mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 17:50:10 -05:00
upgrade to async hyper
serve_generated_bytes is >3X faster. One caveat is that the reactor thread may stall when reading from the memory-mapped slice. Moonfire NVR is basically a single-user program, so that may not be so bad, but we'll see.
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -4,17 +4,18 @@ version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Scott Lamb <slamb@slamb.org>"]
nightly = []
# The nightly feature is used within moonfire-nvr itself to gate the
# benchmarks. Also pass it along to crates that can benefit from it.
nightly = ["parking_lot/nightly"]
byteorder = "1.0"
chan = "0.1"
chan-signal = "0.2"
docopt = "0.7"
futures = "0.1"
fnv = "1.0"
http-entity = { git = "https://github.com/scottlamb/http-entity" }
hyper = { git = "https://github.com/scottlamb/hyper", branch = "moonfire-on-0.10.x" }
lazycell = "0.5"
http-entity = { git = "https://github.com/scottlamb/http-entity", branch = "hyper-0.11.x" }
hyper = { git = "https://github.com/scottlamb/hyper", branch = "moonfire-on-0.11.x" }
lazy_static = "0.2"
libc = "0.2"
log = { version = "0.3", features = ["release_max_level_info"] }
@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ lru-cache = "0.1"
memmap = "0.5"
mime = "0.2"
openssl = "0.9"
parking_lot = { version = "0.3.8", features = [] }
reffers = { git = "https://github.com/diwic/reffers-rs" }
regex = "0.2"
rusqlite = "0.9"
rustc-serialize = "0.3"
@ -34,10 +37,13 @@ slog-stdlog = "1.1"
slog-term = "1.3"
smallvec = "0.3"
time = "0.1"
tokio-core = "0.1"
tokio-signal = "0.1"
url = "1.4"
uuid = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde", "v4"] }
reqwest = "0.3"
tempdir = "0.3"
@ -65,4 +71,4 @@ lto = true
debug = true
"hyper:0.10.4" = { git = "https://github.com/scottlamb/hyper", branch = "moonfire-on-0.10.x" }
"https://github.com/hyperium/hyper#hyper:0.11.0-a.0" = { git = "https://github.com/scottlamb/hyper", branch = "moonfire-on-0.11.x" }
@ -28,17 +28,18 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use chan_signal;
use clock;
use db;
use dir;
use error::Error;
use hyper::server::Server;
use futures::{BoxFuture, Future, Stream};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::thread;
use stream;
use streamer;
use tokio_core::reactor;
use tokio_signal::unix::{Signal, SIGINT, SIGTERM};
use web;
const USAGE: &'static str = r#"
@ -65,13 +66,18 @@ struct Args {
flag_read_only: bool,
fn setup_shutdown_future(h: &reactor::Handle) -> BoxFuture<(), ()> {
let int = Signal::new(SIGINT, h).flatten_stream().into_future();
let term = Signal::new(SIGTERM, h).flatten_stream().into_future();
.map(|_| ())
.map_err(|_| ())
pub fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
let args: Args = super::parse_args(USAGE)?;
// Watch for termination signals.
// This must be started before any threads are spawned (such as the async logger thread) so
// that signals will be blocked in all threads.
let signal = chan_signal::notify(&[chan_signal::Signal::INT, chan_signal::Signal::TERM]);
let (_db_dir, conn) = super::open_conn(
@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ pub fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("Database is loaded.");
// Start a streamer for each camera.
let shutdown = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let shutdown_streamers = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false));
let mut streamers = Vec::new();
let syncer = if !args.flag_read_only {
let (syncer_channel, syncer_join) = dir::start_syncer(dir.clone()).unwrap();
@ -92,7 +98,7 @@ pub fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
dir: &dir,
clocks: &clock::REAL,
opener: &*stream::FFMPEG,
shutdown: &shutdown,
shutdown: &shutdown_streamers,
for (i, (id, camera)) in l.cameras_by_id().iter().enumerate() {
let rotate_offset_sec = streamer::ROTATE_INTERVAL_SEC * i as i64 / cameras as i64;
@ -108,24 +114,28 @@ pub fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
} else { None };
// Start the web interface.
