diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 355bf86..ccedc8a 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -71,7 +71,19 @@ install_programs(/bin FILES moonfire-nvr)
-foreach(test coding crypto h264 http moonfire-nvr mp4 recording sqlite string)
+ coding
+ crypto
+ h264
+ http
+ moonfire-db
+ moonfire-nvr
+ mp4
+ recording
+ sqlite
+ string)
+foreach(test ${MOONFIRE_NVR_TESTS})
add_executable(${test}-test ${test}-test.cc testutil.cc)
target_link_libraries(${test}-test GTest GMock moonfire-nvr-lib)
add_test(NAME ${test}-test
diff --git a/src/moonfire-db-test.cc b/src/moonfire-db-test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe6efa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/moonfire-db-test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
+// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
+// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
+// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
+// the two.
+// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
+// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
+// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
+// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
+// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
+// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
+// also delete it here.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// moonfire-db-test.cc: tests of the moonfire-db.h interface.
+#include "moonfire-db.h"
+#include "sqlite.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "testutil.h"
+using testing::_;
+using testing::HasSubstr;
+using testing::DoAll;
+using testing::Return;
+using testing::SetArgPointee;
+namespace moonfire_nvr {
+namespace {
+class MoonfireDbTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ MoonfireDbTest() {
+ tmpdir_ = PrepareTempDirOrDie("moonfire-db-test");
+ std::string error_message;
+ CHECK(db_.Open(StrCat(tmpdir_, "/db").c_str(),
+ << error_message;
+ std::string create_sql = ReadFileOrDie("../src/schema.sql");
+ DatabaseContext ctx(&db_);
+ CHECK(RunStatements(&ctx, create_sql, &error_message)) << error_message;
+ }
+ int64_t AddCamera(Uuid uuid, re2::StringPiece short_name) {
+ DatabaseContext ctx(&db_);
+ auto run = ctx.UseOnce(
+ R"(
+ insert into camera (uuid, short_name, retain_bytes)
+ values (:uuid, :short_name, :retain_bytes);
+ )");
+ run.BindBlob(":uuid", uuid.binary_view());
+ run.BindText(":short_name", short_name);
+ run.BindInt64(":retain_bytes", 42);
+ if (run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << run.error_message();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return ctx.last_insert_rowid();
+ }
+ void ExpectNoRecordings(Uuid camera_uuid) {
+ int rows = 0;
+ mdb_->ListCameras([&](const ListCamerasRow &row) {
+ ++rows;
+ EXPECT_EQ(camera_uuid, row.uuid);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, row.min_start_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, row.max_end_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, row.total_duration_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, row.total_sample_file_bytes);
+ return IterationControl::kContinue;
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, rows);
+ std::string error_message;
+ rows = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListCameraRecordings(
+ camera_uuid, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(),
+ [&](const ListCameraRecordingsRow &row) {
+ ++rows;
+ return IterationControl::kBreak;
+ },
+ &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, rows);
+ rows = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListMp4Recordings(
+ camera_uuid, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(),
+ [&](Recording &recording, const VideoSampleEntry &entry) {
+ ++rows;
+ return IterationControl::kBreak;
+ },
+ &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, rows);
+ }
+ void ExpectSingleRecording(Uuid camera_uuid, const Recording &recording,
+ const VideoSampleEntry &entry,
+ ListOldestSampleFilesRow *save_oldest_row) {
+ std::string error_message;
+ int rows = 0;
+ mdb_->ListCameras([&](const ListCamerasRow &row) {
+ ++rows;
+ EXPECT_EQ(camera_uuid, row.uuid);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.start_time_90k, row.min_start_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k, row.max_end_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k - recording.start_time_90k,
+ row.total_duration_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_bytes, row.total_sample_file_bytes);
+ return IterationControl::kContinue;
+ });
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, rows);
+ GetCameraRow camera_row;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->GetCamera(camera_uuid, &camera_row));
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.start_time_90k, camera_row.min_start_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k, camera_row.max_end_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k - recording.start_time_90k,
+ camera_row.total_duration_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_bytes, camera_row.total_sample_file_bytes);
+ rows = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListCameraRecordings(
+ camera_uuid, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(),
+ [&](const ListCameraRecordingsRow &row) {
+ ++rows;
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.start_time_90k, row.start_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k, row.end_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.video_samples, row.video_samples);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_bytes, row.sample_file_bytes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.sha1, row.video_sample_entry_sha1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.width, row.width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.height, row.height);
+ return IterationControl::kContinue;
+ },
+ &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, rows);
+ rows = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListOldestSampleFiles(
+ camera_uuid,
+ [&](const ListOldestSampleFilesRow &row) {
+ ++rows;
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.id, row.recording_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_uuid, row.sample_file_uuid);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k - recording.start_time_90k,
+ row.duration_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_bytes, row.sample_file_bytes);
+ *save_oldest_row = row;
+ return IterationControl::kContinue;
+ },
+ &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, rows);
+ rows = 0;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListMp4Recordings(
+ camera_uuid, 0, std::numeric_limits::max(),
+ [&](Recording &some_recording, const VideoSampleEntry &some_entry) {
+ ++rows;
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.id, some_recording.id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.camera_id, some_recording.camera_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_sha1,
+ some_recording.sample_file_sha1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_uuid,
+ some_recording.sample_file_uuid);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.video_sample_entry_id,
+ some_recording.video_sample_entry_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.start_time_90k, some_recording.start_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.end_time_90k, some_recording.end_time_90k);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.sample_file_bytes,
+ some_recording.sample_file_bytes);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.video_samples, some_recording.video_samples);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.video_sync_samples,
+ some_recording.video_sync_samples);
+ EXPECT_EQ(recording.video_index, some_recording.video_index);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.id, some_entry.id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.sha1, some_entry.sha1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.data, some_entry.data);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.width, some_entry.width);
+ EXPECT_EQ(entry.height, some_entry.height);
+ return IterationControl::kContinue;
+ },
+ &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, rows);
+ }
+ std::string tmpdir_;
+ Database db_;
+ std::unique_ptr mdb_;
+// Basic test of running some queries on an empty database.
+TEST_F(MoonfireDbTest, EmptyDatabase) {
+ std::string error_message;
+ mdb_.reset(new MoonfireDatabase);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mdb_->Init(&db_, &error_message)) << error_message;
+ mdb_->ListCameras([&](const ListCamerasRow &row) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "row unexpected";
+ return IterationControl::kBreak;
+ });
+ GetCameraRow get_camera_row;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mdb_->GetCamera(Uuid(), &get_camera_row));
+ mdb_->ListCameraRecordings(Uuid(), 0, std::numeric_limits::max(),
+ [&](const ListCameraRecordingsRow &row) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "row unexpected";
+ return IterationControl::kBreak;
+ },
+ &error_message));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(mdb_->ListMp4Recordings(
+ Uuid(), 0, std::numeric_limits::max(),
+ [&](Recording &recording, const VideoSampleEntry &entry) {
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "row unexpected";
+ return IterationControl::kBreak;
+ },
+ &error_message));
+// Basic test of the full lifecycle of recording.
+// Does not exercise many error cases.
+TEST_F(MoonfireDbTest, FullLifecycle) {
+ std::string error_message;
+ const char kCameraShortName[] = "testcam";
+ Uuid camera_uuid = GetRealUuidGenerator()->Generate();
+ int64_t camera_id = AddCamera(camera_uuid, kCameraShortName);
+ ASSERT_GT(camera_id, 0);
+ mdb_.reset(new MoonfireDatabase);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mdb_->Init(&db_, &error_message)) << error_message;
+ ExpectNoRecordings(camera_uuid);
+ std::vector reserved;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListReservedSampleFiles(&reserved, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_THAT(reserved, testing::IsEmpty());
+ std::vector uuids = mdb_->ReserveSampleFiles(2, &error_message);
+ ASSERT_THAT(uuids, testing::SizeIs(2)) << error_message;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListReservedSampleFiles(&reserved, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_THAT(reserved, testing::UnorderedElementsAre(uuids[0], uuids[1]));
+ VideoSampleEntry entry;
+ entry.sha1.resize(20);
+ entry.width = 768;
+ entry.height = 512;
+ entry.data.resize(100);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mdb_->InsertVideoSampleEntry(&entry, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ ASSERT_GT(entry.id, 0);
+ Recording recording;
+ recording.camera_id = camera_id;
+ recording.sample_file_uuid = GetRealUuidGenerator()->Generate();
+ recording.video_sample_entry_id = entry.id;
+ SampleIndexEncoder encoder;
+ encoder.Init(&recording, UINT64_C(1430006400) * kTimeUnitsPerSecond);
+ encoder.AddSample(kTimeUnitsPerSecond, 42, true);
+ // Inserting a recording should succeed and remove its uuid from the
+ // reserved table.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(mdb_->InsertRecording(&recording, &error_message));
+ EXPECT_THAT(error_message, testing::HasSubstr("not reserved"));
+ recording.sample_file_uuid = uuids.back();
+ recording.sample_file_sha1.resize(20);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mdb_->InsertRecording(&recording, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ ASSERT_GT(recording.id, 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListReservedSampleFiles(&reserved, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_THAT(reserved, testing::ElementsAre(uuids[0]));
+ // Queries should return the correct result (with caches updated on insert).
