mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 21:43:21 -05:00
It had an Arc which in hindsight isn't necessary; the actual video index generation is fast anyway. This saves a couple pointers per cache entry and the overhead of chasing them. LruCache itself also has some extra pointers on it but that's something to address another day.
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1701 lines
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// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Scott Lamb <slamb@slamb.org>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Database access logic for the Moonfire NVR SQLite schema.
//! The SQLite schema includes everything except the actual video samples (see the `dir` module
//! for management of those). See `schema.sql` for a more detailed description.
//! The `Database` struct caches data in RAM, making the assumption that only one process is
//! accessing the database at a time. Performance and efficiency notes:
//! * several query operations here feature row callbacks. The callback is invoked with
//! the database lock. Thus, the callback shouldn't perform long-running operations.
//! * startup may be slow, as it scans the entire index for the recording table. This seems
//! acceptable.
//! * the operations used for web file serving should return results with acceptable latency.
//! * however, the database lock may be held for longer than is acceptable for
//! the critical path of recording frames. The caller should preallocate sample file uuids
//! and such to avoid database operations in these paths.
//! * the `Transaction` interface allows callers to batch write operations to reduce latency and
//! SSD write cycles.
use error::{Error, ResultExt};
use fnv;
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use openssl::hash;
use recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC};
use rusqlite;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::str;
use std::string::String;
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex,MutexGuard};
use std::vec::Vec;
use time;
use uuid::Uuid;
/// Expected schema version. See `guide/schema.md` for more information.
pub const EXPECTED_VERSION: i32 = 1;
const GET_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL: &'static str = r#"
composite_id = :composite_id
const DELETE_RESERVATION_SQL: &'static str =
"delete from reserved_sample_files where uuid = :uuid";
const INSERT_RESERVATION_SQL: &'static str = r#"
insert into reserved_sample_files (uuid, state)
values (:uuid, :state)
/// Valid values for the `state` column in the `reserved_sample_files` table.
enum ReservationState {
/// This uuid has not yet been added to the `recording` table. The file may be unwritten,
/// partially written, or fully written.
Writing = 0,
/// This uuid was previously in the `recording` table. The file may be fully written or
/// unlinked.
Deleting = 1,
const INSERT_VIDEO_SAMPLE_ENTRY_SQL: &'static str = r#"
insert into video_sample_entry (sha1, width, height, data)
values (:sha1, :width, :height, :data)
const INSERT_RECORDING_SQL: &'static str = r#"
insert into recording (composite_id, camera_id, run_offset, flags, sample_file_bytes,
start_time_90k, duration_90k, local_time_delta_90k, video_samples,
video_sync_samples, video_sample_entry_id)
values (:composite_id, :camera_id, :run_offset, :flags, :sample_file_bytes,
:start_time_90k, :duration_90k, :local_time_delta_90k,
:video_samples, :video_sync_samples, :video_sample_entry_id)
const INSERT_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL: &'static str = r#"
insert into recording_playback (composite_id, sample_file_uuid, sample_file_sha1, video_index)
values (:composite_id, :sample_file_uuid, :sample_file_sha1,
const UPDATE_NEXT_RECORDING_ID_SQL: &'static str =
"update camera set next_recording_id = :next_recording_id where id = :camera_id";
const LIST_OLDEST_SAMPLE_FILES_SQL: &'static str = r#"
join recording_playback on (recording.composite_id = recording_playback.composite_id)
:start <= recording.composite_id and
recording.composite_id < :end
order by
const DELETE_RECORDING_SQL: &'static str = r#"
delete from recording where composite_id = :composite_id
const DELETE_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL: &'static str = r#"
delete from recording_playback where composite_id = :composite_id
const CAMERA_MIN_START_SQL: &'static str = r#"
camera_id = :camera_id
order by start_time_90k limit 1
const CAMERA_MAX_START_SQL: &'static str = r#"
camera_id = :camera_id
order by start_time_90k desc;
const LIST_RECORDINGS_BY_ID_SQL: &'static str = r#"
:start <= composite_id and
composite_id < :end
order by
struct FromSqlUuid(Uuid);
impl rusqlite::types::FromSql for FromSqlUuid {
fn column_result(value: rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> rusqlite::types::FromSqlResult<Self> {
let uuid = Uuid::from_bytes(value.as_blob()?)
.map_err(|e| rusqlite::types::FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(e)))?;
/// A box with space for the uuid (initially uninitialized) and the video index.
/// The caller must fill the uuid bytes.
struct PlaybackData(Box<[u8]>);
impl rusqlite::types::FromSql for PlaybackData {
fn column_result(value: rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> rusqlite::types::FromSqlResult<Self> {
let blob = value.as_blob()?;
let len = 16 + blob.len();
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(len);
unsafe { v.set_len(len) };
/// A concrete box derived from a ISO/IEC 14496-12 section 8.5.2 VisualSampleEntry box. Describes
/// the codec, width, height, etc.
pub struct VideoSampleEntry {
pub id: i32,
pub width: u16,
pub height: u16,
pub sha1: [u8; 20],
pub data: Vec<u8>,
/// A row used in `list_recordings_by_time` and `list_recordings_by_id`.
pub struct ListRecordingsRow {
pub start: recording::Time,
pub video_sample_entry: Arc<VideoSampleEntry>,
pub camera_id: i32,
pub id: i32,
/// This is a recording::Duration, but a single recording's duration fits into an i32.
pub duration_90k: i32,
pub video_samples: i32,
pub video_sync_samples: i32,
pub sample_file_bytes: i32,
pub run_offset: i32,
pub flags: i32,
/// A row used in `list_aggregated_recordings`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ListAggregatedRecordingsRow {
pub time: Range<recording::Time>,
pub ids: Range<i32>,
pub video_samples: i64,
pub video_sync_samples: i64,
pub sample_file_bytes: i64,
pub video_sample_entry: Arc<VideoSampleEntry>,
pub camera_id: i32,
pub flags: i32,
pub run_start_id: i32,
/// Select fields from the `recordings_playback` table. Retrieve with `with_recording_playback`.
