// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2020 The Moonfire NVR Authors // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give // permission to link the code of portions of this program with the // OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each // individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including // the two. // // You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all // of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this // exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the // file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do // so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete // this exception statement from all source files in the program, then // also delete it here. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . /// Upgrades a version 4 schema to a version 5 schema. use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder, WriteBytesExt}; use failure::{Error, bail, format_err}; use h264_reader::avcc::AvcDecoderConfigurationRecord; use rusqlite::{named_params, params}; use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; // Copied from src/h264.rs. h264 stuff really doesn't belong in the db crate, but we do what we // must for schema upgrades. const PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIOS: [((u16, u16), (u16, u16)); 4] = [ ((320, 240), ( 4, 3)), ((352, 240), (40, 33)), ((640, 480), ( 4, 3)), ((704, 480), (40, 33)), ]; fn default_pixel_aspect_ratio(width: u16, height: u16) -> (u16, u16) { let dims = (width, height); for r in &PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIOS { if r.0 == dims { return r.1; } } (1, 1) } fn parse(data: &[u8]) -> Result { if data.len() < 94 || &data[4..8] != b"avc1" || &data[90..94] != b"avcC" { bail!("data of len {} doesn't have an avcC", data.len()); } let avcc_len = BigEndian::read_u32(&data[86..90]); if avcc_len < 8 { // length and type. bail!("invalid avcc len {}", avcc_len); } let end_pos = 86 + usize::try_from(avcc_len)?; if end_pos != data.len() { bail!("expected avcC to be end of extradata; there are {} more bytes.", data.len() - end_pos); } AvcDecoderConfigurationRecord::try_from(&data[94..end_pos]) .map_err(|e| format_err!("Bad AvcDecoderConfigurationRecord: {:?}", e)) } pub fn run(_args: &super::Args, tx: &rusqlite::Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> { // These create statements match the schema.sql when version 5 was the latest. tx.execute_batch(r#" alter table video_sample_entry rename to old_video_sample_entry; create table video_sample_entry ( id integer primary key, width integer not null check (width > 0), height integer not null check (height > 0), rfc6381_codec text not null, data blob not null check (length(data) > 86), pasp_h_spacing integer not null default 1 check (pasp_h_spacing > 0), pasp_v_spacing integer not null default 1 check (pasp_v_spacing > 0) ); "#)?; let mut insert = tx.prepare(r#" insert into video_sample_entry (id, width, height, rfc6381_codec, data, pasp_h_spacing, pasp_v_spacing) values (:id, :width, :height, :rfc6381_codec, :data, :pasp_h_spacing, :pasp_v_spacing) "#)?; let mut stmt = tx.prepare(r#" select id, width, height, rfc6381_codec, data from old_video_sample_entry "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(params![])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let id: i32 = row.get(0)?; let width: u16 = row.get::<_, i32>(1)?.try_into()?; let height: u16 = row.get::<_, i32>(2)?.try_into()?; let rfc6381_codec: &str = row.get_raw_checked(3)?.as_str()?; let mut data: Vec = row.get(4)?; let avcc = parse(&data)?; if avcc.num_of_sequence_parameter_sets() != 1 { bail!("Multiple SPSs!"); } let ctx = avcc.create_context(()) .map_err(|e| format_err!("Can't load SPS+PPS: {:?}", e))?; let sps = ctx.sps_by_id(h264_reader::nal::pps::ParamSetId::from_u32(0).unwrap()) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No SPS 0"))?; let pasp = sps.vui_parameters.as_ref() .and_then(|v| v.aspect_ratio_info.as_ref()) .and_then(|a| a.clone().get()) .unwrap_or_else(|| default_pixel_aspect_ratio(width, height)); if pasp != (1, 1) { data.extend_from_slice(b"\x00\x00\x00\x10pasp"); // length + box name data.write_u32::(pasp.0.into())?; data.write_u32::(pasp.1.into())?; let len = data.len(); BigEndian::write_u32(&mut data[0..4], u32::try_from(len)?); } insert.execute_named(named_params!{ ":id": id, ":width": width, ":height": height, ":rfc6381_codec": rfc6381_codec, ":data": &data, ":pasp_h_spacing": pasp.0, ":pasp_v_spacing": pasp.1, })?; } tx.execute_batch(r#" alter table recording rename to old_recording; create table recording ( composite_id integer primary key, open_id integer not null, stream_id integer not null references stream (id), run_offset integer not null, flags integer not null, sample_file_bytes integer not null check (sample_file_bytes > 0), start_time_90k integer not null check (start_time_90k > 0), duration_90k integer not null check (duration_90k >= 0 and duration_90k < 5*60*90000), video_samples integer not null check (video_samples > 0), video_sync_samples integer not null check (video_sync_samples > 0), video_sample_entry_id integer references video_sample_entry (id), check (composite_id >> 32 = stream_id) ); insert into recording select * from old_recording; drop index recording_cover; create index recording_cover on recording ( stream_id, start_time_90k, open_id, duration_90k, video_samples, video_sync_samples, video_sample_entry_id, sample_file_bytes, run_offset, flags ); alter table recording_integrity rename to old_recording_integrity; create table recording_integrity ( composite_id integer primary key references recording (composite_id), local_time_delta_90k integer, local_time_since_open_90k integer, wall_time_delta_90k integer, sample_file_blake3 blob check (length(sample_file_blake3) <= 32) ); insert into recording_integrity select composite_id, local_time_delta_90k, local_time_since_open_90k, wall_time_delta_90k, null from old_recording_integrity; alter table recording_playback rename to old_recording_playback; create table recording_playback ( composite_id integer primary key references recording (composite_id), video_index blob not null check (length(video_index) > 0) ); insert into recording_playback select * from old_recording_playback; drop table old_recording_playback; drop table old_recording_integrity; drop table old_recording; drop table old_video_sample_entry; update user_session set revocation_reason = 1, revocation_reason_detail = 'Blake2b->Blake3 upgrade' where revocation_reason is null; create table object_detection_model ( id integer primary key, uuid blob unique not null check (length(uuid) = 16), name text not null, data blob ); create table object_detection_label ( id integer primary key, uuid blob unique not null check (length(uuid) = 16), name text unique not null, color text ); create table recording_object_detection ( composite_id integer not null references recording (composite_id), model_id integer not null references object_detection_model (id), frame_data blob not null, primary key (composite_id, model_id) ); "#)?; Ok(()) }