+ ListOldestSampleFilesRow oldest;
+ ExpectSingleRecording(camera_uuid, recording, entry, &oldest);
+ // Queries on a fresh database should return the correct result (with caches
+ // populated from existing database contents).
+ mdb_.reset(new MoonfireDatabase);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mdb_->Init(&db_, &error_message)) << error_message;
+ ExpectSingleRecording(camera_uuid, recording, entry, &oldest);
+ // Deleting a recording should succeed, update the min/max times, and mark
+ // the uuid as reserved.
+ std::vector to_delete;
+ to_delete.push_back(oldest);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(mdb_->DeleteRecordings(to_delete, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListReservedSampleFiles(&reserved, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_THAT(reserved, testing::UnorderedElementsAre(uuids[0], uuids[1]));
+ LOG(INFO) << "after delete";
+ ExpectNoRecordings(camera_uuid);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->MarkSampleFilesDeleted(uuids, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mdb_->ListReservedSampleFiles(&reserved, &error_message))
+ << error_message;
+ EXPECT_THAT(reserved, testing::IsEmpty());
+} // namespace
+} // namespace moonfire_nvr
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ FLAGS_alsologtostderr = true;
+ google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
+ testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
+ google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]);
+ return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
diff --git a/src/moonfire-db.cc b/src/moonfire-db.cc
index ffbc3e4..7e77a39 100644
--- a/src/moonfire-db.cc
+++ b/src/moonfire-db.cc
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
// along with this program. If not, see .
// moonfire-db.cc: implementation of moonfire-db.h interface.
+// see top-level comments there on performance & efficiency.
#include "moonfire-db.h"
@@ -42,188 +43,336 @@
namespace moonfire_nvr {
-bool MoonfireDatabase::Init(std::string *error_message) {
- list_cameras_query_ = db_->Prepare(
- R"(
- select
- camera.id,
- camera.uuid,
- camera.short_name,
- camera.description,
- camera.retain_bytes,
- min(recording.start_time_90k),
- max(recording.end_time_90k),
- sum(recording.end_time_90k - recording.start_time_90k),
- sum(recording.sample_file_bytes)
- from
- camera
- left join recording on
- (camera.id = recording.camera_id and
- recording.status = 1)
- group by
- camera.id,
- camera.uuid,
- camera.short_name,
- camera.description,
- camera.retain_bytes;
- )",
- nullptr, error_message);
- if (!list_cameras_query_.valid()) {
- return false;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::Init(Database *db, std::string *error_message) {
+ CHECK(db_ == nullptr);
+ db_ = db;
+ {
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ // This query scans the entirety of the recording table's index.
+ // It is quite slow, so the results are cached.
+ auto list_cameras_run = ctx.UseOnce(
+ R"(
+ select
+ camera.id,
+ camera.uuid,
+ camera.short_name,
+ camera.description,
+ camera.retain_bytes,
+ min(recording.start_time_90k),
+ max(recording.start_time_90k + recording.duration_90k),
+ sum(recording.duration_90k),
+ sum(recording.sample_file_bytes)
+ from
+ camera
+ left join recording on (camera.id = recording.camera_id)
+ group by
+ camera.id,
+ camera.uuid,
+ camera.short_name,
+ camera.description,
+ camera.retain_bytes;
+ )");
+ while (list_cameras_run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ CameraData data;
+ data.id = list_cameras_run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ Uuid uuid;
+ if (!uuid.ParseBinary(list_cameras_run.ColumnBlob(1))) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("bad uuid ", ToHex(list_cameras_run.ColumnBlob(2)),
+ " for camera id ", data.id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ data.short_name = list_cameras_run.ColumnText(2).as_string();
+ data.description = list_cameras_run.ColumnText(3).as_string();
+ data.retain_bytes = list_cameras_run.ColumnInt64(4);
+ data.min_start_time_90k = list_cameras_run.ColumnType(5) == SQLITE_NULL
+ ? -1
+ : list_cameras_run.ColumnInt64(5);
+ data.max_end_time_90k = list_cameras_run.ColumnType(6) == SQLITE_NULL
+ ? -1
+ : list_cameras_run.ColumnInt64(6);
+ data.total_duration_90k = list_cameras_run.ColumnInt64(7);
+ data.total_sample_file_bytes = list_cameras_run.ColumnInt64(8);
+ auto ret = cameras_by_uuid_.insert(std::make_pair(uuid, data));
+ if (!ret.second) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("Duplicate camera uuid ", uuid.UnparseText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ CameraData *data_p = &ret.first->second;
+ if (!cameras_by_id_.insert(std::make_pair(data.id, data_p)).second) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("Duplicate camera id ", data.id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (list_cameras_run.status() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("Camera list query failed: ",
+ list_cameras_run.error_message());
+ }
+ // It's simplest to just keep the video sample entries in RAM.
+ auto video_sample_entries_run = ctx.UseOnce(
+ R"(
+ select
+ id,
+ sha1,
+ width,
+ height,
+ data
+ from
+ video_sample_entry
+ )");
+ while (video_sample_entries_run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ VideoSampleEntry entry;
+ entry.id = video_sample_entries_run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ entry.sha1 = video_sample_entries_run.ColumnBlob(1).as_string();
+ int64_t width_tmp = video_sample_entries_run.ColumnInt64(2);
+ int64_t height_tmp = video_sample_entries_run.ColumnInt64(3);
+ auto max = std::numeric_limits::max();
+ if (width_tmp <= 0 || width_tmp > max || height_tmp <= 0 ||
+ height_tmp > max) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("video_sample_entry id ", entry.id, " width ", width_tmp,
+ " / height ", height_tmp, " out of range.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ entry.width = width_tmp;
+ entry.height = height_tmp;
+ entry.data = video_sample_entries_run.ColumnBlob(4).as_string();
+ video_sample_entries_.insert(std::make_pair(entry.id, entry)).second)
+ << "duplicate: " << entry.id;
+ }
- get_camera_query_ = db_->Prepare(
- R"(
- select
- uuid,
- short_name,
- description,
- retain_bytes
- from
- camera
- where
- id = :camera_id;)",
- nullptr, error_message);
- if (!get_camera_query_.valid()) {
- return false;
- }
- list_camera_recordings_query_ = db_->Prepare(
+ std::string list_camera_recordings_sql = StrCat(
- recording.end_time_90k,
+ recording.duration_90k,
- recording.video_sample_entry_sha1,
- video_sample_entry.width,
- video_sample_entry.height
+ recording.video_sample_entry_id
- join video_sample_entry on
- (recording.video_sample_entry_sha1 = video_sample_entry.sha1)
- recording.status = 1 and
- camera_id = :camera_id
+ camera_id = :camera_id and
+ recording.start_time_90k > :start_time_90k - )",
+ kMaxRecordingDuration, " and\n",
+ R"(
+ recording.start_time_90k < :end_time_90k and
+ recording.start_time_90k + recording.duration_90k > :start_time_90k
order by
- recording.start_time_90k;)",
- nullptr, error_message);
- if (!list_camera_recordings_query_.valid()) {
+ recording.start_time_90k desc;)");
+ list_camera_recordings_stmt_ =
+ db_->Prepare(list_camera_recordings_sql, nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!list_camera_recordings_stmt_.valid()) {
return false;
std::string build_mp4_sql = StrCat(
- recording.rowid,
+ recording.id,
- recording.end_time_90k,
+ recording.duration_90k,
- recording.video_sample_entry_sha1,
- video_sample_entry.bytes,
- video_sample_entry.width,
- video_sample_entry.height
+ recording.video_sample_entry_id
- recording join video_sample_entry on
- (recording.video_sample_entry_sha1 = video_sample_entry.sha1)
+ recording
- recording.status = 1 and
camera_id = :camera_id and
recording.start_time_90k > :start_time_90k - )",
kMaxRecordingDuration, " and\n",
recording.start_time_90k < :end_time_90k and
- recording.end_time_90k > :start_time_90k
+ recording.start_time_90k + recording.duration_90k > :start_time_90k
order by
- build_mp4_query_ = db_->Prepare(build_mp4_sql, nullptr, error_message);
- if (!build_mp4_query_.valid()) {
+ build_mp4_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(build_mp4_sql, nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!build_mp4_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ insert_reservation_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(
+ "insert into reserved_sample_files (uuid, state)\n"
+ " values (:uuid, :state);",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!insert_reservation_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ delete_reservation_stmt_ =