pub struct RecordingPlayback<'a> {
pub sample_file_uuid: Uuid,
pub video_index: &'a [u8],
impl<'a> RecordingPlayback<'a> {
fn new(data: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
RecordingPlayback {
sample_file_uuid: Uuid::from_bytes(&data[..16]).unwrap(),
video_index: &data[16..],
/// Bitmask in the `flags` field in the `recordings` table; see `schema.sql`.
pub enum RecordingFlags {
TrailingZero = 1,
/// A recording to pass to `insert_recording`.
pub struct RecordingToInsert {
pub camera_id: i32,
pub run_offset: i32,
pub flags: i32,
pub sample_file_bytes: i32,
pub time: Range<recording::Time>,
pub local_time_delta: recording::Duration,
pub video_samples: i32,
pub video_sync_samples: i32,
pub video_sample_entry_id: i32,
pub sample_file_uuid: Uuid,
pub video_index: Vec<u8>,
pub sample_file_sha1: [u8; 20],
/// A row used in `list_oldest_sample_files`.
pub struct ListOldestSampleFilesRow {
pub uuid: Uuid,
pub camera_id: i32,
pub recording_id: i32,
pub time: Range<recording::Time>,
pub sample_file_bytes: i32,
/// A calendar day in `YYYY-mm-dd` format.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct CameraDayKey([u8; 10]);
impl CameraDayKey {
fn new(tm: time::Tm) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut s = CameraDayKey([0u8; 10]);
write!(&mut s.0[..], "{}", tm.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")?)?;
pub fn bounds(&self) -> Range<recording::Time> {
let mut my_tm = time::strptime(self.as_ref(), "%Y-%m-%d").expect("days must be parseable");
let start = recording::Time(my_tm.to_timespec().sec * recording::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
my_tm.tm_isdst = -1;
my_tm.tm_hour = 0;
my_tm.tm_min = 0;
my_tm.tm_sec = 0;
my_tm.tm_mday += 1;
let end = recording::Time(my_tm.to_timespec().sec * recording::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
start .. end
impl AsRef<str> for CameraDayKey {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { str::from_utf8(&self.0[..]).expect("days are always UTF-8") }
/// In-memory state about a particular camera on a particular day.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct CameraDayValue {
/// The number of recordings that overlap with this day. Note that `adjust_day` automatically
/// prunes days with 0 recordings.
pub recordings: i64,
/// The total duration recorded on this day. This can be 0; because frames' durations are taken
/// from the time of the next frame, a recording that ends unexpectedly after a single frame
/// will have 0 duration of that frame and thus the whole recording.
pub duration: recording::Duration,
/// In-memory state about a camera.
pub struct Camera {
pub id: i32,
pub uuid: Uuid,
pub short_name: String,
pub description: String,
pub host: String,
pub username: String,
pub password: String,
pub main_rtsp_path: String,
pub sub_rtsp_path: String,
pub retain_bytes: i64,
/// The time range of recorded data associated with this camera (minimum start time and maximum
/// end time). `None` iff there are no recordings for this camera.
pub range: Option<Range<recording::Time>>,
pub sample_file_bytes: i64,
/// The total duration of recorded data. This may not be `range.end - range.start` due to
/// gaps and overlap.
pub duration: recording::Duration,
/// Mapping of calendar day (in the server's time zone) to a summary of recordings on that day.
pub days: BTreeMap<CameraDayKey, CameraDayValue>,
next_recording_id: i32,
/// Information about a camera, used by `add_camera` and `update_camera`.
pub struct CameraChange {
pub short_name: String,
pub description: String,
pub host: String,
pub username: String,
pub password: String,
pub main_rtsp_path: String,
pub sub_rtsp_path: String,
/// Adds non-zero `delta` to the day represented by `day` in the map `m`.
/// Inserts a map entry if absent; removes the entry if it has 0 entries on exit.
fn adjust_day(day: CameraDayKey, delta: CameraDayValue,
m: &mut BTreeMap<CameraDayKey, CameraDayValue>) {
use ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry;
match m.entry(day) {
Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert(delta); },
Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
let remove = {
let v = e.get_mut();
v.recordings += delta.recordings;
v.duration += delta.duration;
v.recordings == 0
if remove {
/// Adjusts the day map `m` to reflect the range of the given recording.
/// Note that the specified range may span two days. It will never span more because the maximum
/// length of a recording entry is less than a day (even a 23-hour "spring forward" day).
/// This function swallows/logs date formatting errors because they shouldn't happen and there's
/// not much that can be done about them. (The database operation has already gone through.)
fn adjust_days(r: Range<recording::Time>, sign: i64,
m: &mut BTreeMap<CameraDayKey, CameraDayValue>) {
// Find first day key.
let mut my_tm = time::at(time::Timespec{sec: r.start.unix_seconds(), nsec: 0});
let day = match CameraDayKey::new(my_tm) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(ref e) => {
error!("Unable to fill first day key from {:?}: {}; will ignore.", my_tm, e);
// Determine the start of the next day.
// Use mytm to hold a non-normalized representation of the boundary.
my_tm.tm_isdst = -1;
my_tm.tm_hour = 0;
my_tm.tm_min = 0;
my_tm.tm_sec = 0;
my_tm.tm_mday += 1;
let boundary = my_tm.to_timespec();
let boundary_90k = boundary.sec * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
// Adjust the first day.
let first_day_delta = CameraDayValue{
recordings: sign,
duration: recording::Duration(sign * (cmp::min(r.end.0, boundary_90k) - r.start.0)),
adjust_day(day, first_day_delta, m);
if r.end.0 <= boundary_90k {
// Fill day with the second day. This requires a normalized representation so recalculate.
