// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception import Select from "@material-ui/core/Select"; import MenuItem from "@material-ui/core/MenuItem"; import React, { useReducer, useState } from "react"; import { Camera } from "../types"; import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles"; import useResizeObserver from "@react-hook/resize-observer"; export interface Layout { className: string; cameras: number; } // These class names must match useStyles rules (below). const LAYOUTS: Layout[] = [ { className: "solo", cameras: 1 }, { className: "main-plus-five", cameras: 6 }, { className: "two-by-two", cameras: 4 }, { className: "three-by-three", cameras: 9 }, ]; const MAX_CAMERAS = 9; const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({ root: { flex: "1 0 0", color: "white", marginTop: theme.spacing(2), overflow: "hidden", "& .mid": { position: "relative", aspectRatio: "16 / 9", display: "inline-block", }, // Set the width based on the height. "& .mid.wider": { height: "100%", }, // Set the height based on the width. "& .mid.taller": { width: "100%", }, }, inner: { // match parent's size without influencing it. position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%", backgroundColor: "#000", overflow: "hidden", display: "grid", gridGap: "0px", // These class names must match LAYOUTS (above). "&.solo": { gridTemplateColumns: "100%", gridTemplateRows: "100%", }, "&.two-by-two": { gridTemplateColumns: "repeat(2, calc(100% / 2))", gridTemplateRows: "repeat(2, calc(100% / 2))", }, "&.main-plus-five, &.three-by-three": { gridTemplateColumns: "repeat(3, calc(100% / 3))", gridTemplateRows: "repeat(3, calc(100% / 3))", }, "&.main-plus-five > div:nth-child(1)": { gridColumn: "span 2", gridRow: "span 2", }, }, })); export interface MultiviewProps { cameras: Camera[]; layoutIndex: number; renderCamera: (camera: Camera | null, chooser: JSX.Element) => JSX.Element; } export interface MultiviewChooserProps { /// An index into LAYOUTS. layoutIndex: number; onChoice: (selectedIndex: number) => void; } /** * Chooses the layout for a Multiview. * Styled for placement in the app menu bar. */ export const MultiviewChooser = (props: MultiviewChooserProps) => { return ( ); }; /** * The cameras selected for the multiview. * This is always an array of length MAX_CAMERAS; only the first * LAYOUTS[layoutIndex].cameras are currently visible. There are no duplicates; * setting one element to a given camera unsets any others pointing to the same * camera. */ type SelectedCameras = Array; interface SelectOp { selectedIndex: number; cameraIndex: number | null; } function selectedReducer(old: SelectedCameras, op: SelectOp): SelectedCameras { let selected = [...old]; // shallow clone. if (op.cameraIndex !== null) { // de-dupe. for (let i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { if (selected[i] === op.cameraIndex) { selected[i] = null; } } } selected[op.selectedIndex] = op.cameraIndex ?? null; return selected; } /** * Presents one or more camera views in one of several layouts. * * The parent should arrange for the multiview's outer div to be as large * as possible. Internally, multiview uses the largest possible aspect * ratio-constrained section of it. It uses a ResizeObserver to determine if * the outer div is wider or taller than 16x9, and then sets an appropriate CSS * class to constrain the width or height respectively. The goal is to have the * smoothest resizing by changing the DOM/CSS as little as possible. */ const Multiview = (props: MultiviewProps) => { const [selected, updateSelected] = useReducer( selectedReducer, Array(MAX_CAMERAS).fill(null) ); const [widerOrTaller, setWiderOrTaller] = useState(""); const outerRef = React.useRef(null); const midRef = React.useRef(null); // Keep a constant 16x9 aspect ratio. Chrome 89.0.4389.90 supports the // "aspect-ratio" CSS property and seems to behave in a predictable way. // Intuition suggests using that is more performant than extra DOM // manipulations. Firefox 87.0 doesn't support aspect-ratio. Emulating it // with an child doesn't work well either for using a (flex item) // ancestor's (calculated) height to compute // the 's width and then the parent's width. There are some open bugs // that look related, eg: // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1349738 // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1690423 // so when there's no "aspect-ratio", just calculate everything here. const aspectRatioSupported = CSS.supports("aspect-ratio: 16 / 9"); useResizeObserver(outerRef, (entry: ResizeObserverEntry) => { const w = entry.contentRect.width; const h = entry.contentRect.height; const hFromW = (w * 9) / 16; if (aspectRatioSupported) { setWiderOrTaller(hFromW > h ? "wider" : "taller"); return; } const mid = midRef.current; if (mid === null) { return; } if (hFromW > h) { mid.style.width = `${(h * 16) / 9}px`; mid.style.height = `${h}px`; } else { mid.style.width = `${w}px`; mid.style.height = `${hFromW}px`; } }); const classes = useStyles(); const layout = LAYOUTS[props.layoutIndex]; const monoviews = selected.slice(0, layout.cameras).map((e, i) => { // When a camera is selected, use the camera's index as the key. // This allows swapping cameras' positions without tearing down their // WebSocket connections and buffers. // // When no camera is selected, use the index within selected. (Actually, // its negation, to disambiguate between the two cases.) const key = e ?? -i; return ( updateSelected({ selectedIndex: i, cameraIndex }) } /> ); }); return (
); }; interface MonoviewProps { cameras: Camera[]; cameraIndex: number | null; onSelect: (cameraIndex: number | null) => void; renderCamera: (camera: Camera | null, chooser: JSX.Element) => JSX.Element; } /** A single pane of a Multiview, including its camera chooser. */ const Monoview = (props: MonoviewProps) => { const chooser = ( ); return props.renderCamera( props.cameraIndex === null ? null : props.cameras[props.cameraIndex], chooser ); }; export default Multiview;