mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:00:57 -04:00
Because these require nightly, CI isn't configured to fail if they're broken. And they have been broken since the conversion to hyper 1.x.
884 lines
32 KiB
884 lines
32 KiB
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception.
pub mod accept;
mod live;
mod path;
mod session;
mod signals;
mod static_file;
mod users;
mod view;
mod websocket;
use self::accept::ConnData;
use self::path::Path;
use crate::body::Body;
use crate::json;
use crate::mp4;
use crate::web::static_file::Ui;
use base::err;
use base::Error;
use base::FastHashMap;
use base::ResultExt;
use base::{bail, clock::Clocks, ErrorKind};
use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::str::FromStr;
use db::dir::SampleFileDir;
use db::{auth, recording};
use http::header::{self, HeaderValue};
use http::{status::StatusCode, Request, Response};
use hyper::body::Bytes;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::warn;
use tracing::Instrument;
use url::form_urlencoded;
use uuid::Uuid;
fn plain_response<B: Into<Body>>(status: http::StatusCode, body: B) -> Response<Body> {
.header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderValue::from_static("text/plain"))
.expect("hardcoded head should be valid")
fn from_base_error(err: &base::Error) -> Response<Body> {
use ErrorKind::*;
let status_code = match err.kind() {
Unauthenticated => StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED,
PermissionDenied => StatusCode::FORBIDDEN,
InvalidArgument => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
FailedPrecondition => StatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED,
NotFound => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND,
plain_response(status_code, err.to_string())
struct Caller {
permissions: db::Permissions,
user: Option<json::ToplevelUser>,
type ResponseResult = Result<Response<Body>, base::Error>;
fn serve_json<R: http_serve::AsRequest, T: serde::ser::Serialize>(
req: &R,
out: &T,
) -> ResponseResult {
let (mut resp, writer) = http_serve::streaming_body(req).build();
if let Some(mut w) = writer {
serde_json::to_writer(&mut w, out).err_kind(ErrorKind::Internal)?;
fn csrf_matches(csrf: &str, session: auth::SessionHash) -> bool {
let mut b64 = [0u8; 32];
session.encode_base64(&mut b64);
::ring::constant_time::verify_slices_are_equal(&b64[..], csrf.as_bytes()).is_ok()
/// Extracts `s` cookie from the HTTP request headers. Does not authenticate.
fn extract_sid(req_hdrs: &http::HeaderMap) -> Option<auth::RawSessionId> {
for hdr in req_hdrs.get_all(header::COOKIE) {
for mut cookie in hdr.as_bytes().split(|&b| b == b';') {
if cookie.starts_with(b" ") {
cookie = &cookie[1..];
if let Some(s) = cookie.strip_prefix(b"s=") {
if let Ok(s) = auth::RawSessionId::decode_base64(s) {
return Some(s);
/// Extracts an `application/json` POST body from a request.
/// This returns the request body as bytes rather than performing
/// deserialization. Keeping the bytes allows the caller to use a `Deserialize`
/// that borrows from the bytes.
async fn into_json_body(
req: Request<hyper::body::Incoming>,
) -> Result<(http::request::Parts, Bytes), base::Error> {
let correct_mime_type = match req.headers().get(header::CONTENT_TYPE) {
Some(t) if t == "application/json" => true,
Some(t) if t == "application/json; charset=UTF-8" => true,
_ => false,
if !correct_mime_type {
msg("expected application/json request body")
let (parts, b) = req.into_parts();
let b = http_body_util::BodyExt::collect(b)
.map_err(|e| err!(Unavailable, msg("unable to read request body"), source(e)))?
Ok((parts, b))
fn parse_json_body<'a, T: serde::Deserialize<'a>>(body: &'a [u8]) -> Result<T, base::Error> {
.map_err(|e| err!(InvalidArgument, msg("bad request body"), source(e)))
fn require_csrf_if_session(caller: &Caller, csrf: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), base::Error> {
match (csrf, caller.user.as_ref().and_then(|u| u.session.as_ref())) {
(None, Some(_)) => bail!(Unauthenticated, msg("csrf must be supplied")),
(Some(csrf), Some(session)) if !csrf_matches(csrf, session.csrf) => {
bail!(Unauthenticated, msg("incorrect csrf"));
(_, _) => Ok(()),
pub struct Config<'a> {
pub db: Arc<db::Database>,
pub ui_dir: Option<&'a crate::cmds::run::config::UiDir>,
pub trust_forward_hdrs: bool,
pub time_zone_name: String,
pub allow_unauthenticated_permissions: Option<db::Permissions>,
pub privileged_unix_uid: Option<nix::unistd::Uid>,
pub struct Service {
db: Arc<db::Database>,
ui: Ui,
dirs_by_stream_id: Arc<FastHashMap<i32, Arc<SampleFileDir>>>,
time_zone_name: String,
allow_unauthenticated_permissions: Option<db::Permissions>,
trust_forward_hdrs: bool,
privileged_unix_uid: Option<nix::unistd::Uid>,
/// Useful HTTP `Cache-Control` values to set on successful (HTTP 200) API responses.
