// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2016 The Moonfire NVR Authors // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give // permission to link the code of portions of this program with the // OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each // individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including // the two. // // You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all // of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this // exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the // file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do // so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete // this exception statement from all source files in the program, then // also delete it here. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . //! Database access logic for the Moonfire NVR SQLite schema. //! //! The SQLite schema includes everything except the actual video samples (see the `dir` module //! for management of those). See `schema.sql` for a more detailed description. //! //! The `Database` struct caches data in RAM, making the assumption that only one process is //! accessing the database at a time. Performance and efficiency notes: //! //! * several query operations here feature row callbacks. The callback is invoked with //! the database lock. Thus, the callback shouldn't perform long-running operations. //! //! * startup may be slow, as it scans the entire index for the recording table. This seems //! acceptable. //! //! * the operations used for web file serving should return results with acceptable latency. //! //! * however, the database lock may be held for longer than is acceptable for //! the critical path of recording frames. The caller should preallocate sample file uuids //! and such to avoid database operations in these paths. //! //! * adding and removing recordings done during normal operations use a batch interface. //! A list of mutations is built up in-memory and occasionally flushed to reduce SSD write //! cycles. use base::clock::{self, Clocks}; use base::strutil::encode_size; use crate::auth; use crate::dir; use crate::raw; use crate::recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC}; use crate::schema; use crate::signal; use failure::{Error, bail, format_err}; use fnv::{FnvHashMap, FnvHashSet}; use itertools::Itertools; use log::{error, info, trace}; use lru_cache::LruCache; use openssl::hash; use parking_lot::{Mutex,MutexGuard}; use protobuf::prelude::MessageField; use rusqlite::{named_params, params}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque}; use std::cell::RefCell; use std::cmp; use std::fmt::Write as _; use std::io::Write; use std::ops::Range; use std::mem; use std::str; use std::string::String; use std::sync::Arc; use std::vec::Vec; use time; use uuid::Uuid; /// Expected schema version. See `guide/schema.md` for more information. pub const EXPECTED_VERSION: i32 = 5; const GET_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL: &'static str = r#" select video_index from recording_playback where composite_id = :composite_id "#; const INSERT_VIDEO_SAMPLE_ENTRY_SQL: &'static str = r#" insert into video_sample_entry (sha1, width, height, rfc6381_codec, data) values (:sha1, :width, :height, :rfc6381_codec, :data) "#; const UPDATE_NEXT_RECORDING_ID_SQL: &'static str = "update stream set next_recording_id = :next_recording_id where id = :stream_id"; /// The size of a filesystem block, to use in disk space accounting. /// This should really be obtained by a stat call on the sample file directory in question, /// but that requires some refactoring. See /// [#89](https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/issues/89). We might be able to get away with /// this hardcoded value for a while. const ASSUMED_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES: i64 = 4096; /// Rounds a file size up to the next multiple of the block size. /// This is useful in representing the actual amount of filesystem space used. pub(crate) fn round_up(bytes: i64) -> i64 { let blk = ASSUMED_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES; (bytes + blk - 1) / blk * blk } pub struct FromSqlUuid(pub Uuid); impl rusqlite::types::FromSql for FromSqlUuid { fn column_result(value: rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> rusqlite::types::FromSqlResult { let uuid = Uuid::from_slice(value.as_blob()?) .map_err(|e| rusqlite::types::FromSqlError::Other(Box::new(e)))?; Ok(FromSqlUuid(uuid)) } } struct VideoIndex(Box<[u8]>); impl rusqlite::types::FromSql for VideoIndex { fn column_result(value: rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> rusqlite::types::FromSqlResult { Ok(VideoIndex(value.as_blob()?.to_vec().into_boxed_slice())) } } /// A concrete box derived from a ISO/IEC 14496-12 section 8.5.2 VisualSampleEntry box. Describes /// the codec, width, height, etc. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct VideoSampleEntry { pub data: Vec, pub rfc6381_codec: String, pub id: i32, pub width: u16, pub height: u16, pub sha1: [u8; 20], } /// A row used in `list_recordings_by_time` and `list_recordings_by_id`. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ListRecordingsRow { pub start: recording::Time, pub video_sample_entry_id: i32, pub id: CompositeId, /// This is a recording::Duration, but a single recording's duration fits into an i32. pub duration_90k: i32, pub video_samples: i32, pub video_sync_samples: i32, pub sample_file_bytes: i32, pub run_offset: i32, pub open_id: u32, pub flags: i32, } /// A row used in `list_aggregated_recordings`. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ListAggregatedRecordingsRow { pub time: Range, pub ids: Range, pub video_samples: i64, pub video_sync_samples: i64, pub sample_file_bytes: i64, pub video_sample_entry_id: i32, pub stream_id: i32, pub run_start_id: i32, pub open_id: u32, pub first_uncommitted: Option, pub growing: bool, } impl ListAggregatedRecordingsRow { fn from(row: ListRecordingsRow) -> Self { let recording_id = row.id.recording(); let uncommitted = (row.flags & RecordingFlags::Uncommitted as i32) != 0; let growing = (row.flags & RecordingFlags::Growing as i32) != 0; ListAggregatedRecordingsRow { time: row.start .. recording::Time(row.start.0 + row.duration_90k as i64), ids: recording_id .. recording_id+1, video_samples: row.video_samples as i64, video_sync_samples: row.video_sync_samples as i64, sample_file_bytes: row.sample_file_bytes as i64, video_sample_entry_id: row.video_sample_entry_id, stream_id: row.id.stream(), run_start_id: recording_id - row.run_offset, open_id: row.open_id, first_uncommitted: if uncommitted { Some(recording_id) } else { None }, growing, } } } /// Select fields from the `recordings_playback` table. Retrieve with `with_recording_playback`. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RecordingPlayback<'a> { pub video_index: &'a [u8], } /// Bitmask in the `flags` field in the `recordings` table; see `schema.sql`. pub enum RecordingFlags { TrailingZero = 1, // These values (starting from high bit on down) are never written to the database. Growing = 1 << 30, Uncommitted = 1 << 31, } /// A recording to pass to `insert_recording`. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct RecordingToInsert { pub run_offset: i32, pub flags: i32, pub sample_file_bytes: i32, pub start: recording::Time, pub duration_90k: i32, // a recording::Duration, but guaranteed to fit in i32. pub local_time_delta: recording::Duration, pub video_samples: i32, pub video_sync_samples: i32, pub video_sample_entry_id: i32, pub video_index: Vec, pub sample_file_sha1: [u8; 20], } impl RecordingToInsert { fn to_list_row(&self, id: CompositeId, open_id: u32) -> ListRecordingsRow { ListRecordingsRow { start: self.start, video_sample_entry_id: self.video_sample_entry_id, id, duration_90k: self.duration_90k, video_samples: self.video_samples, video_sync_samples: self.video_sync_samples, sample_file_bytes: self.sample_file_bytes, run_offset: self.run_offset, open_id, flags: self.flags | RecordingFlags::Uncommitted as i32, } } } /// A row used in `raw::list_oldest_recordings` and `db::delete_oldest_recordings`. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct ListOldestRecordingsRow { pub id: CompositeId, pub start: recording::Time, pub duration: i32, pub sample_file_bytes: i32, } /// A calendar day in `YYYY-mm-dd` format. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub struct StreamDayKey([u8; 10]); impl StreamDayKey { fn new(tm: time::Tm) -> Result { let mut s = StreamDayKey([0u8; 10]); write!(&mut s.0[..], "{}", tm.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")?)?; Ok(s) } pub fn bounds(&self) -> Range { let mut my_tm = time::strptime(self.as_ref(), "%Y-%m-%d").expect("days must be parseable"); my_tm.tm_utcoff = 1; // to the time crate, values != 0 mean local time. my_tm.tm_isdst = -1; let start = recording::Time(my_tm.to_timespec().sec * recording::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); my_tm.tm_hour = 0; my_tm.tm_min = 0; my_tm.tm_sec = 0; my_tm.tm_mday += 1; let end = recording::Time(my_tm.to_timespec().sec * recording::TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); start .. end } } impl AsRef for StreamDayKey { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { str::from_utf8(&self.0[..]).expect("days are always UTF-8") } } /// In-memory state about a particular camera on a particular day. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct StreamDayValue { /// The number of recordings that overlap with this day. Note that `adjust_day` automatically /// prunes days with 0 recordings. pub recordings: i64, /// The total duration recorded on this day. This can be 0; because frames' durations are taken /// from the time of the next frame, a recording that ends unexpectedly after a single frame /// will have 0 duration of that frame and thus the whole recording. pub duration: recording::Duration, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SampleFileDir { pub id: i32, pub path: String, pub uuid: Uuid, dir: Option>, last_complete_open: Option, /// ids which are in the `garbage` database table (rather than `recording`) as of last commit /// but may still exist on disk. These can't be safely removed from the database yet. pub(crate) garbage_needs_unlink: FnvHashSet, /// ids which are in the `garbage` database table and are guaranteed to no longer exist on /// disk (have been unlinked and the dir has been synced). These may be removed from the /// database on next flush. Mutually exclusive with `garbage_needs_unlink`. pub(crate) garbage_unlinked: Vec, } impl SampleFileDir { /// Returns a cloned copy of the directory, or Err if closed. /// /// Use `LockedDatabase::open_sample_file_dirs` prior to calling this method. pub fn get(&self) -> Result, Error> { Ok(self.dir .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("sample file dir {} is closed", self.id))? .clone()) } /// Returns expected existing metadata when opening this directory. fn meta(&self, db_uuid: &Uuid) -> schema::DirMeta { let mut meta = schema::DirMeta::default(); meta.db_uuid.extend_from_slice(&db_uuid.as_bytes()[..]); meta.dir_uuid.extend_from_slice(&self.uuid.as_bytes()[..]); if let Some(o) = self.last_complete_open { let open = meta.last_complete_open.mut_message(); open.id = o.id; open.uuid.extend_from_slice(&o.uuid.as_bytes()[..]); } meta } } pub use crate::auth::Request; pub use crate::auth::RawSessionId; pub use crate::auth::Session; pub use crate::auth::User; pub use crate::auth::UserChange; /// In-memory state about a camera. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Camera { pub id: i32, pub uuid: Uuid, pub short_name: String, pub description: String, pub onvif_host: String, pub username: String, pub password: String, pub streams: [Option; 2], } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum StreamType { MAIN, SUB } impl StreamType { pub fn from_index(i: usize) -> Option { match i { 0 => Some(StreamType::MAIN), 1 => Some(StreamType::SUB), _ => None, } } pub fn index(self) -> usize { match self { StreamType::MAIN => 0, StreamType::SUB => 1, } } pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { StreamType::MAIN => "main", StreamType::SUB => "sub", } } pub fn parse(type_: &str) -> Option { match type_ { "main" => Some(StreamType::MAIN), "sub" => Some(StreamType::SUB), _ => None, } } } impl ::std::fmt::Display for StreamType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), ::std::fmt::Error> { f.write_str(self.as_str()) } } pub const ALL_STREAM_TYPES: [StreamType; 2] = [StreamType::MAIN, StreamType::SUB]; pub struct Stream { pub id: i32, pub camera_id: i32, pub sample_file_dir_id: Option, pub type_: StreamType, pub rtsp_url: String, pub retain_bytes: i64, pub flush_if_sec: i64, /// The time range of recorded data associated with this stream (minimum start time and maximum /// end time). `None` iff there are no recordings for this camera. pub range: Option>, /// The total bytes of flushed sample files. This doesn't include disk space wasted in the /// last filesystem block allocated to each file ("internal fragmentation"). pub sample_file_bytes: i64, /// The total bytes on the filesystem used by this stream. This slightly more than /// `sample_file_bytes` because it includes the wasted space in the last filesystem block. pub fs_bytes: i64, /// On flush, delete the following recordings (move them to the `garbage` table, to be /// collected later). Note they must be the oldest recordings. The later collection involves /// the syncer unlinking the files on disk and syncing the directory then enqueueing for /// another following flush removal from the `garbage` table. to_delete: Vec, /// The total bytes to delete with the next flush. pub bytes_to_delete: i64, pub fs_bytes_to_delete: i64, /// The total bytes to add with the next flush. (`mark_synced` has already been called on these /// recordings.) pub bytes_to_add: i64, pub fs_bytes_to_add: i64, /// The total duration of recorded data. This may not be `range.end - range.start` due to /// gaps and overlap. pub duration: recording::Duration, /// Mapping of calendar day (in the server's time zone) to a summary of recordings on that day. pub days: BTreeMap, pub record: bool, /// The `next_recording_id` currently committed to the database. pub(crate) next_recording_id: i32, /// The recordings which have been added via `LockedDatabase::add_recording` but have yet to /// committed to the database. /// /// `uncommitted[i]` uses sample filename `CompositeId::new(id, next_recording_id + 1)`; /// `next_recording_id` should be advanced when one is committed to maintain this invariant. /// /// TODO: alter the serving path to show these just as if they were already committed. uncommitted: VecDeque>>, /// The number of recordings in `uncommitted` which are synced and ready to commit. synced_recordings: usize, on_live_segment: Vec bool + Send>>, } /// Bounds of a single keyframe and the frames dependent on it. /// This is used for live stream recordings. The stream id should already be known to the /// subscriber. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct LiveSegment { pub recording: i32, /// The pts, relative to the start of the recording, of the start and end of this live segment, /// in 90kHz units. pub off_90k: Range, } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct StreamChange { pub sample_file_dir_id: Option, pub rtsp_url: String, pub record: bool, pub flush_if_sec: i64, } /// Information about a camera, used by `add_camera` and `update_camera`. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct CameraChange { pub short_name: String, pub description: String, pub onvif_host: String, pub username: String, pub password: String, /// `StreamType t` is represented by `streams[t.index()]`. A default StreamChange will /// correspond to no stream in the database, provided there are no existing recordings for that /// stream. pub streams: [StreamChange; 2], } /// Adds non-zero `delta` to the day represented by `day` in the map `m`. /// Inserts a map entry if absent; removes the entry if it has 0 entries on exit. fn adjust_day(day: StreamDayKey, delta: StreamDayValue, m: &mut BTreeMap) { use ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry; match m.entry(day) { Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert(delta); }, Entry::Occupied(mut e) => { let v = e.get_mut(); v.recordings += delta.recordings; v.duration += delta.duration; if v.recordings == 0 { e.remove_entry(); } }, } } /// Adjusts the day map `m` to reflect the range of the given recording. /// Note that the specified range may span two days. It will never span more because the maximum /// length of a recording entry is less than a day (even a 23-hour "spring forward" day). /// /// This function swallows/logs date formatting errors because they shouldn't happen and there's /// not much that can be done about them. (The database operation has already gone through.) fn adjust_days(r: Range, sign: i64, m: &mut BTreeMap) { // Find first day key. let mut my_tm = time::at(time::Timespec{sec: r.start.unix_seconds(), nsec: 0}); let day = match StreamDayKey::new(my_tm) { Ok(d) => d, Err(ref e) => { error!("Unable to fill first day key from {:?}: {}; will ignore.", my_tm, e); return; } }; // Determine the start of the next day. // Use mytm to hold a non-normalized representation of the boundary. my_tm.tm_isdst = -1; my_tm.tm_hour = 0; my_tm.tm_min = 0; my_tm.tm_sec = 0; my_tm.tm_mday += 1; let boundary = my_tm.to_timespec(); let boundary_90k = boundary.sec * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC; // Adjust the first day. let first_day_delta = StreamDayValue { recordings: sign, duration: recording::Duration(sign * (cmp::min(r.end.0, boundary_90k) - r.start.0)), }; adjust_day(day, first_day_delta, m); if r.end.0 <= boundary_90k { return; } // Fill day with the second day. This requires a normalized representation so recalculate. // (The C mktime(3) already normalized for us once, but .to_timespec() discarded that result.) let my_tm = time::at(boundary); let day = match StreamDayKey::new(my_tm) { Ok(d) => d, Err(ref e) => { error!("Unable to fill second day key from {:?}: {}; will ignore.", my_tm, e); return; } }; let second_day_delta = StreamDayValue { recordings: sign, duration: recording::Duration(sign * (r.end.0 - boundary_90k)), }; adjust_day(day, second_day_delta, m); } impl Stream { /// Adds a single fully committed recording with the given properties to the in-memory state. fn add_recording(&mut self, r: Range, sample_file_bytes: i32) { self.range = Some(match self.range { Some(ref e) => cmp::min(e.start, r.start) .. cmp::max(e.end, r.end), None => r.start .. r.end, }); self.duration += r.end - r.start; self.sample_file_bytes += sample_file_bytes as i64; self.fs_bytes += round_up(i64::from(sample_file_bytes)); adjust_days(r, 1, &mut self.days); } } /// Initializes the recordings associated with the given camera. fn init_recordings(conn: &mut rusqlite::Connection, stream_id: i32, camera: &Camera, stream: &mut Stream) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Loading recordings for camera {} stream {:?}", camera.short_name, stream.type_); let mut stmt = conn.prepare(r#" select recording.start_time_90k, recording.duration_90k, recording.sample_file_bytes from recording where stream_id = :stream_id "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query_named(named_params!{":stream_id": stream_id})?; let mut i = 0; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let start = recording::Time(row.get(0)?); let duration = recording::Duration(row.get(1)?); let bytes = row.get(2)?; stream.add_recording(start .. start + duration, bytes); i += 1; } info!