const endDate = isSameDay ?
this.selectedRange.start.dateStr :
this.updateRangeDates_(this.selectedRange.start.dateStr, endDate);
this.sameDay_ = isSameDay;
// Switch between single day and multi-day
* Reflect a change in start and end date in the calendar view.
* The selected range is update, the view is reconfigured as necessary and
* any listeners are informed.
* @param {String} startDateStr New starting date
* @param {String} endDateStr New ending date
updateRangeDates_(startDateStr, endDateStr) {
const newRange = this.selectedRange_;
const originalStart = Object.assign({}, newRange.start);
const originalEnd = Object.assign({}, newRange.end);
const isSameRange = (a, b) => {
return (
a.dateStr == b.dateStr && a.timeStr == b.timeStr && a.ts90k == b.ts90k
// Do nothing if effectively no change
if (
!isSameRange(newRange.start, originalStart) ||
!isSameRange(newRange.end, originalEnd)
) {
console.log('New range: ' + startDateStr + ' - ' + endDateStr);
* Install event handlers for same/other day radio buttons and the
* time input boxes as both need to result in an update of the calendar
* view.
wireControls_() {
// If same day status changed, update the view
this.sameDayElement_.change(() => this.pickerSameDayChanged_(true));
this.otherDayElement_.change(() => this.pickerSameDayChanged_(false));
// Handle changing of a time input (either from or to)
const handler = (e, isEnd) => {
console.log('Time changed for: ' + (isEnd ? 'end' : 'start'));
this.pickerTimeChanged_(e, isEnd);
this.startTimeElement_.change((e) => handler(e, false));
this.endTimeElement_.change((e) => handler(e, true));
* (Re)Initialize the calendar based on a collection of camera views.
* This is necessary as the camera views ultimately define the limits on
* the date pickers.
* @param {Iterable} streamViews Collection of camera views
initializeWith(streamViews) {
this.streamViews_ = streamViews;
[this.availableDates_, this.minDateStr_, this.maxDateStr_] = minMaxDates(
// Initialize the selected range to the from picker's date
// if we do not have a selected range yet
if (!this.selectedRange.hasStart()) {
const date = this.fromDateISO;
this.updateRangeDates_(date, date);
* Set a handler to be called when the calendar selection range changes.
* The handler will be called with one argument, an object of type
* CalendarTSRange reflecting the current calendar range. It will be called
* whenever that range changes.
* @param {Function} handler Function that will be called
set onRangeChange(handler) {
this.rangeChangedHandler_ = handler;
* Get the "to" selected date as Date object.
* @return {Date} Date value of the "to"date picker
get toDate() {
return this.toPickerView_.date;
* Get the "from" selected date as Date object.
* @return {Date} Date value of the "from"date picker
get fromDate() {
return this.fromPickerView_.date;
* Get the "to" selected date as the date component of an ISO-8601
* formatted string.
* @return {String} Date value (YYYY-MM-D) of the "to" date picker
get toDateISO() {
return this.toPickerView_.dateISO;
* Get the "from" selected date as the date component of an ISO-8601
* formatted string.
* @return {String} Date value (YYYY-MM-D) of the "from" date picker
get fromDateISO() {
return this.fromPickerView_.dateISO;
* Get the currently selected range in the calendar view.
* @return {CalendarTSRange} Range object
get selectedRange() {
return this.selectedRange_;