let server = Server::http(args.flag_http_addr.as_str()).unwrap();
let h = web::Handler::new(db.clone(), dir.clone());
let _guard = server.handle(h);
info!("Ready to serve HTTP requests");
let addr = args.flag_http_addr.parse().unwrap();
let server = ::hyper::server::Http::new()
.bind(&addr, move || Ok(web::Service::new(db.clone(), dir.clone())))
// Wait for a signal and shut down.
chan_select! {
signal.recv() -> signal => info!("Received signal {:?}; shutting down streamers.", signal),
shutdown.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
let shutdown = setup_shutdown_future(&server.handle());
info!("Ready to serve HTTP requests");
info!("Shutting down streamers.");
shutdown_streamers.store(true, Ordering::SeqCst);
for streamer in streamers.drain(..) {
if let Some((syncer_channel, syncer_join)) = syncer {
info!("Shutting down syncer.");
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ use error::{Error, ResultExt};
use fnv;
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use openssl::hash;
use parking_lot::{Mutex,MutexGuard};
use recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC};
use rusqlite;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::str;
use std::string::String;
use std::sync::{Arc,Mutex,MutexGuard};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::vec::Vec;
use time;
use uuid::Uuid;
@ -1347,7 +1348,7 @@ impl Database {
let mut l = &mut *db.0.lock().unwrap();
let mut l = &mut *db.lock();
for (&camera_id, ref mut camera) in &mut l.state.cameras_by_id {
@ -1361,13 +1362,13 @@ impl Database {
/// Locks the database; the returned reference is the only way to perform (read or write)
/// operations.
pub fn lock(&self) -> MutexGuard<LockedDatabase> { self.0.lock().unwrap() }
pub fn lock(&self) -> MutexGuard<LockedDatabase> { self.0.lock() }
/// For testing. Closes the database and return the connection. This allows verification that
/// a newly opened database is in an acceptable state.
fn close(self) -> rusqlite::Connection {
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ impl error::Error for Error {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "Error: {}", self.description)
write!(f, "Error: {}\ncause: {:?}", self.description, self.cause)
@ -32,23 +32,23 @@
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate core;
#[macro_use] extern crate chan;
extern crate chan_signal;
extern crate docopt;
#[macro_use] extern crate ffmpeg;
extern crate ffmpeg_sys;
extern crate futures;
extern crate fnv;
extern crate http_entity;
extern crate hyper;
#[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate lazycell;
extern crate libc;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
extern crate lru_cache;
extern crate reffers;
extern crate rusqlite;
extern crate memmap;
#[macro_use] extern crate mime;
extern crate openssl;
extern crate parking_lot;
extern crate regex;
extern crate rustc_serialize;
extern crate serde;
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ extern crate slog_stdlog;
extern crate slog_term;
extern crate smallvec;
extern crate time;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate tokio_signal;
extern crate url;
extern crate uuid;
@ -71,7 +73,6 @@ mod dir;
mod error;
mod h264;
mod json;
mod mmapfile;
mod mp4;
mod recording;
mod slices;
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Scott Lamb <slamb@slamb.org>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! Memory-mapped file serving.
extern crate memmap;
use error::Result;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Range;
/// Memory-mapped file slice.
/// This struct is meant to be used in constructing an implementation of the `http_entity::Entity`
/// or `pieces::ContextWriter` traits. The file in question should be immutable, as files shrinking
/// during `mmap` will cause the process to fail with `SIGBUS`. Moonfire NVR sample files satisfy
/// this requirement:
/// * They should only be modified by Moonfire NVR itself. Installation instructions encourage
/// creating a dedicated user/group for Moonfire NVR and ensuring only this group has
/// permissions to Moonfire NVR's directories.