("Loaded {} recordings for camera {} stream {:?}", i, camera.short_name, stream.type_); Ok(()) } pub struct LockedDatabase { conn: rusqlite::Connection, uuid: Uuid, flush_count: usize, /// If the database is open in read-write mode, the information about the current Open row. pub open: Option, /// The monotonic time when the database was opened (whether in read-write mode or read-only /// mode). open_monotonic: recording::Time, auth: auth::State, signal: signal::State, sample_file_dirs_by_id: BTreeMap, cameras_by_id: BTreeMap, streams_by_id: BTreeMap, cameras_by_uuid: BTreeMap, // values are ids. video_sample_entries_by_id: BTreeMap>, video_index_cache: RefCell, fnv::FnvBuildHasher>>, on_flush: Vec>, } /// Represents a row of the `open` database table. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct Open { pub id: u32, pub(crate) uuid: Uuid, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub struct CompositeId(pub i64); impl CompositeId { pub fn new(stream_id: i32, recording_id: i32) -> Self { CompositeId((stream_id as i64) << 32 | recording_id as i64) } pub fn stream(self) -> i32 { (self.0 >> 32) as i32 } pub fn recording(self) -> i32 { self.0 as i32 } } impl ::std::fmt::Display for CompositeId { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), ::std::fmt::Error> { write!(f, "{}/{}", self.stream(), self.recording()) } } /// Inserts, updates, or removes streams in the `State` object to match a set of `StreamChange` /// structs. struct StreamStateChanger { sids: [Option; 2], streams: Vec<(i32, Option<(i32, StreamType, StreamChange)>)>, } impl StreamStateChanger { /// Performs the database updates (guarded by the given transaction) and returns the state /// change to be applied on successful commit. fn new(tx: &rusqlite::Transaction, camera_id: i32, existing: Option<&Camera>, streams_by_id: &BTreeMap, change: &mut CameraChange) -> Result { let mut sids = [None; 2]; let mut streams = Vec::with_capacity(2); let existing_streams = existing.map(|e| e.streams).unwrap_or_default(); for (i, ref mut sc) in change.streams.iter_mut().enumerate() { let type_ = StreamType::from_index(i).unwrap(); let mut have_data = false; if let Some(sid) = existing_streams[i] { let s = streams_by_id.get(&sid).unwrap(); if s.range.is_some() { have_data = true; if let (Some(d), false) = (s.sample_file_dir_id, s.sample_file_dir_id == sc.sample_file_dir_id) { bail!("can't change sample_file_dir_id {:?}->{:?} for non-empty stream {}", d, sc.sample_file_dir_id, sid); } } if !have_data && sc.rtsp_url.is_empty() && sc.sample_file_dir_id.is_none() && !sc.record { // Delete stream. let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" delete from stream where id = ? "#)?; if stmt.execute(params![sid])? != 1 { bail!("missing stream {}", sid); } streams.push((sid, None)); } else { // Update stream. let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" update stream set rtsp_url = :rtsp_url, record = :record, flush_if_sec = :flush_if_sec, sample_file_dir_id = :sample_file_dir_id where id = :id "#)?; let rows = stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":rtsp_url": &sc.rtsp_url, ":record": sc.record, ":flush_if_sec": sc.flush_if_sec, ":sample_file_dir_id": sc.sample_file_dir_id, ":id": sid, })?; if rows != 1 { bail!("missing stream {}", sid); } sids[i] = Some(sid); let sc = mem::replace(*sc, StreamChange::default()); streams.push((sid, Some((camera_id, type_, sc)))); } } else { if sc.rtsp_url.is_empty() && sc.sample_file_dir_id.is_none() && !sc.record { // Do nothing; there is no record and we want to keep it that way. continue; } // Insert stream. let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" insert into stream (camera_id, sample_file_dir_id, type, rtsp_url, record, retain_bytes, flush_if_sec, next_recording_id) values (:camera_id, :sample_file_dir_id, :type, :rtsp_url, :record, 0, :flush_if_sec, 1) "#)?; stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":camera_id": camera_id, ":sample_file_dir_id": sc.sample_file_dir_id, ":type": type_.as_str(), ":rtsp_url": &sc.rtsp_url, ":record": sc.record, ":flush_if_sec": sc.flush_if_sec, })?; let id = tx.last_insert_rowid() as i32; sids[i] = Some(id); let sc = mem::replace(*sc, StreamChange::default()); streams.push((id, Some((camera_id, type_, sc)))); } } Ok(StreamStateChanger { sids, streams, }) } /// Applies the change to the given `streams_by_id`. The caller is expected to set /// `Camera::streams` to the return value. fn apply(mut self, streams_by_id: &mut BTreeMap) -> [Option; 2] { for (id, stream) in self.streams.drain(..) { use ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry; match (streams_by_id.entry(id), stream) { (Entry::Vacant(e), Some((camera_id, type_, mut sc))) => { e.insert(Stream { id, type_, camera_id, sample_file_dir_id: sc.sample_file_dir_id, rtsp_url: mem::replace(&mut sc.rtsp_url, String::new()), retain_bytes: 0, flush_if_sec: sc.flush_if_sec, range: None, sample_file_bytes: 0, fs_bytes: 0, to_delete: Vec::new(), bytes_to_delete: 0, fs_bytes_to_delete: 0, bytes_to_add: 0, fs_bytes_to_add: 0, duration: recording::Duration(0), days: BTreeMap::new(), record: sc.record, next_recording_id: 1, uncommitted: VecDeque::new(), synced_recordings: 0, on_live_segment: Vec::new(), }); }, (Entry::Vacant(_), None) => {}, (Entry::Occupied(e), Some((_, _, sc))) => { let e = e.into_mut(); e.sample_file_dir_id = sc.sample_file_dir_id; e.rtsp_url = sc.rtsp_url; e.record = sc.record; e.flush_if_sec = sc.flush_if_sec; }, (Entry::Occupied(e), None) => { e.remove(); }, }; } self.sids } } /// A retention change as expected by `LockedDatabase::update_retention`. pub struct RetentionChange { pub stream_id: i32, pub new_record: bool, pub new_limit: i64, } impl LockedDatabase { /// Returns an immutable view of the cameras by id. pub fn cameras_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap { &self.cameras_by_id } pub fn sample_file_dirs_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap { &self.sample_file_dirs_by_id } /// Returns the number of completed database flushes since startup. pub fn flushes(&self) -> usize { self.flush_count } /// Adds a placeholder for an uncommitted recording. /// The caller should write samples and fill the returned `RecordingToInsert` as it goes /// (noting that while holding the lock, it should not perform I/O or acquire the database /// lock). Then it should sync to permanent storage and call `mark_synced`. The data will /// be written to the database on the next `flush`. pub(crate) fn add_recording(&mut self, stream_id: i32, r: RecordingToInsert) -> Result<(CompositeId, Arc>), Error> { let stream = match self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&stream_id) { None => bail!("no such stream {}", stream_id), Some(s) => s, }; let id = CompositeId::new(stream_id, stream.next_recording_id + (stream.uncommitted.len() as i32)); let recording = Arc::new(Mutex::new(r)); stream.uncommitted.push_back(Arc::clone(&recording)); Ok((id, recording)) } /// Marks the given uncomitted recording as synced and ready to flush. /// This must be the next unsynced recording. pub(crate) fn mark_synced(&mut self, id: CompositeId) -> Result<(), Error> { let stream = match self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&id.stream()) { None => bail!("no stream for recording {}", id), Some(s) => s, }; let next_unsynced = stream.next_recording_id + (stream.synced_recordings as i32); if id.recording() != next_unsynced { bail!("can't sync {} when next unsynced recording is {} (next unflushed is {})", id, next_unsynced, stream.next_recording_id); } if stream.synced_recordings == stream.uncommitted.len() { bail!("can't sync un-added recording {}", id); } let l = stream.uncommitted[stream.synced_recordings].lock(); let bytes = i64::from(l.sample_file_bytes); stream.bytes_to_add += bytes; stream.fs_bytes_to_add += round_up(bytes); stream.synced_recordings += 1; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn delete_garbage(&mut self, dir_id: i32, ids: &mut Vec) -> Result<(), Error> { let dir = match self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.get_mut(&dir_id) { None => bail!("no such dir {}", dir_id), Some(d) => d, }; dir.garbage_unlinked.reserve(ids.len()); ids.retain(|id| { if !dir.garbage_needs_unlink.remove(id) { return true; } dir.garbage_unlinked.push(*id); false }); if !ids.is_empty() { bail!("delete_garbage with non-garbage ids {:?}", &ids[..]); } Ok(()) } /// Registers a callback to run on every live segment immediately after it's recorded. /// The callback is run with the database lock held, so it must not call back into the database /// or block. The callback should return false to unregister. pub fn watch_live(&mut self, stream_id: i32, cb: Box bool + Send>) -> Result<(), Error> { let s = match self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&stream_id) { None => bail!("no such stream {}", stream_id), Some(s) => s, }; s.on_live_segment.push(cb); Ok(()) } /// Clears all watches on all streams. /// Normally watches are self-cleaning: when a segment is sent, the callback returns false if /// it is no longer interested (typically because hyper has just noticed the client is no /// longer connected). This doesn't work when the system is shutting down and nothing more is /// sent, though. pub fn clear_watches(&mut self) { for (_, s) in &mut self.streams_by_id { s.on_live_segment.clear(); } } pub(crate) fn send_live_segment(&mut self, stream: i32, l: LiveSegment) -> Result<(), Error> { let s = match self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&stream) { None => bail!("no such stream {}", stream), Some(s) => s, }; use odds::vec::VecExt; s.on_live_segment.retain_mut(|cb| cb(l.clone())); Ok(()) } /// Helper for `DatabaseGuard::flush()` and `Database::drop()`. /// /// The public API is in `DatabaseGuard::flush()`; it supplies the `Clocks` to this function. fn flush(&mut self, clocks: &C, reason: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let o = match self.open.as_ref() { None => bail!