mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 11:40:09 -04:00
This reduces the binary size noticeably on my macOS machine (#70): unstripped stripped 1 before switching to clap 11.1 MiB 6.7 MiB 2 after switching to clap 11.4 MiB 6.9 MiB 3 without regex 10.1 MiB 5.9 MiB
558 lines
22 KiB
558 lines
22 KiB
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Moonfire NVR Authors
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use crate::coding::{append_varint32, decode_varint32, unzigzag32, zigzag32};
use crate::db;
use failure::{Error, bail};
use log::trace;
use std::ops::Range;
pub use base::time::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
pub use base::time::Time;
pub use base::time::Duration;
/// An iterator through a sample index.
/// Initially invalid; call `next()` before each read.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct SampleIndexIterator {
/// The index byte position of the next sample to read (low 31 bits) and if the current
/// same is a key frame (high bit).
i_and_is_key: u32,
/// The starting data byte position of this sample within the segment.
pub pos: i32,
/// The starting time of this sample within the segment (in 90 kHz units).
pub start_90k: i32,
/// The duration of this sample (in 90 kHz units).
pub duration_90k: i32,
/// The byte length of this frame.
pub bytes: i32,
/// The byte length of the last frame of the "other" type: if this one is key, the last
/// non-key; if this one is non-key, the last key.
bytes_other: i32,
impl SampleIndexIterator {
pub fn new() -> SampleIndexIterator {
SampleIndexIterator{i_and_is_key: 0,
pos: 0,
start_90k: 0,
duration_90k: 0,
bytes: 0,
bytes_other: 0}
pub fn next(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, Error> {
self.pos += self.bytes;
self.start_90k += self.duration_90k;
let i = (self.i_and_is_key & 0x7FFF_FFFF) as usize;
if i == data.len() {
return Ok(false)
let (raw1, i1) = match decode_varint32(data, i) {
Ok(tuple) => tuple,
Err(()) => bail!("bad varint 1 at offset {}", i),
let (raw2, i2) = match decode_varint32(data, i1) {
Ok(tuple) => tuple,
Err(()) => bail!("bad varint 2 at offset {}", i1),
let duration_90k_delta = unzigzag32(raw1 >> 1);
self.duration_90k += duration_90k_delta;
if self.duration_90k < 0 {
bail!("negative duration {} after applying delta {}",
self.duration_90k, duration_90k_delta);
if self.duration_90k == 0 && data.len() > i2 {
bail!("zero duration only allowed at end; have {} bytes left", data.len() - i2);
let (prev_bytes_key, prev_bytes_nonkey) = match self.is_key() {
true => (self.bytes, self.bytes_other),
false => (self.bytes_other, self.bytes),
self.i_and_is_key = (i2 as u32) | (((raw1 & 1) as u32) << 31);
let bytes_delta = unzigzag32(raw2);
if self.is_key() {
self.bytes = prev_bytes_key + bytes_delta;
self.bytes_other = prev_bytes_nonkey;
} else {
self.bytes = prev_bytes_nonkey + bytes_delta;
self.bytes_other = prev_bytes_key;
if self.bytes <= 0 {
bail!("non-positive bytes {} after applying delta {} to key={} frame at ts {}",
self.bytes, bytes_delta, self.is_key(), self.start_90k);
pub fn uninitialized(&self) -> bool { self.i_and_is_key == 0 }
pub fn is_key(&self) -> bool { (self.i_and_is_key & 0x8000_0000) != 0 }
pub struct SampleIndexEncoder {
prev_duration_90k: i32,
prev_bytes_key: i32,
prev_bytes_nonkey: i32,
impl SampleIndexEncoder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
SampleIndexEncoder {
prev_duration_90k: 0,
prev_bytes_key: 0,
prev_bytes_nonkey: 0,
pub fn add_sample(&mut self, duration_90k: i32, bytes: i32, is_key: bool,
r: &mut db::RecordingToInsert) -> Result<(), Error> {
let duration_delta = duration_90k - self.prev_duration_90k;
self.prev_duration_90k = duration_90k;
let new_duration_90k = r.duration_90k + duration_90k;
if new_duration_90k as i64 > MAX_RECORDING_DURATION {
bail!("Duration {} exceeds maximum {}", new_duration_90k, MAX_RECORDING_DURATION);
r.duration_90k += duration_90k;
r.sample_file_bytes += bytes;
r.video_samples += 1;
let bytes_delta = bytes - if is_key {
let prev = self.prev_bytes_key;
r.video_sync_samples += 1;
self.prev_bytes_key = bytes;
} else {
let prev = self.prev_bytes_nonkey;
self.prev_bytes_nonkey = bytes;
append_varint32((zigzag32(duration_delta) << 1) | (is_key as u32), &mut r.video_index);
append_varint32(zigzag32(bytes_delta), &mut r.video_index);
/// A segment represents a view of some or all of a single recording, starting from a key frame.