/// * Moonfire NVR never modifies sample files after inserting their matching recording entries
/// into the database. They are kept as-is until they are deleted.
pub struct MmapFileSlice {
f: File,
range: Range<u64>,
impl MmapFileSlice {
pub fn new(f: File, range: Range<u64>) -> MmapFileSlice {
MmapFileSlice{f: f, range: range}
pub fn write_to(&self, range: Range<u64>, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<()> {
// TODO: overflow check (in case u64 is larger than usize).
let r = self.range.start + range.start .. self.range.start + range.end;
assert!(r.end <= self.range.end,
"requested={:?} within={:?}", range, self.range);
let mmap = memmap::Mmap::open_with_offset(
&self.f, memmap::Protection::Read, r.start as usize, (r.end - r.start) as usize)?;
unsafe { out.write_all(mmap.as_slice())?; }
@ -83,14 +83,18 @@ use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder, WriteBytesExt};
use db;
use dir;
use error::Error;
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use futures::stream;
use http_entity;
use hyper::header;
use mmapfile;
use memmap;
use openssl::hash;
use parking_lot::{Once, ONCE_INIT};
use recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC};
use slices::{self, Slices};
use reffers::ARefs;
use slices::{self, Body, Chunk, Slices};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use lazycell::LazyCell;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::cmp;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Range;
@ -100,7 +104,7 @@ use strutil;
use time::Timespec;
/// This value should be incremented any time a change is made to this file that causes different
/// bytes to be output for a particular set of `Builder` options. Incrementing this value will
/// bytes to be output for a particular set of `Mp4Builder` options. Incrementing this value will
/// cause the etag to change as well.
const FORMAT_VERSION: [u8; 1] = [0x03];
@ -329,42 +333,46 @@ struct Segment {
/// 1. stts: `slice[.. stsz_start]`
/// 2. stsz: `slice[stsz_start .. stss_start]`
/// 3. stss: `slice[stss_start ..]`
/// Access only through `write_index`.
index: LazyCell<Result<Box<[u8]>, ()>>,
/// Access only through `get_index`.
index: UnsafeCell<Result<Box<[u8]>, ()>>,
/// The 1-indexed frame number in the `File` of the first frame in this segment.
first_frame_num: u32,
num_subtitle_samples: u32,
num_subtitle_samples: u16,
index_once: Once,
unsafe impl Sync for Segment {}
impl Segment {
fn new(db: &db::LockedDatabase, row: &db::ListRecordingsRow, rel_range_90k: Range<i32>,
first_frame_num: u32) -> Result<Self, Error> {
s: recording::Segment::new(db, row, rel_range_90k)?,
index: LazyCell::new(),
index: UnsafeCell::new(Err(())),
index_once: ONCE_INIT,
first_frame_num: first_frame_num,
num_subtitle_samples: 0,
fn write_index<F>(&self, r: Range<u64>, db: &db::Database, out: &mut io::Write, f: F)
-> Result<(), Error>
fn get_index<'a, F>(&'a self, db: &db::Database, f: F) -> Result<&'a [u8], Error>
where F: FnOnce(&[u8], SegmentLengths) -> &[u8] {
let index = self.index.borrow_with(|| {
.with_recording_playback(self.s.camera_id, self.s.recording_id,
|playback| self.build_index(playback))
.map_err(|e| { error!("Unable to build index for segment: {:?}", e); })
self.index_once.call_once(|| {
let index = unsafe { &mut *self.index.get() };
*index = db.lock()
.with_recording_playback(self.s.camera_id, self.s.recording_id,
|playback| self.build_index(playback))
.map_err(|e| { error!("Unable to build index for segment: {:?}", e); });
let index = match *index {
Ok(ref b) => &b[..],
let index: &'a _ = unsafe { &*self.index.get() };
match *index {
Ok(ref b) => return Ok(f(&b[..], self.lens())),
Err(()) => {
return Err(Error::new("Unable to build index; see previous error.".to_owned()))
out.write_all(&f(&index, self.lens())[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize])?;
fn lens(&self) -> SegmentLengths {
@ -466,8 +474,8 @@ enum SliceType {
VideoSampleEntry = 2, // param is index into m.video_sample_entries
Stts = 3, // param is index into m.segments
Stsz = 4, // param is index into m.segments
Co64 = 5, // param is unused
Stss = 6, // param is index into m.segments
Stss = 5, // param is index into m.segments
Co64 = 6, // param is unused
VideoSampleData = 7, // param is index into m.segments
SubtitleSampleData = 8, // param is index into m.segments
@ -482,49 +490,69 @@ impl Slice {
Ok(Slice(end | ((t as u64) << 40) | ((p as u64) << 44)))
impl Slice {
fn t(&self) -> SliceType {
// This value is guaranteed to be a valid SliceType because it was copied from a SliceType
// in Slice::new.
unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(((self.0 >> 40) & 0xF) as u8) }
fn p(&self) -> usize { (self.0 >> 44) as usize }
fn wrap_index<F>(&self, mp4: &File, r: Range<u64>, f: &F) -> Result<Chunk, Error>
where F: Fn(&[u8], SegmentLengths) -> &[u8] {
let mp4 = ARefs::new(mp4.0.clone());
let r = r.start as usize .. r.end as usize;
let p = self.p();
mp4.try_map(|mp4| Ok(&mp4.segments[p].get_index(&mp4.db, f)?[r]))
impl slices::Slice for Slice {
type Ctx = File;
type Chunk = slices::Chunk;
fn end(&self) -> u64 { return self.0 & 0xFF_FF_FF_FF_FF }
fn write_to(&self, f: &File, r: Range<u64>, l: u64, out: &mut io::Write)
-> Result<(), Error> {
let t = self.t();
fn get_range(&self, f: &File, range: Range<u64>, len: u64) -> Body {
trace!("getting mp4 slice {:?}'s range {:?} / {}", self, range, len);
let p = self.p();
trace!("write {:?}, range {:?} out of len {}", self, r, l);
match t {
let res = match self.t() {
SliceType::Static => {
let part = &s[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize];
let part = &s[range.start as usize .. range.end as usize];
SliceType::Buf => {
out.write_all(&f.buf[p+r.start as usize .. p+r.end as usize])?;
let r = ARefs::new(f.0.clone());
Ok(r.map(|f| &f.buf[p+range.start as usize .. p+range.end as usize]))
SliceType::VideoSampleEntry => {
out.write_all(&f.video_sample_entries[p].data[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize])?;
let r = ARefs::new(f.0.clone());
Ok(r.map(|f| &f.video_sample_entries[p]
.data[range.start as usize .. range.end as usize]))
SliceType::Stts => f.segments[p].write_index(r, &f.db, out, Segment::stts),
SliceType::Stsz => f.segments[p].write_index(r, &f.db, out, Segment::stsz),
SliceType::Stss => f.segments[p].write_index(r, &f.db, out, Segment::stss),
SliceType::Co64 => f.write_co64(r, l, out),
SliceType::VideoSampleData => f.write_video_sample_data(p, r, out),
SliceType::SubtitleSampleData => f.write_subtitle_sample_data(p, r, l, out),
SliceType::Stts => self.wrap_index(f, range.clone(), &Segment::stts),
SliceType::Stsz => self.wrap_index(f, range.clone(), &Segment::stsz),
SliceType::Stss => self.wrap_index(f, range.clone(), &Segment::stss),
SliceType::Co64 => f.0.get_co64(range.clone(), len),
SliceType::VideoSampleData => f.0.get_video_sample_data(p, range.clone()),
SliceType::SubtitleSampleData => f.0.get_subtitle_sample_data(p, range.clone(), len),
.map_err(|e| {
error!("Error producing {:?}: {:?}", self, e);
.and_then(move |c| {
if c.len() != (range.end - range.start) as usize {
error!("Error producing {:?}: range {:?} produced incorrect len {}.",
self, range, c.len());
return Err(::hyper::Error::Incomplete);
fn get_slices(ctx: &File) -> &Slices<Self> { &ctx.0.slices }
impl ::std::fmt::Debug for Slice {
@ -557,7 +585,7 @@ macro_rules! write_length {
impl FileBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
FileBuilder {
segments: Vec::new(),
video_sample_entries: SmallVec::new(),
next_frame_num: 1,
@ -626,8 +654,8 @@ impl FileBuilder {
let end_sec = (s.s.start +
recording::Duration(d.end as i64 + TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC - 1))
s.num_subtitle_samples = (end_sec - start_sec) as u32;
self.num_subtitle_samples += s.num_subtitle_samples;
s.num_subtitle_samples = (end_sec - start_sec) as u16;
self.num_subtitle_samples += s.num_subtitle_samples as u32;
// Update the etag to reflect this segment.