("database is read-only"), Some(o) => o, }; let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; let mut new_ranges = FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(self.streams_by_id.len(), Default::default()); { let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(UPDATE_NEXT_RECORDING_ID_SQL)?; for (&stream_id, s) in &self.streams_by_id { // Process additions. for i in 0..s.synced_recordings { let l = s.uncommitted[i].lock(); raw::insert_recording( &tx, o, CompositeId::new(stream_id, s.next_recording_id + i as i32), &l)?; } if s.synced_recordings > 0 { new_ranges.entry(stream_id).or_insert(None); stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":stream_id": stream_id, ":next_recording_id": s.next_recording_id + s.synced_recordings as i32, })?; } // Process deletions. if let Some(l) = s.to_delete.last() { new_ranges.entry(stream_id).or_insert(None); let dir = match s.sample_file_dir_id { None => bail!("stream {} has no directory!", stream_id), Some(d) => d, }; // raw::delete_recordings does a bulk transfer of a range from recording to // garbage, rather than operating on each element of to_delete. This is // guaranteed to give the same result because to_delete is guaranteed to be the // oldest recordings for the stream. let start = CompositeId::new(stream_id, 0); let end = CompositeId(l.id.0 + 1); let n = raw::delete_recordings(&tx, dir, start .. end)? as usize; if n != s.to_delete.len() { bail!("Found {} rows in {} .. {}, expected {}: {:?}", n, start, end, s.to_delete.len(), &s.to_delete); } } } } for dir in self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.values() { raw::mark_sample_files_deleted(&tx, &dir.garbage_unlinked)?; } for (&stream_id, r) in &mut new_ranges { *r = raw::get_range(&tx, stream_id)?; } { let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached( r"update open set duration_90k = ?, end_time_90k = ? where id = ?")?; let rows = stmt.execute(params![ (recording::Time::new(clocks.monotonic()) - self.open_monotonic).0, recording::Time::new(clocks.realtime()).0, o.id, ])?; if rows != 1 { bail!("unable to find current open {}", o.id); } } self.auth.flush(&tx)?; self.signal.flush(&tx)?; tx.commit()?; #[derive(Default)] struct DirLog { added: SmallVec::<[CompositeId; 32]>, deleted: SmallVec::<[CompositeId; 32]>, gced: SmallVec::<[CompositeId; 32]>, added_bytes: i64, deleted_bytes: i64, } let mut dir_logs: FnvHashMap = FnvHashMap::default(); // Process delete_garbage. for (&id, dir) in &mut self.sample_file_dirs_by_id { if !dir.garbage_unlinked.is_empty() { dir_logs.entry(id).or_default().gced.extend(dir.garbage_unlinked.drain(..)); } } for (stream_id, new_range) in new_ranges.drain() { let s = self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&stream_id).unwrap(); let dir_id = s.sample_file_dir_id.unwrap(); let dir = self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.get_mut(&dir_id).unwrap(); let log = dir_logs.entry(dir_id).or_default(); // Process delete_oldest_recordings. s.sample_file_bytes -= s.bytes_to_delete; s.fs_bytes -= s.fs_bytes_to_delete; log.deleted_bytes += s.bytes_to_delete; s.bytes_to_delete = 0; s.fs_bytes_to_delete = 0; log.deleted.reserve(s.to_delete.len()); for row in s.to_delete.drain(..) { log.deleted.push(row.id); dir.garbage_needs_unlink.insert(row.id); let d = recording::Duration(row.duration as i64); s.duration -= d; adjust_days(row.start .. row.start + d, -1, &mut s.days); } // Process add_recordings. log.added_bytes += s.bytes_to_add; s.bytes_to_add = 0; s.fs_bytes_to_add = 0; log.added.reserve(s.synced_recordings); for _ in 0..s.synced_recordings { let u = s.uncommitted.pop_front().unwrap(); log.added.push(CompositeId::new(stream_id, s.next_recording_id)); s.next_recording_id += 1; let l = u.lock(); let end = l.start + recording::Duration(l.duration_90k as i64); s.add_recording(l.start .. end, l.sample_file_bytes); } s.synced_recordings = 0; // Fix the range. s.range = new_range; } self.auth.post_flush(); self.signal.post_flush(); self.flush_count += 1; let mut log_msg = String::with_capacity(256); for (&dir_id, log) in &dir_logs { let dir = self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.get(&dir_id).unwrap(); write!(&mut log_msg, "\n{}: added {}B in {} recordings ({}), deleted {}B in {} ({}), \ GCed {} recordings ({}).", &dir.path, &encode_size(log.added_bytes), log.added.len(), log.added.iter().join(", "), &encode_size(log.deleted_bytes), log.deleted.len(), log.deleted.iter().join(", "), log.gced.len(), log.gced.iter().join(", ")).unwrap(); } if log_msg.is_empty() { log_msg.push_str(" no recording changes"); } info!("Flush {} (why: {}):{}", self.flush_count, reason, &log_msg); for cb in &self.on_flush { cb(); } Ok(()) } /// Sets a watcher which will receive an (empty) event on successful flush. /// The lock will be held while this is run, so it should not do any I/O. pub(crate) fn on_flush(&mut self, run: Box) { self.on_flush.push(run); } // TODO: find a cleaner way to do this. Seems weird for src/cmds/run.rs to clear the on flush // handlers given that it didn't add them. pub fn clear_on_flush(&mut self) { self.on_flush.clear(); } /// Opens the given sample file directories. /// /// `ids` is implicitly de-duplicated. /// /// When the database is in read-only mode, this simply opens all the directories after /// locking and verifying their metadata matches the database state. In read-write mode, it /// performs a single database transaction to update metadata for all dirs, then performs a like /// update to the directories' on-disk metadata. /// /// Note this violates the principle of never accessing disk while holding the database lock. /// Currently this only happens at startup (or during configuration), so this isn't a problem /// in practice. pub fn open_sample_file_dirs(&mut self, ids: &[i32]) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut in_progress = FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(ids.len(), Default::default()); for &id in ids { let e = in_progress.entry(id); use ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry; let e = match e { Entry::Occupied(_) => continue, // suppress duplicate. Entry::Vacant(e) => e, }; let dir = self.sample_file_dirs_by_id .get_mut(&id) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such dir {}", id))?; if dir.dir.is_some() { continue } let mut meta = dir.meta(&self.uuid); if let Some(o) = self.open.as_ref() { let open = meta.in_progress_open.mut_message(); open.id = o.id; open.uuid.extend_from_slice(&o.uuid.as_bytes()[..]); } let d = dir::SampleFileDir::open(&dir.path, &meta)?; if self.open.is_none() { // read-only mode; it's already fully opened. dir.dir = Some(d); } else { // read-write mode; there are more steps to do. e.insert((meta, d)); } } let o = match self.open.as_ref() { None => return Ok(()), // read-only mode; all done. Some(o) => o, }; let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; { let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" update sample_file_dir set last_complete_open_id = ? where id = ? "#)?; for &id in in_progress.keys() { if stmt.execute(params![o.id, id])? != 1 { bail!("unable to update dir {}", id); } } } tx.commit()?; for (id, (mut meta, d)) in in_progress.drain() { let dir = self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); meta.last_complete_open.clear(); mem::swap(&mut meta.last_complete_open, &mut meta.in_progress_open); d.write_meta(&meta)?; dir.dir = Some(d); } Ok(()) } pub fn streams_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap { &self.streams_by_id } /// Returns an immutable view of the video sample entries. pub fn video_sample_entries_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap> { &self.video_sample_entries_by_id } /// Gets a given camera by uuid. pub fn get_camera(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Option<&Camera> { match self.cameras_by_uuid.get(&uuid) { Some(id) => Some(self.cameras_by_id.get(id).expect("uuid->id requires id->cam")), None => None, } } /// Lists the specified recordings, passing them to a supplied function. Given that the /// function is called with the database lock held, it should be quick. /// /// Note that at present, the returned recordings are _not_ completely ordered by start time. /// Uncommitted recordings are returned id order after the others. pub fn list_recordings_by_time( &self, stream_id: i32, desired_time: Range, f: &mut dyn FnMut(ListRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), Error> { let s = match self.streams_by_id.get(&stream_id) { None => bail!("no such stream {}", stream_id), Some(s) => s, }; raw::list_recordings_by_time(&self.conn, stream_id, desired_time.clone(), f)?; for (i, u) in s.uncommitted.iter().enumerate() { let row = { let l = u.lock(); if l.video_samples > 0 { let end = l.start + recording::Duration(l.duration_90k as i64); if l.start > desired_time.end || end < desired_time.start { continue; // there's no overlap with the requested range. } l.to_list_row(CompositeId::new(stream_id, s.next_recording_id + i as i32), self.open.unwrap().id) } else { continue; } }; f(row)?; } Ok(()) } /// Lists the specified recordings in ascending order by id. pub fn list_recordings_by_id( &self, stream_id: i32, desired_ids: Range, f: &mut dyn FnMut(ListRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), Error> { let s = match self.streams_by_id.get(&stream_id) { None => bail!