+ db_->Prepare("delete from reserved_sample_files where uuid = :uuid;",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!delete_reservation_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ insert_video_sample_entry_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(
+ R"(
+ insert into video_sample_entry (sha1, width, height, data)
+ values (:sha1, :width, :height, :data);
+ )",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!insert_video_sample_entry_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ insert_recording_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(
+ R"(
+ insert into recording (camera_id, sample_file_bytes, start_time_90k,
+ duration_90k, video_samples, video_sync_samples,
+ video_sample_entry_id, sample_file_uuid,
+ sample_file_sha1, video_index)
+ values (:camera_id, :sample_file_bytes, :start_time_90k,
+ :duration_90k, :video_samples, :video_sync_samples,
+ :video_sample_entry_id, :sample_file_uuid,
+ :sample_file_sha1, :video_index);
+ )",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!insert_recording_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ list_oldest_sample_files_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(
+ R"(
+ select
+ id,
+ sample_file_uuid,
+ duration_90k,
+ sample_file_bytes
+ from
+ recording
+ where
+ camera_id = :camera_id
+ order by
+ start_time_90k
+ )",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!list_oldest_sample_files_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ delete_recording_stmt_ =
+ db_->Prepare("delete from recording where id = :recording_id;", nullptr,
+ error_message);
+ if (!delete_recording_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ camera_min_start_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(
+ R"(
+ select
+ start_time_90k
+ from
+ recording
+ where
+ camera_id = :camera_id
+ order by start_time_90k limit 1;
+ )",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!camera_min_start_stmt_.valid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ camera_max_start_stmt_ = db_->Prepare(
+ R"(
+ select
+ start_time_90k,
+ duration_90k
+ from
+ recording
+ where
+ camera_id = :camera_id
+ order by start_time_90k desc;
+ )",
+ nullptr, error_message);
+ if (!camera_max_start_stmt_.valid()) {
return false;
return true;
-bool MoonfireDatabase::ListCameras(
- std::function cb,
- std::string *error_message) {
+void MoonfireDatabase::ListCameras(
+ std::function cb) {
DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
- auto run = ctx.Borrow(&list_cameras_query_);
ListCamerasRow row;
- while (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
- row.id = run.ColumnInt64(0);
- if (!row.uuid.ParseBinary(run.ColumnBlob(1))) {
- *error_message = StrCat("invalid uuid in row id ", row.id);
- return false;
- }
- row.short_name = run.ColumnText(2).as_string();
- row.description = run.ColumnText(3).as_string();
- row.retain_bytes = run.ColumnInt64(4);
- row.min_recording_start_time_90k = run.ColumnInt64(5);
- row.max_recording_end_time_90k = run.ColumnInt64(6);
- row.total_recording_duration_90k = run.ColumnInt64(7);
- row.total_sample_file_bytes = run.ColumnInt64(8);
+ for (const auto &entry : cameras_by_uuid_) {
+ row.uuid = entry.first;
+ row.short_name = entry.second.short_name;
+ row.description = entry.second.description;
+ row.retain_bytes = entry.second.retain_bytes;
+ row.min_start_time_90k = entry.second.min_start_time_90k;
+ row.max_end_time_90k = entry.second.max_end_time_90k;
+ row.total_duration_90k = entry.second.total_duration_90k;
+ row.total_sample_file_bytes = entry.second.total_sample_file_bytes;
if (cb(row) == IterationControl::kBreak) {
- break;
+ return;
- if (run.status() != SQLITE_DONE) {
- *error_message = StrCat("sqlite query failed: ", run.error_message());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
+ return;
-bool MoonfireDatabase::GetCamera(int64_t camera_id, GetCameraRow *row,
- std::string *error_message) {
+bool MoonfireDatabase::GetCamera(Uuid camera_uuid, GetCameraRow *row) {
DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
- auto run = ctx.Borrow(&get_camera_query_);
- run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_id);
- if (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
- if (!row->uuid.ParseBinary(run.ColumnBlob(0))) {
- *error_message =
- StrCat("unable to parse uuid ", ToHex(run.ColumnBlob(0)));
- return false;
- }
- row->short_name = run.ColumnText(1).as_string();
- row->description = run.ColumnText(2).as_string();
- row->retain_bytes = run.ColumnInt64(3);
- } else if (run.status() == SQLITE_DONE) {
- *error_message = "no such camera";
- return false;
- }
- if (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
- *error_message = "multiple rows returned unexpectedly";
+ const auto it = cameras_by_uuid_.find(camera_uuid);
+ if (it == cameras_by_uuid_.end()) {
return false;
+ const CameraData &data = it->second;
+ row->short_name = data.short_name;
+ row->description = data.description;
+ row->retain_bytes = data.retain_bytes;
+ row->min_start_time_90k = data.min_start_time_90k;
+ row->max_end_time_90k = data.max_end_time_90k;
+ row->total_duration_90k = data.total_duration_90k;
+ row->total_sample_file_bytes = data.total_sample_file_bytes;
return true;
bool MoonfireDatabase::ListCameraRecordings(
- int64_t camera_id,
+ Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::function cb,
std::string *error_message) {
DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
- auto run = ctx.Borrow(&list_camera_recordings_query_);
- run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_id);
+ const auto camera_it = cameras_by_uuid_.find(camera_uuid);
+ if (camera_it == cameras_by_uuid_.end()) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("no such camera ", camera_uuid.UnparseText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto run = ctx.Borrow(&list_camera_recordings_stmt_);
+ run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_it->second.id);
+ run.BindInt64(":start_time_90k", start_time_90k);
+ run.BindInt64(":end_time_90k", end_time_90k);
ListCameraRecordingsRow row;
while (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
row.start_time_90k = run.ColumnInt64(0);
- row.end_time_90k = run.ColumnInt64(1);
+ row.end_time_90k = row.start_time_90k + run.ColumnInt64(1);
row.video_samples = run.ColumnInt64(2);
row.sample_file_bytes = run.ColumnInt64(3);
- auto video_sample_entry_sha1 = run.ColumnBlob(4);
- row.video_sample_entry_sha1.assign(video_sample_entry_sha1.data(),
- video_sample_entry_sha1.size());
- row.width = run.ColumnInt64(5);
- row.height = run.ColumnInt64(6);
+ int64_t video_sample_entry_id = run.ColumnInt64(4);
+ const auto it = video_sample_entries_.find(video_sample_entry_id);
+ if (it == video_sample_entries_.end()) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("recording references invalid video sample entry ",
+ video_sample_entry_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ const VideoSampleEntry &entry = it->second;
+ row.video_sample_entry_sha1 = entry.sha1;
+ row.width = entry.width;
+ row.height = entry.height;
if (cb(row) == IterationControl::kBreak) {
- break;
+ return true;
if (run.status() != SQLITE_DONE) {
@@ -234,27 +383,34 @@ bool MoonfireDatabase::ListCameraRecordings(
bool MoonfireDatabase::ListMp4Recordings(
- int64_t camera_id, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
+ Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message) {
VLOG(1) << "...(1/4): Waiting for database lock";
DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ const auto it = cameras_by_uuid_.find(camera_uuid);
+ if (it == cameras_by_uuid_.end()) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("no such camera ", camera_uuid.UnparseText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ const CameraData &data = it->second;
VLOG(1) << "...(2/4): Querying database";
- auto run = ctx.Borrow(&build_mp4_query_);
- run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_id);
+ auto run = ctx.Borrow(&build_mp4_stmt_);
+ run.BindInt64(":camera_id", data.id);
run.BindInt64(":end_time_90k", end_time_90k);
run.BindInt64(":start_time_90k", start_time_90k);
Recording recording;
VideoSampleEntry sample_entry;
while (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
- recording.rowid = run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ recording.id = run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ recording.camera_id = data.id;
recording.start_time_90k = run.ColumnInt64(1);
- recording.end_time_90k = run.ColumnInt64(2);
+ recording.end_time_90k = recording.start_time_90k + run.ColumnInt64(2);
recording.sample_file_bytes = run.ColumnInt64(3);
if (!recording.sample_file_uuid.ParseBinary(run.ColumnBlob(4))) {
*error_message =
- StrCat("recording ", recording.rowid, " has unparseable uuid ",
+ StrCat("recording ", recording.id, " has unparseable uuid ",
return false;
@@ -262,19 +418,23 @@ bool MoonfireDatabase::ListMp4Recordings(