// (The C mktime(3) already normalized for us once, but .to_timespec() discarded that result.)
let my_tm = time::at(boundary);
let day = match CameraDayKey::new(my_tm) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(ref e) => {
error!("Unable to fill second day key from {:?}: {}; will ignore.", my_tm, e);
let second_day_delta = CameraDayValue{
recordings: sign,
duration: recording::Duration(sign * (r.end.0 - boundary_90k)),
adjust_day(day, second_day_delta, m);
impl Camera {
/// Adds a single recording with the given properties to the in-memory state.
fn add_recording(&mut self, r: Range<recording::Time>, sample_file_bytes: i32) {
self.range = Some(match self.range {
Some(ref e) => cmp::min(e.start, r.start) .. cmp::max(e.end, r.end),
None => r.start .. r.end,
self.duration += r.end - r.start;
self.sample_file_bytes += sample_file_bytes as i64;
adjust_days(r, 1, &mut self.days);
/// Initializes the recordings associated with the given camera.
fn init_recordings(conn: &mut rusqlite::Connection, camera_id: i32, camera: &mut Camera)
-> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Loading recordings for camera {}", camera.short_name);
let mut stmt = conn.prepare(r#"
camera_id = :camera_id
let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[(":camera_id", &camera_id)])?;
let mut i = 0;
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let start = recording::Time(row.get_checked(0)?);
let duration = recording::Duration(row.get_checked(1)?);
let bytes = row.get_checked(2)?;
camera.add_recording(start .. start + duration, bytes);
i += 1;
info!("Loaded {} recordings for camera {}", i, camera.short_name);
pub struct LockedDatabase {
conn: rusqlite::Connection,
state: State,
/// In-memory state from the database.
/// This is separated out of `LockedDatabase` so that `Transaction` can mutably borrow `state`
/// while its underlying `rusqlite::Transaction` is borrowing `conn`.
struct State {
cameras_by_id: BTreeMap<i32, Camera>,
cameras_by_uuid: BTreeMap<Uuid, i32>,
video_sample_entries: BTreeMap<i32, Arc<VideoSampleEntry>>,
list_recordings_by_time_sql: String,
playback_cache: RefCell<LruCache<i64, Box<[u8]>, fnv::FnvBuildHasher>>,
/// A high-level transaction. This manages the SQLite transaction and the matching modification to
/// be applied to the in-memory state on successful commit.
pub struct Transaction<'a> {
state: &'a mut State,
mods_by_camera: fnv::FnvHashMap<i32, CameraModification>,
tx: rusqlite::Transaction<'a>,
/// True if due to an earlier error the transaction must be rolled back rather than committed.
/// Insert and delete are multi-part. If later parts fail, earlier parts should be aborted as
/// well. We could use savepoints (nested transactions) for this, but for simplicity we just
/// require the entire transaction be rolled back.
must_rollback: bool,
/// Normally sample file uuids must be reserved prior to a recording being inserted.
/// It's convenient in benchmarks though to allow the same segment to be inserted into the
/// database many times, so this safety check can be disabled.
pub bypass_reservation_for_testing: bool,
/// A modification to be done to a `Camera` after a `Transaction` is committed.
struct CameraModification {
/// Add this to `camera.duration`. Thus, positive values indicate a net addition;
/// negative values indicate a net subtraction.
duration: recording::Duration,
/// Add this to `camera.sample_file_bytes`.
sample_file_bytes: i64,
/// Add this to `camera.days`.
days: BTreeMap<CameraDayKey, CameraDayValue>,
/// Reset the Camera range to this value. This should be populated immediately prior to the
/// commit.
range: Option<Range<recording::Time>>,
/// Reset the next_recording_id to the specified value.
new_next_recording_id: Option<i32>,
/// Reset the retain_bytes to the specified value.
new_retain_bytes: Option<i64>,
fn composite_id(camera_id: i32, recording_id: i32) -> i64 {
(camera_id as i64) << 32 | recording_id as i64
impl<'a> Transaction<'a> {
/// Reserves a new, randomly generated UUID to be used as a sample file.
pub fn reserve_sample_file(&mut self) -> Result<Uuid, Error> {
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(INSERT_RESERVATION_SQL)?;
let uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..];
(":uuid", &uuid_bytes),
(":state", &(ReservationState::Writing as i64))
info!("reserved {}", uuid);
/// Deletes the given recordings from the `recording` and `recording_playback` tables.
/// Note they are not fully removed from the database; the uuids are transferred to the
/// `reserved_sample_files` table. The caller should `unlink` the files, then remove the
/// reservation.
pub fn delete_recordings(&mut self, rows: &[ListOldestSampleFilesRow]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut del1 = self.tx.prepare_cached(DELETE_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL)?;
let mut del2 = self.tx.prepare_cached(DELETE_RECORDING_SQL)?;
let mut insert = self.tx.prepare_cached(INSERT_RESERVATION_SQL)?;
self.must_rollback = true;
for row in rows {
let composite_id = &composite_id(row.camera_id, row.recording_id);
let changes = del1.execute_named(&[(":composite_id", composite_id)])?;
if changes != 1 {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{} (uuid {})",
row.camera_id, row.recording_id, row.uuid)));
let changes = del2.execute_named(&[(":composite_id", composite_id)])?;
if changes != 1 {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording_playback {}/{} (uuid {})",
row.camera_id, row.recording_id, row.uuid)));
let uuid = &row.uuid.as_bytes()[..];
(":uuid", &uuid),
(":state", &(ReservationState::Deleting as i64))
let mut m = Transaction::get_mods_by_camera(&mut self.mods_by_camera, row.camera_id);
m.duration -= row.time.end - row.time.start;
m.sample_file_bytes -= row.sample_file_bytes as i64;
adjust_days(row.time.clone(), -1, &mut m.days);
self.must_rollback = false;
/// Marks the given sample file uuid as deleted. Accepts uuids in either `ReservationState`.
/// This shouldn't be called until the files have been `unlink()`ed and the parent directory
/// `fsync()`ed.
pub fn mark_sample_files_deleted(&mut self, uuids: &[Uuid]) -> Result<(), Error> {
if uuids.is_empty() { return Ok(()); }
let mut stmt =
self.tx.prepare_cached("delete from reserved_sample_files where uuid = :uuid;")?;
for uuid in uuids {
let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..];
let changes = stmt.execute_named(&[(":uuid", &uuid_bytes)])?;
if changes != 1 {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no reservation for {}", uuid.hyphenated())));
/// Inserts the specified recording.
