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synced 2025-03-24 14:34:17 -04:00
The Javascript is pretty amateurish I'm sure but at least it's something to iterate from. It's already much more pleasant for browsing through videos in several ways: * more responsive to load only a day at a time rather than 90+ days * much easier to see the same time segment on several cameras * more pleasant to have the videos load as a popup rather than a link that blows away your position in an enormous list * exposes the fancier .mp4 generation options: splitting at lengths other than the default, trimming to an arbitrary start and end time, including a subtitle track with timestamps. There's a slight regression in functionality: I didn't match the former top-level page which showed how much camera used of its disk allocation and the total duration of video. This is exposed in the JSON API, so it shouldn't be too hard to add back.
387 lines
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387 lines
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// vim: set et sw=2:
// TODO: test abort.
// TODO: add error bar on fetch failure.
// TODO: style: no globals? string literals? line length? fn comments?
// TODO: live updating.
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/button.css';
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/core.css';
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/datepicker.css';
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/dialog.css';
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/resizable.css';
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/theme.css';
import 'jquery-ui/themes/base/tooltip.css';
import $ from 'jquery';
import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/datepicker';
import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/dialog';
import 'jquery-ui/ui/widgets/tooltip';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
const apiUrl = '/api/';
// IANA timezone name.
let zone = null;
// A dict describing the currently selected range.
let selectedRange = {
startDateStr: null, // null or YYYY-MM-DD
startTimeStr: '', // empty or HH:mm[:ss[:FFFFF]][+-HHmm]
startTime90k: null, // null or 90k units since epoch
endDateStr: null, // null or YYYY-MM-DD
endTimeStr: '', // empty or HH:mm[:ss[:FFFFF]][+-HHmm]
endTime90k: null, // null or 90k units since epoch
singleDateStr: null, // if startDateStr===endDateStr, that value, otherwise null
// Cameras is a dictionary as retrieved from apiUrl + some extra props:
// * "enabled" is a boolean indicating if the camera should be displayed and
// if it should be used to constrain the datepickers.
// * "recordingsUrl" is null or the currently fetched/fetching .../recordings url.
// * "recordingsRange" is a null or a dict (in the same format as
// selectedRange) describing what is fetching/fetched.
// * "recordingsData" is null or the data fetched from "recordingsUrl".
// * "recordingsReq" is null or a jQuery ajax object of an active .../recordings
// request if currently fetching.
let cameras = null;
function req(url) {
return $.ajax(url, {
dataType: 'json',
headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'},
// Produces a human-readable but unambiguous format of the given timestamp:
// ISO-8601 plus an extra colon component after the seconds indicating the
// fractional time in 90,000ths of a second.
function formatTime(ts90k) {
const m = moment.tz(ts90k / 90, zone);
const frac = ts90k % 90000;
return m.format('YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss:' + String(100000 + frac).substr(1) + 'Z');
function onSelectVideo(camera, range, recording) {
let url = apiUrl + 'cameras/' + camera.uuid + '/view.mp4?s=' + recording.startId;
if (recording.endId !== undefined) {
url += '-' + recording.endId;
const trim = $("#trim").prop("checked");
let rel = '';
let startTime90k = recording.startTime90k;
if (trim && recording.startTime90k < range.startTime90k) {
rel += range.startTime90k - recording.startTime90k;
startTime90k = range.startTime90k;
rel += '-';
let endTime90k = recording.endTime90k;
if (trim && recording.endTime90k > range.endTime90k) {
rel += range.endTime90k - recording.startTime90k;
endTime90k = range.endTime90k;
if (rel !== '-') {
url += '.' + rel;
if ($("#ts").prop("checked")) {
url += '&ts=true';
console.log('Displaying video: ', url);
let video = $('<video controls preload="auto" autoplay="true"/>');
let dialog = $('<div class="playdialog"/>').append(video);
// Format start and end times for the dialog title. If they're the same day,
// abbreviate the end time.
