// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder. // Copyright (C) 2018 Scott Lamb // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give // permission to link the code of portions of this program with the // OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each // individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including // the two. // // You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all // of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this // exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the // file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do // so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete // this exception statement from all source files in the program, then // also delete it here. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . /// Upgrades a version 1 schema to a version 2 schema. use crate::dir; use failure::{Error, bail, format_err}; use libc; use rusqlite::types::ToSql; use crate::schema::DirMeta; use std::fs; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; use uuid::Uuid; pub fn run(args: &super::Args, tx: &rusqlite::Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> { let sample_file_path = args.flag_sample_file_dir .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("--sample-file-dir required when upgrading from \ schema version 1 to 2."))?; let d = dir::Fd::open(sample_file_path, false)?; d.lock(libc::LOCK_EX | libc::LOCK_NB)?; verify_dir_contents(sample_file_path, tx)?; // These create statements match the schema.sql when version 2 was the latest. tx.execute_batch(r#" create table meta ( uuid blob not null check (length(uuid) = 16) ); create table open ( id integer primary key, uuid blob unique not null check (length(uuid) = 16), start_time_90k integer, end_time_90k integer, duration_90k integer ); create table sample_file_dir ( id integer primary key, path text unique not null, uuid blob unique not null check (length(uuid) = 16), last_complete_open_id integer references open (id) ); create table user ( id integer primary key, username unique not null, flags integer not null, password_hash text, password_id integer not null default 0, password_failure_count integer not null default 0, unix_uid integer ); create table user_session ( session_id_hash blob primary key not null, user_id integer references user (id) not null, seed blob not null, flags integer not null, domain text, description text, creation_password_id integer, creation_time_sec integer not null, creation_user_agent text, creation_peer_addr blob, revocation_time_sec integer, revocation_user_agent text, revocation_peer_addr blob, revocation_reason integer, revocation_reason_detail text, last_use_time_sec integer, last_use_user_agent text, last_use_peer_addr blob, use_count not null default 0 ) without rowid; "#)?; let db_uuid = ::uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let db_uuid_bytes = &db_uuid.as_bytes()[..]; tx.execute("insert into meta (uuid) values (?)", &[&db_uuid_bytes])?; let open_uuid = ::uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let open_uuid_bytes = &open_uuid.as_bytes()[..]; tx.execute("insert into open (uuid) values (?)", &[&open_uuid_bytes])?; let open_id = tx.last_insert_rowid() as u32; let dir_uuid = ::uuid::Uuid::new_v4(); let dir_uuid_bytes = &dir_uuid.as_bytes()[..]; // Write matching metadata to the directory. let mut meta = DirMeta::default(); { meta.db_uuid.extend_from_slice(db_uuid_bytes); meta.dir_uuid.extend_from_slice(dir_uuid_bytes); let open = meta.mut_last_complete_open(); open.id = open_id; open.uuid.extend_from_slice(&open_uuid_bytes); } dir::write_meta(&d, &meta)?; tx.execute(r#" insert into sample_file_dir (path, uuid, last_complete_open_id) values (?, ?, ?) "#, &[&sample_file_path as &dyn ToSql, &dir_uuid_bytes, &open_id])?; tx.execute_batch(r#" drop table reserved_sample_files; alter table camera rename to old_camera; alter table recording rename to old_recording; alter table video_sample_entry rename to old_video_sample_entry; drop index recording_cover; create table camera ( id integer primary key, uuid blob unique not null check (length(uuid) = 16), short_name text not null, description text, host text, username text, password text ); create table stream ( id integer primary key, camera_id integer not null references camera (id), sample_file_dir_id integer references sample_file_dir (id), type text not null check (type in ('main', 'sub')), record integer not null check (record in (1, 0)), rtsp_path text not null, retain_bytes integer not null check (retain_bytes >= 0), flush_if_sec integer not null, next_recording_id integer not null check (next_recording_id >= 0), unique (camera_id, type) ); create table recording ( composite_id integer primary key, stream_id integer not null references stream (id), open_id integer not null, run_offset integer not null, flags integer not null, sample_file_bytes integer not null check (sample_file_bytes > 0), start_time_90k integer not null check (start_time_90k > 0), duration_90k integer not null check (duration_90k >= 0 and duration_90k < 5*60*90000), video_samples integer not null check (video_samples > 0), video_sync_samples integer not null check (video_sync_samples > 0), video_sample_entry_id integer references video_sample_entry (id), check (composite_id >> 32 = stream_id) ); create index recording_cover on recording ( stream_id, start_time_90k, open_id, duration_90k, video_samples, video_sync_samples, video_sample_entry_id, sample_file_bytes, run_offset, flags ); create table recording_integrity ( composite_id integer primary key references recording (composite_id), local_time_delta_90k integer, local_time_since_open_90k integer, wall_time_delta_90k integer, sample_file_sha1 blob check (length(sample_file_sha1) <= 20) ); create table video_sample_entry ( id integer primary key, sha1 blob unique not null check (length(sha1) = 20), width integer not null check (width > 0), height integer not null check (height > 0), rfc6381_codec text not null, data blob not null check (length(data) > 86) ); create table garbage ( sample_file_dir_id integer references sample_file_dir (id), composite_id integer, primary key (sample_file_dir_id, composite_id) ) without rowid; insert into camera select id, uuid, short_name, description, host, username, password from old_camera; -- Insert main streams using the same id as the camera, to ease changing recordings. insert into stream select old_camera.id, old_camera.id, sample_file_dir.id, 'main', 1, old_camera.main_rtsp_path, old_camera.retain_bytes, 0, old_camera.next_recording_id from old_camera cross join sample_file_dir; -- Insert sub stream (if path is non-empty) using any id. insert into stream (camera_id, sample_file_dir_id, type, record, rtsp_path, retain_bytes, flush_if_sec, next_recording_id) select old_camera.id, sample_file_dir.id, 'sub', 0, old_camera.sub_rtsp_path, 0, 90, 1 from old_camera cross join sample_file_dir where old_camera.sub_rtsp_path != ''; "#)?; // Add the new video_sample_entry rows, before inserting the recordings referencing them. fix_video_sample_entry(tx)?; tx.execute_batch(r#" insert into recording select r.composite_id, r.camera_id, o.id, r.run_offset, r.flags, r.sample_file_bytes, r.start_time_90k, r.duration_90k, r.video_samples, r.video_sync_samples, r.video_sample_entry_id from old_recording r cross join open o; insert into recording_integrity (composite_id, local_time_delta_90k, sample_file_sha1) select r.composite_id, case when r.run_offset > 0 then local_time_delta_90k else null end, p.sample_file_sha1 from old_recording r join recording_playback p on (r.composite_id = p.composite_id); "#)?; Ok(()) } /// Ensures the sample file directory has the expected contents. /// Among other problems, this catches a fat-fingered `--sample-file-dir`. /// The expected contents are: /// /// * required: recording uuids. /// * optional: reserved sample file uuids. /// * optional: meta and meta-tmp from half-completed update attempts. /// * forbidden: anything else. fn verify_dir_contents(sample_file_path: &str, tx: &rusqlite::Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> { // Build a hash of the uuids found in the directory. let n: i64 = tx.query_row(r#" select a.c + b.c from (select count(*) as c from recording) a, (select count(*) as c from reserved_sample_files) b; "#, &[] as &[&dyn ToSql], |r| r.get(0))?; let mut files = ::fnv::FnvHashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(n as usize, Default::default()); for e in fs::read_dir(sample_file_path)? { let e = e?; let f = e.file_name(); match f.as_bytes() { b"." | b".." => continue, b"meta" | b"meta-tmp" => { // Ignore metadata files. These might from a half-finished update attempt. // If the directory is actually an in-use >v3 format, other contents won't match. continue; }, _ => {}, }; let s = match f.to_str() { Some(s) => s, None => bail!("unexpected file {:?} in {:?}", f, sample_file_path), }; let uuid = match Uuid::parse_str(s) { Ok(u) => u, Err(_) => bail!("unexpected file {:?} in {:?}", f, sample_file_path), }; if s != uuid.to_hyphenated_ref().to_string() { // non-canonical form. bail!("unexpected file {:?} in {:?}", f, sample_file_path); } files.insert(uuid); } // Iterate through the database and check that everything has a matching file. { let mut stmt = tx.prepare(r"select sample_file_uuid from recording_playback")?; let mut rows = stmt.query(&[] as &[&dyn ToSql])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let uuid: crate::db::FromSqlUuid = row.get(0)?; if !files.remove(&uuid.0) { bail!("{} is missing from dir {}!", uuid.0, sample_file_path); } } } let mut stmt = tx.prepare(r"select uuid from reserved_sample_files")?; let mut rows = stmt.query(&[] as &[&dyn ToSql])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let uuid: crate::db::FromSqlUuid = row.get(0)?; files.remove(&uuid.0); } if !files.is_empty() { bail!("{} unexpected sample file uuids in dir {}: {:?}!", files.len(), sample_file_path, files); } Ok(()) } fn fix_video_sample_entry(tx: &rusqlite::Transaction) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut select = tx.prepare(r#" select id, sha1, width, height, data from old_video_sample_entry "#)?; let mut insert = tx.prepare(r#" insert into video_sample_entry values (:id, :sha1, :width, :height, :rfc6381_codec, :data) "#)?; let mut rows = select.query(&[] as &[&dyn ToSql])?; while let Some(row) = rows.next()? { let data: Vec = row.get(4)?; insert.execute_named(&[ (":id", &row.get::<_, i32>(0)?), (":sha1", &row.get::<_, Vec>(1)?), (":width", &row.get::<_, i32>(2)?), (":height", &row.get::<_, i32>(3)?), (":rfc6381_codec", &rfc6381_codec_from_sample_entry(&data)?), (":data", &data), ])?; } Ok(()) } // This previously lived in h264.rs. As of version 1, H.264 is the only supported codec. fn rfc6381_codec_from_sample_entry(sample_entry: &[u8]) -> Result { if sample_entry.len() < 99 || &sample_entry[4..8] != b"avc1" || &sample_entry[90..94] != b"avcC" { bail!("not a valid AVCSampleEntry"); } let profile_idc = sample_entry[103]; let constraint_flags_byte = sample_entry[104]; let level_idc = sample_entry[105]; Ok(format!("avc1.{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}", profile_idc, constraint_flags_byte, level_idc)) }