recording.sample_file_sha1 = run.ColumnBlob(5).as_string();
- recording.video_sample_entry_sha1 = run.ColumnBlob(6).as_string();
- recording.video_index = run.ColumnBlob(7).as_string();
- recording.video_samples = run.ColumnInt64(8);
- recording.video_sync_samples = run.ColumnInt64(9);
+ recording.video_index = run.ColumnBlob(6).as_string();
+ recording.video_samples = run.ColumnInt64(7);
+ recording.video_sync_samples = run.ColumnInt64(8);
+ recording.video_sample_entry_id = run.ColumnInt64(9);
- if (recording.video_sample_entry_sha1 != sample_entry.sha1) {
- sample_entry.sha1 = run.ColumnBlob(6).as_string();
- sample_entry.data = run.ColumnBlob(10).as_string();
- sample_entry.width = run.ColumnInt64(11);
- sample_entry.height = run.ColumnInt64(12);
+ auto it = video_sample_entries_.find(recording.video_sample_entry_id);
+ if (it == video_sample_entries_.end()) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("recording ", recording.id,
+ " references unknown video sample entry ",
+ recording.video_sample_entry_id);
+ return false;
+ const VideoSampleEntry &entry = it->second;
- row_cb(recording, sample_entry);
+ if (row_cb(recording, entry) == IterationControl::kBreak) {
+ return true;
+ }
if (run.status() != SQLITE_DONE && run.status() != SQLITE_ROW) {
*error_message = StrCat("sqlite query failed: ", run.error_message());
@@ -283,10 +443,30 @@ bool MoonfireDatabase::ListMp4Recordings(
return true;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::ListReservedSampleFiles(std::vector *reserved,
+ std::string *error_message) {
+ reserved->clear();
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ auto run = ctx.UseOnce("select uuid from reserved_sample_files;");
+ while (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ Uuid uuid;
+ if (!uuid.ParseBinary(run.ColumnBlob(0))) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("unparseable uuid ", ToHex(run.ColumnBlob(0)));
+ return false;
+ }
+ reserved->push_back(uuid);
+ }
+ if (run.status() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ *error_message = run.error_message();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
std::shared_ptr MoonfireDatabase::BuildMp4(
- int64_t camera_id, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
+ Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Building mp4 for camera: " << camera_id
+ LOG(INFO) << "Building mp4 for camera: " << camera_uuid.UnparseText()
<< ", start_time_90k: " << start_time_90k
<< ", end_time_90k: " << end_time_90k;
@@ -315,11 +495,11 @@ std::shared_ptr MoonfireDatabase::BuildMp4(
next_row_start_time_90k = recording.end_time_90k;
- if (rows > 0 && recording.video_sample_entry_sha1 != sample_entry.sha1) {
+ if (rows > 0 && recording.video_sample_entry_id != sample_entry.id) {
*error_message =
- StrCat("inconsistent video sample entries: this recording has ",
- ToHex(recording.video_sample_entry_sha1), ", previous had ",
- ToHex(sample_entry.sha1));
+ StrCat("inconsistent video sample entries: this recording has id ",
+ recording.video_sample_entry_id, " previous had ",
+ sample_entry.id, " (sha1 ", ToHex(sample_entry.sha1), ")");
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
} else if (rows == 0) {
@@ -334,7 +514,7 @@ std::shared_ptr MoonfireDatabase::BuildMp4(
return IterationControl::kContinue;
if (!ok ||
- !ListMp4Recordings(camera_id, start_time_90k, end_time_90k, row_cb,
+ !ListMp4Recordings(camera_uuid, start_time_90k, end_time_90k, row_cb,
error_message)) {
return false;
@@ -362,4 +542,329 @@ std::shared_ptr MoonfireDatabase::BuildMp4(
return file;
+std::vector MoonfireDatabase::ReserveSampleFiles(
+ int n, std::string *error_message) {
+ if (n == 0) {
+ return std::vector();
+ }
+ auto *gen = GetRealUuidGenerator();
+ std::vector uuids;
+ uuids.reserve(n);
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ uuids.push_back(gen->Generate());
+ }
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ if (!ctx.BeginTransaction(error_message)) {
+ return std::vector();
+ }
+ for (const auto &uuid : uuids) {
+ auto run = ctx.Borrow(&insert_reservation_stmt_);
+ run.BindBlob(":uuid", uuid.binary_view());
+ run.BindInt64(":state", static_cast(ReservationState::kWriting));
+ if (run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ *error_message = run.error_message();
+ return std::vector();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ctx.CommitTransaction(error_message)) {
+ return std::vector();
+ }
+ return uuids;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::InsertVideoSampleEntry(VideoSampleEntry *entry,
+ std::string *error_message) {
+ if (entry->id != -1) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("video_sample_entry already has id ", entry->id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ for (const auto &some_entry : video_sample_entries_) {
+ if (some_entry.second.sha1 == entry->sha1) {
+ if (entry->width != some_entry.second.width ||
+ entry->height != some_entry.second.height) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("inconsistent entry for sha1 ", ToHex(entry->sha1),
+ ": existing entry has ", some_entry.second.width, "x",
+ some_entry.second.height, ", new entry has ", entry->width,
+ "x", entry->height);
+ return false;
+ }
+ entry->id = some_entry.first;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ auto insert_run = ctx.Borrow(&insert_video_sample_entry_stmt_);
+ insert_run.BindBlob(":sha1", entry->sha1);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":width", entry->width);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":height", entry->height);
+ insert_run.BindBlob(":data", entry->data);
+ if (insert_run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ *error_message = insert_run.error_message();
+ return false;
+ }
+ entry->id = ctx.last_insert_rowid();
+ CHECK(video_sample_entries_.insert(std::make_pair(entry->id, *entry)).second)
+ << "duplicate: " << entry->id;
+ return true;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::InsertRecording(Recording *recording,
+ std::string *error_message) {
+ if (recording->id != -1) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("recording already has id ", recording->id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (recording->end_time_90k <= recording->start_time_90k) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("end time ", recording->end_time_90k,
+ " must be greater than start time ", recording->start_time_90k);
+ return false;
+ }
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ auto it = cameras_by_id_.find(recording->camera_id);
+ if (it == cameras_by_id_.end()) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("no camera with id ", recording->camera_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ CameraData *camera_data = it->second;
+ if (!ctx.BeginTransaction(error_message)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto delete_run = ctx.Borrow(&delete_reservation_stmt_);
+ delete_run.BindBlob(":uuid", recording->sample_file_uuid.binary_view());
+ if (delete_run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ *error_message = delete_run.error_message();
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ctx.changes() != 1) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("uuid ", recording->sample_file_uuid.UnparseText(),
+ " is not reserved");
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto insert_run = ctx.Borrow(&insert_recording_stmt_);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":camera_id", recording->camera_id);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":sample_file_bytes", recording->sample_file_bytes);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":start_time_90k", recording->start_time_90k);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":duration_90k",
+ recording->end_time_90k - recording->start_time_90k);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":video_samples", recording->video_samples);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":video_sync_samples", recording->video_sync_samples);
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":video_sample_entry_id",
+ recording->video_sample_entry_id);
+ insert_run.BindBlob(":sample_file_uuid",
+ recording->sample_file_uuid.binary_view());
+ insert_run.BindBlob(":sample_file_sha1", recording->sample_file_sha1);
+ insert_run.BindBlob(":video_index", recording->video_index);
+ if (insert_run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "insert_run failed: " << insert_run.error_message();
+ *error_message = insert_run.error_message();
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!ctx.CommitTransaction(error_message)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "commit failed";
+ return false;
+ }
+ recording->id = ctx.last_insert_rowid();
+ if (camera_data->min_start_time_90k == -1 ||
+ camera_data->min_start_time_90k > recording->start_time_90k) {
