// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception import React from "react"; import * as api from "../api"; import { useSnackbars } from "../snackbars"; import { Stream } from "../types"; import TableBody from "@mui/material/TableBody"; import TableCell from "@mui/material/TableCell"; import TableRow, { TableRowProps } from "@mui/material/TableRow"; import Skeleton from "@mui/material/Skeleton"; import Alert from "@mui/material/Alert"; interface Props { stream: Stream; range90k: [number, number] | null; split90k?: number; trimStartAndEnd: boolean; setActiveRecording: (recording: [Stream, CombinedRecording] | null) => void; formatTime: (time90k: number) => string; } /** * Matches `api.Recording`, except that two entries with differing * `videoSampleEntryId` but the same resolution may be combined. */ export interface CombinedRecording { startId: number; endId?: number; runStartId: number; firstUncommitted?: number; growing?: boolean; openId: number; startTime90k: number; endTime90k: number; videoSamples: number; sampleFileBytes: number; width: number; height: number; aspectWidth: number; aspectHeight: number; } /** * Combines recordings, which are assumed to already be sorted in descending * chronological order. * * This is exported only for testing. */ export function combine( split90k: number | undefined, response: api.RecordingsResponse ): CombinedRecording[] { let out = []; let cur = null; for (const r of response.recordings) { const vse = response.videoSampleEntries[r.videoSampleEntryId]; // Combine `r` into `cur` if `r` precedes r, shouldn't be split, and // has similar resolution. It doesn't have to have exactly the same // video sample entry; minor changes to encoding can be seamlessly // combined into one `.mp4` file. if ( cur !== null && r.openId === cur.openId && r.runStartId === cur.runStartId && (r.endId ?? r.startId) + 1 === cur.startId && cur.width === vse.width && cur.height === vse.height && cur.aspectWidth === vse.aspectWidth && cur.aspectHeight === vse.aspectHeight && (split90k === undefined || r.endTime90k - cur.startTime90k <= split90k) ) { cur.startId = r.startId; cur.firstUncommitted == r.firstUncommitted ?? cur.firstUncommitted; cur.startTime90k = r.startTime90k; cur.videoSamples += r.videoSamples; cur.sampleFileBytes += r.sampleFileBytes; continue; } // Otherwise, start a new `cur`, flushing any existing one. if (cur !== null) { out.push(cur); } cur = { startId: r.startId, endId: r.endId ?? r.startId, runStartId: r.runStartId, firstUncommitted: r.firstUncommitted, growing: r.growing, openId: r.openId, startTime90k: r.startTime90k, endTime90k: r.endTime90k, videoSamples: r.videoSamples, sampleFileBytes: r.sampleFileBytes, width: vse.width, height: vse.height, aspectWidth: vse.aspectWidth, aspectHeight: vse.aspectHeight, }; } if (cur !== null) { out.push(cur); } return out; } const frameRateFmt = new Intl.NumberFormat([], { maximumFractionDigits: 0, }); const sizeFmt = new Intl.NumberFormat([], { maximumFractionDigits: 1, }); interface State { /** * The range to display. * During loading, this can differ from the requested range. */ range90k: [number, number]; split90k?: number; response: { status: "skeleton" } | api.FetchResult; } interface RowProps extends TableRowProps { start: React.ReactNode; end: React.ReactNode; resolution: React.ReactNode; fps: React.ReactNode; storage: React.ReactNode; bitrate: React.ReactNode; } const Row = ({ start, end, resolution, fps, storage, bitrate, ...rest }: RowProps) => ( {start} {end} {resolution} {fps} {storage} {bitrate} ); /** * Creates a TableBody with a list of videos for a given * stream and range90k. * * Attempts to minimize reflows while loading. It leaves the existing content * (either nothing or a previous range) for a while before displaying a * skeleton. * * The parent is responsible for creating the greater table. * * When a video is clicked, calls setActiveRecording. */ const VideoList = ({ stream, range90k, split90k, trimStartAndEnd, setActiveRecording, formatTime, }: Props) => { const snackbars = useSnackbars(); const [state, setState] = React.useState(null); React.useEffect(() => { const abort = new AbortController(); const doFetch = async ( signal: AbortSignal, timerId: ReturnType, range90k: [number, number] ) => { const req: api.RecordingsRequest = { cameraUuid: stream.camera.uuid, stream: stream.streamType, startTime90k: range90k[0], endTime90k: range90k[1], split90k, }; let response = await api.recordings(req, { signal }); clearTimeout(timerId); if (response.status === "success") { // Sort recordings in descending order. response.response.recordings.sort((a, b) => b.startId - a.startId); setState({ range90k, split90k, response: { status: "success", response: combine(split90k, response.response), }, }); } else { setState({ range90k, split90k, response }); } }; if (range90k !== null) { const timerId = setTimeout( () => setState({ range90k, response: { status: "skeleton" } }), 1000 ); doFetch(abort.signal, timerId, range90k); return () => { abort.abort(); clearTimeout(timerId); }; } }, [range90k, split90k, snackbars, stream]); if (state === null) { return null; } let body; if (state.response.status === "skeleton") { body = ( } end={} resolution={} fps={} storage={} bitrate={} /> ); } else if (state.response.status === "error") { body = ( {state.response.message} ); } else if (state.response.status === "success") { const resp = state.response.response; body = resp.map((r: CombinedRecording) => { const durationSec = (r.endTime90k - r.startTime90k) / 90000; const rate = (r.sampleFileBytes / durationSec) * 0.000008; const start = trimStartAndEnd ? Math.max(r.startTime90k, state.range90k[0]) : r.startTime90k; const end = trimStartAndEnd ? Math.min(r.endTime90k, state.range90k[1]) : r.endTime90k; return ( setActiveRecording([stream, r])} start={formatTime(start)} end={formatTime(end)} resolution={`${r.width}x${r.height}`} fps={frameRateFmt.format(r.videoSamples / durationSec)} storage={`${sizeFmt.format(r.sampleFileBytes / 1048576)} MiB`} bitrate={`${sizeFmt.format(rate)} Mbps`} /> ); }); } return ( {stream.camera.shortName} {stream.streamType} {body} ); }; export default VideoList;