("no such stream {}", stream_id), Some(s) => s, }; if desired_ids.start < s.next_recording_id { raw::list_recordings_by_id(&self.conn, stream_id, desired_ids.clone(), f)?; } if desired_ids.end > s.next_recording_id { let start = cmp::max(0, desired_ids.start - s.next_recording_id) as usize; let end = cmp::min((desired_ids.end - s.next_recording_id) as usize, s.uncommitted.len()); for i in start .. end { let row = { let l = s.uncommitted[i].lock(); if l.video_samples > 0 { l.to_list_row(CompositeId::new(stream_id, s.next_recording_id + i as i32), self.open.unwrap().id) } else { continue; } }; f(row)?; } } Ok(()) } /// Calls `list_recordings_by_time` and aggregates consecutive recordings. /// Rows are given to the callback in arbitrary order. Callers which care about ordering /// should do their own sorting. pub fn list_aggregated_recordings( &self, stream_id: i32, desired_time: Range, forced_split: recording::Duration, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&ListAggregatedRecordingsRow) -> Result<(), Error>) -> Result<(), Error> { // Iterate, maintaining a map from a recording_id to the aggregated row for the latest // batch of recordings from the run starting at that id. Runs can be split into multiple // batches for a few reasons: // // * forced split (when exceeding a duration limit) // * a missing id (one that was deleted out of order) // * video_sample_entry mismatch (if the parameters changed during a RTSP session) // // This iteration works because in a run, the start_time+duration of recording id r // is equal to the start_time of recording id r+1. Thus ascending times guarantees // ascending ids within a run. (Different runs, however, can be arbitrarily interleaved if // their timestamps overlap. Tracking all active runs prevents that interleaving from // causing problems.) list_recordings_by_time also returns uncommitted recordings in // ascending order by id, and after any committed recordings with lower ids. let mut aggs: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new(); self.list_recordings_by_time(stream_id, desired_time, &mut |row| { let recording_id = row.id.recording(); let run_start_id = recording_id - row.run_offset; let uncommitted = (row.flags & RecordingFlags::Uncommitted as i32) != 0; let growing = (row.flags & RecordingFlags::Growing as i32) != 0; use std::collections::btree_map::Entry; match aggs.entry(run_start_id) { Entry::Occupied(mut e) => { let a = e.get_mut(); let new_dur = a.time.end - a.time.start + recording::Duration(row.duration_90k as i64); let needs_flush = a.ids.end != recording_id || row.video_sample_entry_id != a.video_sample_entry_id || new_dur >= forced_split; if needs_flush { // flush then start a new entry. f(a)?; *a = ListAggregatedRecordingsRow::from(row); } else { // append. if a.time.end != row.start { bail!("stream {} recording {} ends at {} but {} starts at {}", stream_id, a.ids.end - 1, a.time.end, row.id, row.start); } if a.open_id != row.open_id { bail!("stream {} recording {} has open id {} but {} has {}", stream_id, a.ids.end - 1, a.open_id, row.id, row.open_id); } a.time.end.0 += row.duration_90k as i64; a.ids.end = recording_id + 1; a.video_samples += row.video_samples as i64; a.video_sync_samples += row.video_sync_samples as i64; a.sample_file_bytes += row.sample_file_bytes as i64; if uncommitted { a.first_uncommitted = a.first_uncommitted.or(Some(recording_id)); } a.growing = growing; } }, Entry::Vacant(e) => { e.insert(ListAggregatedRecordingsRow::from(row)); }, } Ok(()) })?; for a in aggs.values() { f(a)?; } Ok(()) } /// Calls `f` with a single `recording_playback` row. /// Note the lock is held for the duration of `f`. /// This uses a LRU cache to reduce the number of retrievals from the database. pub fn with_recording_playback(&self, id: CompositeId, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&RecordingPlayback) -> Result) -> Result { // Check for uncommitted path. let s = self.streams_by_id .get(&id.stream()) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no stream for {}", id))?; if s.next_recording_id <= id.recording() { let i = id.recording() - s.next_recording_id; if i as usize >= s.uncommitted.len() { bail!("no such recording {}; latest committed is {}, latest is {}", id, s.next_recording_id, s.next_recording_id + s.uncommitted.len() as i32); } let l = s.uncommitted[i as usize].lock(); return f(&RecordingPlayback { video_index: &l.video_index }); } // Committed path. let mut cache = self.video_index_cache.borrow_mut(); if let Some(video_index) = cache.get_mut(&id.0) { trace!("cache hit for recording {}", id); return f(&RecordingPlayback { video_index }); } trace!("cache miss for recording {}", id); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(GET_RECORDING_PLAYBACK_SQL)?; let mut rows = stmt.query_named(named_params!{":composite_id": id.0})?; if let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let video_index: VideoIndex = row.get(0)?; let result = f(&RecordingPlayback { video_index: &video_index.0[..] }); cache.insert(id.0, video_index.0); return result; } Err(format_err!("no such recording {}", id)) } /// Queues for deletion the oldest recordings that aren't already queued. /// `f` should return true for each row that should be deleted. pub(crate) fn delete_oldest_recordings( &mut self, stream_id: i32, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&ListOldestRecordingsRow) -> bool) -> Result<(), Error> { let s = match self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&stream_id) { None => bail!("no stream {}", stream_id), Some(s) => s, }; let end = match s.to_delete.last() { None => 0, Some(row) => row.id.recording() + 1, }; raw::list_oldest_recordings(&self.conn, CompositeId::new(stream_id, end), &mut |r| { if f(&r) { s.to_delete.push(r); let bytes = i64::from(r.sample_file_bytes); s.bytes_to_delete += bytes; s.fs_bytes_to_delete += round_up(bytes); return true; } false }) } /// Initializes the video_sample_entries. To be called during construction. fn init_video_sample_entries(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Loading video sample entries"); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(r#" select id, sha1, width, height, rfc6381_codec, data from video_sample_entry "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(params![])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let id = row.get(0)?; let mut sha1 = [0u8; 20]; let sha1_vec: Vec = row.get(1)?; if sha1_vec.len() != 20 { bail!("video sample entry id {} has sha1 {} of wrong length", id, sha1_vec.len()); } sha1.copy_from_slice(&sha1_vec); let data: Vec = row.get(5)?; self.video_sample_entries_by_id.insert(id, Arc::new(VideoSampleEntry { id: id as i32, width: row.get::<_, i32>(2)? as u16, height: row.get::<_, i32>(3)? as u16, sha1, data, rfc6381_codec: row.get(4)?, })); } info!("Loaded {} video sample entries", self.video_sample_entries_by_id.len()); Ok(()) } /// Initializes the sample file dirs. /// To be called during construction. fn init_sample_file_dirs(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Loading sample file dirs"); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(r#" select d.id, d.path, d.uuid, d.last_complete_open_id, o.uuid from sample_file_dir d left join open o on (d.last_complete_open_id = o.id); "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(params![])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let id = row.get(0)?; let dir_uuid: FromSqlUuid = row.get(2)?; let open_id: Option = row.get(3)?; let open_uuid: Option = row.get(4)?; let last_complete_open = match (open_id, open_uuid) { (Some(id), Some(uuid)) => Some(Open { id, uuid: uuid.0, }), (None, None) => None, _ => bail!("open table missing id {}", id), }; self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.insert(id, SampleFileDir { id, uuid: dir_uuid.0, path: row.get(1)?, dir: None, last_complete_open, garbage_needs_unlink: raw::list_garbage(&self.conn, id)?, garbage_unlinked: Vec::new(), }); } info!("Loaded {} sample file dirs", self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.len()); Ok(()) } /// Initializes the cameras, but not their matching recordings. /// To be called during construction. fn init_cameras(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Loading cameras"); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(r#" select id, uuid, short_name, description, onvif_host, username, password from camera; "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(params![])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let id = row.get(0)?; let uuid: FromSqlUuid = row.get(1)?; self.cameras_by_id.insert(id, Camera { id: id, uuid: uuid.0, short_name: row.get(2)?, description: row.get(3)?, onvif_host: row.get(4)?, username: row.get(5)?, password: row.get(6)?, streams: Default::default(), }); self.cameras_by_uuid.insert(uuid.0, id); } info!("Loaded {} cameras", self.cameras_by_id.len()); Ok(()) } /// Initializes the streams, but not their matching recordings. /// To be called during construction. fn init_streams(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { info!("Loading streams"); let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare(r#" select id, type, camera_id, sample_file_dir_id, rtsp_url, retain_bytes, flush_if_sec, next_recording_id, record from stream; "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(params![])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let id = row.get(0)?; let type_: String = row.get(1)?; let type_ = StreamType::parse(&type_).ok_or_else( || format_err!("no such stream type {}", type_))?; let camera_id = row.get(2)?; let c = self .cameras_by_id .get_mut(&camera_id) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("missing camera {} for stream {}", camera_id, id))?; let flush_if_sec = row.get(6)?; self.streams_by_id.insert(id, Stream { id, type_, camera_id, sample_file_dir_id: row.get(3)?, rtsp_url: row.get(4)?, retain_bytes: row.get(5)?, flush_if_sec, range: None, sample_file_bytes: 0, fs_bytes: 0, to_delete: Vec::new(), bytes_to_delete: 0, fs_bytes_to_delete: 0, bytes_to_add: 0, fs_bytes_to_add: 0, duration: recording::Duration(0), days: BTreeMap::new(), next_recording_id: row.get(7)?, record: row.get(8)?, uncommitted: VecDeque::new(), synced_recordings: 0, on_live_segment: Vec::new(), }); c.streams[type_.index()] = Some(id); } info!