Scott Lamb fee4141dc6 replace with new http-entity crate
This crate is a slightly-more-polished and MIT-licensed version of So far it has one advantage: running the tests doesn't
2016-12-20 18:29:45 -08:00

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// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Scott Lamb <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
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// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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//! Tools for implementing a `http_entity::Entity` body composed from many "slices".
use error::{Error, Result};
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Range;
/// Information needed by `Slices` about a single slice.
struct SliceInfo<W> {
/// The byte position (relative to the start of the `Slices`) beyond the end of this slice.
/// Note the starting position (and thus length) are inferred from the previous slice.
end: u64,
/// Should be an implementation of `ContextWriter<Ctx>` for some `Ctx`.
writer: W,
/// Writes a byte range to the given `io::Write` given a context argument; meant for use with
/// `Slices`.
pub trait ContextWriter<Ctx> {
/// Writes `r` to `out`, as in `http_entity::Entity::write_to`.
/// The additional argument `ctx` is as supplied to the `Slices`.
/// The additional argument `l` is the length of this slice, as determined by the `Slices`.
fn write_to(&self, ctx: &Ctx, r: Range<u64>, l: u64, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<()>;
/// Calls `f` with an `io::Write` which delegates to `inner` only for the section defined by `r`.
/// This is useful for easily implementing the `ContextWriter` interface for pieces that generate
/// data on-the-fly rather than simply copying a buffer.
pub fn clip_to_range<F>(r: Range<u64>, l: u64, inner: &mut io::Write, mut f: F) -> Result<()>
where F: FnMut(&mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
// Just create a buffer for the whole slice and copy out the relevant portion.
// One might expect it to be faster to avoid this memory allocation and extra copying, but
// benchmarks show when making many 4-byte writes it's better to be able to inline many
// Vec::write_all calls then make one call through traits to hyper's write logic.
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(l as usize);
f(&mut buf)?;
inner.write_all(&buf[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize])?;
/// Helper to serve byte ranges from a body which is broken down into many "slices".
/// This is used to implement `.mp4` serving in `mp4::Mp4File` from `mp4::Mp4FileSlice` enums.
pub struct Slices<W, C> where W: ContextWriter<C> {
/// The total byte length of the `Slices`.
/// Equivalent to `self.slices.back().map(|s| s.end).unwrap_or(0)`; kept for convenience and to
/// avoid a branch.
len: u64,
/// 0 or more slices of this file.
slices: Vec<SliceInfo<W>>,
/// Marker so that `C` is part of the type.
phantom: PhantomData<C>,
impl<W, C> fmt::Debug for Slices<W, C> where W: fmt::Debug + ContextWriter<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{} slices with overall length {}:", self.slices.len(), self.len)?;
let mut start = 0;
for (i, s) in self.slices.iter().enumerate() {
write!(f, "\ni {:7}: range [{:12}, {:12}) len {:12}: {:?}",
i, start, s.end, s.end - start, s.writer)?;
start = s.end;
impl<W, C> Slices<W, C> where W: ContextWriter<C> {
pub fn new() -> Slices<W, C> {
Slices{len: 0, slices: Vec::new(), phantom: PhantomData}
/// Reserves space for at least `additional` more slices to be appended.
pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) {
/// Appends the given slice.
pub fn append(&mut self, len: u64, writer: W) {
self.len += len;
self.slices.push(SliceInfo{end: self.len, writer: writer});
/// Returns the total byte length of all slices.
pub fn len(&self) -> u64 { self.len }
/// Returns the number of slices.
pub fn num(&self) -> usize { self.slices.len() }
/// Writes `range` to `out`.
/// This interface mirrors `http_entity::Entity::write_to`, with the additional `ctx` argument.
pub fn write_to(&self, ctx: &C, range: Range<u64>, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<()> {
if range.start > range.end || range.end > self.len {
return Err(Error{
description: format!("Bad range {:?} for slice of length {}", range, self.len),
cause: None});
// Binary search for the first slice of the range to write, determining its index and
// (from the preceding slice) the start of its range.
let (mut i, mut slice_start) = match self.slices.binary_search_by_key(&range.start,
|s| s.end) {
Ok(i) if i == self.slices.len() - 1 => return Ok(()), // at end.
Ok(i) => (i+1, self.slices[i].end), // desired start == slice i's end; first is i+1!
Err(i) if i == 0 => (i, 0), // desired start < slice 0's end; first is 0.
