// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera network video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2021 The Moonfire NVR Authors; see AUTHORS and LICENSE.txt. // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-v3.0-or-later WITH GPL-3.0-linking-exception //! Sample file directory management. //! //! This mostly includes opening a directory and looking for recordings within it. //! Updates to the directory happen through [crate::writer]. mod reader; use crate::coding; use crate::db::CompositeId; use crate::schema; use base::{bail, err, Error}; use nix::sys::statvfs::Statvfs; use nix::{ fcntl::{FlockArg, OFlag}, sys::stat::Mode, NixPath, }; use protobuf::Message; use std::ffi::CStr; use std::fs; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::ops::Range; use std::os::fd::{AsFd, BorrowedFd}; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd}; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::warn; /// The fixed length of a directory's `meta` file. /// /// See `DirMeta` comments within `proto/schema.proto` for more explanation. const FIXED_DIR_META_LEN: usize = 512; /// A sample file directory. Typically one per physical disk drive. /// /// If the directory is used for writing, [crate::writer::start_syncer] should be /// called to start a background thread. This thread manages deleting files and /// writing new files. It synces the directory and commits these operations to /// the database in the correct order to maintain the invariants described in /// `design/schema.md`. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct SampleFileDir { /// The open file descriptor for the directory. The worker created by /// [crate::writer::start_syncer] uses it to create files and sync the /// directory. Other threads use it to open sample files for reading during /// video serving. pub(crate) fd: Arc, reader: reader::Reader, } /// The on-disk filename of a recording file within the sample file directory. /// This is the [`CompositeId`](crate::db::CompositeId) as 16 hexadigits. It's /// null-terminated so it can be passed to system calls without copying. pub(crate) struct CompositeIdPath([u8; 17]); impl CompositeIdPath { pub(crate) fn from(id: CompositeId) -> Self { let mut buf = [0u8; 17]; write!(&mut buf[..16], "{:016x}", id.0).expect("can't format id to pathname buf"); CompositeIdPath(buf) } } impl NixPath for CompositeIdPath { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { false } fn len(&self) -> usize { 16 } fn with_nix_path(&self, f: F) -> Result where F: FnOnce(&CStr) -> T, { let p = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(&self.0[..]).expect("no interior nuls"); Ok(f(p)) } } /// A file descriptor associated with a directory (not necessarily the sample file dir). #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Fd(std::os::unix::io::RawFd); impl AsFd for Fd { fn as_fd(&self) -> std::os::unix::prelude::BorrowedFd<'_> { unsafe { BorrowedFd::borrow_raw(self.0) } } } impl Drop for Fd { fn drop(&mut self) { if let Err(err) = nix::unistd::close(self.0) { warn!(%err, "unable to close sample file dir"); } } } impl Fd { /// Opens the given path as a directory. pub fn open(path: &P, mkdir: bool) -> Result { if mkdir { match nix::unistd::mkdir(path, nix::sys::stat::Mode::S_IRWXU) { Ok(()) | Err(nix::Error::EEXIST) => {} Err(e) => return Err(e), } } let fd = nix::fcntl::open(path, OFlag::O_DIRECTORY | OFlag::O_RDONLY, Mode::empty())?; Ok(Fd(fd)) } /// `fsync`s this directory, causing all file metadata to be committed to permanent storage. pub(crate) fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), nix::Error> { nix::unistd::fsync(self.0) } /// Locks the directory with the specified `flock` operation. pub fn lock(&self, arg: FlockArg) -> Result<(), nix::Error> { nix::fcntl::flock(self.0, arg) } /// Returns information about the filesystem on which this directory lives. pub fn statfs(&self) -> Result { nix::sys::statvfs::fstatvfs(self) } } /// Reads `dir`'s metadata. If none is found, returns an empty proto. pub(crate) fn read_meta(dir: &Fd) -> Result { let mut meta = schema::DirMeta::default(); let mut f = match crate::fs::openat(dir.0, c"meta", OFlag::O_RDONLY, Mode::empty()) { Err(e) => { if e == nix::Error::ENOENT { return Ok(meta); } return Err(e.into()); } Ok(f) => f, }; let mut data = Vec::new(); f.read_to_end(&mut data)?; let (len, pos) = coding::decode_varint32(&data, 0) .map_err(|_| err!