("Loaded {} streams", self.streams_by_id.len()); Ok(()) } /// Inserts the specified video sample entry if absent. /// On success, returns the id of a new or existing row. pub fn insert_video_sample_entry(&mut self, width: u16, height: u16, data: Vec, rfc6381_codec: String) -> Result { let sha1 = hash::hash(hash::MessageDigest::sha1(), &data)?; let mut sha1_bytes = [0u8; 20]; sha1_bytes.copy_from_slice(&sha1); // Check if it already exists. // There shouldn't be too many entries, so it's fine to enumerate everything. for (&id, v) in &self.video_sample_entries_by_id { if v.sha1 == sha1_bytes { // The width and height should match given that they're also specified within data // and thus included in the just-compared hash. if v.width != width || v.height != height { bail!("database entry for {:?} is {}x{}, not {}x{}", &sha1[..], v.width, v.height, width, height); } return Ok(id); } } let mut stmt = self.conn.prepare_cached(INSERT_VIDEO_SAMPLE_ENTRY_SQL)?; stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":sha1": &sha1_bytes[..], ":width": i32::from(width), ":height": i32::from(height), ":rfc6381_codec": &rfc6381_codec, ":data": &data, })?; let id = self.conn.last_insert_rowid() as i32; self.video_sample_entries_by_id.insert(id, Arc::new(VideoSampleEntry { id, width, height, sha1: sha1_bytes, data, rfc6381_codec, })); Ok(id) } pub fn add_sample_file_dir(&mut self, path: String) -> Result { let mut meta = schema::DirMeta::default(); let uuid = Uuid::new_v4(); let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..]; let o = self.open .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("database is read-only"))?; // Populate meta. { meta.db_uuid.extend_from_slice(&self.uuid.as_bytes()[..]); meta.dir_uuid.extend_from_slice(uuid_bytes); let open = meta.in_progress_open.mut_message(); open.id = o.id; open.uuid.extend_from_slice(&o.uuid.as_bytes()[..]); } let dir = dir::SampleFileDir::create(&path, &meta)?; self.conn.execute(r#" insert into sample_file_dir (path, uuid, last_complete_open_id) values (?, ?, ?) "#, params![&path, uuid_bytes, o.id])?; let id = self.conn.last_insert_rowid() as i32; use ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry; let e = self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.entry(id); let d = match e { Entry::Vacant(e) => e.insert(SampleFileDir { id, path, uuid, dir: Some(dir), last_complete_open: None, garbage_needs_unlink: FnvHashSet::default(), garbage_unlinked: Vec::new(), }), Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(format_err!("duplicate sample file dir id {}", id))?, }; d.last_complete_open = Some(*o); mem::swap(&mut meta.last_complete_open, &mut meta.in_progress_open); d.dir.as_ref().unwrap().write_meta(&meta)?; Ok(id) } pub fn delete_sample_file_dir(&mut self, dir_id: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { for (&id, s) in self.streams_by_id.iter() { if s.sample_file_dir_id == Some(dir_id) { bail!("can't delete dir referenced by stream {}", id); } } let mut d = match self.sample_file_dirs_by_id.entry(dir_id) { ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e, _ => bail!("no such dir {} to remove", dir_id), }; if !d.get().garbage_needs_unlink.is_empty() || !d.get().garbage_unlinked.is_empty() { bail!("must collect garbage before deleting directory {}", d.get().path); } let dir = match d.get_mut().dir.take() { None => dir::SampleFileDir::open(&d.get().path, &d.get().meta(&self.uuid))?, Some(arc) => match Arc::strong_count(&arc) { 1 => { d.get_mut().dir = Some(arc); // put it back. bail!("can't delete in-use directory {}", dir_id); }, _ => arc, }, }; if !dir.is_empty()? { bail!("Can't delete sample file directory {} which still has files", &d.get().path); } let mut meta = d.get().meta(&self.uuid); meta.in_progress_open = mem::replace(&mut meta.last_complete_open, ::protobuf::SingularPtrField::none()); dir.write_meta(&meta)?; if self.conn.execute("delete from sample_file_dir where id = ?", params![dir_id])? != 1 { bail!("missing database row for dir {}", dir_id); } d.remove_entry(); Ok(()) } /// Adds a camera. pub fn add_camera(&mut self, mut camera: CameraChange) -> Result { let uuid = Uuid::new_v4(); let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..]; let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; let streams; let camera_id; { let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" insert into camera (uuid, short_name, description, onvif_host, username, password) values (:uuid, :short_name, :description, :onvif_host, :username, :password) "#)?; stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":uuid": uuid_bytes, ":short_name": &camera.short_name, ":description": &camera.description, ":onvif_host": &camera.onvif_host, ":username": &camera.username, ":password": &camera.password, })?; camera_id = tx.last_insert_rowid() as i32; streams = StreamStateChanger::new(&tx, camera_id, None, &self.streams_by_id, &mut camera)?; } tx.commit()?; let streams = streams.apply(&mut self.streams_by_id); self.cameras_by_id.insert(camera_id, Camera { id: camera_id, uuid, short_name: camera.short_name, description: camera.description, onvif_host: camera.onvif_host, username: camera.username, password: camera.password, streams, }); self.cameras_by_uuid.insert(uuid, camera_id); Ok(camera_id) } /// Updates a camera. pub fn update_camera(&mut self, camera_id: i32, mut camera: CameraChange) -> Result<(), Error> { let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; let streams; let c = self .cameras_by_id .get_mut(&camera_id) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("no such camera {}", camera_id))?; { streams = StreamStateChanger::new(&tx, camera_id, Some(c), &self.streams_by_id, &mut camera)?; let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" update camera set short_name = :short_name, description = :description, onvif_host = :onvif_host, username = :username, password = :password where id = :id "#)?; let rows = stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":id": camera_id, ":short_name": &camera.short_name, ":description": &camera.description, ":onvif_host": &camera.onvif_host, ":username": &camera.username, ":password": &camera.password, })?; if rows != 1 { bail!("Camera {} missing from database", camera_id); } } tx.commit()?; c.short_name = camera.short_name; c.description = camera.description; c.onvif_host = camera.onvif_host; c.username = camera.username; c.password = camera.password; c.streams = streams.apply(&mut self.streams_by_id); Ok(()) } /// Deletes a camera and its streams. The camera must have no recordings. pub fn delete_camera(&mut self, id: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { let uuid = self.cameras_by_id.get(&id) .map(|c| c.uuid) .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("No such camera {} to remove", id))?; let mut streams_to_delete = Vec::new(); let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; { let mut stream_stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r"delete from stream where id = :id")?; for (stream_id, stream) in &self.streams_by_id { if stream.camera_id != id { continue }; if stream.range.is_some() { bail!("Can't remove camera {}; has recordings.", id); } let rows = stream_stmt.execute_named(named_params!{":id": stream_id})?; if rows != 1 { bail!("Stream {} missing from database", id); } streams_to_delete.push(*stream_id); } let mut cam_stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r"delete from camera where id = :id")?; let rows = cam_stmt.execute_named(named_params!{":id": id})?; if rows != 1 { bail!("Camera {} missing from database", id); } } tx.commit()?; for id in streams_to_delete { self.streams_by_id.remove(&id); } self.cameras_by_id.remove(&id); self.cameras_by_uuid.remove(&uuid); return Ok(()) } pub fn update_retention(&mut self, changes: &[RetentionChange]) -> Result<(), Error> { let tx = self.conn.transaction()?; { let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(r#" update stream set record = :record, retain_bytes = :retain where id = :id "#)?; for c in changes { if c.new_limit < 0 { bail!("can't set limit for stream {} to {}; must be >= 0", c.stream_id, c.new_limit); } let rows = stmt.execute_named(named_params!{ ":record": c.new_record, ":retain": c.new_limit, ":id": c.stream_id, })?; if rows != 1 { bail!