+ camera_data->min_start_time_90k = recording->start_time_90k;
+ }
+ if (camera_data->max_end_time_90k == -1 ||
+ camera_data->max_end_time_90k < recording->end_time_90k) {
+ camera_data->max_end_time_90k = recording->end_time_90k;
+ }
+ camera_data->total_duration_90k +=
+ recording->end_time_90k - recording->start_time_90k;
+ camera_data->total_sample_file_bytes += recording->sample_file_bytes;
+ return true;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::ListOldestSampleFiles(
+ Uuid camera_uuid,
+ std::function row_cb,
+ std::string *error_message) {
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ auto it = cameras_by_uuid_.find(camera_uuid);
+ if (it == cameras_by_uuid_.end()) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("no such camera ", camera_uuid.UnparseText());
+ return false;
+ }
+ const CameraData &camera_data = it->second;
+ auto run = ctx.Borrow(&list_oldest_sample_files_stmt_);
+ run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_data.id);
+ ListOldestSampleFilesRow row;
+ while (run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ row.camera_id = camera_data.id;
+ row.recording_id = run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ if (!row.sample_file_uuid.ParseBinary(run.ColumnBlob(1))) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("recording ", row.recording_id, " has unparseable uuid ",
+ ToHex(run.ColumnBlob(1)));
+ return false;
+ }
+ row.duration_90k = run.ColumnInt64(2);
+ row.sample_file_bytes = run.ColumnInt64(3);
+ if (row_cb(row) == IterationControl::kBreak) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (run.status() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ *error_message = run.error_message();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::DeleteRecordings(
+ const std::vector &recordings,
+ std::string *error_message) {
+ if (recordings.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ if (!ctx.BeginTransaction(error_message)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct State {
+ int64_t deleted_duration_90k = 0;
+ int64_t deleted_sample_file_bytes = 0;
+ int64_t min_start_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t max_end_time_90k = -1;
+ CameraData *camera_data = nullptr;
+ };
+ std::map state_by_camera_id;
+ for (const auto &recording : recordings) {
+ State &state = state_by_camera_id[recording.camera_id];
+ state.deleted_duration_90k += recording.duration_90k;
+ state.deleted_sample_file_bytes += recording.sample_file_bytes;
+ auto delete_run = ctx.Borrow(&delete_recording_stmt_);
+ delete_run.BindInt64(":recording_id", recording.recording_id);
+ if (delete_run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ *error_message = StrCat("delete: ", delete_run.error_message());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ctx.changes() != 1) {
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ *error_message = StrCat("no such recording ", recording.recording_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto insert_run = ctx.Borrow(&insert_reservation_stmt_);
+ insert_run.BindBlob(":uuid", recording.sample_file_uuid.binary_view());
+ insert_run.BindInt64(":state",
+ static_cast(ReservationState::kDeleting));
+ if (insert_run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ *error_message = StrCat("insert: ", insert_run.error_message());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Recompute start and end times for each camera.
+ for (auto &state_entry : state_by_camera_id) {
+ int64_t camera_id = state_entry.first;
+ State &state = state_entry.second;
+ auto it = cameras_by_id_.find(camera_id);
+ if (it == cameras_by_id_.end()) {
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("internal error; can't find camera id ", camera_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ state.camera_data = it->second;
+ // The minimum is straightforward, taking advantage of the start_time_90k
+ // index for speed.
+ auto min_run = ctx.Borrow(&camera_min_start_stmt_);
+ min_run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_id);
+ if (min_run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW) {
+ state.min_start_time_90k = min_run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ } else if (min_run.Step() == SQLITE_DONE) {
+ // There are no recordings left.
+ state.min_start_time_90k = -1;
+ state.max_end_time_90k = -1;
+ continue; // skip additional query below to calculate max.
+ } else {
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ *error_message = StrCat("min: ", min_run.error_message());
+ return false;
+ }
+ // The maximum is less straightforward in the case of overlap - all
+ // recordings starting in the last kMaxRecordingDuration must be examined
+ // to take advantage of the start_time_90k index.
+ auto max_run = ctx.Borrow(&camera_max_start_stmt_);
+ max_run.BindInt64(":camera_id", camera_id);
+ if (max_run.Step() != SQLITE_ROW) {
+ // If there was a min row, there should be a max row too, so this is an
+ // error even in the SQLITE_DONE case.
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ *error_message = StrCat("max[0]: ", max_run.error_message());
+ return false;
+ }
+ int64_t max_start_90k = max_run.ColumnInt64(0);
+ do {
+ auto end_time_90k = max_run.ColumnInt64(0) + max_run.ColumnInt64(1);
+ state.max_end_time_90k = std::max(state.max_end_time_90k, end_time_90k);
+ } while (max_run.Step() == SQLITE_ROW &&
+ max_run.ColumnInt64(0) > max_start_90k - kMaxRecordingDuration);
+ if (max_run.status() != SQLITE_DONE && max_run.status() != SQLITE_ROW) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("max[1]: ", max_run.error_message());
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ctx.CommitTransaction(error_message)) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("commit: ", *error_message);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (auto &state_entry : state_by_camera_id) {
+ State &state = state_entry.second;
+ state.camera_data->total_duration_90k -= state.deleted_duration_90k;
+ state.camera_data->total_sample_file_bytes -=
+ state.deleted_sample_file_bytes;
+ state.camera_data->min_start_time_90k = state.min_start_time_90k;
+ state.camera_data->max_end_time_90k = state.max_end_time_90k;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MoonfireDatabase::MarkSampleFilesDeleted(const std::vector &uuids,
+ std::string *error_message) {
+ if (uuids.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ DatabaseContext ctx(db_);
+ if (!ctx.BeginTransaction(error_message)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const auto &uuid : uuids) {
+ auto run = ctx.Borrow(&delete_reservation_stmt_);
+ run.BindBlob(":uuid", uuid.binary_view());
+ if (run.Step() != SQLITE_DONE) {
+ *error_message = run.error_message();
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ctx.changes() != 1) {
+ *error_message = StrCat("no reservation for uuid ", uuid.UnparseText());
+ ctx.RollbackTransaction();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ctx.CommitTransaction(error_message)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
} // namespace moonfire_nvr
diff --git a/src/moonfire-db.h b/src/moonfire-db.h
index 5d57dd1..4b020e4 100644
--- a/src/moonfire-db.h
+++ b/src/moonfire-db.h
@@ -32,18 +32,30 @@
// Currently focused on stuff needed by WebInterface to build a HTML or JSON
// interface.
-// Performance note: camera-level operations do a sequential scan through
-// essentially the entire database. This is unacceptable for full-sized
-// databases; it will have to be measured and improved. Ideas:
+// This caches data in RAM, making the assumption that only one process is
+// accessing the database at a time. (TODO: enforce with flock or some such.)
+// Performance and efficiency notes:
-// * separate the video index blob from the rest of the recording row,
-// as it's expected to be 10X-100X larger than everything else and not
-// necessary for these operations.
-// * paged results + SQL indexes (but this may only help so much, as it'd be
-// useful to at least see what days have recordings in one go).
-// * keep aggregates, either in-memory or as denormalized data in the camera
-// table. Likely integrating with the recording system, although triggers
-// may also be possible.
+// * several query operations here feature row callbacks. The callback is
+// invoked with the database lock. Thus, the caller mustn't perform database
+// operations or other long-running operations.
+// * startup may be slow, as it scans the entire index for the recording
+// table. This seems acceptable.
+// * the operations used for web file serving should return results with
+// acceptable latency.
+// * however, the database lock may be held for longer than is acceptable for
+// the critical path of recording frames. It may be necessary to preallocate
+// sample file uuids and such to avoid this.
