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synced 2025-03-10 11:40:09 -04:00
The Rust portions of the merge are straightforward, but the Javascript is not. The new-schema branch is based on my hacky prototype UI; the master branch is based on Dolf's rewrite. I attempted to match the new-schema changes in Dolf's new structure.
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287 lines
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// vim: set et sw=2 ts=2:
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2018 Dolf Starreveld <dolf@starreveld.com>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import $ from 'jquery';
import Recording from '../models/Recording';
* Desired column order in recordings table.
* The column names must correspond to the propertu names in the JSON
* representation of recordings.
* @todo This should be decoupled!
* @type {Array} Array of column names
const _columnOrder = [
* Labels for columns.
const _columnLabels = {
start: 'Start',
end: 'End',
resolution: 'Resolution',
frameRate: 'FPS',
size: 'Storage',
rate: 'BitRate',
* Class to encapsulate a view of a list of recordings from a single camera.
export default class RecordingsView {
* Construct display from camera data and use supplied formatter.
* @param {Camera} camera camera object (immutable)
* @param {String} streamType "main" or "sub"
* @param {RecordingFormatter} recordingFormatter Desired formatter
* @param {Boolean} trimmed True if the display should include trimmed ranges
* @param {jQuery} parent Parent to which new DOM is attached, or null
constructor(camera, streamType, recordingFormatter, trimmed = false,
parent = null) {
this._cameraName = camera.shortName;
this._cameraRange = camera.range90k;
this._formatter = recordingFormatter;
const id = `tab-${camera.uuid}-${streamType}`;
this._element = this._createElement(id, camera.shortName, streamType);
this._trimmed = trimmed;
this._recordings = null;
this._recordingsRange = null;
this._clickHandler = null;
if (parent) {
this._timeoutId = null;
* Create DOM for the recording.
* @param {String} id DOM id for the main element
* @param {String} cameraName Name of the corresponding camera
* @param {String} streamType "main" or "sub"
* @return {jQuery} Partial DOM as jQuery object
_createElement(id, cameraName, streamType) {
const tab = $('<tbody>').attr('id', id);
$('<tr class="name">').append($('<th colspan=6/>')
.text(cameraName + ' ' + streamType)),
$('<tr class="hdr">').append(
.map((name) => '<th>' + _columnLabels[name] + '</th>')
$('<tr class="loading"><td colspan=6>loading...</td></tr>').hide()
return tab;
* Update display for new recording values.
* Each existing row is reformatted.
* @param {Array} newRecordings
* @param {Boolean} trimmed True if timestamps should be trimmed
_updateRecordings() {
const trimRange = this._trimmed ? this.recordingsRange : null;
const recordings = this._recordings;
this._element.children('tr.r').each((rowIndex, row) => {
const values = this._formatter.format(recordings[rowIndex], trimRange);
.each((index, element) => $(element).text(values[_columnOrder[index]]));
* Get the currently remembered recordings range for this view.
* This range corresponds to what was in the data time range selector UI
* at the time the data for this view was selected. The value is remembered
* purely for trimming purposes.
* @return {Range90k} Currently remembered range
get recordingsRange() {
return this._recordingsRange ? this._recordingsRange.clone() : null;
* Set the recordings range for this view.
* @param {Range90k} range90k Range to remember
set recordingsRange(range90k) {
this._recordingsRange = range90k ? range90k.clone() : null;
* Get whether time ranges in the recording list are being trimmed.
* @return {Boolean}
get trimmed() {
return this._trimmed;
* Set whether recording time ranges should be trimmed.
* @param {Boolean} value True if trimming desired
set trimmed(value) {
if (value != this._trimmed) {
this._trimmed = value;
* Show or hide the display in the DOM.
* @param {Boolean} show True for show, false for hide
set show(show) {
const sel = this._element;
if (show) {
} else {
* Set whether loading indicator should be shown or not.
* @param {Boolean} show True if indicator should be showing
set showLoading(show) {
const loading = $('tr.loading', this._element);
if (show) {
} else {
if (this._timeoutId) {
this._timeoutId = null;
* Show the loading indicated after a delay, unless the timer has been
* cleared already.
* @param {Number} timeOutMs Delay (in ms) before indicator should appear
delayedShowLoading(timeOutMs) {
this._timeoutId = setTimeout(() => (this.showLoading = true), timeOutMs);
* Set a new time format string.
* This string is passed on to the formatter and the recordings list
* is updated (using the formatter).
* @param {String} formatStr Formatting string
set timeFormat(formatStr) {
// Change the formatter and update recordings (view)
this._formatter.timeFormat = formatStr;
* Set a handler to receive clicks on a recording.
* The handler will be called with one argument: a recording model.
* @param {Function} h Handler to be called.
set onRecordingClicked(h) {
this._clickHandler = h;
* Set the list of recordings from JSON data.
* The data is expected to be an array with recording objects.
* @param {String} recordingsJSON JSON data (array)
set recordingsJSON(recordingsJSON) {
this.showLoading = false;
// Store as model objects
this._recordings = recordingsJSON.map(function(r) {
return new Recording(r);
const tbody = this._element;
// Remove existing rows, replace with new ones
$('tr.r', tbody).remove();
this._recordings.forEach((r) => {
let row = $('<tr class="r" />');
row.append(_columnOrder.map(() => $('<td/>')));
row.on('click', () => {
console.log('Video clicked');
if (this._clickHandler !== null) {
console.log('Video clicked handler call');
// Cause formatting and date to be put in the rows