/// Used by the `Mp4FileBuilder` class to splice together recordings into a single virtual .mp4.
pub struct Segment {
pub id: db::CompositeId,
pub open_id: u32,
pub start: Time,
/// An iterator positioned at the beginning of the segment, or `None`. Most segments are
/// positioned at the beginning of the recording, so this is an optional box to shrink a long
/// of segments. `None` is equivalent to `SampleIndexIterator::new()`.
begin: Option<Box<SampleIndexIterator>>,
pub file_end: i32,
pub desired_range_90k: Range<i32>,
pub frames: u16,
pub key_frames: u16,
video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero: i32,
impl Segment {
/// Creates a segment.
/// `desired_range_90k` represents the desired range of the segment relative to the start of
/// the recording. The actual range will start at the first key frame at or before the
/// desired start time. (The caller is responsible for creating an edit list to skip the
/// undesired portion.) It will end at the first frame after the desired range (unless the
/// desired range extends beyond the recording). (Likewise, the caller is responsible for
/// trimming the final frame's duration if desired.)
pub fn new(db: &db::LockedDatabase,
recording: &db::ListRecordingsRow,
desired_range_90k: Range<i32>) -> Result<Segment, Error> {
let mut self_ = Segment {
id: recording.id,
open_id: recording.open_id,
start: recording.start,
begin: None,
file_end: recording.sample_file_bytes,
desired_range_90k: desired_range_90k,
frames: recording.video_samples as u16,
key_frames: recording.video_sync_samples as u16,
recording.video_sample_entry_id |
((((recording.flags & db::RecordingFlags::TrailingZero as i32) != 0) as i32) << 31),
if self_.desired_range_90k.start > self_.desired_range_90k.end ||
self_.desired_range_90k.end > recording.duration_90k {
bail!("desired range [{}, {}) invalid for recording of length {}",
self_.desired_range_90k.start, self_.desired_range_90k.end,
if self_.desired_range_90k.start == 0 &&
self_.desired_range_90k.end == recording.duration_90k {
// Fast path. Existing entry is fine.
trace!("recording::Segment::new fast path, recording={:#?}", recording);
return Ok(self_)
// Slow path. Need to iterate through the index.
trace!("recording::Segment::new slow path, desired_range_90k={:?}, recording={:#?}",
self_.desired_range_90k, recording);
db.with_recording_playback(self_.id, &mut |playback| {
let mut begin = Box::new(SampleIndexIterator::new());
let data = &(&playback).video_index;
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
if !it.next(data)? {
bail!("no index");
if !it.is_key() {
bail!("not key frame");
// Stop when hitting a frame with this start time.
// Going until the end of the recording is special-cased because there can be a trailing
// frame of zero duration. It's unclear exactly how this should be handled, but let's
// include it for consistency with the fast path. It'd be bizarre to have it included or
// not based on desired_range_90k.start.
let end_90k = if self_.desired_range_90k.end == recording.duration_90k {
} else {
loop {
if it.start_90k <= self_.desired_range_90k.start && it.is_key() {
// new start candidate.
