# Troubleshooting ## Logs While Moonfire NVR is running, logs will be written to stderr. * When running the configuration UI, you typically should redirect stderr to a text file to avoid poor interaction between the interactive stdout output and the logging. If you use the recommended `nvr config 2>debug-log` command, output will be in the `debug-log` file. * When running detached through Docker, Docker saves the logs for you. Try `nvr logs` or `docker logs moonfire-nvr`. * When running through systemd, stderr will be redirected to the journal. Try `sudo journalctl --unit moonfire-nvr` to view the logs. You also likely want to set `MOONFIRE_FORMAT=google-systemd` to format logs as expected by systemd. Logging options are controlled by environment variables: * `MOONFIRE_LOG` controls the log level. Its format is similar to the `RUST_LOG` variable used by the [env-logger](http://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/log/env_logger/) crate. `MOONFIRE_LOG=info` is the default. `MOONFIRE_LOG=info,moonfire_nvr=debug` gives more detailed logging of the `moonfire_nvr` crate itself. * `MOONFIRE_FORMAT` selects the output format. The two options currently accepted are `google` (the default, like the Google [glog](https://github.com/google/glog) package) and `google-systemd` (a variation for better systemd compatibility). * Errors include a backtrace if `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` is set. If you use Docker, set these via Docker's `--env` argument. ## Problems ### `Error: pts not monotonically increasing; got 26615520 then 26539470` If your streams cut out with an error message like this one, it might mean that your camera outputs [B frames](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_compression_picture_types#Bi-directional_predicted_.28B.29_frames.2Fslices_.28macroblocks.29). If you believe this is the case, file a feature request; Moonfire NVR currently doesn't support B frames. You may be able to configure your camera to disable B frames in the meantime. ### `moonfire-nvr config` displays garbage This happens if your machine is configured to a non-UTF-8 locale, due to gyscos/Cursive#13. As a workaround, try setting the environment variable `LC_ALL=C.UTF-8`. This should automatically be set with the Docker container.