+// * the caller may need to perform several different types of write
+// operations in a row. It might be worth creating an interface for batching
+// these inside a transaction, to reduce latency and SSD write cycles. The
+// pre-commit and post-commit logic of each operation would have to be
+// pulled apart, with the latter being called by this wrapper class on
+// commit of the overall transaction.
@@ -51,6 +63,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "http.h"
@@ -62,28 +75,32 @@ namespace moonfire_nvr {
// For use with MoonfireDatabase::ListCameras.
struct ListCamerasRow {
- int64_t id = -1;
Uuid uuid;
std::string short_name;
std::string description;
int64_t retain_bytes = -1;
- // Aggregates summarizing completed (status=1) recordings.
- int64_t min_recording_start_time_90k = -1;
- int64_t max_recording_end_time_90k = -1;
- int64_t total_recording_duration_90k = -1;
+ // Aggregates summarizing completed recordings.
+ int64_t min_start_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t max_end_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t total_duration_90k = -1;
int64_t total_sample_file_bytes = -1;
// For use with MoonfireDatabase::GetCamera.
-// This is the same information as in ListCamerasRow minus the stuff
-// that's calculable from ListCameraRecordingsRow, which the camera details
-// webpage also grabs.
+// This includes everything in ListCamerasRow. In the future, it will include
+// more data. Likely, that will mean a list of calendar days (in the system
+// time zone) in which there is any data.
struct GetCameraRow {
- int64_t retain_bytes = -1;
- Uuid uuid;
std::string short_name;
std::string description;
+ int64_t retain_bytes = -1;
+ int64_t min_start_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t max_end_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t total_duration_90k = -1;
+ int64_t total_sample_file_bytes = -1;
+ // TODO: std::vector days; // keys: YYYY-mm-dd.
// For use with MoonfireDatabase::ListCameraRecordings.
@@ -93,53 +110,137 @@ struct ListCameraRecordingsRow {
int64_t end_time_90k = -1;
int64_t video_samples = -1;
int64_t sample_file_bytes = -1;
- std::string video_sample_entry_sha1;
// Joined from the video_sample_entry table.
- int64_t width = -1;
- int64_t height = -1;
+ // |video_sample_entry_sha1| is valid as long as the MoonfireDatabase.
+ re2::StringPiece video_sample_entry_sha1;
+ uint16_t width = 0;
+ uint16_t height = 0;
+// For use with MoonfireDatabase::ListOldestSampleFiles.
+struct ListOldestSampleFilesRow {
+ int64_t camera_id = -1;
+ int64_t recording_id = -1;
+ Uuid sample_file_uuid;
+ int64_t duration_90k = -1;
+ int64_t sample_file_bytes = -1;
+// Thread-safe after Init.
+// (Uses a DatabaseContext for locking.)
class MoonfireDatabase {
- explicit MoonfireDatabase(Database *db) : db_(db) {}
+ MoonfireDatabase() {}
MoonfireDatabase(const MoonfireDatabase &) = delete;
void operator=(const MoonfireDatabase &) = delete;
- bool Init(std::string *error_message);
+ // |db| must outlive the MoonfireDatabase.
+ bool Init(Database *db, std::string *error_message);
// List all cameras in the system, ordered by short name.
- // Holds database lock; callback should be quick.
- bool ListCameras(std::function cb,
- std::string *error_message);
+ void ListCameras(std::function cb);
- bool GetCamera(int64_t camera_id, GetCameraRow *row,
- std::string *error_message);
+ // Get a single camera.
+ // Return true iff the camera exists.
+ bool GetCamera(Uuid camera_uuid, GetCameraRow *row);
- // List all recordings associated with a camera, ordered by start time..
- // Holds database lock; callback should be quick.
+ // List all recordings associated with a camera, descending by end time.
bool ListCameraRecordings(
- int64_t camera_id,
+ Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message);
bool ListMp4Recordings(
- int64_t camera_id, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
+ Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message);
- std::shared_ptr BuildMp4(int64_t camera_id,
+ // TODO: more nuanced error code for HTTP.
+ // TODO: this should move somewhere that has access to the
+ // currently-writing Recording as well.
+ std::shared_ptr BuildMp4(Uuid camera_uuid,
int64_t start_time_90k,
int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message);
+ bool ListReservedSampleFiles(std::vector *reserved,
+ std::string *error_message);
+ // Reserve |n| new sample file uuids.
+ // Returns an empty vector on error.
+ std::vector ReserveSampleFiles(int n, std::string *error_message);
+ // Insert a video sample entry if not already inserted.
+ // On success, |entry->id| is filled in with the id of a freshly-created or
+ // existing row.
+ bool InsertVideoSampleEntry(VideoSampleEntry *entry,
+ std::string *error_message);
+ // Insert a new recording.
+ // The uuid must have been already reserved with ReserveSampleFileUuid above.
+ // On success, |recording->id| is filled in.
+ bool InsertRecording(Recording *recording, std::string *error_message);
+ // List sample files, starting from the oldest.
+ // The caller is expected to supply a |row_cb| that returns kBreak when
+ // enough have been listed.
+ bool ListOldestSampleFiles(
+ Uuid camera_uuid,
+ std::function row_cb,
+ std::string *error_message);
+ // Delete recording rows, moving their sample file uuids to the deleting
+ // state.
+ bool DeleteRecordings(const std::vector &rows,
+ std::string *error_message);
+ // Mark a set of sample files as deleted.
+ // This shouldn't be called until the files have been unlinke()ed and the
+ // parent directory fsync()ed.
+ // Returns error if any sample files are not in the deleting state.
+ bool MarkSampleFilesDeleted(const std::vector &uuids,
+ std::string *error_message);
- Database *const db_;
- Statement list_cameras_query_;
- Statement get_camera_query_;
- Statement list_camera_recordings_query_;
- Statement build_mp4_query_;
+ struct CameraData {
+ // Cached values of the matching fields from the camera row.
+ int64_t id = -1;
+ std::string short_name;
+ std::string description;
+ int64_t retain_bytes = -1;
+ // Aggregates of all recordings associated with the camera.
+ int64_t min_start_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t max_end_time_90k = -1;
+ int64_t total_sample_file_bytes = -1;
+ int64_t total_duration_90k = -1;
+ };
+ enum class ReservationState { kWriting = 0, kDeleting = 1 };
+ // Efficiently (re-)compute the bounds of recorded time for a given camera.
+ bool ComputeCameraRecordingBounds(DatabaseContext *ctx, int64_t camera_id,
+ int64_t *min_start_time_90k,
+ int64_t *max_end_time_90k,
+ std::string *error_message);
+ Database *db_ = nullptr;
+ Statement list_camera_recordings_stmt_;
+ Statement build_mp4_stmt_;
+ Statement insert_reservation_stmt_;
+ Statement delete_reservation_stmt_;
+ Statement insert_video_sample_entry_stmt_;
+ Statement insert_recording_stmt_;
+ Statement list_oldest_sample_files_stmt_;
+ Statement delete_recording_stmt_;
+ Statement camera_min_start_stmt_;
+ Statement camera_max_start_stmt_;
+ std::map cameras_by_uuid_;
+ std::map cameras_by_id_;
+ std::map video_sample_entries_;
} // namespace moonfire_nvr
diff --git a/src/moonfire-nvr-test.cc b/src/moonfire-nvr-test.cc
index 02dd813..d4b9cdd 100644
--- a/src/moonfire-nvr-test.cc
+++ b/src/moonfire-nvr-test.cc
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class StreamTest : public testing::Test {
env_.clock = &clock_;
env_.video_source = &video_source_;
env_.fs = GetRealFilesystem();
- clock_.Sleep({1430006400, 0}); // 2016-04-26 00:00:00 UTC
+ clock_.Sleep({1430006400, 0}); // 2015-04-26 00:00:00 UTC
diff --git a/src/mp4.cc b/src/mp4.cc
index 34261b7..6e08120 100644
--- a/src/mp4.cc
+++ b/src/mp4.cc
@@ -727,12 +727,11 @@ Mp4FileBuilder &Mp4FileBuilder::SetSampleEntry(const VideoSampleEntry &entry) {
std::shared_ptr Mp4FileBuilder::Build(std::string *error_message) {
int32_t sample_offset = 1;
for (auto &segment : segments_) {
- if (segment->recording.video_sample_entry_sha1 !=
- video_sample_entry_.sha1) {
- *error_message =
- StrCat("inconsistent video sample entries. builder has: ",
- ToHex(video_sample_entry_.sha1), ", segment has: ",
- ToHex(segment->recording.video_sample_entry_sha1));
+ if (segment->recording.video_sample_entry_id != video_sample_entry_.id) {
+ *error_message = StrCat(
+ "inconsistent video sample entries. builder has: ",
+ video_sample_entry_.id, " (sha1 ", ToHex(video_sample_entry_.sha1),
+ ", segment has: ", segment->recording.video_sample_entry_id);
return std::shared_ptr();
diff --git a/src/recording.h b/src/recording.h
index 13fa8f3..a60f858 100644
--- a/src/recording.h
+++ b/src/recording.h
@@ -55,16 +55,19 @@ constexpr int64_t kTimeUnitsPerSecond = 90000;
// This limit should be more than the normal rotation time,
// as recording doesn't happen until the next key frame.
