Scott Lamb 2985214d87 reduce per-slice allocations
`slices::Slices::get_range` was too closely following the example of

The latter is once-per-request, so just boxing is low-cost and makes
sense to easily avoid monomorphization bloat when there are potentially
many types of entity streams in one program. In Moonfire, it's used with
different streams defined in the `moonfire_nvr::web::mp4`,
`moonfire_nvr::bundled_ui`, and `http_serve::file` modules. Putting them
all into a single boxless enum would be a pain. In particular, the last
one is not a nameable type today and would need more generic parameters
to implement the caller-demanded `Entity` definition.

The former is once-per-slice, there are tons of slices per request, and
it's easy to define a two-case enum right where it's needed. So the
trade-off is quite different.

Also fix up some out-of-date comments.
2025-03-07 18:54:41 -08:00

326 lines
10 KiB

// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception.
//! Tools for implementing a `http_serve::Entity` body composed from many "slices".
use std::fmt;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::pin::Pin;
use crate::body::{wrap_error, BoxedError};
use base::{bail, err, Error};
use futures::{stream, stream::StreamExt, Stream};
use tracing_futures::Instrument;
/// Gets a byte range given a context argument.
/// Each `Slice` instance belongs to a single `Slices`.
pub trait Slice: fmt::Debug + Sized + Sync + 'static {
type Ctx: Send + Sync + Clone;
type Chunk: Send + Sync + 'static;
type Stream: Stream<Item = Result<Self::Chunk, BoxedError>> + Send + Sync;
/// The byte position (relative to the start of the `Slices`) of the end of this slice,
/// exclusive. Note the starting position (and thus length) are inferred from the previous
/// slice. Must remain the same for the lifetime of the `Slice`.
fn end(&self) -> u64;
/// Gets the body bytes indicated by `r`, which is relative to this slice's start.
/// The additional argument `ctx` is as supplied to the `Slices`.
/// The additional argument `l` is the length of this slice, as determined by the `Slices`.
/// Note that unlike [`http_entity::Entity::get_range`], this is called many times per request,
/// so it's worth defining a custom stream type to avoid allocation overhead.
fn get_range(&self, ctx: &Self::Ctx, r: Range<u64>, len: u64) -> Self::Stream;
fn get_slices(ctx: &Self::Ctx) -> &Slices<Self>;
/// Helper to serve byte ranges from a body which is broken down into many "slices".
/// This is used to implement `.mp4` serving in `mp4::File` from `mp4::Slice` enums.
pub struct Slices<S>
S: Slice,
/// The total byte length of the `Slices`.
/// Equivalent to `self.slices.back().map(|s| s.end()).unwrap_or(0)`; kept for convenience and
/// to avoid a branch.
len: u64,
/// 0 or more slices of this file.
slices: Vec<S>,
impl<S> fmt::Debug for Slices<S>
S: Slice,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"{} slices with overall length {}:",
let mut start = 0;
for (i, s) in self.slices.iter().enumerate() {
let end = s.end();
"\ni {:7}: range [{:12}, {:12}) len {:12}: {:?}",
end - start,
start = end;
impl<S> Slices<S>
S: Slice,
pub fn new() -> Self {
Slices {
len: 0,
slices: Vec::new(),
/// Reserves space for at least `additional` more slices to be appended.
pub fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) {
/// Appends the given slice, which must have end > the Slices's current len.
pub fn append(&mut self, slice: S) -> Result<(), Error> {
if slice.end() <= self.len {
"end {} <= len {} while adding slice {:?} to slices:\n{:?}",
self.len = slice.end();
/// Returns the total byte length of all slices.
pub fn len(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns the number of slices.
pub fn num(&self) -> usize {
/// Writes `range` to `out`.
/// This interface mirrors `http_serve::Entity::get_range`, with the additional `ctx` argument.
