Scott Lamb 6a5b751bd6 log error messages in web paths
HTTP requests were only returning the error message to the caller, not
logging locally. In most cases the problem could be understood
client-side, but there are some exceptions. E.g. if Moonfire returns
a 403 on WebSocket update, even in the Chrome debug tools's network
tab the HTTP response body seems to be unavailable. And in general,
it's nice to have more context server-side.

Logging a `response::Body` isn't practical (it could be a stream), so
convert all the web stuff to use `base::Error` err returns.

Convert the `METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED` paths to return `Ok` for now. This is a
bit lame but punts on having some way of plumbing an explicit/overridden
status code in `base::Error`, as no gRPC error kind cleanly maps to

Also convert `db::auth`, rather than making up an error kind in the web

This is also a small step toward getting rid of `failure::Error`.
2023-07-09 10:15:56 -07:00

322 lines
11 KiB

// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception.
//! Session management: `/api/login` and `/api/logout`.
use base::{bail_t, ErrorKind, ResultExt};
use db::auth;
use http::{header, HeaderValue, Method, Request, Response, StatusCode};
use memchr::memchr;
use tracing::{info, warn};
use crate::{json, web::parse_json_body};
use super::{
csrf_matches, extract_json_body, extract_sid, plain_response, ResponseResult, Service,
use std::convert::TryFrom;
impl Service {
pub(super) async fn login(
mut req: Request<::hyper::Body>,
authreq: auth::Request,
) -> ResponseResult {
if *req.method() != Method::POST {
return Ok(plain_response(
"POST expected",
let r = extract_json_body(&mut req).await?;
let r: json::LoginRequest = parse_json_body(&r)?;
let Some(host) = req.headers().get(header::HOST) else {
bail_t!(InvalidArgument, "missing Host header");
let host = host.as_bytes();
let domain = match memchr(b':', host) {
Some(colon) => &host[0..colon],
None => host,
let mut l = self.db.lock();
// If the request came in over https, tell the browser to only send the cookie on https
// requests also.
let is_secure = self.is_secure(&req);
// Use SameSite=Lax rather than SameSite=Strict. Safari apparently doesn't send
// SameSite=Strict cookies on WebSocket upgrade requests. There's no real security
// difference for Moonfire NVR anyway. SameSite=Strict exists as CSRF protection for
// sites that (unlike Moonfire NVR) don't follow best practices by (a)
// mutating based on GET requests and (b) not using CSRF tokens.
use auth::SessionFlag;
let flags = (SessionFlag::HttpOnly as i32)
| (SessionFlag::SameSite as i32)
| if is_secure {
SessionFlag::Secure as i32
} else {
let (sid, _) = l
.login_by_password(authreq, r.username, r.password, Some(domain), flags)
let cookie = encode_sid(sid, flags);
HeaderValue::try_from(cookie).expect("cookie can't have invalid bytes"),
pub(super) async fn logout(
mut req: Request<hyper::Body>,
authreq: auth::Request,
) -> ResponseResult {
if *req.method() != Method::POST {
return Ok(plain_response(
"POST expected",
let r = extract_json_body(&mut req).await?;
let r: json::LogoutRequest = parse_json_body(&r)?;
let mut res = Response::new(b""[..].into());
if let Some(sid) = extract_sid(&req) {
let mut l = self.db.lock();
let hash = sid.hash();
match l.authenticate_session(authreq.clone(), &hash) {
Ok((s, _)) => {
if !csrf_matches(r.csrf, s.csrf()) {
bail_t!(InvalidArgument, "logout with incorret csrf token");
info!("revoking session");
l.revoke_session(auth::RevocationReason::LoggedOut, None, authreq, &hash)
Err(e) => {
// TODO: distinguish "no such session", "session is no longer valid", and
// "user ... is disabled" (which are all client error / bad state) from database
// errors.
warn!("logout failed: {}", e);
// By now the session is invalid (whether it was valid to start with or not).
// Clear useless cookie.
HeaderValue::from_str("s=; Max-Age=0; Path=/").unwrap(),
*res.status_mut() = StatusCode::NO_CONTENT;
/// Encodes a session into `Set-Cookie` header value form.
fn encode_sid(sid: db::RawSessionId, flags: i32) -> String {
let mut cookie = String::with_capacity(128);
base64::encode_config_buf(sid, base64::STANDARD_NO_PAD, &mut cookie);