// 5 minutes is generously more than 1 minute, but still sufficient to
-// allow the optimization to be useful.
+// allow the optimization to be useful. This value must match the CHECK
+// constraint on duration_90k in schema.sql.
constexpr int64_t kMaxRecordingDuration = 5 * 60 * kTimeUnitsPerSecond;
// Various fields from the "recording" table which are useful when viewing
// recordings.
struct Recording {
- int64_t rowid = -1;
+ int64_t id = -1;
+ int64_t camera_id = -1;
std::string sample_file_path;
std::string sample_file_sha1;
Uuid sample_file_uuid;
+ int64_t video_sample_entry_id = -1;
// Fields populated by SampleIndexEncoder.
int64_t start_time_90k = -1;
@@ -72,7 +75,6 @@ struct Recording {
int64_t sample_file_bytes = -1;
int64_t video_samples = -1;
int64_t video_sync_samples = -1;
- std::string video_sample_entry_sha1;
std::string video_index;
@@ -196,6 +198,7 @@ class SampleFileWriter {
struct VideoSampleEntry {
+ int64_t id = -1;
std::string sha1;
std::string data;
uint16_t width = 0;
diff --git a/src/schema.sql b/src/schema.sql
index d4672d5..241cf3f 100644
--- a/src/schema.sql
+++ b/src/schema.sql
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
-- schema.sql: SQLite3 database schema for Moonfire NVR.
-- See also design/schema.md.
-pragma journal_mode = wal;
+--pragma journal_mode = wal;
create table camera (
id integer primary key,
- uuid blob unique not null,
+ uuid blob unique,-- not null check (length(uuid) = 16),
-- A short name of the camera, used in log messages.
- short_name text not null,
+ short_name text,-- not null,
-- A short description of the camera.
description text,
@@ -63,45 +63,70 @@ create table camera (
-- The number of bytes of video to retain, excluding the currently-recording
-- file. Older files will be deleted as necessary to stay within this limit.
- retain_bytes integer
+ retain_bytes integer not null check (retain_bytes >= 0)
--- A single, typically 60-second, recorded segment of video.
+-- Each row represents a single completed recorded segment of video.
+-- Recordings are typically ~60 seconds; never more than 5 minutes.
create table recording (
id integer primary key,
camera_id integer references camera (id) not null,
- status integer not null, -- 0 (WRITING), 1 (WRITTEN), or 2 (DELETING)
+ sample_file_bytes integer not null check (sample_file_bytes > 0),
- sample_file_uuid blob unique not null,
- sample_file_sha1 blob,
- sample_file_bytes integer,
- -- The starting and ending time of the recording, in 90 kHz units since
+ -- The starting time of the recording, in 90 kHz units since
-- 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
- start_time_90k integer not null,
- end_time_90k integer,
+ start_time_90k integer not null check (start_time_90k > 0),
- video_samples integer,
- video_sync_samples integer,
- video_sample_entry_sha1 blob references video_sample_entry (sha1),
- video_index blob
+ -- The duration of the recording, in 90 kHz units.
+ duration_90k integer not null
+ check (duration_90k >= 0 and duration_90k < 5*60*90000),
+ video_samples integer not null check (video_samples > 0),
+ video_sync_samples integer not null check (video_samples > 0),
+ video_sample_entry_id integer references video_sample_entry (id),
+ sample_file_uuid blob not null check (length(sample_file_uuid) = 16),
+ sample_file_sha1 blob not null check (length(sample_file_sha1) = 20),
+ video_index blob not null check (length(video_index) > 0)
-create index recording_start_time_90k on recording (start_time_90k);
+create index recording_cover on recording (
+ -- Typical queries use "where camera_id = ? order by start_time_90k (desc)?".
+ camera_id,
+ start_time_90k,
+ -- These fields are not used for ordering; they cover most queries so
+ -- that only database verification and actual viewing of recordings need
+ -- to consult the underlying row.
+ duration_90k,
+ video_samples,
+ video_sample_entry_id,
+ sample_file_bytes
+-- Files in the sample file directory which may be present but should simply be
+-- discarded on startup. (Recordings which were never completed or have been
+-- marked for completion.)
+create table reserved_sample_files (
+ uuid blob primary key check (length(uuid) = 16),
+ state integer not null -- 0 (writing) or 1 (deleted)
+) without rowid;
-- A concrete box derived from a ISO/IEC 14496-12 section 8.5.2
-- VisualSampleEntry box. Describes the codec, width, height, etc.
create table video_sample_entry (
+ id integer primary key,
-- A SHA-1 hash of |bytes|.
- sha1 blob primary key,
+ sha1 blob unique not null check (length(sha1) = 20),
-- The width and height in pixels; must match values within
-- |sample_entry_bytes|.
- width integer,
- height integer,
+ width integer not null check (width > 0),
+ height integer not null check (height > 0),
- -- A serialized SampleEntry box, including the leading length and box
- -- type (avcC in the case of H.264).
- bytes blob
+ -- The serialized box, including the leading length and box type (avcC in
+ -- the case of H.264).