pub fn get_range(
ctx: &S::Ctx,
range: Range<u64>,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<S::Chunk, BoxedError>> + Sync + Send>> {
if range.start > range.end || range.end > self.len {
return Box::pin(stream::once(futures::future::err(wrap_error(err!(
msg("bad range {:?} for slice of length {}", range, self.len),
// Binary search for the first slice of the range to write, determining its index and
// (from the preceding slice) the start of its range.
let (i, slice_start) = match self.slices.binary_search_by_key(&range.start, |s| s.end()) {
Ok(i) => (i + 1, self.slices[i].end()), // desired start == slice i's end; first is i+1!
Err(0) => (0, 0), // desired start < slice 0's end; first is 0.
Err(i) => (i, self.slices[i - 1].end()), // desired start < slice i's end; first is i.
// Iterate through and write each slice until the end.
let start_pos = range.start - slice_start;
let bodies = stream::unfold(
(ctx.clone(), i, start_pos, slice_start),
move |(c, i, start_pos, slice_start)| {
let (body, min_end);
let self_ = S::get_slices(&c);
if i == self_.slices.len() {
return futures::future::ready(None);
let s = &self_.slices[i];
if range.end == slice_start + start_pos {
return futures::future::ready(None);
let s_end = s.end();
min_end = ::std::cmp::min(range.end, s_end);
let l = s_end - slice_start;
body = s.get_range(&c, start_pos..min_end - slice_start, l);
futures::future::ready(Some((body, (c, i + 1, 0, min_end))))
mod tests {
use super::{Slice, Slices};
use crate::body::BoxedError;
use db::testutil;
use futures::stream::{self, TryStreamExt};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::pin::Pin;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FakeChunk {
slice: &'static str,
range: Range<u64>,
pub struct FakeSlice {
end: u64,
name: &'static str,
impl Slice for FakeSlice {
type Ctx = &'static Slices<FakeSlice>;
type Chunk = FakeChunk;
type Stream = stream::Once<futures::future::Ready<Result<FakeChunk, BoxedError>>>;
fn end(&self) -> u64 {
fn get_range(
_ctx: &&'static Slices<FakeSlice>,
r: Range<u64>,
_l: u64,
) -> Self::Stream {
stream::once(futures::future::ok(FakeChunk {
range: r,
fn get_slices(ctx: &&'static Slices<FakeSlice>) -> &'static Slices<Self> {
static SLICES: std::sync::OnceLock<Slices<FakeSlice>> = std::sync::OnceLock::new();
fn slices() -> &'static Slices<FakeSlice> {
SLICES.get_or_init(|| {
let mut s = Slices::new();
s.append(FakeSlice { end: 5, name: "a" }).unwrap();
s.append(FakeSlice { end: 5 + 13, name: "b" }).unwrap();
s.append(FakeSlice { end: 5 + 13 + 7, name: "c" }).unwrap();
s.append(FakeSlice { end: 5 + 13 + 7 + 17, name: "d" }).unwrap();
s.append(FakeSlice { end: 5 + 13 + 7 + 17 + 19, name: "e" }).unwrap();
async fn get_range(r: Range<u64>) -> Vec<FakeChunk> {
let slices = slices();
Pin::from(slices.get_range(&slices, r))
pub fn size() {
assert_eq!(5 + 13 + 7 + 17 + 19, slices().len());
pub async fn exact_slice() {
// Test writing exactly slice b.
let out = get_range(5..18).await;
&[FakeChunk {
slice: "b",
range: 0..13
pub async fn offset_first() {
// Test writing part of slice a.
let out = get_range(1..3).await;
&[FakeChunk {
slice: "a",
range: 1..3
pub async fn offset_mid() {
// Test writing part of slice b, all of slice c, and part of slice d.
let out = get_range(17..26).await;
FakeChunk { slice: "b", range: 12..13 },
FakeChunk { slice: "c", range: 0..7 },
FakeChunk { slice: "d", range: 0..1 },
pub async fn everything() {
// Test writing the whole Slices.
let out = get_range(0..61).await;
FakeChunk { slice: "a", range: 0..5 },
FakeChunk { slice: "b", range: 0..13 },
FakeChunk { slice: "c", range: 0..7 },
FakeChunk { slice: "d", range: 0..17 },
FakeChunk { slice: "e", range: 0..19 },
pub async fn at_end() {
let out = get_range(61..61).await;
let empty: &[FakeChunk] = &[];
assert_eq!(empty, &out[..]);