Err(i) => (i, self.slices[i-1].end), // desired start < slice i's end; first is i.
// There is at least one slice to write.
// Iterate through and write each slice until the end.
let mut start_pos = range.start - slice_start;
loop {
let s = &self.slices[i];
let l = s.end - slice_start;
if range.end <= s.end { // last slice.
return s.writer.write_to(ctx, start_pos .. range.end - slice_start, l, out);
s.writer.write_to(ctx, start_pos .. s.end - slice_start, l, out)?;
// Setup next iteration.
start_pos = 0;
slice_start = s.end;
i += 1;
mod tests {
use error::{Error, Result};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::error::Error as E;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::vec::Vec;
use super::{ContextWriter, Slices, clip_to_range};
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FakeWrite {
writer: &'static str,
range: Range<u64>,
pub struct FakeWriter {
name: &'static str,
impl ContextWriter<RefCell<Vec<FakeWrite>>> for FakeWriter {
fn write_to(&self, ctx: &RefCell<Vec<FakeWrite>>, r: Range<u64>, _l: u64, _out: &mut Write)
-> Result<()> {
ctx.borrow_mut().push(FakeWrite{writer:, range: r});
pub fn new_slices() -> Slices<FakeWriter, RefCell<Vec<FakeWrite>>> {
let mut s = Slices::new();
s.append(5, FakeWriter{name: "a"});
s.append(13, FakeWriter{name: "b"});
s.append(7, FakeWriter{name: "c"});
s.append(17, FakeWriter{name: "d"});
s.append(19, FakeWriter{name: "e"});
pub fn size() {
assert_eq!(5 + 13 + 7 + 17 + 19, new_slices().len());
pub fn exact_slice() {
// Test writing exactly slice b.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 5 .. 18, &mut dummy).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&[FakeWrite{writer: "b", range: 0 .. 13}], &w.borrow()[..]);
pub fn offset_first() {
// Test writing part of slice a.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 1 .. 3, &mut dummy).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&[FakeWrite{writer: "a", range: 1 .. 3}], &w.borrow()[..]);
pub fn offset_mid() {
// Test writing part of slice b, all of slice c, and part of slice d.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 17 .. 26, &mut dummy).unwrap();
FakeWrite{writer: "b", range: 12 .. 13},
FakeWrite{writer: "c", range: 0 .. 7},
FakeWrite{writer: "d", range: 0 .. 1},
], &w.borrow()[..]);
pub fn everything() {
// Test writing the whole Slices.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 0 .. 61, &mut dummy).unwrap();
FakeWrite{writer: "a", range: 0 .. 5},
FakeWrite{writer: "b", range: 0 .. 13},
FakeWrite{writer: "c", range: 0 .. 7},
FakeWrite{writer: "d", range: 0 .. 17},
FakeWrite{writer: "e", range: 0 .. 19},
], &w.borrow()[..]);
pub fn at_end() {
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 61 .. 61, &mut dummy).unwrap();
let empty: &[FakeWrite] = &[];
assert_eq!(empty, &w.borrow()[..]);
pub fn test_clip_to_range() {
let mut out = Vec::new();
// Simple case: one write with everything.
clip_to_range(0 .. 5, 5, &mut out, |w| {
assert_eq!(b"01234", &out[..]);
// Same in a few writes.
clip_to_range(0 .. 5, 5, &mut out, |w| {
assert_eq!(b"01234", &out[..]);
// Limiting to a prefix.
clip_to_range(0 .. 2, 5, &mut out, |w| {
w.write_all(b"0").unwrap(); // all of this write
w.write_all(b"123").unwrap(); // some of this write
w.write_all(b"4").unwrap(); // none of this write
assert_eq!(b"01", &out[..]);
// Limiting to part in the middle.
clip_to_range(2 .. 4, 5, &mut out, |w| {
w.write_all(b"0").unwrap(); // none of this write
w.write_all(b"1234").unwrap(); // middle of this write
w.write_all(b"5678").unwrap(); // none of this write
assert_eq!(b"23", &out[..]);
// If the callback returns an error, it should be propagated (fast path or not).
clip_to_range(0 .. 4, 4, &mut out, |_| Err(Error::new("some error".to_owned())))
"some error");
clip_to_range(0 .. 1, 4, &mut out, |_| Err(Error::new("some error".to_owned())))
"some error");
// TODO: if inner.write does a partial write, the next try should start at the correct
// position.