+ data blob not null check (length(data) > 86)
diff --git a/src/sqlite-test.cc b/src/sqlite-test.cc
index d727b55..20834c8 100644
--- a/src/sqlite-test.cc
+++ b/src/sqlite-test.cc
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ TEST_F(SqliteTest, BindAndColumn) {
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f};
re2::StringPiece blob_piece = re2::StringPiece(kBlob, sizeof(kBlob));
const char kText[] = "foo";
- const int64_t kInt64 = INT64_C(0xdeadbeeffeedface);
+ const int64_t kInt64 = INT64_C(0xbeeffeedface);
DatabaseContext ctx(&db_);
diff --git a/src/sqlite.cc b/src/sqlite.cc
index beca66c..d3108cd 100644
--- a/src/sqlite.cc
+++ b/src/sqlite.cc
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ bool DatabaseContext::BeginTransaction(std::string *error_message) {
int ret = sqlite3_reset(db_->begin_transaction_.me_);
if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
- *error_message = sqlite3_errstr(ret);
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("begin transaction: ", sqlite3_errstr(ret), " (", ret, ")");
return false;
transaction_open_ = true;
@@ -103,7 +104,8 @@ bool DatabaseContext::CommitTransaction(std::string *error_message) {
int ret = sqlite3_reset(db_->commit_transaction_.me_);
if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
- *error_message = sqlite3_errstr(ret);
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("commit transaction: ", sqlite3_errstr(ret), " (", ret, ")");
return false;
transaction_open_ = false;
@@ -118,7 +120,8 @@ void DatabaseContext::RollbackTransaction() {
int ret = sqlite3_reset(db_->rollback_transaction_.me_);
if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
- LOG(WARNING) << this << ": rollback failed: " << sqlite3_errstr(ret);
+ LOG(WARNING) << this << ": rollback failed: " << sqlite3_errstr(ret) << " ("
+ << ret << ")";
transaction_open_ = false;
@@ -137,26 +140,36 @@ RunningStatement DatabaseContext::UseOnce(re2::StringPiece sql) {
RunningStatement::RunningStatement(Statement *statement,
const std::string &deferred_error,
bool owns_statement)
- : statement_(statement),
- error_message_(deferred_error),
- owns_statement_(owns_statement) {
- CHECK(!statement->borrowed_) << "Statement already borrowed!";
- statement->borrowed_ = true;
+ : error_message_(deferred_error), owns_statement_(owns_statement) {
+ if (statement != nullptr && statement->valid()) {
+ CHECK(!statement->borrowed_) << "Statement already borrowed!";
+ statement->borrowed_ = true;
+ statement_ = statement;
+ } else if (error_message_.empty()) {
+ error_message_ = "invalid statement";
+ }
if (!error_message_.empty()) {
status_ = SQLITE_MISUSE;
- } else if (statement == nullptr) {
- status_ = SQLITE_MISUSE;
- error_message_ = "invalid statement";
+RunningStatement::RunningStatement(RunningStatement &&o) {
+ statement_ = o.statement_;
+ status_ = o.status_;
+ owns_statement_ = o.owns_statement_;
+ o.statement_ = nullptr;
RunningStatement::~RunningStatement() {
- CHECK(statement_->borrowed_) << "Statement no longer borrowed!";
- sqlite3_reset(statement_->me_);
- sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement_->me_);
- statement_->borrowed_ = false;
- if (owns_statement_) {
- delete statement_;
+ if (statement_ != nullptr) {
+ CHECK(statement_->borrowed_) << "Statement no longer borrowed!";
+ sqlite3_clear_bindings(statement_->me_);
+ sqlite3_reset(statement_->me_);
+ statement_->borrowed_ = false;
+ if (owns_statement_) {
+ delete statement_;
+ }
@@ -168,7 +181,7 @@ void RunningStatement::BindBlob(int param, re2::StringPiece value) {
value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
if (status_ != SQLITE_OK) {
error_message_ = StrCat("Unable to bind parameter ", param, ": ",
- sqlite3_errstr(status_));
+ sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
@@ -186,7 +199,7 @@ void RunningStatement::BindBlob(const char *name, re2::StringPiece value) {
value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
if (status_ != SQLITE_OK) {
error_message_ = StrCat("Unable to bind parameter ", name, ": ",
- sqlite3_errstr(status_));
+ sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
@@ -197,7 +210,7 @@ void RunningStatement::BindInt64(int param, int64_t value) {
status_ = sqlite3_bind_int64(statement_->me_, param, value);
if (status_ != SQLITE_OK) {
error_message_ = StrCat("Unable to bind parameter ", param, ": ",
- sqlite3_errstr(status_));
+ sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
@@ -214,7 +227,7 @@ void RunningStatement::BindInt64(const char *name, int64_t value) {
status_ = sqlite3_bind_int64(statement_->me_, param, value);
if (status_ != SQLITE_OK) {
error_message_ = StrCat("Unable to bind parameter ", name, ": ",
- sqlite3_errstr(status_));
+ sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
@@ -226,7 +239,7 @@ void RunningStatement::BindText(int param, re2::StringPiece value) {
if (status_ != SQLITE_OK) {
error_message_ = StrCat("Unable to bind parameter ", param, ": ",
- sqlite3_errstr(status_));
+ sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
@@ -243,7 +256,7 @@ void RunningStatement::BindText(const char *name, re2::StringPiece value) {
if (status_ != SQLITE_OK) {
error_message_ = StrCat("Unable to bind parameter ", name, ": ",
- sqlite3_errstr(status_));
+ sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
@@ -252,7 +265,8 @@ int RunningStatement::Step() {
return status_;
status_ = sqlite3_step(statement_->me_);
- error_message_ = sqlite3_errstr(status_);
+ error_message_ =
+ StrCat("step: ", sqlite3_errstr(status_), " (", status_, ")");
return status_;
@@ -291,7 +305,8 @@ bool Database::Open(const char *filename, int flags,
std::call_once(global_setup, &GlobalSetup);
int ret = sqlite3_open_v2(filename, &me_, flags, nullptr);
if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
- *error_message = sqlite3_errstr(ret);
+ *error_message =
+ StrCat("open ", filename, ": ", sqlite3_errstr(ret), " (", ret, ")");
return false;
@@ -299,8 +314,8 @@ bool Database::Open(const char *filename, int flags,
if (ret != SQLITE_OK) {
me_ = nullptr;
- *error_message =
- StrCat("while enabling extended result codes: ", sqlite3_errstr(ret));
+ *error_message = StrCat("while enabling extended result codes: ",
+ sqlite3_errstr(ret), " (", ret, ")");
return false;
@@ -331,8 +346,8 @@ bool Database::Open(const char *filename, int flags,
if (ret != SQLITE_DONE) {
me_ = nullptr;
- *error_message =
- StrCat("while enabling foreign keys: ", sqlite3_errstr(ret));
+ *error_message = StrCat("while enabling foreign keys: ",
+ sqlite3_errstr(ret), " (", ret, ")");
return false;
@@ -346,7 +361,7 @@ Statement Database::Prepare(re2::StringPiece sql, size_t *used,
int err =
sqlite3_prepare_v2(me_, sql.data(), sql.size(), &statement.me_, &tail);
if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
- *error_message = sqlite3_errstr(err);
+ *error_message = StrCat("prepare: ", sqlite3_errstr(err), " (", err, ")");
return statement;
if (used != nullptr) {
diff --git a/src/sqlite.h b/src/sqlite.h
index 3759dee..df82061 100644
--- a/src/sqlite.h
+++ b/src/sqlite.h
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class Database {
// }
class RunningStatement {
- RunningStatement(RunningStatement &&) = default;
+ RunningStatement(RunningStatement &&o);
// Reset/unbind/return the statement for the next use (in the case of
// Borrow) or delete it (in the case of UseOnce).
diff --git a/src/time.h b/src/time.h
index effc04c..ec04e98 100644
--- a/src/time.h
+++ b/src/time.h
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ inline struct timespec SecToTimespec(double sec) {
return {static_cast(intpart), static_cast(fractpart * kNanos)};
+inline double TimespecToSec(struct timespec t) {
+ return t.tv_sec + static_cast(t.tv_nsec) / kNanos;
// Returns the real wall clock, which will never be deleted.
WallClock *GetRealClock();
diff --git a/src/uuid.h b/src/uuid.h
index 068bac2..4c3f255 100644
--- a/src/uuid.h
+++ b/src/uuid.h
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ class Uuid {
bool operator==(const Uuid &) const;
bool operator<(const Uuid &) const;
+ bool is_null() const { return uuid_is_null(me_); }
friend class RealUuidGenerator;
uuid_t me_;
diff --git a/src/web.cc b/src/web.cc
index 32c4d59..8aaa08c 100644
--- a/src/web.cc
+++ b/src/web.cc
@@ -62,34 +62,35 @@ void WebInterface::HandleCameraList(evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
auto row_cb = [&](const ListCamerasRow &row) {
auto seconds =
- (row.max_recording_end_time_90k - row.min_recording_start_time_90k) /
- kTimeUnitsPerSecond;
+ (row.max_end_time_90k - row.min_start_time_90k) / kTimeUnitsPerSecond;
+ std::string min_start_time_90k =
+ row.min_start_time_90k == -1 ? std::string("n/a")
+ : PrettyTimestamp(row.min_start_time_90k);
+ std::string max_end_time_90k = row.max_end_time_90k == -1
+ ? std::string("n/a")
+ : PrettyTimestamp(row.max_end_time_90k);
- "\n"
+ "\n"
"description | %s |
"space | %s / %s (%.1f%%) |
"uuid | %s |
"oldest recording | %s |
"newest recording | %s |
"total duration | %s |
- row.id, EscapeHtml(row.short_name).c_str(),
+ row.uuid.UnparseText().c_str(), EscapeHtml(row.short_name).c_str(),
EscapeHtml(HumanizeWithBinaryPrefix(row.total_sample_file_bytes, "B"))
EscapeHtml(HumanizeWithBinaryPrefix(row.retain_bytes, "B")).c_str(),
100.f * row.total_sample_file_bytes / row.retain_bytes,
- EscapeHtml(PrettyTimestamp(row.min_recording_start_time_90k)).c_str(),
- EscapeHtml(PrettyTimestamp(row.max_recording_end_time_90k)).c_str(),
+ EscapeHtml(min_start_time_90k).c_str(),
+ EscapeHtml(max_end_time_90k).c_str(),
return IterationControl::kContinue;
- std::string error_message;
- if (!this_->mdb_->ListCameras(row_cb, &error_message)) {
- return evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_INTERNAL,
- EscapeHtml(error_message).c_str());
- }
+ this_->mdb_->ListCameras(row_cb);