let formattedStart = formatTime(startTime90k);
let formattedEnd = formatTime(endTime90k);
let timePos = 'YYYY-mm-ddT'.length;
if (formattedEnd.startsWith(formattedStart.substr(0, timePos))) {
formattedEnd = formattedEnd.substr(timePos);
title: camera.shortName + ", " + formattedStart + " to " + formattedEnd,
width: recording.videoSampleEntryWidth / 4,
close: function() { dialog.remove(); },
video.attr("src", url);
function formatRecordings(camera) {
let tbody = $("#tab-" + camera.uuid);
$(".loading", tbody).hide();
$(".r", tbody).remove();
const frameRateFmt = new Intl.NumberFormat([], {maximumFractionDigits: 0});
const sizeFmt = new Intl.NumberFormat([], {maximumFractionDigits: 1});
const trim = $("#trim").prop("checked");
for (let recording of camera.recordingsData.recordings) {
const duration = (recording.endTime90k - recording.startTime90k) / 90000;
let row = $('<tr class="r"/>');
const startTime90k = trim && recording.startTime90k < camera.recordingsRange.startTime90k
? camera.recordingsRange.startTime90k : recording.startTime90k;
const endTime90k = trim && recording.endTime90k > camera.recordingsRange.endTime90k
? camera.recordingsRange.endTime90k : recording.endTime90k;
let formattedStart = formatTime(startTime90k);
let formattedEnd = formatTime(endTime90k);
const singleDateStr = camera.recordingsRange.singleDateStr;
if (singleDateStr !== null && formattedStart.startsWith(singleDateStr)) {
formattedStart = formattedStart.substr(11);
if (singleDateStr !== null && formattedEnd.startsWith(singleDateStr)) {
formattedEnd = formattedEnd.substr(11);
$("<td/>").text(recording.videoSampleEntryWidth + "x" + recording.videoSampleEntryHeight),
$("<td/>").text(frameRateFmt.format(recording.videoSamples / duration)),
$("<td/>").text(sizeFmt.format(recording.sampleFileBytes / 1048576) + " MB"),
$("<td/>").text(sizeFmt.format(recording.sampleFileBytes / duration * .000008) + " Mbps"));
row.on("click", function() { onSelectVideo(camera, camera.recordingsRange, recording); });
function reselectDateRange(startDateStr, endDateStr) {
selectedRange.startDateStr = startDateStr;
selectedRange.endDateStr = endDateStr;
selectedRange.startTime90k = parseDateTime(startDateStr, selectedRange.startTimeStr, false);
selectedRange.endTime90k = parseDateTime(endDateStr, selectedRange.endTimeStr, true);
// Run when selectedRange is populated/changed or when split changes.
function fetch() {
console.log('Fetching ', formatTime(selectedRange.startTime90k), ' to ',
let split = $("#split").val();
for (let camera of cameras) {
let url = apiUrl + 'cameras/' + camera.uuid + '/recordings?startTime90k=' +
selectedRange.startTime90k + '&endTime90k=' + selectedRange.endTime90k;
if (split !== '') {
url += '&split90k=' + split;
if (url === camera.recordingsUrl) {
continue; // nothing to do.
if (camera.recordingsReq !== null) {
let tbody = $("#tab-" + camera.uuid);
$(".r", tbody).remove();
$(".loading", tbody).show();
let r = req(url);
camera.recordingsUrl = url;
camera.recordingsRange = selectedRange;
camera.recordingsReq = r;
r.always(function() { camera.recordingsReq = null; });
r.then(function(data, status, req) {
// Sort recordings in descending order.
data.recordings.sort(function(a, b) { return b.startId - a.startId; });
camera.recordingsData = data;
}).catch(function(data, status, err) {
console.log(url, ' load failed: ', status, ': ', err);
// Run initially and when changing camera filter.
function setupCalendar() {
let merged = {};
for (const camera of cameras) {
if (!camera.enabled) {
for (const dateStr in camera.days) {
merged[dateStr] = true;
let minDateStr = '9999-99-99';
let maxDateStr = '0000-00-00';
for (const dateStr in merged) {
if (dateStr > maxDateStr) {
maxDateStr = dateStr;
if (dateStr < minDateStr) {
minDateStr = dateStr;
let from = $("#start-date");
let to = $("#end-date");
let beforeShowDay = function(date) {
let dateStr = date.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
return [dateStr in merged, "", ""];
if ($("#end-date-same").prop("checked")) {
from.datepicker("option", {
dateFormat: $.datepicker.ISO_8601,
minDate: minDateStr,
maxDate: maxDateStr,
onSelect: function(dateStr, picker) {
reselectDateRange(dateStr, dateStr);
beforeShowDay: beforeShowDay,
disabled: false,
to.datepicker({disabled: true});
} else {
from.datepicker("option", {
dateFormat: $.datepicker.ISO_8601,
minDate: minDateStr,
onSelect: function(dateStr, picker) {
to.datepicker("option", "minDate", from.datepicker("getDate").toISOString().substr(0, 10));
reselectDateRange(dateStr, to.datepicker("getDate").toISOString().substr(0, 10));
beforeShowDay: beforeShowDay,
disabled: false,
to.datepicker("option", {
dateFormat: $.datepicker.ISO_8601,
minDate: from.datepicker("getDate"),
maxDate: maxDateStr,
onSelect: function(dateStr, picker) {
from.datepicker("option", "maxDate", to.datepicker("getDate").toISOString().substr(0, 10));
reselectDateRange(from.datepicker("getDate").toISOString().substr(0, 10), dateStr);
beforeShowDay: beforeShowDay,
disabled: false,
to.datepicker("setDate", from.datepicker("getDate"));
from.datepicker("option", {maxDate: to.datepicker("getDate")});
const date = from.datepicker("getDate");
if (date !== null) {
const dateStr = date.toISOString().substr(0, 10);
reselectDateRange(dateStr, dateStr);
function onCameraChange(event, camera) {
camera.enabled = event.target.checked;
if (camera.enabled) {
$("#tab-" + camera.uuid).show();
} else {
$("#tab-" + camera.uuid).hide();
console.log('Camera ', camera.shortName, camera.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled');
// Parses the given date and time string into a valid time90k or null.
