// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception. //! Live video websocket handling. use std::sync::Arc; use base::{bail_t, format_err_t, Error}; use futures::{future::Either, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use http::header; use tokio_tungstenite::{tungstenite, WebSocketStream}; use uuid::Uuid; use crate::mp4; use super::{Caller, Service}; impl Service { pub(super) async fn stream_live_m4s( self: Arc, ws: &mut WebSocketStream, caller: Result, uuid: Uuid, stream_type: db::StreamType, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let caller = caller?; if !caller.permissions.view_video { bail_t!(PermissionDenied, "view_video required"); } let stream_id; let open_id; let (sub_tx, sub_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded(); { let mut db = self.db.lock(); open_id = match db.open { None => { bail_t!( FailedPrecondition, "database is read-only; there are no live streams" ); } Some(o) => o.id, }; let camera = db .get_camera(uuid) .ok_or_else(|| format_err_t!(NotFound, "no such camera {uuid}"))?; stream_id = camera.streams[stream_type.index()] .ok_or_else(|| format_err_t!(NotFound, "no such stream {uuid}/{stream_type}"))?; db.watch_live( stream_id, Box::new(move |l| sub_tx.unbounded_send(l).is_ok()), ) .expect("stream_id refed by camera"); } let keepalive = tokio_stream::wrappers::IntervalStream::new(tokio::time::interval( std::time::Duration::new(30, 0), )); let mut combo = futures::stream::select( sub_rx.map(Either::Left), keepalive.map(|_| Either::Right(())), ); // On the first LiveSegment, send all the data from the previous key frame onward. // For LiveSegments, it's okay to send a single non-key frame at a time. let mut start_at_key = true; loop { let next = combo .next() .await .unwrap_or_else(|| unreachable!("timer stream never ends")); match next { Either::Left(live) => { if !self .stream_live_m4s_chunk(open_id, stream_id, ws, live, start_at_key) .await? { return Ok(()); } start_at_key = false; } Either::Right(_) => { if ws .send(tungstenite::Message::Ping(Vec::new())) .await .is_err() { return Ok(()); } } } } } /// Sends a single live segment chunk of a `live.m4s` stream, returning `Ok(false)` when /// the connection is lost. async fn stream_live_m4s_chunk( &self, open_id: u32, stream_id: i32, ws: &mut tokio_tungstenite::WebSocketStream, live: db::LiveSegment, start_at_key: bool, ) -> Result { let mut builder = mp4::FileBuilder::new(mp4::Type::MediaSegment); let mut row = None; { let db = self.db.lock(); let mut rows = 0; db.list_recordings_by_id(stream_id, live.recording..live.recording + 1, &mut |r| { rows += 1; row = Some(r); builder.append(&db, r, live.media_off_90k.clone(), start_at_key)?; Ok(()) })?; } let row = row.ok_or_else(|| format_err_t!(Internal, "unable to find {:?}", live))?; use http_serve::Entity; let mp4 = builder.build(self.db.clone(), self.dirs_by_stream_id.clone())?; let mut hdrs = header::HeaderMap::new(); mp4.add_headers(&mut hdrs); let mime_type = hdrs.get(header::CONTENT_TYPE).unwrap(); let (prev_media_duration, prev_runs) = row.prev_media_duration_and_runs.unwrap(); let hdr = format!( "Content-Type: {}\r\n\ X-Recording-Start: {}\r\n\ X-Recording-Id: {}.{}\r\n\ X-Media-Time-Range: {}-{}\r\n\ X-Prev-Media-Duration: {}\r\n\ X-Runs: {}\r\n\ X-Video-Sample-Entry-Id: {}\r\n\r\n", mime_type.to_str().unwrap(), row.start.0, open_id, live.recording, live.media_off_90k.start, live.media_off_90k.end, prev_media_duration.0, prev_runs + if row.run_offset == 0 { 1 } else { 0 }, &row.video_sample_entry_id ); let mut v = hdr.into_bytes(); mp4.append_into_vec(&mut v).await?; Ok(ws.send(tungstenite::Message::Binary(v)).await.is_ok()) } }