*begin = it;
self_.frames = 0;
self_.key_frames = 0;
if it.start_90k >= end_90k && self_.frames > 0 {
self_.frames += 1;
self_.key_frames += it.is_key() as u16;
if !it.next(data)? {
self_.begin = Some(begin);
self_.file_end = it.pos;
self_.video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero =
recording.video_sample_entry_id |
(((it.duration_90k == 0) as i32) << 31);
pub fn video_sample_entry_id(&self) -> i32 {
self.video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero & 0x7FFFFFFF
pub fn have_trailing_zero(&self) -> bool { self.video_sample_entry_id_and_trailing_zero < 0 }
/// Returns the byte range within the sample file of data associated with this segment.
pub fn sample_file_range(&self) -> Range<u64> {
self.begin.as_ref().map(|b| b.pos as u64).unwrap_or(0) .. self.file_end as u64
/// Returns the actual start time as described in `new`.
pub fn actual_start_90k(&self) -> i32 { self.begin.as_ref().map(|b| b.start_90k).unwrap_or(0) }
/// Iterates through each frame in the segment.
/// Must be called without the database lock held; retrieves video index from the cache.
pub fn foreach<F>(&self, playback: &db::RecordingPlayback, mut f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
where F: FnMut(&SampleIndexIterator) -> Result<(), Error> {
trace!("foreach on recording {}: {} frames, actual_start_90k: {}",
self.id, self.frames, self.actual_start_90k());
let data = &(&playback).video_index;
let mut it = match self.begin {
Some(ref b) => **b,
None => SampleIndexIterator::new(),
if it.uninitialized() {
if !it.next(data)? {
bail!("recording {}: no frames", self.id);
if !it.is_key() {
bail!("recording {}: doesn't start with key frame", self.id);
let mut have_frame = true;
let mut key_frame = 0;
for i in 0 .. self.frames {
if !have_frame {
bail!("recording {}: expected {} frames, found only {}", self.id, self.frames, i+1);
if it.is_key() {
key_frame += 1;
if key_frame > self.key_frames {
bail!("recording {}: more than expected {} key frames",
self.id, self.key_frames);
// Note: this inner loop avoids ? for performance. Don't change these lines without
// reading https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/37939 and running
// mp4::bench::build_index.
if let Err(e) = f(&it) {
return Err(e);
have_frame = match it.next(data) {
Err(e) => return Err(e),
Ok(hf) => hf,
if key_frame < self.key_frames {
bail!("recording {}: expected {} key frames, found only {}",
self.id, self.key_frames, key_frame);
mod tests {
use base::clock::RealClocks;
use super::*;
use crate::testutil::{self, TestDb};
/// Tests encoding the example from design/schema.md.
fn test_encode_example() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut e = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
e.add_sample(10, 1000, true, &mut r).unwrap();
e.add_sample(9, 10, false, &mut r).unwrap();
e.add_sample(11, 15, false, &mut r).unwrap();
e.add_sample(10, 12, false, &mut r).unwrap();
e.add_sample(10, 1050, true, &mut r).unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.video_index, b"\x29\xd0\x0f\x02\x14\x08\x0a\x02\x05\x01\x64");
assert_eq!(10 + 9 + 11 + 10 + 10, r.duration_90k);
assert_eq!(5, r.video_samples);
assert_eq!(2, r.video_sync_samples);
/// Tests a round trip from `SampleIndexEncoder` to `SampleIndexIterator`.
fn test_round_trip() {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Sample {
duration_90k: i32,
bytes: i32,
is_key: bool,
let samples = [
Sample{duration_90k: 10, bytes: 30000, is_key: true},
Sample{duration_90k: 9, bytes: 1000, is_key: false},
Sample{duration_90k: 11, bytes: 1100, is_key: false},
Sample{duration_90k: 18, bytes: 31000, is_key: true},
Sample{duration_90k: 0, bytes: 1000, is_key: false},
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut e = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for sample in &samples {
e.add_sample(sample.duration_90k, sample.bytes, sample.is_key, &mut r).unwrap();
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
for sample in &samples {
&Sample{duration_90k: it.duration_90k,
bytes: it.bytes,
is_key: it.is_key()});
/// Tests that `SampleIndexIterator` spots several classes of errors.
