// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2018 Scott Lamb // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give // permission to link the code of portions of this program with the // OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each // individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including // the two. // // You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all // of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this // exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the // file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do // so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete // this exception statement from all source files in the program, then // also delete it here. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . use base::strutil; use blake2_rfc::blake2b::blake2b; use failure::Error; use fnv::FnvHashMap; use libpasta; use rusqlite::{self, Connection, Transaction}; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fmt; use std::net::IpAddr; lazy_static! { static ref PASTA_CONFIG: libpasta::Config = if cfg!(test) { // In test builds, use bcrypt with the cost turned down. Password hash functions are // designed to be slow; when run un-optimized, they're unpleasantly slow with default // settings. Security doesn't matter for cfg(test). libpasta::Config::with_primitive(libpasta::primitives::Bcrypt::new(2)) } else { libpasta::Config::default() }; } enum UserFlags { Disabled = 1, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct User { pub id: i32, pub username: String, pub flags: i32, password_hash: Option, pub password_id: i32, pub password_failure_count: i64, pub unix_uid: Option, /// True iff this `User` has changed since the last flush. /// Only a couple things are flushed lazily: `password_failure_count` and (on upgrade to a new /// algorithm) `password_hash`. dirty: bool, } impl User { pub fn change(&self) -> UserChange { UserChange { id: Some(self.id), username: self.username.to_string(), flags: self.flags, set_password_hash: None, unix_uid: self.unix_uid, } } pub fn has_password(&self) -> bool { self.password_hash.is_some() } fn disabled(&self) -> bool { (self.flags & UserFlags::Disabled as i32) != 0 } } /// A change to a user. /// /// * an insertion returned via `UserChange::add_user`. /// * an update returned via `User::change`. /// /// Apply via `DatabaseGuard::apply_user_change` (which internally calls `auth::State::apply`). #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct UserChange { id: Option, pub username: String, pub flags: i32, set_password_hash: Option>, pub unix_uid: Option, } impl UserChange { pub fn add_user(username: String) -> Self { UserChange { id: None, username, flags: 0, set_password_hash: None, unix_uid: None, } } pub fn set_password(&mut self, pwd: String) { self.set_password_hash = Some(Some(PASTA_CONFIG.hash_password(&pwd))); } pub fn clear_password(&mut self) { self.set_password_hash = Some(None); } pub fn disable(&mut self) { self.flags |= UserFlags::Disabled as i32; } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Request { pub when_sec: Option, pub user_agent: Option>, pub addr: Option, } impl Request { fn addr_buf(&self) -> Option { match self.addr { None => None, Some(IpAddr::V4(ref a)) => Some(IpAddrBuf::V4(a.octets())), Some(IpAddr::V6(ref a)) => Some(IpAddrBuf::V6(a.octets())), } } } enum IpAddrBuf { V4([u8; 4]), V6([u8; 16]), } impl AsRef<[u8]> for IpAddrBuf { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { match *self { IpAddrBuf::V4(ref s) => &s[..], IpAddrBuf::V6(ref s) => &s[..], } } } pub struct FromSqlIpAddr(Option); impl rusqlite::types::FromSql for FromSqlIpAddr { fn column_result(value: rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> rusqlite::types::FromSqlResult { use rusqlite::types::ValueRef; match value { ValueRef::Null => Ok(FromSqlIpAddr(None)), ValueRef::Blob(ref b) => { match b.len() { 4 => { let mut buf = [0u8; 4]; buf.copy_from_slice(b); Ok(FromSqlIpAddr(Some(buf.into()))) }, 16 => { let mut buf = [0u8; 16]; buf.copy_from_slice(b); Ok(FromSqlIpAddr(Some(buf.into()))) }, _ => Err(rusqlite::types::FromSqlError::InvalidType), } }, _ => Err(rusqlite::types::FromSqlError::InvalidType), } } } pub enum SessionFlags { HttpOnly = 1, Secure = 2, SameSite = 4, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum RevocationReason { LoggedOut = 1, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct Session { user_id: i32, flags: i32, // bitmask of SessionFlags enum values domain: Vec, description: Option, creation_password_id: Option, creation: Request, revocation: Request, revocation_reason: Option, // see RevocationReason enum revocation_reason_detail: Option, last_use: Request, use_count: i32, dirty: bool, } /// A raw session id (not base64-encoded). Sensitive. Never stored in the database. pub struct RawSessionId([u8; 48]); impl RawSessionId { pub fn new() -> Self { RawSessionId([0u8; 48]) } fn hash(&self) -> SessionHash { let r = blake2b(32, &[], &self.0[..]); let mut h = SessionHash([0u8; 32]); h.0.copy_from_slice(r.as_bytes()); h } } impl AsRef<[u8]> for RawSessionId { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.0[..] } } impl AsMut<[u8]> for RawSessionId { fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { &mut self.0[..] } } impl fmt::Debug for RawSessionId { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { write!