// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2016 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception. use crate::h264; use bytes::Bytes; use failure::format_err; use failure::{bail, Error}; use futures::StreamExt; use retina::client::Demuxed; use retina::codec::CodecItem; use std::pin::Pin; use std::result::Result; use tracing::Instrument; use url::Url; static RETINA_TIMEOUT: std::time::Duration = std::time::Duration::from_secs(30); pub struct Options { pub session: retina::client::SessionOptions, pub setup: retina::client::SetupOptions, } /// Opens a RTSP stream. This is a trait for test injection. pub trait Opener: Send + Sync { /// Opens the given RTSP URL. /// /// Note: despite the blocking interface, this expects to be called from /// the context of a multithreaded tokio runtime with IO and time enabled. fn open(&self, label: String, url: Url, options: Options) -> Result, Error>; } pub struct VideoFrame { pub pts: i64, /// An estimate of the duration of the frame, or zero. /// This can be deceptive and is only used by some testing code. pub duration: i32, pub is_key: bool, pub data: Bytes, pub new_video_sample_entry: bool, } pub trait Stream: Send { fn tool(&self) -> Option<&retina::client::Tool>; fn video_sample_entry(&self) -> &db::VideoSampleEntryToInsert; fn next(&mut self) -> Result; } pub struct RealOpener; pub const OPENER: RealOpener = RealOpener; impl Opener for RealOpener { fn open( &self, label: String, url: Url, mut options: Options, ) -> Result, Error> { options.session = options .session .user_agent(format!("Moonfire NVR {}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))); let rt_handle = tokio::runtime::Handle::current(); let (inner, first_frame) = rt_handle .block_on( rt_handle.spawn( tokio::time::timeout( RETINA_TIMEOUT, RetinaStreamInner::play(label, url, options), ) .in_current_span(), ), ) .expect("RetinaStream::play task panicked, see earlier error")??; Ok(Box::new(RetinaStream { inner: Some(inner), rt_handle, first_frame: Some(first_frame), })) } } /// Real stream, implemented with the Retina library. /// /// Retina is asynchronous and tokio-based where currently Moonfire expects /// a synchronous stream interface. This blocks on the tokio operations. /// /// Experimentally, it appears faster to have one thread hand-off per frame via /// `handle.block_on(handle.spawn(...))` rather than the same without the /// `handle.spawn(...)`. See /// [#206](https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr/issues/206). struct RetinaStream { /// The actual stream details used from within the tokio reactor. /// /// Spawned tokio tasks must be `'static`, so ownership is passed to the /// task, and then returned when it completes. inner: Option>, rt_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle, /// The first frame, if not yet returned from `next`. /// /// This frame is special because we sometimes need to fetch it as part of getting the video /// parameters. first_frame: Option, } struct RetinaStreamInner { label: String, session: Demuxed, video_sample_entry: db::VideoSampleEntryToInsert, } impl RetinaStreamInner { /// Plays to first frame. No timeout; that's the caller's responsibility. async fn play( label: String, url: Url, options: Options, ) -> Result<(Box, retina::codec::VideoFrame), Error> { let mut session = retina::client::Session::describe(url, options.session).await?; tracing::debug!("connected to {:?}, tool {:?}", &label, session.tool()); let video_i = session .streams() .iter() .position(|s| s.media() == "video" && s.encoding_name() == "h264") .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("couldn't find H.264 video stream"))?; session.setup(video_i, options.setup).await?; let session = session.play(retina::client::PlayOptions::default()).await?; let mut session = session.demuxed()?; // First frame. let first_frame = loop { match Pin::new(&mut session).next().await { None => bail!("stream closed before first frame"), Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e.into()), Some(Ok(CodecItem::VideoFrame(v))) => { if v.is_random_access_point() { break v; } } Some(Ok(_)) => {} } }; let video_params = match session.streams()[video_i].parameters() { Some(retina::codec::ParametersRef::Video(v)) => v.clone(), Some(_) => unreachable!