function parseDateTime(dateStr, timeStr, isEnd) {
// Match HH:mm[:ss[:FFFFF]][+-HH:mm]
// Group 1 is the hour and minute (HH:mm).
// Group 2 is the seconds (:ss), if any.
// Group 3 is the fraction (FFFFF), if any.
// Group 4 is the zone (+-HH:mm), if any.
const timeRe =
if (timeStr === '') {
const m = moment.tz(dateStr, zone);
if (isEnd) {
m.add({days: 1});
return m.valueOf() * 90;
const match = timeRe.exec(timeStr);
if (match === null) {
return null;
const orBlank = function(s) { return s === undefined ? "" : s; };
const datetimeStr = dateStr + 'T' + match[1] + orBlank(match[2]) + orBlank(match[4]);
const m = moment.tz(datetimeStr, zone);
if (!m.isValid()) {
return null;
const frac = match[3] === undefined ? 0 : parseInt(match[3], 10);
return m.valueOf() * 90 + frac;
function onTimeChange(e, isEnd) {
let parsed = parseDateTime(isEnd ? selectedRange.endDateStr : selectedRange.startDateStr,
e.target.value, isEnd);
if (parsed == null) {
console.log('bad time change');
console.log(isEnd ? "end" : "start", ' time change to: ', parsed, ' (', formatTime(parsed), ')');
if (isEnd) {
selectedRange.endTimeStr = e.target.value;
selectedRange.endTime90k = parsed;
} else {
selectedRange.startTimeStr = e.target.value;
selectedRange.startTime90k = parsed;
function onReceivedCameras(data) {
let fieldset = $("#cameras");
if (data.cameras.length === 0) {
var reqs = [];
let videos = $("#videos");
for (let camera of data.cameras) {
const id = "cam-" + camera.uuid;
let checkBox = $('<input type="checkbox" checked>').attr("name", id).attr("id", id);
checkBox.change(function(event) { onCameraChange(event, camera); });
$("<label/>").attr("for", id).text(camera.shortName),
let tab = $("<tbody>").attr("id", "tab-" + camera.uuid);
$('<tr class="name">').append($('<th colspan=6/>').text(camera.shortName)),
$('<tr class="hdr"><th>start</th><th>end</th><th>resolution</th><th>fps</th><th>size</th><th>bitrate</th></tr>'),
$('<tr class="loading"><td colspan=6>loading...</td></tr>'));
camera.enabled = true;
camera.recordingsUrl = null;
camera.recordingsRange = null;
camera.recordingsData = null;
camera.recordingsReq = null;
$("#end-date-same").change(function(e) { setupCalendar(); });
$("#end-date-other").change(function(e) { setupCalendar(); });
$("#start-date").datepicker({disabled: true});
$("#end-date").datepicker({disabled: true});
$("#start-time").change(function(e) { onTimeChange(e, false); });
$("#end-time").change(function(e) { onTimeChange(e, true); });
$("#split").change(function(e) {
if (selectedRange.startTime90k !== null) {
$("#trim").change(function(e) {
// Changing the trim doesn't need to refetch data, but it does need to
// reformat the tables.
let newTrim = e.target.checked;
for (camera of cameras) {
if (camera.recordingsData !== null) {
zone = data.timeZoneName;
cameras = data.cameras;
console.log('Loaded cameras.');
$(function() {
req(apiUrl + '?days=true').then(function(data, status, req) {
}).catch(function(data, status, err) {
console.log('cameras load failed: ', status, err);