enum CacheControl {
/// For endpoints which have private data that may change from request to request.
/// For endpoints which rarely change for a given URL.
/// E.g., a fixed segment of video. The underlying video logically never changes; there may
/// rarely be some software change to the actual bytes (which would result in a new etag) so
/// (unlike the content-hashed static content) it's not entirely immutable.
impl Service {
pub fn new(config: Config) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let ui_dir = config.ui_dir.map(Ui::from).unwrap_or(Ui::None);
let dirs_by_stream_id = {
let l = config.db.lock();
let mut d =
FastHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(l.streams_by_id().len(), Default::default());
for (&id, s) in l.streams_by_id().iter() {
let dir_id = match s.sample_file_dir_id {
Some(d) => d,
None => continue,
d.insert(id, l.sample_file_dirs_by_id().get(&dir_id).unwrap().get()?);
Ok(Service {
db: config.db,
ui: ui_dir,
allow_unauthenticated_permissions: config.allow_unauthenticated_permissions,
trust_forward_hdrs: config.trust_forward_hdrs,
time_zone_name: config.time_zone_name,
privileged_unix_uid: config.privileged_unix_uid,
/// Serves an HTTP request.
/// The `Err` return path will cause the `serve` wrapper to log the error,
/// as well as returning it to the HTTP client.
async fn serve_inner(
self: Arc<Self>,
req: Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>,
authreq: auth::Request,
conn_data: ConnData,
) -> ResponseResult {
let path = Path::decode(req.uri().path());
tracing::trace!(?path, "path");
let always_allow_unauthenticated = matches!(
Path::NotFound | Path::Request | Path::Login | Path::Logout | Path::Static
let caller = self.authenticate(&req, &authreq, &conn_data, always_allow_unauthenticated);
if let Some(username) = caller
.and_then(|c| c.user.as_ref())
.map(|u| &u.name)
tracing::Span::current().record("enduser.id", tracing::field::display(username));
// WebSocket stuff is handled separately, because most authentication
// errors are returned as text messages over the protocol, rather than
// HTTP-level errors.
if let Path::StreamLiveMp4Segments(uuid, type_) = path {
return websocket::upgrade(req, move |ws| {
Box::pin(self.stream_live_m4s(ws, caller, uuid, type_))
let caller = caller?;
let (cache, mut response) = match path {
Path::InitSegment(sha1, debug) => (
self.init_segment(sha1, debug, &req)?,
Path::TopLevel => (CacheControl::PrivateDynamic, self.top_level(&req, caller)?),
Path::Request => (
self.request(&req, &authreq, caller)?,
Path::Camera(uuid) => (CacheControl::PrivateDynamic, self.camera(&req, uuid)?),
Path::StreamRecordings(uuid, type_) => (
self.stream_recordings(&req, uuid, type_)?,
Path::StreamViewMp4(uuid, type_, debug) => (
self.stream_view_mp4(&req, caller, uuid, type_, mp4::Type::Normal, debug)?,
Path::StreamViewMp4Segment(uuid, type_, debug) => (
self.stream_view_mp4(&req, caller, uuid, type_, mp4::Type::MediaSegment, debug)?,
Path::StreamLiveMp4Segments(..) => {
unreachable!("StreamLiveMp4Segments should have already been handled")
Path::NotFound => return Err(err!(NotFound, msg("path not understood"))),
Path::Login => (
self.login(req, authreq).await?,
Path::Logout => (
self.logout(req, authreq).await?,
Path::Signals => (
self.signals(req, caller).await?,
Path::Static => (CacheControl::None, self.static_file(req).await?),
Path::Users => (CacheControl::PrivateDynamic, self.users(req, caller).await?),
Path::User(id) => (
self.user(req, caller, id).await?,
match cache {
CacheControl::PrivateStatic => {
HeaderValue::from_static("private, max-age=3600"),
CacheControl::PrivateDynamic => {
HeaderValue::from_static("private, no-cache"),
CacheControl::None => {}
/// Serves an HTTP request.