/// The sample file uuid must have been previously reserved. (Although this can be bypassed
/// for testing; see the `bypass_reservation_for_testing` field.)
pub fn insert_recording(&mut self, r: &RecordingToInsert) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Sanity checking.
if r.time.end < r.time.start {
return Err(Error::new(format!("end time {} must be >= start time {}",
r.time.end, r.time.start)));
// Unreserve the sample file uuid and insert the recording row.
let cam = match self.state.cameras_by_id.get_mut(&r.camera_id) {
None => return Err(Error::new(format!("no such camera id {}", r.camera_id))),
Some(c) => c,
let uuid = &r.sample_file_uuid.as_bytes()[..];
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(DELETE_RESERVATION_SQL)?;
let changes = stmt.execute_named(&[(":uuid", &uuid)])?;
if changes != 1 && !self.bypass_reservation_for_testing {
return Err(Error::new(format!("uuid {} is not reserved", r.sample_file_uuid)));
self.must_rollback = true;
let mut m = Transaction::get_mods_by_camera(&mut self.mods_by_camera, r.camera_id);
let recording_id = m.new_next_recording_id.unwrap_or(cam.next_recording_id);
let composite_id = composite_id(r.camera_id, recording_id);
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(INSERT_RECORDING_SQL)?;
(":composite_id", &composite_id),
(":camera_id", &(r.camera_id as i64)),
(":run_offset", &r.run_offset),
(":flags", &r.flags),
(":sample_file_bytes", &r.sample_file_bytes),
(":start_time_90k", &r.time.start.0),
(":duration_90k", &(r.time.end.0 - r.time.start.0)),
(":local_time_delta_90k", &r.local_time_delta.0),
(":video_samples", &r.video_samples),
(":video_sync_samples", &r.video_sync_samples),
(":video_sample_entry_id", &r.video_sample_entry_id),
m.new_next_recording_id = Some(recording_id + 1);
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(INSERT_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL)?;
let sha1 = &r.sample_file_sha1[..];
(":composite_id", &composite_id),
(":sample_file_uuid", &uuid),
(":sample_file_sha1", &sha1),
(":video_index", &r.video_index),
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(UPDATE_NEXT_RECORDING_ID_SQL)?;
(":camera_id", &(r.camera_id as i64)),
(":next_recording_id", &m.new_next_recording_id),
self.must_rollback = false;
m.duration += r.time.end - r.time.start;
m.sample_file_bytes += r.sample_file_bytes as i64;
adjust_days(r.time.clone(), 1, &mut m.days);
/// Updates the `retain_bytes` for the given camera to the specified limit.
/// Note this just resets the limit in the database; it's the caller's responsibility to ensure
/// current usage is under the new limit if desired.
pub fn update_retention(&mut self, camera_id: i32, new_limit: i64) -> Result<(), Error> {
if new_limit < 0 {
return Err(Error::new(format!("can't set limit for camera {} to {}; must be >= 0",
camera_id, new_limit)));
let mut stmt =
self.tx.prepare_cached("update camera set retain_bytes = :retain where id = :id")?;
let changes = stmt.execute_named(&[(":retain", &new_limit), (":id", &camera_id)])?;
if changes != 1 {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such camera {}", camera_id)));
let mut m = Transaction::get_mods_by_camera(&mut self.mods_by_camera, camera_id);
m.new_retain_bytes = Some(new_limit);
/// Commits these changes, consuming the Transaction.
pub fn commit(mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
for (&camera_id, m) in &self.mods_by_camera {
let mut camera = self.state.cameras_by_id.get_mut(&camera_id)
.expect("modified camera must exist");
camera.duration += m.duration;
camera.sample_file_bytes += m.sample_file_bytes;
for (k, v) in &m.days {
adjust_day(*k, *v, &mut camera.days);
camera.range = m.range.clone();
if let Some(id) = m.new_next_recording_id {
camera.next_recording_id = id;
if let Some(b) = m.new_retain_bytes {
camera.retain_bytes = b;
/// Raises an error if `must_rollback` is true. To be used on commit and in modifications.
fn check_must_rollback(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.must_rollback {
return Err(Error::new("failing due to previous error".to_owned()));
/// Looks up an existing entry in `mods` for a given camera or makes+inserts an identity entry.
fn get_mods_by_camera(mods: &mut fnv::FnvHashMap<i32, CameraModification>, camera_id: i32)
-> &mut CameraModification {
mods.entry(camera_id).or_insert_with(|| {
duration: recording::Duration(0),
sample_file_bytes: 0,
range: None,
days: BTreeMap::new(),
new_next_recording_id: None,
new_retain_bytes: None,
/// Fills the `range` of each `CameraModification`. This is done prior to commit so that if the
/// commit succeeds, there's no possibility that the correct state can't be retrieved.
fn precommit(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Recompute start and end times for each camera.
for (&camera_id, m) in &mut self.mods_by_camera {
// The minimum is straightforward, taking advantage of the start_time_90k index.
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(CAMERA_MIN_START_SQL)?;
let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[(":camera_id", &camera_id)])?;
let min_start = match rows.next() {
Some(row) => recording::Time(row?.get_checked(0)?),
None => continue, // no data; leave m.range alone.
// There was a minimum, so there should be a maximum too. Calculating it is less
// straightforward because recordings could overlap. All recordings starting in the
// last MAX_RECORDING_DURATION must be examined in order to take advantage of the
// start_time_90k index.
let mut stmt = self.tx.prepare_cached(CAMERA_MAX_START_SQL)?;
let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[(":camera_id", &camera_id)])?;
let mut maxes_opt = None;
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let row_start = recording::Time(row.get_checked(0)?);
let row_duration: i64 = row.get_checked(1)?;
let row_end = recording::Time(row_start.0 + row_duration);
let maxes = match maxes_opt {
None => row_start .. row_end,
Some(Range{start: s, end: e}) => s .. cmp::max(e, row_end),
if row_start.0 <= maxes.start.0 - recording::MAX_RECORDING_DURATION {
maxes_opt = Some(maxes);
let max_end = match maxes_opt {
Some(Range{end: e, ..}) => e,
None => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("missing max for camera {} which had min {}",
camera_id, min_start)));
m.range = Some(min_start .. max_end);
impl LockedDatabase {
/// Returns an immutable view of the cameras by id.
pub fn cameras_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap<i32, Camera> { &self.state.cameras_by_id }
/// Starts a transaction for a write operation.