(DataLoss, msg("Unable to decode varint length in meta file")))?; if data.len() != FIXED_DIR_META_LEN || len as usize + pos > FIXED_DIR_META_LEN { bail!( DataLoss, msg( "Expected a {}-byte file with a varint length of a DirMeta message; got \ a {}-byte file with length {}", FIXED_DIR_META_LEN, data.len(), len, ), ); } let data = &data[pos..pos + len as usize]; let mut s = protobuf::CodedInputStream::from_bytes(data); meta.merge_from(&mut s) .map_err(|e| err!(DataLoss, msg("Unable to parse metadata proto"), source(e)))?; Ok(meta) } /// Writes `dirfd`'s metadata, clobbering existing data. pub(crate) fn write_meta(dirfd: RawFd, meta: &schema::DirMeta) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut data = meta .write_length_delimited_to_bytes() .expect("proto3->vec is infallible"); if data.len() > FIXED_DIR_META_LEN { bail!( Internal, msg( "length-delimited DirMeta message requires {} bytes, over limit of {}", data.len(), FIXED_DIR_META_LEN, ), ); } data.resize(FIXED_DIR_META_LEN, 0); // pad to required length. let mut f = crate::fs::openat( dirfd, c"meta", OFlag::O_CREAT | OFlag::O_WRONLY, Mode::S_IRUSR | Mode::S_IWUSR, ) .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to open meta file")))?; let stat = f .metadata() .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to stat meta file")))?; if stat.len() == 0 { // Need to sync not only the data but also the file metadata and dirent. f.write_all(&data) .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to write to meta file")))?; f.sync_all() .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to sync meta file")))?; nix::unistd::fsync(dirfd).map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to sync dir")))?; } else if stat.len() == FIXED_DIR_META_LEN as u64 { // Just syncing the data will suffice; existing metadata and dirent are fine. f.write_all(&data) .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to write to meta file")))?; f.sync_data() .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to sync meta file")))?; } else { bail!( DataLoss, msg( "existing meta file is {}-byte; expected {}", stat.len(), FIXED_DIR_META_LEN, ), ); } Ok(()) } impl SampleFileDir { /// Opens the directory using the given metadata. /// /// `db_meta.in_progress_open` should be filled if the directory should be opened in read/write /// mode; absent in read-only mode. pub fn open(path: &Path, expected_meta: &schema::DirMeta) -> Result, Error> { let read_write = expected_meta.in_progress_open.is_some(); let s = SampleFileDir::open_self(path, false)?; s.fd.lock(if read_write { FlockArg::LockExclusiveNonblock } else { FlockArg::LockSharedNonblock }) .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to lock dir {}", path.display())))?; let dir_meta = read_meta(&s.fd).map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to read meta file")))?; if let Err(e) = SampleFileDir::check_consistent(expected_meta, &dir_meta) { bail!( Internal, msg( "metadata mismatch\nexpected:\n{expected_meta:#?}\n\nactual:\n\ {dir_meta:#?}", ), source(e), ); } if expected_meta.in_progress_open.is_some() { s.write_meta(expected_meta)?; } Ok(s) } /// Checks that the existing directory and database metadata are consistent; the directory /// is then openable. pub(crate) fn check_consistent( expected_meta: &schema::DirMeta, actual_meta: &schema::DirMeta, ) -> Result<(), String> { if actual_meta.db_uuid != expected_meta.db_uuid { return Err("db uuid mismatch".into()); } if actual_meta.dir_uuid != expected_meta.dir_uuid { return Err("dir uuid mismatch".into()); } if expected_meta.last_complete_open.is_some() && (expected_meta.last_complete_open != actual_meta.last_complete_open && expected_meta.last_complete_open != actual_meta.in_progress_open) { return Err(format!( "expected open {:?}; but got {:?} (complete) or {:?