(f, "RawSessionId(\"{}\")", &strutil::hex(&self.0[..])) } } /// Blake2b-256 of the raw (not base64-encoded) 48-byte session id. #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct SessionHash([u8; 32]); impl fmt::Debug for SessionHash { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { write!(f, "SessionHash(\"{}\")", &strutil::hex(&self.0[..])) } } pub(crate) struct State { users_by_id: BTreeMap, users_by_name: BTreeMap, /// Some of the sessions stored in the database. /// Guaranteed to contain all "dirty" sessions (ones with unflushed changes); may contain /// others. /// /// TODO: Add eviction of clean sessions. Keep a linked hash set of clean session hashes and /// evict the oldest when its size exceeds a threshold. Or just evict everything on every flush /// (and accept more frequent database accesses). sessions: FnvHashMap, } impl State { pub fn init(conn: &Connection) -> Result { let mut state = State { users_by_id: BTreeMap::new(), users_by_name: BTreeMap::new(), sessions: FnvHashMap::default(), }; let mut stmt = conn.prepare(r#" select id, username, flags, password_hash, password_id, password_failure_count, unix_uid from user "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(&[])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next() { let row = row?; let id = row.get_checked(0)?; let name: String = row.get_checked(1)?; state.users_by_id.insert(id, User { id, username: name.clone(), flags: row.get_checked(2)?, password_hash: row.get_checked(3)?, password_id: row.get_checked(4)?, password_failure_count: row.get_checked(5)?, unix_uid: row.get_checked(6)?, dirty: false, }); state.users_by_name.insert(name, id); } Ok(state) } pub fn apply(&mut self, conn: &Connection, change: UserChange) -> Result<&User, Error> { if let Some(id) = change.id { self.update_user(conn, id, change) } else { self.add_user(conn, change) } } pub fn users_by_id(&self) -> &BTreeMap { &self.users_by_id } fn update_user(&mut self, conn: &Connection, id: i32, change: UserChange) -> Result<&User, Error> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached(r#" update user set username = :username, password_hash = :password_hash, password_id = :password_id, password_failure_count = :password_failure_count, flags = :flags, unix_uid = :unix_uid where id = :id "#)?; let e = self.users_by_id.entry(id); let e = match e { ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => panic!("missing uid {}!", id), ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e, }; { let (phash, pid, pcount) = match change.set_password_hash.as_ref() { None => { let u = e.get(); (&u.password_hash, u.password_id, u.password_failure_count) }, Some(h) => (h, e.get().password_id + 1, 0), }; stmt.execute_named(&[ (":username", &&change.username[..]), (":password_hash", phash), (":password_id", &pid), (":password_failure_count", &pcount), (":flags", &change.flags), (":unix_uid", &change.unix_uid), (":id", &id), ])?; } let u = e.into_mut(); u.username = change.username; if let Some(h) = change.set_password_hash { u.password_hash = h; u.password_id += 1; u.password_failure_count = 0; } u.flags = change.flags; u.unix_uid = change.unix_uid; Ok(u) } fn add_user(&mut self, conn: &Connection, change: UserChange) -> Result<&User, Error> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached(r#" insert into user (username, password_hash, flags, unix_uid) values (:username, :password_hash, :flags, :unix_uid) "#)?; let password_hash = change.set_password_hash.unwrap_or(None); stmt.execute_named(&[ (":username", &&change.username[..]), (":password_hash", &password_hash), (":flags", &change.flags), (":unix_uid", &change.unix_uid), ])?; let id = conn.last_insert_rowid() as i32; self.users_by_name.insert(change.username.clone(), id); let e = self.users_by_id.entry(id); let e = match e { ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => e, ::std::collections::btree_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => panic!