/// Note transactions are not needed for read operations; this process holds a lock on the
/// database directory, and the connection is locked within the process, so having a
/// `LockedDatabase` is sufficient to ensure a consistent view.
pub fn tx(&mut self) -> Result<Transaction, Error> {
state: &mut self.state,
mods_by_camera: fnv::FnvHashMap::default(),
tx: self.conn.transaction()?,
must_rollback: false,
bypass_reservation_for_testing: false,
/// Gets a given camera by uuid.
pub fn get_camera(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Option<&Camera> {
match self.state.cameras_by_uuid.get(&uuid) {
Some(id) => Some(self.state.cameras_by_id.get(id).expect("uuid->id requires id->cam")),
None => None,
/// Lists the specified recordings in ascending order by start time, passing them to a supplied
/// function. Given that the function is called with the database lock held, it should be quick.
pub fn list_recordings_by_time<F>(&self, camera_id: i32, desired_time: Range<recording::Time>,
f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(ListRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(&self.state.list_recordings_by_time_sql)?;
let rows = stmt.query_named(&[
(":camera_id", &camera_id),
(":start_time_90k", &desired_time.start.0),
(":end_time_90k", &desired_time.end.0)])?;
self.list_recordings_inner(camera_id, rows, f)
/// Lists the specified recordigs in ascending order by id.
pub fn list_recordings_by_id<F>(&self, camera_id: i32, desired_ids: Range<i32>, f: F)
-> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(ListRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(LIST_RECORDINGS_BY_ID_SQL)?;
let rows = stmt.query_named(&[
(":start", &composite_id(camera_id, desired_ids.start)),
(":end", &composite_id(camera_id, desired_ids.end)),
self.list_recordings_inner(camera_id, rows, f)
fn list_recordings_inner<F>(&self, camera_id: i32, mut rows: rusqlite::Rows, mut f: F)
-> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(ListRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error> {
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let id = row.get_checked::<_, i64>(0)? as i32; // drop top bits of composite_id.
let vse_id = row.get_checked(8)?;
let video_sample_entry = match self.state.video_sample_entries.get(&vse_id) {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"recording {}/{} references nonexistent video_sample_entry {}",
camera_id, id, vse_id)));
let out = ListRecordingsRow{
camera_id: camera_id,
id: id,
run_offset: row.get_checked(1)?,
flags: row.get_checked(2)?,
start: recording::Time(row.get_checked(3)?),
duration_90k: row.get_checked(4)?,
sample_file_bytes: row.get_checked(5)?,
video_samples: row.get_checked(6)?,
video_sync_samples: row.get_checked(7)?,
video_sample_entry: video_sample_entry.clone(),
/// Calls `list_recordings_by_time` and aggregates consecutive recordings.
/// Rows are given to the callback in arbitrary order. Callers which care about ordering
/// should do their own sorting.
pub fn list_aggregated_recordings<F>(&self, camera_id: i32,
desired_time: Range<recording::Time>,
forced_split: recording::Duration,
mut f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(&ListAggregatedRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Iterate, maintaining a map from a recording_id to the aggregated row for the latest
// batch of recordings from the run starting at that id. Runs can be split into multiple
// batches for a few reasons:
// * forced split (when exceeding a duration limit)
// * a missing id (one that was deleted out of order)
// * video_sample_entry mismatch (if the parameters changed during a RTSP session)
// This iteration works because in a run, the start_time+duration of recording id r
// is equal to the start_time of recording id r+1. Thus ascending times guarantees
// ascending ids within a run. (Different runs, however, can be arbitrarily interleaved if
// their timestamps overlap. Tracking all active runs prevents that interleaving from
// causing problems.)
let mut aggs: BTreeMap<i32, ListAggregatedRecordingsRow> = BTreeMap::new();
self.list_recordings_by_time(camera_id, desired_time, |row| {
let run_start_id = row.id - row.run_offset;
let needs_flush = if let Some(a) = aggs.get(&run_start_id) {
let new_dur = a.time.end - a.time.start +
recording::Duration(row.duration_90k as i64);
a.ids.end != row.id || row.video_sample_entry.id != a.video_sample_entry.id ||
new_dur >= forced_split
} else {
if needs_flush {
let a = aggs.remove(&run_start_id).expect("needs_flush when agg is None");
let need_insert = if let Some(ref mut a) = aggs.get_mut(&run_start_id) {
if a.time.end != row.start {
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"camera {} recording {} ends at {}; {} starts at {}; expected same",
camera_id, a.ids.end - 1, a.time.end, row.id, row.start)));
a.time.end.0 += row.duration_90k as i64;
a.ids.end = row.id + 1;
a.video_samples += row.video_samples as i64;
a.video_sync_samples += row.video_sync_samples as i64;
a.sample_file_bytes += row.sample_file_bytes as i64;
} else {
if need_insert {
aggs.insert(run_start_id, ListAggregatedRecordingsRow{
time: row.start .. recording::Time(row.start.0 + row.duration_90k as i64),
ids: row.id .. row.id+1,
video_samples: row.video_samples as i64,
video_sync_samples: row.video_sync_samples as i64,
sample_file_bytes: row.sample_file_bytes as i64,
video_sample_entry: row.video_sample_entry,
camera_id: camera_id,
run_start_id: row.id - row.run_offset,
flags: row.flags,
for a in aggs.values() {
/// Calls `f` with a single `recording_playback` row.
/// Note the lock is held for the duration of `f`.
/// This uses a LRU cache to reduce the number of retrievals from the database.
pub fn with_recording_playback<F, R>(&self, camera_id: i32, recording_id: i32, f: F)
-> Result<R, Error>
where F: FnOnce(&RecordingPlayback) -> Result<R, Error> {
let composite_id = composite_id(camera_id, recording_id);
let mut cache = self.state.playback_cache.borrow_mut();
if let Some(r) = cache.get_mut(&composite_id) {
trace!("cache hit for recording {}/{}", camera_id, recording_id);
return f(&RecordingPlayback::new(r));
trace!("cache miss for recording {}/{}", camera_id, recording_id);
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(GET_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL)?;
let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[(":composite_id", &composite_id)])?;
if let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let uuid: FromSqlUuid = row.get_checked(0)?;
let data = {
let mut data: PlaybackData = row.get_checked(1)?;
let result = f(&RecordingPlayback::new(&data));
cache.insert(composite_id, data);
return result;
Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}", camera_id, recording_id)))
/// Lists all reserved sample files.
pub fn list_reserved_sample_files(&self) -> Result<Vec<Uuid>, Error> {
let mut reserved = Vec::new();
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached("select uuid from reserved_sample_files;")?;
let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[])?;
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let uuid: FromSqlUuid = row.get_checked(0)?;
/// Lists the oldest sample files (to delete to free room).