/// An error return from this method causes hyper to abruptly drop the
/// HTTP connection rather than respond. That's not terribly useful, so this
/// method always returns `Ok`. It delegates to a `serve_inner` which is
/// allowed to generate `Err` results with the `?` operator, but returns
/// them to hyper as `Ok` results.
pub async fn serve(
self: Arc<Self>,
req: Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>,
conn_data: ConnData,
) -> Result<Response<Body>, std::convert::Infallible> {
let request_id = uuid::Uuid::now_v7();
let authreq = auth::Request {
when_sec: Some(self.db.clocks().realtime().as_secs()),
addr: if self.trust_forward_hdrs {
.and_then(|v| v.to_str().ok())
.and_then(|v| IpAddr::from_str(v).ok())
} else {
conn_data.client_addr.map(|a| a.ip())
user_agent: req
.map(|ua| ua.as_bytes().to_vec()),
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
// https://opentelemetry.io/docs/reference/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/http/
let span = tracing::info_span!(
request_id = %data_encoding::BASE32_NOPAD.encode_display(request_id.as_bytes()),
net.sock.peer.uid = conn_data.client_unix_uid.map(tracing::field::display),
http.client_ip = authreq.addr.map(tracing::field::display),
http.method = %req.method(),
http.target = %req.uri(),
http.status_code = tracing::field::Empty,
enduser.id = tracing::field::Empty,
tracing::debug!(parent: &span, "received request headers");
let response = self
.serve_inner(req, authreq, conn_data)
let (response, error) = match response {
Ok(r) => (r, None),
Err(e) => (from_base_error(&e), Some(e)),
span.record("http.status_code", response.status().as_u16());
let latency = std::time::Instant::now().duration_since(start);
if response.status().is_server_error() {
parent: &span,
latency = latency.as_secs_f32(),
error = error.map(tracing::field::display),
"sending response headers",
} else if response.status().is_client_error() {
parent: &span,
latency = latency.as_secs_f32(),
error = error.map(tracing::field::display),
"sending response headers",
} else {
parent: &span,
latency = latency.as_secs_f32(),
error = error.map(tracing::field::display),
"sending response headers",
fn top_level(&self, req: &Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>, caller: Caller) -> ResponseResult {
let mut days = false;
let mut camera_configs = false;
if let Some(q) = req.uri().query() {
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(q.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value): (_, &str) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"days" => days = value == "true",
"cameraConfigs" => camera_configs = value == "true",
_ => {}
if camera_configs && !caller.permissions.read_camera_configs {
bail!(PermissionDenied, msg("read_camera_configs required"));
let db = self.db.lock();
&json::TopLevel {
time_zone_name: &self.time_zone_name,
server_version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),
cameras: (&db, days, camera_configs),
user: caller.user,
signals: (&db, days),
signal_types: &db,
permissions: caller.permissions.into(),
fn camera(&self, req: &Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>, uuid: Uuid) -> ResponseResult {
let db = self.db.lock();
let camera = db
.ok_or_else(|| err!(NotFound, msg("no such camera {uuid}")))?;
&json::Camera::wrap(camera, &db, true, false).err_kind(ErrorKind::Internal)?,
fn stream_recordings(
req: &Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>,
uuid: Uuid,
type_: db::StreamType,
) -> ResponseResult {
let (r, split) = {
let mut time = recording::Time::MIN..recording::Time::MAX;
let mut split = recording::Duration(i64::MAX);
if let Some(q) = req.uri().query() {
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(q.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"startTime90k" => {
time.start = recording::Time::parse(value).map_err(|_| {
err!(InvalidArgument, msg("unparseable startTime90k"))
"endTime90k" => {
time.end = recording::Time::parse(value)
.map_err(|_| err!(InvalidArgument, msg("unparseable endTime90k")))?