("uid {} conflict!", id), }; Ok(e.insert(User { id, username: change.username, flags: change.flags, password_hash, password_id: 0, password_failure_count: 0, unix_uid: change.unix_uid, dirty: false, })) } pub fn delete_user(&mut self, conn: &mut Connection, id: i32) -> Result<(), Error> { let tx = conn.transaction()?; tx.execute("delete from user_session where user_id = ?", &[&id])?; { let mut user_stmt = tx.prepare_cached("delete from user where id = ?")?; if user_stmt.execute(&[&id])? != 1 { bail!("user {} not found", id); } } tx.commit()?; let name = self.users_by_id.remove(&id).unwrap().username; self.users_by_name.remove(&name).unwrap(); self.sessions.retain(|_k, ref mut v| v.user_id != id); Ok(()) } pub fn login_by_password(&mut self, conn: &Connection, req: Request, username: &str, password: String, domain: Vec, session_flags: i32) -> Result<(RawSessionId, &Session), Error> { let id = match self.users_by_name.get(username) { None => bail!("no such user {:?}", username), Some(&id) => id, }; let u = self.users_by_id.get_mut(&id).expect("users_by_name implies users_by_id"); if u.disabled() { bail!("user {:?} is disabled", username); } let new_hash = { let hash = match u.password_hash.as_ref() { None => bail!("no password set for user {:?}", username), Some(h) => h, }; match PASTA_CONFIG.verify_password_update_hash(hash, &password) { libpasta::HashUpdate::Failed => { u.dirty = true; u.password_failure_count += 1; bail!("incorrect password for user {:?}", username); }, libpasta::HashUpdate::Verified(new_pwd) => new_pwd, } }; if let Some(h) = new_hash { u.password_hash = Some(h); u.dirty = true; } let password_id = u.password_id; State::make_session(conn, req, u, domain, Some(password_id), session_flags, &mut self.sessions) } fn make_session<'s>(conn: &Connection, creation: Request, user: &mut User, domain: Vec, creation_password_id: Option, flags: i32, sessions: &'s mut FnvHashMap) -> Result<(RawSessionId, &'s Session), Error> { let mut session_id = RawSessionId::new(); ::openssl::rand::rand_bytes(&mut session_id.0).unwrap(); let mut seed = [0u8; 32]; ::openssl::rand::rand_bytes(&mut seed).unwrap(); let hash = session_id.hash(); let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached(r#" insert into user_session (session_id_hash, user_id, seed, flags, domain, creation_password_id, creation_time_sec, creation_user_agent, creation_peer_addr) values (:session_id_hash, :user_id, :seed, :flags, :domain, :creation_password_id, :creation_time_sec, :creation_user_agent, :creation_peer_addr) "#)?; let addr = creation.addr_buf(); let addr: Option<&[u8]> = addr.as_ref().map(|a| a.as_ref()); stmt.execute_named(&[ (":session_id_hash", &&hash.0[..]), (":user_id", &user.id), (":seed", &&seed[..]), (":flags", &flags), (":domain", &domain), (":creation_password_id", &creation_password_id), (":creation_time_sec", &creation.when_sec), (":creation_user_agent", &creation.user_agent), (":creation_peer_addr", &addr), ])?; let e = match sessions.entry(hash) { ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => panic!("duplicate session hash!"), ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => e, }; let session = e.insert(Session { user_id: user.id, flags, domain, creation_password_id, creation, ..Default::default() }); Ok((session_id, session)) } pub fn authenticate_session(&mut self, conn: &Connection, req: Request, session: &RawSessionId) -> Result<(SessionHash, &User), Error> { let hash = session.hash(); let s = match self.sessions.entry(hash) { ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e.into_mut(), ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => e.insert(lookup_session(conn, hash)?), }; let u = match self.users_by_id.get(&s.user_id) { None => bail!("session references nonexistent user!"), Some(u) => u, }; if let Some(r) = s.revocation_reason { bail!("session is no longer valid (reason={})", r); } s.last_use = req; s.use_count += 1; s.dirty = true; if u.disabled() { bail!("user {:?} is disabled", &u.username); } Ok((hash, u)) } pub fn revoke_session(&mut self, conn: &Connection, reason: RevocationReason, detail: Option, req: Request, hash: SessionHash) -> Result<(), Error> { let s = match self.sessions.entry(hash) { ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(e) => e.into_mut(), ::std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(e) => e.insert(lookup_session(conn, hash)?), }; if s.revocation_reason.is_none() { let mut stmt = conn.prepare(r#" update user_session set revocation_time_sec = ?, revocation_user_agent = ?, revocation_peer_addr = ?, revocation_reason = ?, revocation_reason_detail = ? where session_id_hash = ? "#)?; let addr = req.addr_buf(); let addr: Option<&[u8]> = addr.as_ref().map(|a| a.as_ref()); stmt.execute(&[ &req.when_sec, &req.user_agent, &addr, &(reason as i32), &detail, &&hash.0[..], ])?; s.revocation = req; s.revocation_reason = Some(reason as i32); } Ok(()) } pub fn flush(&mut self, tx: &Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut u_stmt = tx.prepare(r#" update user set password_failure_count = :password_failure_count, password_hash = :password_hash where id = :id "#)?; let mut s_stmt = tx.prepare(r#" update user_session set last_use_time_sec = :last_use_time_sec, last_use_user_agent = :last_use_user_agent, last_use_peer_addr = :last_use_peer_addr, use_count = :use_count where session_id_hash = :hash "#)?; for (&id, u) in &self.users_by_id { if !u.dirty { continue; } info!