Scott Lamb 317a620e6e upgrade copyright notices
* As discussed in #48, say "The Moonfire NVR Authors" at the top of
  every file rather than whoever created that file. Have one AUTHORS
  file listing everyone.
* Consistently call it a "security camera network video recorder" rather
  than "security camera digital video recorder".
2020-03-01 22:53:41 -08:00

396 lines
17 KiB

// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Moonfire NVR Authors
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
use base::strutil::{decode_size, encode_size};
use crate::stream::{self, Opener, Stream};
use cursive::Cursive;
use cursive::traits::{Boxable, Identifiable, Finder};
use cursive::views;
use db::writer;
use failure::Error;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use url::Url;
/// Builds a `CameraChange` from an active `edit_camera_dialog`.
fn get_change(siv: &mut Cursive) -> db::CameraChange {
// Note: these find_name calls are separate statements, which seems to be important:
let sn = siv.find_name::<views::EditView>("short_name").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let d = siv.find_name::<views::TextArea>("description").unwrap().get_content().into();
let h = siv.find_name::<views::EditView>("onvif_host").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let u = siv.find_name::<views::EditView>("username").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let p = siv.find_name::<views::EditView>("password").unwrap().get_content().as_str().into();
let mut c = db::CameraChange {
short_name: sn,
description: d,
onvif_host: h,
username: u,
password: p,
streams: Default::default(),
for &t in &db::ALL_STREAM_TYPES {
let u = siv.find_name::<views::EditView>(&format!("{}_rtsp_url", t.as_str()))
let r = siv.find_name::<views::Checkbox>(&format!("{}_record", t.as_str()))
let f = i64::from_str(siv.find_name::<views::EditView>(
&format!("{}_flush_if_sec", t.as_str())).unwrap().get_content().as_str())
let d = *siv.find_name::<views::SelectView<Option<i32>>>(
&format!("{}_sample_file_dir", t.as_str()))
c.streams[t.index()] = db::StreamChange {
rtsp_url: u,
sample_file_dir_id: d,
record: r,
flush_if_sec: f,
fn press_edit(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: Option<i32>) {
let change = get_change(siv);
let result = {
let mut l = db.lock();
if let Some(id) = id {
l.update_camera(id, change)
} else {
l.add_camera(change).map(|_| ())
if let Err(e) = result {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Unable to add camera: {}", e))
} else {
siv.pop_layer(); // get rid of the add/edit camera dialog.
// Recreate the "Edit cameras" dialog from scratch; it's easier than adding the new entry.
top_dialog(db, siv);
fn press_test_inner(url: &Url) -> Result<String, Error> {
let stream = {
url: url.as_str(),
redacted_url: url.as_str(), // don't need redaction in config UI.
let extra_data = stream.get_extra_data()?;
Ok(format!("{}x{} video stream", extra_data.width, extra_data.height))
fn press_test(siv: &mut Cursive, t: db::StreamType) {
let c = get_change(siv);
let mut url = match Url::parse(&c.streams[t.index()].rtsp_url) {
Ok(u) => u,
Err(e) => {
format!("Unparseable URL: {}", e))
.title("Stream test failed")
if !c.username.is_empty() {
let _ = url.set_username(&c.username);
let _ = url.set_password(Some(&c.password));
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Testing {} stream at {}. This may take a while \
on timeout or if you have a long key frame interval",
t.as_str(), &url))
// Let siv have this thread for its event loop; do the work in a background thread.
// siv.cb_sink doesn't actually wake up the event loop. Tell siv to poll, as a workaround.
let sink = siv.cb_sink().clone();
::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let r = press_test_inner(&url);
sink.send(Box::new(move |siv: &mut Cursive| {
// Polling is no longer necessary.
let description = match r {
Err(ref e) => {
views::Dialog::text(format!("{} stream at {}:\n\n{}", t.as_str(), &url, e))
.title("Stream test failed")
Ok(ref d) => d,
format!("{} stream at {}:\n\n{}", t.as_str(), &url, description))
.title("Stream test succeeded")
fn press_delete(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: i32, name: String, to_delete: i64) {
let dialog = if to_delete > 0 {
let prompt = format!("Camera {} has recorded video. Please confirm the amount \
of data to delete by typing it back:\n\n{}", name,
let db = db.clone();
move |siv, _| confirm_deletion(siv, &db, id, to_delete)
.button("Delete", {
let db = db.clone();
move |siv| confirm_deletion(siv, &db, id, to_delete)
} else {
views::Dialog::text(format!("Delete camera {}? This camera has no recorded video.", name))
.button("Delete", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| actually_delete(s, &db, id)
}.title("Delete camera").dismiss_button("Cancel");
fn confirm_deletion(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: i32, to_delete: i64) {
let typed = siv.find_name::<views::EditView>("confirm").unwrap().get_content();
if decode_size(typed.as_str()).ok() == Some(to_delete) {
siv.pop_layer(); // deletion confirmation dialog
let mut zero_limits = BTreeMap::new();
let l = db.lock();
for (&stream_id, stream) in l.streams_by_id() {
if stream.camera_id == id {
let dir_id = match stream.sample_file_dir_id {
Some(d) => d,
None => continue,
let l = zero_limits.entry(dir_id).or_insert_with(|| Vec::with_capacity(2));
l.push(writer::NewLimit {
limit: 0,
if let Err(e) = lower_retention(db, zero_limits) {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Unable to delete recordings: {}", e))
actually_delete(siv, db, id);
} else {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text("Please confirm amount.")