("no such stream {}", c.stream_id); } } } tx.commit()?; for c in changes { let s = self.streams_by_id.get_mut(&c.stream_id).expect("stream in db but not state"); s.record = c.new_record; s.retain_bytes = c.new_limit; } Ok(()) } // ---- auth ---- pub fn users_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap { self.auth.users_by_id() } pub fn apply_user_change(&mut self, change: UserChange) -> Result<&User, Error> { self.auth.apply(&self.conn, change) } pub fn delete_user(&mut self, id: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { self.auth.delete_user(&mut self.conn, id) } pub fn get_user(&self, username: &str) -> Option<&User> { self.auth.get_user(username) } pub fn login_by_password(&mut self, req: auth::Request, username: &str, password: String, domain: Option>, session_flags: i32) -> Result<(RawSessionId, &Session), Error> { self.auth.login_by_password(&self.conn, req, username, password, domain, session_flags) } pub fn make_session(&mut self, creation: Request, uid: i32, domain: Option>, flags: i32, permissions: schema::Permissions) -> Result<(RawSessionId, &Session), Error> { self.auth.make_session(&self.conn, creation, uid, domain, flags, permissions) } pub fn authenticate_session(&mut self, req: auth::Request, sid: &auth::SessionHash) -> Result<(&auth::Session, &User), Error> { self.auth.authenticate_session(&self.conn, req, sid) } pub fn revoke_session(&mut self, reason: auth::RevocationReason, detail: Option, req: auth::Request, hash: &auth::SessionHash) -> Result<(), Error> { self.auth.revoke_session(&self.conn, reason, detail, req, hash) } // ---- signal ---- pub fn signals_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap { self.signal.signals_by_id() } pub fn signal_types_by_uuid(&self) -> &FnvHashMap { self.signal.types_by_uuid() } pub fn list_changes_by_time( &self, desired_time: Range, f: &mut dyn FnMut(&signal::ListStateChangesRow)) { self.signal.list_changes_by_time(desired_time, f) } pub fn update_signals( &mut self, when: Range, signals: &[u32], states: &[u16]) -> Result<(), base::Error> { self.signal.update_signals(when, signals, states) } } /// Sets pragmas for full database integrity. pub(crate) fn set_integrity_pragmas(conn: &mut rusqlite::Connection) -> Result<(), Error> { // Enforce foreign keys. This is on by default with --features=bundled (as rusqlite // compiles the SQLite3 amalgamation with -DSQLITE_DEFAULT_FOREIGN_KEYS=1). Ensure it's // always on. Note that our foreign keys are immediate rather than deferred, so we have to // be careful about the order of operations during the upgrade. conn.execute("pragma foreign_keys = on", params![])?; // Make the database actually durable. conn.execute("pragma fullfsync = on", params![])?; conn.execute("pragma synchronous = 3", params![])?; Ok(()) } /// Initializes a database. /// Note this doesn't set journal options, so that it can be used on in-memory databases for /// test code. pub fn init(conn: &mut rusqlite::Connection) -> Result<(), Error> { set_integrity_pragmas(conn)?; let tx = conn.transaction()?; tx.execute_batch(include_str!("schema.sql"))?; { let uuid = ::uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..]; tx.execute("insert into meta (uuid) values (?)", params![uuid_bytes])?; } tx.commit()?; Ok(()) } /// Gets the schema version from the given database connection. /// A fully initialized database will return `Ok(Some(version))` where `version` is an integer that /// can be compared to `EXPECTED_VERSION`. An empty database will return `Ok(None)`. A partially /// initialized database (in particular, one without a version row) will return some error. pub fn get_schema_version(conn: &rusqlite::Connection) -> Result, Error> { let ver_tables: i32 = conn.query_row_and_then( "select count(*) from sqlite_master where name = 'version'", params![], |row| row.get(0))?; if ver_tables == 0 { return Ok(None); } Ok(Some(conn.query_row_and_then("select max(id) from version", params![], |row| row.get(0))?)) } /// The recording database. Abstracts away SQLite queries. Also maintains in-memory state /// (loaded on startup, and updated on successful commit) to avoid expensive scans over the /// recording table on common queries. pub struct Database { /// This is wrapped in an `Option` to allow the `Drop` implementation and `close` to coexist. db: Option>, /// This is kept separately from the `LockedDatabase` to allow the `lock()` operation itself to /// access it. It doesn't need a `Mutex` anyway; it's `Sync`, and all operations work on /// `&self`. clocks: C, } impl Drop for Database { fn drop(&mut self) { if ::std::thread::panicking() { return; // don't flush while panicking. } if let Some(m) = self.db.take() { if let Err(e) = m.into_inner().flush(&self.clocks, "drop") { error!("Final database flush failed: {}", e); } } } } // Helpers for Database::lock(). Closures don't implement Fn. fn acquisition() -> &'static str { "database lock acquisition" } fn operation() -> &'static str { "database operation" } impl Database { /// Creates the database from a caller-supplied SQLite connection. pub fn new(clocks: C, mut conn: rusqlite::Connection, read_write: bool) -> Result, Error> { set_integrity_pragmas(&mut conn)?; { let ver = get_schema_version(&conn)?.ok_or_else(|| format_err!( "no such table: version. \ \ If you are starting from an \ empty database, see README.md to complete the \ installation. If you are starting from a database \ that predates schema versioning, see guide/schema.md."))?; if ver < EXPECTED_VERSION { bail!("Database schema version {} is too old (expected {}); \ see upgrade instructions in guide/upgrade.md.", ver, EXPECTED_VERSION); } else if ver > EXPECTED_VERSION { bail!("Database schema version {} is too new (expected {}); \ must use a newer binary to match.", ver, EXPECTED_VERSION); } } // Note: the meta check comes after the version check to improve the error message when // trying to open a version 0 or version 1 database (which lacked the meta table). let uuid = raw::get_db_uuid(&conn)?; let open_monotonic = recording::Time::new(clocks.monotonic()); let open = if read_write { let real = recording::Time::new(clocks.realtime()); let mut stmt = conn.prepare(" insert into open (uuid, start_time_90k) values (?, ?)")?; let uuid = Uuid::new_v4(); let uuid_bytes = &uuid.as_bytes()[..]; stmt.execute(params![uuid_bytes, real.0])?; Some(Open { id: conn.last_insert_rowid() as u32, uuid, }) } else { None }; let auth = auth::State::init(&conn)?; let signal = signal::State::init(&conn)?; let db = Database { db: Some(Mutex::new(LockedDatabase { conn, uuid, flush_count: 0, open, open_monotonic, auth, signal, sample_file_dirs_by_id: BTreeMap::new(), cameras_by_id: BTreeMap::new(), cameras_by_uuid: BTreeMap::new(), streams_by_id: BTreeMap::new(), video_sample_entries_by_id: BTreeMap::new(), video_index_cache: RefCell::new(LruCache::with_hasher(1024, Default::default())), on_flush: Vec::new(), })), clocks, }; { let l = &mut *db.lock(); l.init_video_sample_entries()?; l.init_sample_file_dirs()?; l.init_cameras()?; l.init_streams()?; for (&stream_id, ref mut stream) in &mut l.streams_by_id { // TODO: we could use one thread per stream if we had multiple db conns. let camera = l.cameras_by_id.get(&stream.camera_id).unwrap(); init_recordings(&mut l.conn, stream_id, camera, stream)?; } } Ok(db) } #[inline(always)] pub fn clocks(&self) -> C { self.clocks.clone() } /// Locks the database; the returned reference is the only way to perform (read or write) /// operations. pub fn lock(&self) -> DatabaseGuard { let timer = clock::TimerGuard::new(&self.clocks, acquisition); let db = self.db.as_ref().unwrap().lock(); drop(timer); let _timer = clock::TimerGuard:: &'static str>::new( &self.clocks, operation); DatabaseGuard { clocks: &self.clocks, db, _timer, } } /// For testing: closes the database (without flushing) and returns the connection. /// This allows verification that a newly opened database is in an acceptable state. #[cfg(test)] fn close(mut self) -> rusqlite::Connection { self.db.take().unwrap().into_inner().conn } } pub struct DatabaseGuard<'db, C: Clocks> { clocks: &'db C, db: MutexGuard<'db, LockedDatabase>, _timer: clock::TimerGuard<'db, C, &'static str, fn() -> &'static str>, } impl<'db, C: Clocks + Clone> DatabaseGuard<'db, C> { /// Tries to flush unwritten changes from the stream directories. /// /// * commits any recordings added with `add_recording` that have since been marked as /// synced. /// * moves old recordings to the garbage table as requested by `delete_oldest_recordings`. /// * removes entries from the garbage table as requested by `mark_sample_files_deleted`. /// /// On success, for each affected sample file directory with a flush watcher set, sends a /// `Flush` event. pub(crate) fn flush(&mut self, reason: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.db.flush(self.clocks, reason) } } impl<'db, C: Clocks + Clone> ::std::ops::Deref for DatabaseGuard<'db, C> { type Target = LockedDatabase; fn deref(&self) -> &LockedDatabase { &*self.db } } impl<'db, C: Clocks + Clone> ::std::ops::DerefMut for DatabaseGuard<'db, C> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LockedDatabase { &mut *self.db } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use base::clock; use crate::recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC}; use rusqlite::Connection; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use crate::testutil; use super::*; use super::adjust_days; // non-public. use uuid::Uuid; fn setup_conn() -> Connection { let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); super::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); conn } fn assert_no_recordings(db: &Database, uuid: Uuid) { let mut rows = 0; let mut camera_id = -1; { let db = db.lock(); for row in db.cameras_by_id().values() { rows += 1; camera_id = row.id; assert_eq!(uuid, row.uuid); assert_eq!("test-camera", row.onvif_host); assert_eq!("foo", row.username); assert_eq!("bar", row.password); //assert_eq!("/main", row.main_rtsp_url); //assert_eq!("/sub", row.sub_rtsp_url); //assert_eq!(42, row.retain_bytes); //assert_eq!(None, row.range); //assert_eq!(recording::Duration(0), row.duration); //assert_eq!(0, row.sample_file_bytes); } } assert_eq!(1, rows); let stream_id = camera_id; // TODO rows = 0; { let db = db.lock(); let all_time = recording::Time(i64::min_value()) .. recording::Time(i64::max_value()); db.list_recordings_by_time(stream_id, all_time, &mut |_row| { rows += 1; Ok(()) }).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(0, rows); } fn assert_single_recording(db: &Database, stream_id: i32, r: &RecordingToInsert) { { let db = db.lock(); let stream = db.streams_by_id().get(&stream_id).unwrap(); let dur = recording::Duration(r.duration_90k as i64); assert_eq!(Some(r.start .. r.start + dur), stream.range); assert_eq!(r.sample_file_bytes as i64, stream.sample_file_bytes); assert_eq!(dur, stream.duration); db.cameras_by_id().get(&stream.camera_id).unwrap(); } // TODO(slamb): test that the days logic works correctly. let mut rows = 0; let mut recording_id = None; { let db = db.lock(); let all_time = recording::Time(i64::min_value()) .. recording::Time(i64::max_value()); db.list_recordings_by_time(stream_id, all_time, &mut |row| { rows += 1; recording_id = Some(row.id); assert_eq!