"split90k" => {
split =
recording::Duration(i64::from_str(value).map_err(|_| {
err!(InvalidArgument, msg("unparseable split90k"))
_ => {}
(time, split)
let db = self.db.lock();
let mut out = json::ListRecordings {
recordings: Vec::new(),
video_sample_entries: (&db, Vec::new()),
let Some(camera) = db.get_camera(uuid) else {
bail!(NotFound, msg("no such camera {uuid}"));
let Some(stream_id) = camera.streams[type_.index()] else {
bail!(NotFound, msg("no such stream {uuid}/{type_}"));
db.list_aggregated_recordings(stream_id, r, split, &mut |row| {
let end = row.ids.end - 1; // in api, ids are inclusive.
out.recordings.push(json::Recording {
start_id: row.ids.start,
end_id: if end == row.ids.start {
} else {
run_start_id: row.run_start_id,
start_time_90k: row.time.start.0,
end_time_90k: row.time.end.0,
sample_file_bytes: row.sample_file_bytes,
open_id: row.open_id,
first_uncommitted: row.first_uncommitted,
video_samples: row.video_samples,
video_sample_entry_id: row.video_sample_entry_id,
growing: row.growing,
has_trailing_zero: row.has_trailing_zero,
end_reason: row.end_reason.clone(),
if !out
serve_json(req, &out)
fn init_segment(
id: i32,
debug: bool,
req: &Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>,
) -> ResponseResult {
let mut builder = mp4::FileBuilder::new(mp4::Type::InitSegment);
let db = self.db.lock();
let Some(ent) = db.video_sample_entries_by_id().get(&id) else {
bail!(NotFound, msg("no such init segment"));
let mp4 = builder
.build(self.db.clone(), self.dirs_by_stream_id.clone())
if debug {
Ok(plain_response(StatusCode::OK, format!("{mp4:#?}")))
} else {
Ok(http_serve::serve(mp4, req))
fn request(
req: &Request<::hyper::body::Incoming>,
authreq: &auth::Request,
caller: Caller,
) -> ResponseResult {
let host = req
.map(|h| String::from_utf8_lossy(h.as_bytes()));
let agent = authreq
.map(|u| String::from_utf8_lossy(&u[..]));
let when = authreq.when_sec.map(|sec| {
.expect("valid time")
"when: {:?}\n\
host: {:?}\n\
addr: {:?}\n\
user_agent: {:?}\n\
secure: {:?}\n\
caller: {:?}\n",
/// Returns true iff the client is connected over `https`.
/// Moonfire NVR currently doesn't directly serve `https`, but it supports
/// proxies which set the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header. See `guide/secure.md`
/// for more information.
fn is_secure(&self, hdrs: &http::HeaderMap) -> bool {
&& hdrs
.map(|v| v.as_bytes() == b"https")
/// Authenticates the session (if any) and returns a Caller.
/// If there's no session,
/// 1. if connected via Unix domain socket from the same effective uid
/// as Moonfire NVR itself, return with all privileges.
/// 2. if `allow_unauthenticated_permissions` is configured, returns okay
/// with those permissions.
/// 3. if the caller specifies `unauth_path`, returns okay with no
/// permissions.
/// 4. returns `Unauthenticated` error otherwise.
/// Does no authorization. That is, this doesn't check that the returned
/// permissions are sufficient for whatever operation the caller is
/// performing.
fn authenticate(
req: &Request<hyper::body::Incoming>,
authreq: &auth::Request,
conn_data: &ConnData,
unauth_path: bool,
) -> Result<Caller, base::Error> {
if let Some(sid) = extract_sid(req.headers()) {
match self
.authenticate_session(authreq.clone(), &sid.hash())
Ok((s, u)) => {
return Ok(Caller {
permissions: s.permissions.clone(),
user: Some(json::ToplevelUser {
id: s.user_id,
name: u.username.clone(),
preferences: u.config.preferences.clone(),
session: Some(json::Session { csrf: s.csrf() }),
Err(err) if err.kind() == base::ErrorKind::Unauthenticated => {
// Log the specific reason this session is unauthenticated.
// Don't let the API client see it, as it may have a
// revocation reason that isn't for their eyes.