@ -692,7 +720,7 @@ impl FileBuilder {
debug!("Estimated {} buf bytes; actually were {}", EST_BUF_LEN, self.body.buf.len());
debug!("slices: {:?}", self.body.slices);
db: db,
dir: dir,
segments: self.segments,
@ -702,7 +730,7 @@ impl FileBuilder {
initial_sample_byte_pos: initial_sample_byte_pos,
last_modified: header::HttpDate(time::at(Timespec::new(max_end.unix_seconds(), 0))),
etag: header::EntityTag::strong(strutil::hex(&etag.finish()?)),
/// Appends a `MovieBox` (ISO/IEC 14496-12 section 8.2.1).
@ -1015,7 +1043,7 @@ impl FileBuilder {
write_length!(self, {
self.body.append_u32(self.num_subtitle_samples as u32);
@ -1042,7 +1070,7 @@ impl FileBuilder {
write_length!(self, {
self.body.append_u32((mem::size_of::<u16>() + SUBTITLE_LENGTH) as u32);
self.body.append_u32(self.num_subtitle_samples as u32);
@ -1123,7 +1151,7 @@ impl BodyState {
pub struct File {
struct FileInner {
db: Arc<db::Database>,
dir: Arc<dir::SampleFileDir>,
segments: Vec<Segment>,
@ -1135,60 +1163,67 @@ pub struct File {
etag: header::EntityTag,
impl File {
fn write_co64(&self, r: Range<u64>, l: u64, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<(), Error> {
slices::clip_to_range(r, l, out, |w| {
let mut pos = self.initial_sample_byte_pos;
for s in &self.segments {
let r = s.s.sample_file_range();
pos += r.end - r.start;
impl FileInner {
fn get_co64(&self, r: Range<u64>, l: u64) -> Result<Chunk, Error> {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(l as usize);
let mut pos = self.initial_sample_byte_pos;
for s in &self.segments {
let r = s.s.sample_file_range();
pos += r.end - r.start;
Ok(ARefs::new(v).map(|v| &v[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize]))
fn write_video_sample_data(&self, i: usize, r: Range<u64>, out: &mut io::Write)
-> Result<(), Error> {
/// Gets a `Chunk` of video sample data from disk.
/// This works by `mmap()`ing in the data. There are a couple caveats:
/// * The thread which reads the resulting slice is likely to experience major page faults.
/// Eventually this will likely be rewritten to `mmap()` the memory in another thread, and
/// `mlock()` and send chunks of it to be read and `munlock()`ed to avoid this problem.