/// `f` should return true as long as further rows are desired.
pub fn list_oldest_sample_files<F>(&self, camera_id: i32, mut f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(ListOldestSampleFilesRow) -> bool {
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(LIST_OLDEST_SAMPLE_FILES_SQL)?;
let mut rows = stmt.query_named(&[
(":start", &composite_id(camera_id, 0)),
(":end", &composite_id(camera_id + 1, 0)),
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let start = recording::Time(row.get_checked(2)?);
let duration = recording::Duration(row.get_checked(3)?);
let composite_id: i64 = row.get_checked(0)?;
let uuid: FromSqlUuid = row.get_checked(1)?;
let should_continue = f(ListOldestSampleFilesRow{
recording_id: composite_id as i32,
camera_id: (composite_id >> 32) as i32,
uuid: uuid.0,
time: start .. start + duration,
sample_file_bytes: row.get_checked(4)?,
if !should_continue {
/// Initializes the video_sample_entries. To be called during construction.
fn init_video_sample_entries(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Loading video sample entries");
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(r#"
let mut rows = stmt.query(&[])?;
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let id = row.get_checked(0)?;
let mut sha1 = [0u8; 20];
let sha1_vec: Vec<u8> = row.get_checked(1)?;
if sha1_vec.len() != 20 {
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"video sample entry id {} has sha1 {} of wrong length",
id, sha1_vec.len())));
self.state.video_sample_entries.insert(id, Arc::new(VideoSampleEntry{
id: id as i32,
width: row.get_checked::<_, i32>(2)? as u16,
height: row.get_checked::<_, i32>(3)? as u16,
sha1: sha1,
data: row.get_checked(4)?,
info!("Loaded {} video sample entries",
/// Initializes the cameras, but not their matching recordings.
/// To be called during construction.
fn init_cameras(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Loading cameras");
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(r#"
let mut rows = stmt.query(&[])?;
while let Some(row) = rows.next() {
let row = row?;
let id = row.get_checked(0)?;
let uuid: FromSqlUuid = row.get_checked(1)?;
self.state.cameras_by_id.insert(id, Camera{
id: id,
uuid: uuid.0,
short_name: row.get_checked(2)?,
description: row.get_checked(3)?,
host: row.get_checked(4)?,
username: row.get_checked(5)?,
password: row.get_checked(6)?,
main_rtsp_path: row.get_checked(7)?,
sub_rtsp_path: row.get_checked(8)?,
retain_bytes: row.get_checked(9)?,
range: None,
sample_file_bytes: 0,
duration: recording::Duration(0),
days: BTreeMap::new(),
next_recording_id: row.get_checked(10)?,
self.state.cameras_by_uuid.insert(uuid.0, id);
info!("Loaded {} cameras", self.state.cameras_by_id.len());
/// Inserts the specified video sample entry if absent.
/// On success, returns the id of a new or existing row.
pub fn insert_video_sample_entry(&mut self, w: u16, h: u16, data: &[u8]) -> Result<i32, Error> {
let sha1 = hash::hash(hash::MessageDigest::sha1(), data)?;
let mut sha1_bytes = [0u8; 20];
// Check if it already exists.
// There shouldn't be too many entries, so it's fine to enumerate everything.
for (&id, v) in &self.state.video_sample_entries {
if v.sha1 == sha1_bytes {
// The width and height should match given that they're also specified within data
// and thus included in the just-compared hash.
if v.width != w || v.height != h {
return Err(Error::new(format!("database entry for {:?} is {}x{}, not {}x{}",
&sha1[..], v.width, v.height, w, h)));
return Ok(id);
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(INSERT_VIDEO_SAMPLE_ENTRY_SQL)?;
(":sha1", &sha1),
(":width", &(w as i64)),
(":height", &(h as i64)),
(":data", &data),
let id = self.conn.last_insert_rowid() as i32;
self.state.video_sample_entries.insert(id, Arc::new(VideoSampleEntry{
id: id,
width: w,
height: h,
sha1: sha1_bytes,
data: data.to_vec(),
/// Adds a camera.
pub fn add_camera(&mut self, camera: CameraChange) -> Result<i32, Error> {
let uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..];
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(r#"
insert into camera (uuid, short_name, description, host, username, password,
main_rtsp_path, sub_rtsp_path, retain_bytes, next_recording_id)
values (:uuid, :short_name, :description, :host, :username, :password,
:main_rtsp_path, :sub_rtsp_path, 0, 1)
(":uuid", &uuid_bytes),
(":short_name", &camera.short_name),
(":description", &camera.description),
(":host", &camera.host),
(":username", &camera.username),
(":password", &camera.password),
(":main_rtsp_path", &camera.main_rtsp_path),
(":sub_rtsp_path", &camera.sub_rtsp_path),
let id = self.conn.last_insert_rowid() as i32;
self.state.cameras_by_id.insert(id, Camera{
id: id,
uuid: uuid,
short_name: camera.short_name,
description: camera.description,
host: camera.host,
username: camera.username,
password: camera.password,
main_rtsp_path: camera.main_rtsp_path,
sub_rtsp_path: camera.sub_rtsp_path,
retain_bytes: 0,
range: None,
sample_file_bytes: 0,
duration: recording::Duration(0),
days: BTreeMap::new(),
next_recording_id: 1,
self.state.cameras_by_uuid.insert(uuid, id);
/// Updates a camera.
pub fn update_camera(&mut self, id: i32, camera: CameraChange) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(r#"
update camera set
short_name = :short_name,
description = :description,
host = :host,
username = :username,
password = :password,
main_rtsp_path = :main_rtsp_path,
sub_rtsp_path = :sub_rtsp_path
id = :id
(":id", &id),
(":short_name", &camera.short_name),
(":description", &camera.description),
(":host", &camera.host),
(":username", &camera.username),
(":password", &camera.password),
(":main_rtsp_path", &camera.main_rtsp_path),
(":sub_rtsp_path", &camera.sub_rtsp_path),
let c = self.state.cameras_by_id.get_mut(&id).unwrap();
c.short_name = camera.short_name;
c.description = camera.description;
c.host = camera.host;
c.username = camera.username;
c.password = camera.password;
c.main_rtsp_path = camera.main_rtsp_path;
c.sub_rtsp_path = camera.sub_rtsp_path;
/// Deletes a camera. The camera must have no recordings.
