// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react"; import ErrorBoundary from "./ErrorBoundary"; import { expect, test } from "vitest"; const ThrowsLiteralComponent = () => { throw "simple string error"; }; test("renders string error", () => { render( ); const msgElement = screen.getByText(/simple string error/); expect(msgElement).toBeInTheDocument(); }); test("renders child on success", () => { render(foo); const fooElement = screen.getByText(/foo/); expect(fooElement).toBeInTheDocument(); const sorryElement = screen.queryByText(/Sorry/); expect(sorryElement).toBeNull(); });