} (in progress)", &expected_meta.last_complete_open, &actual_meta.last_complete_open, &actual_meta.in_progress_open, )); } if expected_meta.last_complete_open.is_none() && actual_meta.last_complete_open.is_some() { return Err("expected never opened".into()); } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn create( path: &Path, db_meta: &schema::DirMeta, ) -> Result, Error> { let s = SampleFileDir::open_self(path, true)?; s.fd.lock(FlockArg::LockExclusiveNonblock) .map_err(|e| err!(e, msg("unable to lock dir {}", path.display())))?; let old_meta = read_meta(&s.fd)?; // Verify metadata. We only care that it hasn't been completely opened. // Partial opening by this or another database is fine; we won't overwrite anything. if old_meta.last_complete_open.is_some() { bail!( FailedPrecondition, msg( "can't create dir at path {}: is already in use:\n{:?}", path.display(), old_meta, ), ); } if !s.is_empty()? { bail!( FailedPrecondition, msg( "can't create dir at path {} with existing files", path.display(), ), ); } s.write_meta(db_meta)?; Ok(s) } pub(crate) fn opendir(&self) -> Result { nix::dir::Dir::openat( self.fd.as_fd().as_raw_fd(), ".", OFlag::O_DIRECTORY | OFlag::O_RDONLY, Mode::empty(), ) } /// Determines if the directory is empty, aside form metadata. pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> Result { let mut dir = self.opendir()?; for e in dir.iter() { let e = e?; match e.file_name().to_bytes() { b"." | b".." => continue, b"meta" => continue, // existing metadata is fine. _ => return Ok(false), } } Ok(true) } fn open_self(path: &Path, create: bool) -> Result, Error> { let fd = Arc::new(Fd::open(path, create)?); let reader = reader::Reader::spawn(path, fd.clone()); Ok(Arc::new(SampleFileDir { fd, reader })) } /// Opens the given sample file for reading. pub fn open_file(&self, composite_id: CompositeId, range: Range) -> reader::FileStream { self.reader.open_file(composite_id, range) } pub fn create_file(&self, composite_id: CompositeId) -> Result { let p = CompositeIdPath::from(composite_id); crate::fs::openat( self.fd.0, &p, OFlag::O_WRONLY | OFlag::O_EXCL | OFlag::O_CREAT, Mode::S_IRUSR | Mode::S_IWUSR, ) } pub(crate) fn write_meta(&self, meta: &schema::DirMeta) -> Result<(), Error> { write_meta(self.fd.0, meta) } pub fn statfs(&self) -> Result { self.fd.statfs() } /// Unlinks the given sample file within this directory. pub(crate) fn unlink_file(&self, id: CompositeId) -> Result<(), nix::Error> { let p = CompositeIdPath::from(id); nix::unistd::unlinkat(Some(self.fd.0), &p, nix::unistd::UnlinkatFlags::NoRemoveDir) } /// Syncs the directory itself. pub(crate) fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), nix::Error> { self.fd.sync() } } /// Parses a composite id filename. /// /// These are exactly 16 bytes, lowercase hex, as created by [CompositeIdPath]. pub(crate) fn parse_id(id: &[u8]) -> Result { if id.len() != 16 { return Err(()); } let mut v: u64 = 0; for b in id { v = (v << 4) | match b { b @ b'0'..=b'9' => b - b'0', b @ b'a'..=b'f' => b - b'a' + 10, _ => return Err(()), } as u64; } Ok(CompositeId(v as i64)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn parse_id() { use super::parse_id; assert_eq!(parse_id(b"0000000000000000").unwrap().0, 0); assert_eq!(parse_id(b"0000000100000002").unwrap().0, 0x0000000100000002); parse_id(b"").unwrap_err(); parse_id(b"meta").unwrap_err(); parse_id(b"0").unwrap_err(); parse_id(b"000000010000000x").unwrap_err(); } /// Ensures that a DirMeta with all fields filled fits within the maximum size. #[test] fn max_len_meta() { let mut meta = schema::DirMeta::new(); let fake_uuid = &[0u8; 16][..]; meta.db_uuid.extend_from_slice(fake_uuid); meta.dir_uuid.extend_from_slice(fake_uuid); { let o = meta.last_complete_open.mut_or_insert_default(); o.id = u32::max_value(); o.uuid.extend_from_slice(fake_uuid); } { let o = meta.in_progress_open.mut_or_insert_default(); o.id = u32::max_value(); o.uuid.extend_from_slice(fake_uuid); } let data = meta .write_length_delimited_to_bytes() .expect("proto3->vec is infallible"); assert!( data.len() <= FIXED_DIR_META_LEN, "{} vs {}", data.len(), FIXED_DIR_META_LEN ); } }