pub fn delete_camera(&mut self, id: i32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (has_recordings, uuid) =
.map(|c| (c.range.is_some(), c.uuid))
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("No such camera {} to remove", id)))?;
if has_recordings {
return Err(Error::new(format!("Can't remove camera {}; has recordings.", id)));
let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(r"delete from camera where id = :id")?;
let rows = stmt.execute_named(&[(":id", &id)])?;
if rows != 1 {
return Err(Error::new(format!("Camera {} missing from database", id)));
return Ok(())
/// Gets the schema version from the given database connection.
/// A fully initialized database will return `Ok(Some(version))` where `version` is an integer that
/// can be compared to `EXPECTED_VERSION`. An empty database will return `Ok(None)`. A partially
/// initialized database (in particular, one without a version row) will return some error.
pub fn get_schema_version(conn: &rusqlite::Connection) -> Result<Option<i32>, Error> {
let ver_tables: i32 = conn.query_row_and_then(
"select count(*) from sqlite_master where name = 'version'",
&[], |row| row.get_checked(0))?;
if ver_tables == 0 {
return Ok(None);
Ok(Some(conn.query_row_and_then("select max(id) from version", &[], |row| row.get_checked(0))?))
/// The recording database. Abstracts away SQLite queries. Also maintains in-memory state
/// (loaded on startup, and updated on successful commit) to avoid expensive scans over the
/// recording table on common queries.
pub struct Database(Mutex<LockedDatabase>);
impl Database {
/// Creates the database from a caller-supplied SQLite connection.
pub fn new(conn: rusqlite::Connection) -> Result<Database, Error> {
conn.execute("pragma foreign_keys = on", &[])?;
let list_recordings_by_time_sql = format!(r#"
camera_id = :camera_id and
recording.start_time_90k > :start_time_90k - {} and
recording.start_time_90k < :end_time_90k and
recording.start_time_90k + recording.duration_90k > :start_time_90k
order by
let ver = get_schema_version(&conn)?.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(
"no such table: version. \
If you are starting from an \
empty database, see README.md to complete the \
installation. If you are starting from a database \
that predates schema versioning, see guide/schema.md."
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"Database schema version {} is too old (expected {}); \
see upgrade instructions in guide/upgrade.md.",
} else if ver > EXPECTED_VERSION {
return Err(Error::new(format!(
"Database schema version {} is too new (expected {}); \
must use a newer binary to match.", ver,
let db = Database(Mutex::new(LockedDatabase{
conn: conn,
state: State{
cameras_by_id: BTreeMap::new(),
cameras_by_uuid: BTreeMap::new(),
video_sample_entries: BTreeMap::new(),
playback_cache: RefCell::new(LruCache::with_hasher(1024, Default::default())),
list_recordings_by_time_sql: list_recordings_by_time_sql,
let mut l = &mut *db.0.lock().unwrap();
for (&camera_id, ref mut camera) in &mut l.state.cameras_by_id {
// TODO: we could use one thread per camera if we had multiple db conns.
init_recordings(&mut l.conn, camera_id, camera)
/// Locks the database; the returned reference is the only way to perform (read or write)
/// operations.
pub fn lock(&self) -> MutexGuard<LockedDatabase> { self.0.lock().unwrap() }
/// For testing. Closes the database and return the connection. This allows verification that
/// a newly opened database is in an acceptable state.
fn close(self) -> rusqlite::Connection {
mod tests {
use core::cmp::Ord;
use recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC};
use rusqlite::Connection;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::error::Error as E;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use testutil;
use super::*;
use super::adjust_days; // non-public.
use uuid::Uuid;
fn setup_conn() -> Connection {
let conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap();
let schema = include_str!("schema.sql");
fn setup_camera(conn: &Connection, uuid: Uuid, short_name: &str) -> i32 {
let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..];
insert into camera (uuid, short_name, description, host, username, password,
main_rtsp_path, sub_rtsp_path, retain_bytes, next_recording_id)
values (:uuid, :short_name, :description, :host, :username, :password,
:main_rtsp_path, :sub_rtsp_path, :retain_bytes, :next_recording_id)
"#, &[
(":uuid", &uuid_bytes),
(":short_name", &short_name),
(":description", &""),
(":host", &"test-camera"),
(":username", &"foo"),
(":password", &"bar"),
(":main_rtsp_path", &"/main"),
(":sub_rtsp_path", &"/sub"),
(":retain_bytes", &42i64),
(":next_recording_id", &0i64),
conn.last_insert_rowid() as i32
fn assert_no_recordings(db: &Database, uuid: Uuid) {
let mut rows = 0;
let mut camera_id = -1;
let db = db.lock();
for row in db.cameras_by_id().values() {
rows += 1;
camera_id = row.id;
assert_eq!(uuid, row.uuid);
assert_eq!("test-camera", row.host);
assert_eq!("foo", row.username);
assert_eq!("bar", row.password);
assert_eq!("/main", row.main_rtsp_path);
assert_eq!("/sub", row.sub_rtsp_path);
assert_eq!(42, row.retain_bytes);
assert_eq!(None, row.range);
assert_eq!(recording::Duration(0), row.duration);
assert_eq!(0, row.sample_file_bytes);
assert_eq!(1, rows);
rows = 0;
let db = db.lock();
let all_time = recording::Time(i64::min_value()) .. recording::Time(i64::max_value());
db.list_recordings_by_time(camera_id, all_time, |_row| {
rows += 1;
assert_eq!(0, rows);
fn assert_single_recording(db: &Database, camera_uuid: Uuid, r: &RecordingToInsert) {
let mut rows = 0;
let mut camera_id = -1;
let db = db.lock();
for row in db.cameras_by_id().values() {
rows += 1;
camera_id = row.id;
assert_eq!(camera_uuid, row.uuid);
assert_eq!(Some(r.time.clone()), row.range);
assert_eq!(r.sample_file_bytes as i64, row.sample_file_bytes);
assert_eq!(r.time.end - r.time.start, row.duration);
assert_eq!(1, rows);
// TODO(slamb): test that the days logic works correctly.