(), None => bail!("couldn't find H.264 parameters"), }; let video_sample_entry = h264::parse_extra_data(video_params.extra_data())?; let self_ = Box::new(Self { label, session, video_sample_entry, }); Ok((self_, first_frame)) } /// Fetches a non-initial frame. async fn fetch_next_frame( mut self: Box, ) -> Result< ( Box, retina::codec::VideoFrame, Option, ), Error, > { loop { match Pin::new(&mut self.session).next().await.transpose()? { None => bail!("end of stream"), Some(CodecItem::VideoFrame(v)) => { if v.loss() > 0 { tracing::warn!( "{}: lost {} RTP packets @ {}", &self.label, v.loss(), v.start_ctx() ); } let p = if v.has_new_parameters() { Some(match self.session.streams()[v.stream_id()].parameters() { Some(retina::codec::ParametersRef::Video(v)) => v.clone(), _ => unreachable!(), }) } else { None }; return Ok((self, v, p)); } Some(_) => {} } } } } impl Stream for RetinaStream { fn tool(&self) -> Option<&retina::client::Tool> { self.inner.as_ref().unwrap().session.tool() } fn video_sample_entry(&self) -> &db::VideoSampleEntryToInsert { &self.inner.as_ref().unwrap().video_sample_entry } fn next(&mut self) -> Result { let (frame, new_video_sample_entry) = self .first_frame .take() .map(|f| Ok((f, false))) .unwrap_or_else(move || { let inner = self.inner.take().unwrap(); let (mut inner, frame, new_parameters) = self .rt_handle .block_on( self.rt_handle.spawn( tokio::time::timeout(RETINA_TIMEOUT, inner.fetch_next_frame()) .in_current_span(), ), ) .expect("fetch_next_frame task panicked, see earlier error") .map_err(|_| format_err!("timeout getting next frame"))??; let mut new_video_sample_entry = false; if let Some(p) = new_parameters { let video_sample_entry = h264::parse_extra_data(p.extra_data())?; if video_sample_entry != inner.video_sample_entry { tracing::debug!( "{}: parameter change:\nold: {:?}\nnew: {:?}", &inner.label, &inner.video_sample_entry, &video_sample_entry ); inner.video_sample_entry = video_sample_entry; new_video_sample_entry = true; } }; self.inner = Some(inner); Ok::<_, failure::Error>((frame, new_video_sample_entry)) })?; Ok(VideoFrame { pts: frame.timestamp().elapsed(), duration: 0, is_key: frame.is_random_access_point(), data: frame.into_data().into(), new_video_sample_entry, }) } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod testutil { use super::*; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::io::Cursor; pub struct Mp4Stream { reader: mp4::Mp4Reader>>, h264_track_id: u32, next_sample_id: u32, video_sample_entry: db::VideoSampleEntryToInsert, } impl Mp4Stream { /// Opens a stream, with a return matching that expected by [`Opener`]. pub fn open(path: &str) -> Result { let f = std::fs::read(path)?; let len = f.len(); let reader = mp4::Mp4Reader::read_header(Cursor::new(f), u64::try_from(len)?)?; let h264_track = match reader .tracks() .values() .find(|t| matches!(t.media_type(), Ok(mp4::MediaType::H264))) { None => bail!("expected a H.264 track"), Some(t) => t, }; let video_sample_entry = h264::parse_extra_data(&h264_track.extra_data()?[..])?; let h264_track_id = h264_track.track_id(); let stream = Mp4Stream { reader, h264_track_id, next_sample_id: 1, video_sample_entry, }; Ok(stream) } pub fn duration(&self) -> u64 { self.reader.moov.mvhd.duration } /// Returns the edit list from the H.264 stream, if any. pub fn elst(&self) -> Option<&mp4::mp4box::elst::ElstBox> { let h264_track = self.reader.tracks().get(&self.h264_track_id).unwrap(); h264_track .trak .edts .as_ref() .and_then(|edts| edts.elst.as_ref()) } } impl Stream for Mp4Stream { fn tool(&self) -> Option<&retina::client::Tool> { None } fn next(&mut self) -> Result { let sample = self .reader .read_sample(self.h264_track_id, self.next_sample_id)? .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("End of file"))?; self.next_sample_id += 1; Ok(VideoFrame { pts: sample.start_time as i64, duration: sample.duration as i32, is_key: sample.is_sync, data: sample.bytes, new_video_sample_entry: false, }) } fn video_sample_entry(&self) -> &db::VideoSampleEntryToInsert { &self.video_sample_entry } } }