warn!(err = %err.chain(), "session authentication failed");
Err(err) => return Err(err),
if matches!(conn_data.client_unix_uid, Some(uid) if Some(uid) == self.privileged_unix_uid) {
return Ok(Caller {
permissions: db::Permissions {
view_video: true,
read_camera_configs: true,
update_signals: true,
admin_users: true,
user: None,
if let Some(s) = self.allow_unauthenticated_permissions.as_ref() {
return Ok(Caller {
permissions: s.clone(),
user: None,
if unauth_path {
return Ok(Caller {
permissions: db::Permissions::default(),
user: None,
mod tests {
use db::testutil::{self, TestDb};
// use futures::future::FutureExt;
// use http::{header, Request};
use http::header;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub(super) struct Server {
pub(super) db: TestDb<base::clock::RealClocks>,
pub(super) base_url: String,
//test_camera_uuid: Uuid,
handle: Option<::std::thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
shutdown_tx: Option<futures::channel::oneshot::Sender<()>>,
impl Server {
pub(super) fn new(allow_unauthenticated_permissions: Option<db::Permissions>) -> Server {
let db = TestDb::new(base::clock::RealClocks {});
let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel::<()>();
let service = Arc::new(
super::Service::new(super::Config {
db: db.db.clone(),
ui_dir: None,
trust_forward_hdrs: true,
time_zone_name: "".to_owned(),
privileged_unix_uid: None,
let (addr_tx, addr_rx) = std::sync::mpsc::channel();
let handle = ::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
let service = Arc::clone(&service);
rt.block_on(async move {
let addr = std::net::SocketAddr::from((std::net::Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST, 0));
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(&addr).await.unwrap();
let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap();
let mut shutdown_rx = std::pin::pin!(shutdown_rx);
loop {
let (tcp, _) = tokio::select! {
r = listener.accept() => r.unwrap(),
_ = shutdown_rx.as_mut() => return,
let io = hyper_util::rt::TokioIo::new(tcp);
let service = Arc::clone(&service);
let serve = move |req| {
super::accept::ConnData {
client_unix_uid: None,
client_addr: None,
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
.serve_connection(io, hyper::service::service_fn(serve))
let addr = addr_rx.recv().unwrap();
// Create a user.
let mut c = db::UserChange::add_user("slamb".to_owned());
Server {
base_url: format!("http://{}:{}", addr.ip(), addr.port()),
handle: Some(handle),
shutdown_tx: Some(shutdown_tx),
impl Drop for Server {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let _ = self.shutdown_tx.take().unwrap().send(());
async fn unauthorized_without_cookie() {
let s = Server::new(None);
let cli = reqwest::Client::new();
let resp = cli
.get(&format!("{}/api/", &s.base_url))
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED);
fn test_extract_sid() {
let mut hdrs = http::HeaderMap::new();
hdrs.append(header::COOKIE, "foo=asdf; bar=asdf".parse().unwrap());
let sid = super::extract_sid(&hdrs).unwrap();
assert_eq!(sid.as_ref(), &b":\xc2\xfa\n\x0e\"\x90\xbc:P\x85\xceOo-#\xeb\xcf{=\xeaX\x00\xa8\xbc\x8f\xa7,u\xb2\x8e\xc5\xb5\x11\x15\xfc\xde\xa4k9\x1d\xe0\xb8\xa7\x9ds\xc2\x0f"[..]);
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "nightly"))]
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use db::testutil::{self, TestDb};
use hyper::{self, service::service_fn};
use std::{
sync::{Arc, OnceLock},
use uuid::Uuid;
struct Server {
base_url: String,
test_camera_uuid: Uuid,
impl Server {
fn new() -> Server {
let db = TestDb::new(::base::clock::RealClocks {});
let test_camera_uuid = db.test_camera_uuid;
testutil::add_dummy_recordings_to_db(&db.db, 1440);
let service = Arc::new(
super::Service::new(super::Config {
db: db.db.clone(),
ui_dir: None,
allow_unauthenticated_permissions: Some(db::Permissions::default()),
trust_forward_hdrs: false,
time_zone_name: "".to_owned(),
privileged_unix_uid: None,
let addr: SocketAddr = ([127, 0, 0, 1], 0).into();
let listener = std::net::TcpListener::bind(addr).unwrap();
let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap(); // resolve port 0 to a real ephemeral port number.
let srv = async move {
let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::from_std(listener).unwrap();
loop {
let (conn, _remote_addr) = listener.accept().await.unwrap();
let io = hyper_util::rt::TokioIo::new(conn);
let service = Arc::clone(&service);
let svc_fn = service_fn(move |req| {
super::accept::ConnData {
client_unix_uid: None,
client_addr: None,
hyper::server::conn::http1::Builder::new().serve_connection(io, svc_fn),
.spawn(move || {
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
Server {
base_url: format!("http://{}:{}", addr.ip(), addr.port()),
static SERVER: OnceLock<Server> = OnceLock::new();
fn serve_stream_recordings(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let server = SERVER.get_or_init(Server::new);
let url = reqwest::Url::parse(&format!(
server.base_url, server.test_camera_uuid
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
let f = || {
for _i in 0..100 {
rt.block_on(async {
let resp = client.get(url.clone()).send().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::OK);
let _b = resp.bytes().await.unwrap();
f(); // warm.