/// TODO: test and fix overflow cases.
fn test_iterator_errors() {
struct Test {
encoded: &'static [u8],
err: &'static str,
let tests = [
Test{encoded: b"\x80", err: "bad varint 1 at offset 0"},
Test{encoded: b"\x00\x80", err: "bad varint 2 at offset 1"},
Test{encoded: b"\x00\x02\x00\x00",
err: "zero duration only allowed at end; have 2 bytes left"},
Test{encoded: b"\x02\x02",
err: "negative duration -1 after applying delta -1"},
Test{encoded: b"\x04\x00",
err: "non-positive bytes 0 after applying delta 0 to key=false frame at ts 0"},
for test in &tests {
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
assert_eq!(it.next(test.encoded).unwrap_err().to_string(), test.err);
fn get_frames<F, T>(db: &db::Database, segment: &Segment, f: F) -> Vec<T>
where F: Fn(&SampleIndexIterator) -> T {
let mut v = Vec::new();
db.lock().with_recording_playback(segment.id, &mut |playback| {
segment.foreach(playback, |it| { v.push(f(it)); Ok(()) })
/// Tests that a `Segment` correctly can clip at the beginning and end.
/// This is a simpler case; all sync samples means we can start on any frame.
fn test_segment_clipping_with_all_sync() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for i in 1..6 {
let duration_90k = 2 * i;
let bytes = 3 * i;
encoder.add_sample(duration_90k, bytes, true, &mut r).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
// Time range [2, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8) means the 2nd, 3rd, 4th samples should be
// included.
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 2 .. 2+4+6+8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.duration_90k), &[4, 6, 8]);
/// Half sync frames means starting from the last sync frame <= desired point.
fn test_segment_clipping_with_half_sync() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for i in 1..6 {
let duration_90k = 2 * i;
let bytes = 3 * i;
encoder.add_sample(duration_90k, bytes, (i % 2) == 1, &mut r).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
// Time range [2 + 4 + 6, 2 + 4 + 6 + 8) means the 4th sample should be included.
// The 3rd also gets pulled in because it is a sync frame and the 4th is not.
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 2+4+6 .. 2+4+6+8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.duration_90k), &[6, 8]);
fn test_segment_clipping_with_trailing_zero() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
encoder.add_sample(1, 1, true, &mut r).unwrap();
encoder.add_sample(1, 2, true, &mut r).unwrap();
encoder.add_sample(0, 3, true, &mut r).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 1 .. 2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.bytes), &[2, 3]);
/// Even if the desired duration is 0, there should still be a frame.
fn test_segment_zero_desired_duration() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
encoder.add_sample(1, 1, true, &mut r).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 0 .. 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.bytes), &[1]);
/// Test a `Segment` which uses the whole recording.
/// This takes a fast path which skips scanning the index in `new()`.
fn test_segment_fast_path() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
for i in 1..6 {
let duration_90k = 2 * i;
let bytes = 3 * i;
encoder.add_sample(duration_90k, bytes, (i % 2) == 1, &mut r).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 0 .. 2+4+6+8+10).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.duration_90k), &[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]);
fn test_segment_fast_path_with_trailing_zero() {
let mut r = db::RecordingToInsert::default();
let mut encoder = SampleIndexEncoder::new();
encoder.add_sample(1, 1, true, &mut r).unwrap();
encoder.add_sample(1, 2, true, &mut r).unwrap();
encoder.add_sample(0, 3, true, &mut r).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new(RealClocks {});
let row = db.insert_recording_from_encoder(r);
let segment = Segment::new(&db.db.lock(), &row, 0 .. 2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&get_frames(&db.db, &segment, |it| it.bytes), &[1, 2, 3]);
// TODO: test segment error cases involving mismatch between row frames/key_frames and index.
#[cfg(all(test, feature="nightly"))]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use super::*;
/// Benchmarks the decoder, which is performance-critical for .mp4 serving.
fn bench_decoder(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let data = include_bytes!("testdata/video_sample_index.bin");
b.bytes = data.len() as u64;
b.iter(|| {
let mut it = SampleIndexIterator::new();
while it.next(data).unwrap() {}
assert_eq!(30104460, it.pos);
assert_eq!(5399985, it.start_90k);