.title("Try again")
fn lower_retention(db: &Arc<db::Database>, zero_limits: BTreeMap<i32, Vec<writer::NewLimit>>)
-> Result<(), Error> {
let dirs_to_open: Vec<_> = zero_limits.keys().map(|id| *id).collect();
for (&dir_id, l) in &zero_limits {
writer::lower_retention(db.clone(), dir_id, &l)?;
fn actually_delete(siv: &mut Cursive, db: &Arc<db::Database>, id: i32) {
siv.pop_layer(); // get rid of the add/edit camera dialog.
let result = {
let mut l = db.lock();
if let Err(e) = result {
siv.add_layer(views::Dialog::text(format!("Unable to delete camera: {}", e))
} else {
// Recreate the "Edit cameras" dialog from scratch; it's easier than adding the new entry.
top_dialog(db, siv);
/// Adds or updates a camera.
/// (The former if `item` is None; the latter otherwise.)
fn edit_camera_dialog(db: &Arc<db::Database>, siv: &mut Cursive, item: &Option<i32>) {
let camera_list = views::ListView::new()
.child("id", views::TextView::new(match *item {
None => "<new>".to_string(),
Some(id) => id.to_string(),
.child("uuid", views::TextView::new("<new>").with_name("uuid"))
.child("short name", views::EditView::new().with_name("short_name"))
.child("onvif_host", views::EditView::new().with_name("onvif_host"))
.child("username", views::EditView::new().with_name("username"))
.child("password", views::EditView::new().with_name("password"))
let mut layout = views::LinearLayout::vertical()
let dirs: Vec<_> = ::std::iter::once(("<none>".to_owned(), None))
.map(|(&id, d)| (d.path.as_str().to_owned(), Some(id))))
for &type_ in &db::ALL_STREAM_TYPES {
let list = views::ListView::new()
.child("rtsp url", views::LinearLayout::horizontal()
.with_name(format!("{}_rtsp_url", type_.as_str()))
.child(views::Button::new("Test", move |siv| press_test(siv, type_))))
.child("sample file dir",
.with_all(dirs.iter().map(|d| d.clone()))
.with_name(format!("{}_sample_file_dir", type_.as_str())))
.child("record", views::Checkbox::new().with_name(format!("{}_record", type_.as_str())))
.child("flush_if_sec", views::EditView::new()
.with_name(format!("{}_flush_if_sec", type_.as_str())))
views::TextView::new("").with_name(format!("{}_usage_cap", type_.as_str())))
layout.add_child(views::TextView::new(format!("{} stream", type_.as_str())));
let mut dialog = views::Dialog::around(layout);
let dialog = if let Some(camera_id) = *item {
let l = db.lock();
let camera = l.cameras_by_id().get(&camera_id).expect("missing camera");
dialog.call_on_name("uuid", |v: &mut views::TextView| v.set_content(camera.uuid.to_string()))
.expect("missing TextView");
let mut bytes = 0;
for (i, sid) in camera.streams.iter().enumerate() {
let t = db::StreamType::from_index(i).unwrap();
// Find the index into dirs of the stored sample file dir.
let mut selected_dir = 0;
if let Some(s) =|sid| l.streams_by_id().get(&sid).unwrap()) {
if let Some(id) = s.sample_file_dir_id {
for (i, &(_, d_id)) in dirs.iter().skip(1).enumerate() {
if Some(id) == d_id {
selected_dir = i + 1;
bytes += s.sample_file_bytes;
let u = if s.retain_bytes == 0 {
"0 / 0 (0.0%)".to_owned()
} else {
format!("{} / {} ({:.1}%)", s.sample_file_bytes, s.retain_bytes,
100. * s.sample_file_bytes as f32 / s.retain_bytes as f32)
dialog.call_on_name(&format!("{}_rtsp_url", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::EditView| v.set_content(s.rtsp_url.to_owned()));
dialog.call_on_name(&format!("{}_usage_cap", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::TextView| v.set_content(u));
dialog.call_on_name(&format!("{}_record", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::Checkbox| v.set_checked(s.record));
&format!("{}_flush_if_sec", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::EditView| v.set_content(s.flush_if_sec.to_string()));
&format!("{}_sample_file_dir", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::SelectView<Option<i32>>| v.set_selection(selected_dir));
let name = camera.short_name.clone();
for &(view_id, content) in &[("short_name", &*camera.short_name),
("onvif_host", &*camera.onvif_host),
("username", &*camera.username),
("password", &*camera.password)] {
dialog.call_on_name(view_id, |v: &mut views::EditView| v.set_content(content.to_string()))
.expect("missing EditView");
|v: &mut views::TextArea| v.set_content(camera.description.to_string()))
.expect("missing TextArea");
dialog.title("Edit camera")
.button("Edit", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| press_edit(s, &db, Some(camera_id))
.button("Delete", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| press_delete(s, &db, camera_id, name.clone(), bytes)
} else {
for t in &db::ALL_STREAM_TYPES {
dialog.call_on_name(&format!("{}_usage_cap", t.as_str()),
|v: &mut views::TextView| v.set_content("<new>"));
dialog.title("Add camera")
.button("Add", {
let db = db.clone();
move |s| press_edit(s, &db, None)
pub fn top_dialog(db: &Arc<db::Database>, siv: &mut Cursive) {
let db = db.clone();
move |siv, item| edit_camera_dialog(&db, siv, item)
.item("<new camera>".to_string(), None)
.map(|(&id, camera)| (format!("{}: {}", id, camera.short_name), Some(id))))
.title("Edit cameras"));