("flushing user with hash: {}", u.password_hash.as_ref().unwrap()); u_stmt.execute_named(&[ (":password_failure_count", &u.password_failure_count), (":password_hash", &u.password_hash), (":id", &id), ])?; } for (_, s) in &self.sessions { if !s.dirty { continue; } let addr = s.last_use.addr_buf(); let addr: Option<&[u8]> = addr.as_ref().map(|a| a.as_ref()); s_stmt.execute_named(&[ (":last_use_time_sec", &s.last_use.when_sec), (":last_use_user_agent", &s.last_use.user_agent), (":last_use_peer_addr", &addr), (":use_count", &s.use_count), ])?; } Ok(()) } pub fn post_flush(&mut self) { for (_, u) in &mut self.users_by_id { u.dirty = false; } for (_, s) in &mut self.sessions { s.dirty = false; } } } fn lookup_session(conn: &Connection, hash: SessionHash) -> Result { let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached(r#" select user_id, flags, domain, description, creation_password_id, creation_time_sec, creation_user_agent, creation_peer_addr, revocation_time_sec, revocation_user_agent, revocation_peer_addr, revocation_reason, revocation_reason_detail, last_use_time_sec, last_use_user_agent, last_use_peer_addr, use_count from user_session where session_id_hash = ? "#)?; let mut rows = stmt.query(&[&&hash.0[..]])?; let row = match rows.next() { None => bail!("no such session"), Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e.into()), Some(Ok(r)) => r, }; let creation_addr: FromSqlIpAddr = row.get_checked(7)?; let revocation_addr: FromSqlIpAddr = row.get_checked(10)?; let last_use_addr: FromSqlIpAddr = row.get_checked(15)?; Ok(Session { user_id: row.get_checked(0)?, flags: row.get_checked(1)?, domain: row.get_checked(2)?, description: row.get_checked(3)?, creation_password_id: row.get_checked(4)?, creation: Request { when_sec: row.get_checked(5)?, user_agent: row.get_checked(6)?, addr: creation_addr.0, }, revocation: Request { when_sec: row.get_checked(8)?, user_agent: row.get_checked(9)?, addr: revocation_addr.0, }, revocation_reason: row.get_checked(11)?, revocation_reason_detail: row.get_checked(12)?, last_use: Request { when_sec: row.get_checked(13)?, user_agent: row.get_checked(14)?, addr: last_use_addr.0, }, use_count: row.get_checked(16)?, dirty: false, }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use db; use rusqlite::Connection; use super::*; use testutil; #[test] fn open_empty_db() { testutil::init(); let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); db::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); State::init(&conn).unwrap(); } #[test] fn create_login_use_logout() { testutil::init(); let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); db::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let req = Request { when_sec: Some(42), addr: Some(::std::net::IpAddr::V4(::std::net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1))), user_agent: Some(b"some ua".to_vec()), }; let (uid, mut c) = { let u = state.apply(&conn, UserChange::add_user("slamb".to_owned())).unwrap(); (u.id, u.change()) }; let e = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "no password set for user \"slamb\""); c.set_password("hunter2".to_owned()); state.apply(&conn, c).unwrap(); let e = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter3".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "incorrect password for user \"slamb\""); let sid = { let (sid, s) = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(s.user_id, uid); sid }; let sid_hash = { let (sid_hash, u) = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req.clone(), &sid).unwrap(); assert_eq!(u.id, uid); sid_hash }; state.revoke_session(&conn, RevocationReason::LoggedOut, None, req.clone(), sid_hash).unwrap(); let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req.clone(), &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "session is no longer valid (reason=1)"); // Everything should persist across reload. drop(state); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req, &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "session is no longer valid (reason=1)"); } #[test] fn revoke_not_in_cache() { testutil::init(); let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); db::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let req = Request { when_sec: Some(42), addr: Some(::std::net::IpAddr::V4(::std::net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1))), user_agent: Some(b"some ua".to_vec()), }; { let mut c = UserChange::add_user("slamb".to_owned()); c.set_password("hunter2".to_owned()); state.apply(&conn, c).unwrap(); }; let sid = { let (sid, _s) = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap(); sid }; state.authenticate_session(&conn, req.clone(), &sid).unwrap(); // Reload. drop(state); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); state.revoke_session(&conn, RevocationReason::LoggedOut, None, req.clone(), sid.hash()).unwrap(); let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req, &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "session is no longer valid (reason=1)"); } #[test] fn upgrade_hash() { // This hash is generated with cost=1 vs the cost=2 of PASTA_CONFIG. let insecure_hash = libpasta::Config::with_primitive(libpasta::primitives::Bcrypt::new(1)) .hash_password("hunter2"); testutil::init(); let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); db::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let mut change = UserChange::add_user("slamb".to_owned()); // hunter2, in insecure MD5. change.set_password_hash = Some(Some(insecure_hash.clone())); let uid = { let u = state.apply(&conn, change).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&insecure_hash, u.password_hash.as_ref().unwrap()); u.id }; let req = Request { when_sec: Some(42), addr: Some(::std::net::IpAddr::V4(::std::net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1))), user_agent: Some(b"some ua".to_vec()), }; state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap(); let new_hash = { // Password should have been automatically upgraded. let u = state.users_by_id().get(&uid).unwrap(); assert!(u.dirty); assert_ne!(u.password_hash.as_ref().unwrap(), &insecure_hash); u.password_hash.as_ref().unwrap().clone() }; { let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); state.flush(&tx).unwrap(); tx.commit().unwrap(); } // On reload, the new hash should still be visible. drop(state); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); { let u = state.users_by_id().get(&uid).unwrap(); assert!(!u.dirty); assert_eq!(u.password_hash.as_ref().unwrap(), &new_hash); } // Login should still work. state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap(); } #[test] fn disable() { testutil::init(); let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); db::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let req = Request { when_sec: Some(42), addr: Some(::std::net::IpAddr::V4(::std::net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1))), user_agent: Some(b"some ua".to_vec()), }; let uid = { let mut c = UserChange::add_user("slamb".to_owned()); c.set_password("hunter2".to_owned()); state.apply(&conn, c).unwrap().id }; // Get a session for later. let sid = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap().0; // Disable the user. { let mut c = state.users_by_id().get(&uid).unwrap().change(); c.disable(); state.apply(&conn, c).unwrap(); } // Fresh logins shouldn't work. let e = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "user \"slamb\" is disabled"); // Authenticating existing sessions shouldn't work either. let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req.clone(), &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "user \"slamb\" is disabled"); // The user should still be disabled after reload. drop(state); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req, &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "user \"slamb\" is disabled"); } #[test] fn delete() { testutil::init(); let mut conn = Connection::open_in_memory().unwrap(); db::init(&mut conn).unwrap(); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); let req = Request { when_sec: Some(42), addr: Some(::std::net::IpAddr::V4(::std::net::Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1))), user_agent: Some(b"some ua".to_vec()), }; let uid = { let mut c = UserChange::add_user("slamb".to_owned()); c.set_password("hunter2".to_owned()); state.apply(&conn, c).unwrap().id }; // Get a session for later. let sid = state.login_by_password(&conn, req.clone(), "slamb", "hunter2".to_owned(), b"nvr.example.com".to_vec(), 0).unwrap().0; state.delete_user(&mut conn, uid).unwrap(); assert!(state.users_by_id().get(&uid).is_none()); let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req.clone(), &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "no such session"); // The user should still be deleted after reload. drop(state); let mut state = State::init(&conn).unwrap(); assert!(state.users_by_id().get(&uid).is_none()); let e = state.authenticate_session(&conn, req.clone(), &sid).unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(format!("{}", e), "no such session"); } }