rows = 0;
let mut recording_id = -1;
let db = db.lock();
let all_time = recording::Time(i64::min_value()) .. recording::Time(i64::max_value());
db.list_recordings_by_time(camera_id, all_time, |row| {
rows += 1;
recording_id = row.id;
row.start .. row.start + recording::Duration(row.duration_90k as i64));
assert_eq!(r.video_samples, row.video_samples);
assert_eq!(r.video_sync_samples, row.video_sync_samples);
assert_eq!(r.sample_file_bytes, row.sample_file_bytes);
assert_eq!(1, rows);
rows = 0;
db.lock().list_oldest_sample_files(camera_id, |row| {
rows += 1;
assert_eq!(recording_id, row.recording_id);
assert_eq!(r.sample_file_uuid, row.uuid);
assert_eq!(r.time, row.time);
assert_eq!(r.sample_file_bytes, row.sample_file_bytes);
assert_eq!(1, rows);
// TODO: list_aggregated_recordings.
// TODO: with_recording_playback.
fn assert_unsorted_eq<T>(mut a: Vec<T>, mut b: Vec<T>)
where T: Debug + Ord {
assert_eq!(a, b);
fn test_adjust_days() {
let mut m = BTreeMap::new();
// Create a day.
let test_time = recording::Time(130647162600000i64); // 2015-12-31 23:59:00 (Pacific).
let one_min = recording::Duration(60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
let two_min = recording::Duration(2 * 60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
let three_min = recording::Duration(3 * 60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
let four_min = recording::Duration(4 * 60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
let test_day1 = &CameraDayKey(*b"2015-12-31");
let test_day2 = &CameraDayKey(*b"2016-01-01");
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, 1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(1, m.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1));
// Add to a day.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, 1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(1, m.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 2, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day1));
// Subtract from a day.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, -1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(1, m.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1));
// Remove a day.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, -1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(0, m.len());
// Create two days.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, 1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(2, m.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1));
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day2));
// Add to two days.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, 1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(2, m.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 2, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day1));
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 2, duration: four_min}), m.get(test_day2));
// Subtract from two days.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, -1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(2, m.len());
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1));
assert_eq!(Some(&CameraDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day2));
// Remove two days.
adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, -1, &mut m);
assert_eq!(0, m.len());
fn test_no_version() {
let e = Database::new(Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap()).unwrap_err();
assert!(e.description().starts_with("no such table: version"));
fn test_version_too_old() {
let c = setup_conn();
c.execute_batch("delete from version; insert into version values (0, 0, '');").unwrap();
let e = Database::new(c).unwrap_err();
"Database schema version 0 is too old (expected 1)"), "got: {:?}",
fn test_version_too_new() {
let c = setup_conn();
c.execute_batch("delete from version; insert into version values (2, 0, '');").unwrap();
let e = Database::new(c).unwrap_err();
"Database schema version 2 is too new (expected 1)"), "got: {:?}", e.description());
/// Basic test of running some queries on a fresh database.
fn test_fresh_db() {
let conn = setup_conn();
let db = Database::new(conn).unwrap();
let db = db.lock();
assert_eq!(0, db.cameras_by_id().values().count());
/// Basic test of the full lifecycle of recording. Does not exercise error cases.
fn test_full_lifecycle() {
let conn = setup_conn();
let camera_uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
let camera_id = setup_camera(&conn, camera_uuid, "testcam");
let db = Database::new(conn).unwrap();
assert_no_recordings(&db, camera_uuid);
assert_eq!(db.lock().list_reserved_sample_files().unwrap(), &[]);
let (uuid_to_use, uuid_to_keep);
let mut db = db.lock();
let mut tx = db.tx().unwrap();
uuid_to_use = tx.reserve_sample_file().unwrap();
uuid_to_keep = tx.reserve_sample_file().unwrap();
vec![uuid_to_use, uuid_to_keep]);
let vse_id = db.lock().insert_video_sample_entry(768, 512, &[0u8; 100]).unwrap();
assert!(vse_id > 0, "vse_id = {}", vse_id);
// Inserting a recording should succeed and remove its uuid from the reserved table.
let start = recording::Time(1430006400 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC);
let recording = RecordingToInsert{
camera_id: camera_id,
sample_file_bytes: 42,
run_offset: 0,
flags: 0,
time: start .. start + recording::Duration(TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC),
local_time_delta: recording::Duration(0),
video_samples: 1,
video_sync_samples: 1,
video_sample_entry_id: vse_id,
sample_file_uuid: uuid_to_use,
video_index: [0u8; 100].to_vec(),
sample_file_sha1: [0u8; 20],
let mut db = db.lock();
let mut tx = db.tx().unwrap();
// Queries should return the correct result (with caches update on insert).
assert_single_recording(&db, camera_uuid, &recording);
// Queries on a fresh database should return the correct result (with caches populated from
// existing database contents rather than built on insert).
let conn = db.close();
let db = Database::new(conn).unwrap();
assert_single_recording(&db, camera_uuid, &recording);
// Deleting a recording should succeed, update the min/max times, and re-reserve the uuid.
let mut db = db.lock();
let mut v = Vec::new();
db.list_oldest_sample_files(camera_id, |r| { v.push(r); true }).unwrap();
assert_eq!(1, v.len());
let mut tx = db.tx().unwrap();
assert_no_recordings(&db, camera_uuid);
vec![uuid_to_use, uuid_to_keep]);
fn test_drop_tx() {
let conn = setup_conn();
let db = Database::new(conn).unwrap();
let mut db = db.lock();
let mut tx = db.tx().unwrap();
// drop tx without committing.
// The dropped tx should have done nothing.
assert_eq!(db.list_reserved_sample_files().unwrap(), &[]);
// Following transactions should succeed.
let uuid;
let mut tx = db.tx().unwrap();
uuid = tx.reserve_sample_file().unwrap();
assert_eq!(db.list_reserved_sample_files().unwrap(), &[uuid]);