Dolf Starreveld 58152e8d94 Major refactoring of UI code, small UI changes. (#48)
* Major refactoring of UI code, small UI changes.

* Single file index.js split up into separate modules
* Modules for handling UI view components
* Modules for handling JSON/Model data
* Modules for support tasks
* Module to encapsulate Moonfire API
* Main application module
* index.js simplified to just activating main app
* Settings file functionality expanded
* UI adds "Time Format" popup to allow changing time representation
* CSS changes/additions to streamline looks
* Recordings loading indicator only appears after 500ms delay, if at all

* Address first set of PR change requests from Scott.

* Add copyright headers to all files (except JSON files)
* Fix bug with entering time values in range pickers
* Fixed an erroneous comment and/or spelling error here and there
* Fixed JSDoc comments where [description] was not filled in
* Removed a TODO from NVRApplication as it no longer applies
* Fixed bug handling "infinite" case of video segment lengths
* Fixed bug in "trim" handler and trim execution

* Retrofit video continues loading from separate PR

Signed-off-by: Dolf Starreveld <>

* Address PR comments

Signed-off-by: Dolf Starreveld <>

* Address PR comments

Signed-off-by: Dolf Starreveld <>
2018-03-20 07:03:12 -07:00

38 lines
954 B

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