(r.start, row.start); assert_eq!(r.duration_90k, row.duration_90k); assert_eq!(r.video_samples, row.video_samples); assert_eq!(r.video_sync_samples, row.video_sync_samples); assert_eq!(r.sample_file_bytes, row.sample_file_bytes); let vse = db.video_sample_entries_by_id().get(&row.video_sample_entry_id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(vse.rfc6381_codec, "avc1.4d0029"); Ok(()) }).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(1, rows); rows = 0; raw::list_oldest_recordings(&db.lock().conn, CompositeId::new(stream_id, 0), &mut |row| { rows += 1; assert_eq!(recording_id, Some(row.id)); assert_eq!(r.start, row.start); assert_eq!(r.duration_90k, row.duration); assert_eq!(r.sample_file_bytes, row.sample_file_bytes); true }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(1, rows); // TODO: list_aggregated_recordings. // TODO: with_recording_playback. } #[test] fn test_adjust_days() { testutil::init(); let mut m = BTreeMap::new(); // Create a day. let test_time = recording::Time(130647162600000i64); // 2015-12-31 23:59:00 (Pacific). let one_min = recording::Duration(60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); let two_min = recording::Duration(2 * 60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); let three_min = recording::Duration(3 * 60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); let four_min = recording::Duration(4 * 60 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); let test_day1 = &StreamDayKey(*b"2015-12-31"); let test_day2 = &StreamDayKey(*b"2016-01-01"); adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, 1, &mut m); assert_eq!(1, m.len()); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1)); // Add to a day. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, 1, &mut m); assert_eq!(1, m.len()); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 2, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day1)); // Subtract from a day. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, -1, &mut m); assert_eq!(1, m.len()); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1)); // Remove a day. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + one_min, -1, &mut m); assert_eq!(0, m.len()); // Create two days. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, 1, &mut m); assert_eq!(2, m.len()); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1)); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day2)); // Add to two days. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, 1, &mut m); assert_eq!(2, m.len()); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 2, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day1)); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 2, duration: four_min}), m.get(test_day2)); // Subtract from two days. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, -1, &mut m); assert_eq!(2, m.len()); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: one_min}), m.get(test_day1)); assert_eq!(Some(&StreamDayValue{recordings: 1, duration: two_min}), m.get(test_day2)); // Remove two days. adjust_days(test_time .. test_time + three_min, -1, &mut m); assert_eq!(0, m.len()); } #[test] fn test_day_bounds() { testutil::init(); assert_eq!(StreamDayKey(*b"2017-10-10").bounds(), // normal day (24 hrs) recording::Time(135685692000000) .. recording::Time(135693468000000)); assert_eq!(StreamDayKey(*b"2017-03-12").bounds(), // spring forward (23 hrs) recording::Time(134037504000000) .. recording::Time(134044956000000)); assert_eq!(StreamDayKey(*b"2017-11-05").bounds(), // fall back (25 hrs) recording::Time(135887868000000) .. recording::Time(135895968000000)); } #[test] fn test_no_meta_or_version() { testutil::init(); let e = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(), false).err().unwrap(); assert!(e.to_string().starts_with("no such table"), "{}", e); } #[test] fn test_version_too_old() { testutil::init(); let c = setup_conn(); c.execute_batch("delete from version; insert into version values (4, 0, '');").unwrap(); let e = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, c, false).err().unwrap(); assert!(e.to_string().starts_with( "Database schema version 4 is too old (expected 5)"), "got: {:?}", e); } #[test] fn test_version_too_new() { testutil::init(); let c = setup_conn(); c.execute_batch("delete from version; insert into version values (6, 0, '');").unwrap(); let e = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, c, false).err().unwrap(); assert!(e.to_string().starts_with( "Database schema version 6 is too new (expected 5)"), "got: {:?}", e); } /// Basic test of running some queries on a fresh database. #[test] fn test_fresh_db() { testutil::init(); let conn = setup_conn(); let db = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, conn, true).unwrap(); let db = db.lock(); assert_eq!(0, db.cameras_by_id().values().count()); } /// Basic test of the full lifecycle of recording. Does not exercise error cases. #[test] fn test_full_lifecycle() { testutil::init(); let conn = setup_conn(); let db = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, conn, true).unwrap(); let tmpdir = tempdir::TempDir::new("moonfire-nvr-test").unwrap(); let path = tmpdir.path().to_str().unwrap().to_owned(); let sample_file_dir_id = { db.lock() }.add_sample_file_dir(path).unwrap(); let mut c = CameraChange { short_name: "testcam".to_owned(), description: "".to_owned(), onvif_host: "test-camera".to_owned(), username: "foo".to_owned(), password: "bar".to_owned(), streams: [ StreamChange { sample_file_dir_id: Some(sample_file_dir_id), rtsp_url: "rtsp://test-camera/main".to_owned(), record: false, flush_if_sec: 1, }, StreamChange { sample_file_dir_id: Some(sample_file_dir_id), rtsp_url: "rtsp://test-camera/sub".to_owned(), record: true, flush_if_sec: 1, }, ], }; let camera_id = db.lock().add_camera(c.clone()).unwrap(); let (main_stream_id, sub_stream_id); { let mut l = db.lock(); { let c = l.cameras_by_id().get(&camera_id).unwrap(); main_stream_id = c.streams[0].unwrap(); sub_stream_id = c.streams[1].unwrap(); } l.update_retention(&[super::RetentionChange { stream_id: main_stream_id, new_record: true, new_limit: 42, }]).unwrap(); { let main = l.streams_by_id().get(&main_stream_id).unwrap(); assert!(main.record); assert_eq!(main.retain_bytes, 42); assert_eq!(main.flush_if_sec, 1); } assert_eq!(l.streams_by_id().get(&sub_stream_id).unwrap().flush_if_sec, 1); c.streams[1].flush_if_sec = 2; l.update_camera(camera_id, c).unwrap(); assert_eq!(l.streams_by_id().get(&sub_stream_id).unwrap().flush_if_sec, 2); } let camera_uuid = { db.lock().cameras_by_id().get(&camera_id).unwrap().uuid }; assert_no_recordings(&db, camera_uuid); // Closing and reopening the database should present the same contents. let conn = db.close(); let db = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, conn, true).unwrap(); assert_eq!(db.lock().streams_by_id().get(&sub_stream_id).unwrap().flush_if_sec, 2); assert_no_recordings(&db, camera_uuid); // TODO: assert_eq!(db.lock().list_garbage(sample_file_dir_id).unwrap(), &[]); let vse_id = db.lock().insert_video_sample_entry( 1920, 1080, include_bytes!("testdata/avc1").to_vec(), "avc1.4d0029".to_owned()).unwrap(); assert!(vse_id > 0, "vse_id = {}", vse_id); // Inserting a recording should succeed and advance the next recording id. let start = recording::Time(1430006400 * TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC); let recording = RecordingToInsert { sample_file_bytes: 42, run_offset: 0, flags: 0, start, duration_90k: TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC as i32, local_time_delta: recording::Duration(0), video_samples: 1, video_sync_samples: 1, video_sample_entry_id: vse_id, video_index: [0u8; 100].to_vec(), sample_file_sha1: [0u8; 20], }; let id = { let mut db = db.lock(); let (id, _) = db.add_recording(main_stream_id, recording.clone()).unwrap(); db.mark_synced(id).unwrap(); db.flush("add test").unwrap(); id }; assert_eq!(db.lock().streams_by_id().get(&main_stream_id).unwrap().next_recording_id, 2); // Queries should return the correct result (with caches update on insert). assert_single_recording(&db, main_stream_id, &recording); // Queries on a fresh database should return the correct result (with caches populated from // existing database contents rather than built on insert). let conn = db.close(); let db = Database::new(clock::RealClocks {}, conn, true).unwrap(); assert_single_recording(&db, main_stream_id, &recording); // Deleting a recording should succeed, update the min/max times, and mark it as garbage. { let mut db = db.lock(); let mut n = 0; db.delete_oldest_recordings(main_stream_id, &mut |_| { n += 1; true }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, 1); { let s = db.streams_by_id().get(&main_stream_id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s.sample_file_bytes, 42); assert_eq!(s.bytes_to_delete, 42); } n = 0; // A second run db.delete_oldest_recordings(main_stream_id, &mut |_| { n += 1; true }).unwrap(); assert_eq!(n, 0); assert_eq!(db.streams_by_id().get(&main_stream_id).unwrap().bytes_to_delete, 42); db.flush("delete test").unwrap(); let s = db.streams_by_id().get(&main_stream_id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s.sample_file_bytes, 0); assert_eq!(s.bytes_to_delete, 0); } assert_no_recordings(&db, camera_uuid); let g: Vec<_> = db.lock() .sample_file_dirs_by_id() .get(&sample_file_dir_id) .unwrap() .garbage_needs_unlink .iter() .map(|&id| id) .collect(); assert_eq!(&g, &[id]); let g: Vec<_> = db.lock() .sample_file_dirs_by_id() .get(&sample_file_dir_id) .unwrap() .garbage_unlinked .iter() .map(|&id| id) .collect(); assert_eq!(&g, &[]); } #[test] fn round_up() { assert_eq!(super::round_up(0), 0); assert_eq!(super::round_up(8_191), 8_192); assert_eq!(super::round_up(8_192), 8_192); assert_eq!(super::round_up(8_193), 12_288); } }