use auth::SessionFlag;
if (flags & SessionFlag::HttpOnly as i32) != 0 {
cookie.push_str("; HttpOnly");
if (flags & SessionFlag::Secure as i32) != 0 {
cookie.push_str("; Secure");
if (flags & SessionFlag::SameSiteStrict as i32) != 0 {
cookie.push_str("; SameSite=Strict");
} else if (flags & SessionFlag::SameSite as i32) != 0 {
cookie.push_str("; SameSite=Lax");
cookie.push_str("; Max-Age=2147483648; Path=/");
mod tests {
use db::testutil;
use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use tracing::info;
use crate::web::tests::Server;
async fn login() {
let s = Server::new(None);
let cli = reqwest::Client::new();
let login_url = format!("{}/api/login", &s.base_url);
let resp = cli.get(&login_url).send().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
let resp =;
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST);
let mut p = FnvHashMap::default();
p.insert("username", "slamb");
p.insert("password", "asdf");
let resp =;
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED);
p.insert("password", "hunter2");
let resp =;
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::NO_CONTENT);
let cookie = SessionCookie::new(resp.headers());
info!("cookie: {:?}", cookie);
info!("header: {}", cookie.header());
let resp = cli
.get(&format!("{}/api/", &s.base_url))
.header(reqwest::header::COOKIE, cookie.header())
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::OK);
async fn logout() {
let s = Server::new(None);
let cli = reqwest::Client::new();
let mut p = FnvHashMap::default();
p.insert("username", "slamb");
p.insert("password", "hunter2");
let resp = cli
.post(&format!("{}/api/login", &s.base_url))
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::NO_CONTENT);
let cookie = SessionCookie::new(resp.headers());
// A GET shouldn't work.
let resp = cli
.get(&format!("{}/api/logout", &s.base_url))
.header(reqwest::header::COOKIE, cookie.header())
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
// Neither should a POST without a csrf token.
let resp = cli
.post(&format!("{}/api/logout", &s.base_url))
.header(reqwest::header::COOKIE, cookie.header())
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST);
// But it should work with the csrf token.
// Retrieve that from the toplevel API request.
let toplevel: serde_json::Value = cli
.post(&format!("{}/api/", &s.base_url))
.header(reqwest::header::COOKIE, cookie.header())
let csrf = toplevel
let mut p = FnvHashMap::default();
p.insert("csrf", csrf);
let resp = cli
.post(&format!("{}/api/logout", &s.base_url))
.header(reqwest::header::COOKIE, cookie.header())
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::NO_CONTENT);
let mut updated_cookie = cookie.clone();
// The cookie should be cleared client-side.
// It should also be invalidated server-side.
let resp = cli
.get(&format!("{}/api/", &s.base_url))
.header(reqwest::header::COOKIE, cookie.header())
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED);
fn encode_sid() {
use super::encode_sid;
use db::auth::{RawSessionId, SessionFlag};
let s64 = "3LbrruP5vj/hpE8kvYTz/rNDg4BleRiTCHGA3Ocm91z/YrtxHDxexmrz46biZJxJ";
let s = RawSessionId::decode_base64(s64.as_bytes()).unwrap();
(SessionFlag::Secure as i32)
| (SessionFlag::HttpOnly as i32)
| (SessionFlag::SameSite as i32)
| (SessionFlag::SameSiteStrict as i32)
format!("s={s64}; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Strict; Max-Age=2147483648; Path=/")
encode_sid(s, SessionFlag::SameSite as i32),
format!("s={s64}; SameSite=Lax; Max-Age=2147483648; Path=/")
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct SessionCookie(Option<String>);
impl SessionCookie {
pub fn new(headers: &reqwest::header::HeaderMap) -> Self {
let mut c = SessionCookie::default();
pub fn update(&mut self, headers: &reqwest::header::HeaderMap) {
for set_cookie in headers.get_all(reqwest::header::SET_COOKIE) {
let mut set_cookie = set_cookie.to_str().unwrap().split("; ");
let c =;
let mut clear = false;
for attr in set_cookie {
if attr == "Max-Age=0" {
clear = true;
if !c.starts_with("s=") {
panic!("unrecognized cookie");
self.0 = if clear { None } else { Some(c.to_owned()) };
/// Produces a `Cookie` header value.
pub fn header(&self) -> String {