/// * If the backing file is truncated, the program will crash with `SIGBUS`. This shouldn't
/// happen because nothing should be touching Moonfire NVR's files but itself.
fn get_video_sample_data(&self, i: usize, r: Range<u64>) -> Result<Chunk, Error> {
let s = &self.segments[i];
let uuid = {
self.db.lock().with_recording_playback(s.s.camera_id, s.s.recording_id,
|p| Ok(p.sample_file_uuid))?
let f = self.dir.open_sample_file(uuid)?;
mmapfile::MmapFileSlice::new(f, s.s.sample_file_range()).write_to(r, out)
let mmap = Box::new(memmap::Mmap::open_with_offset(
&f, memmap::Protection::Read, r.start as usize, (r.end - r.start) as usize)?);
Ok(ARefs::new(mmap).map(|m| unsafe { m.as_slice() }))
fn write_subtitle_sample_data(&self, i: usize, r: Range<u64>, l: u64, out: &mut io::Write)
-> Result<(), Error> {
fn get_subtitle_sample_data(&self, i: usize, r: Range<u64>, l: u64) -> Result<Chunk, Error> {
let s = &self.segments[i];
let d = &s.s.desired_range_90k;
let start_sec = (s.s.start + recording::Duration(d.start as i64)).unix_seconds();
let end_sec = (s.s.start + recording::Duration(d.end as i64 + TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC - 1))
slices::clip_to_range(r, l, out, |w| {
for ts in start_sec .. end_sec {
w.write_u16::<BigEndian>(SUBTITLE_LENGTH as u16)?;
let tm = time::at(time::Timespec{sec: ts, nsec: 0});
use std::io::Write;
write!(w, "{}", tm.strftime(SUBTITLE_TEMPLATE)?)?;
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(l as usize);
for ts in start_sec .. end_sec {
v.write_u16::<BigEndian>(SUBTITLE_LENGTH as u16)?;
let tm = time::at(time::Timespec{sec: ts, nsec: 0});
use std::io::Write;
write!(v, "{}", tm.strftime(SUBTITLE_TEMPLATE)?)?;
Ok(ARefs::new(v).map(|v| &v[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize]))
impl http_entity::Entity<Error> for File {
pub struct File(Arc<FileInner>);
impl http_entity::Entity<Body> for File {
fn add_headers(&self, hdrs: &mut header::Headers) {
fn last_modified(&self) -> Option<header::HttpDate> { Some(self.last_modified) }
fn etag(&self) -> Option<header::EntityTag> { Some(self.etag.clone()) }
fn len(&self) -> u64 { self.slices.len() }
fn write_to(&self, range: Range<u64>, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.slices.write_to(self, range, out)
fn last_modified(&self) -> Option<header::HttpDate> { Some(self.0.last_modified) }
fn etag(&self) -> Option<header::EntityTag> { Some(self.0.etag.clone()) }
fn len(&self) -> u64 { self.0.slices.len() }
fn get_range(&self, range: Range<u64>) -> Body { self.0.slices.get_range(self, range) }
/// Tests. There are two general strategies used to validate the resulting files:
@ -1206,14 +1241,13 @@ mod tests {
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder};
use db;
use dir;
use error::Error;
use futures::Stream as FuturesStream;
use ffmpeg;
use hyper::header;
use openssl::hash;
use recording::{self, TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC};
use http_entity::{self, Entity};
use std::fs;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -1223,27 +1257,29 @@ mod tests {
use stream::{self, Opener, Stream};
use testutil::{self, TestDb, TEST_CAMERA_ID};
/// A wrapper around openssl's SHA-1 hashing that implements the `Write` trait.
struct Sha1(hash::Hasher);
impl Sha1 {
fn new() -> Sha1 { Sha1(hash::Hasher::new(hash::MessageDigest::sha1()).unwrap()) }
fn finish(mut self) -> Vec<u8> { self.0.finish().unwrap() }
impl io::Write for Sha1 {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn fill_slice(slice: &mut [u8], e: &http_entity::Entity<Body>, start: u64) {
let mut p = 0;
e.get_range(start .. start + slice.len() as u64)
.for_each(|chunk| {
slice[p .. p + chunk.len()].copy_from_slice(&chunk);
p += chunk.len();
Ok::<_, ::hyper::Error>(())
/// Returns the SHA-1 digest of the given `Entity`.
fn digest(e: &http_entity::Entity<Error>) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut sha1 = Sha1::new();
e.write_to(0 .. e.len(), &mut sha1).unwrap();
fn digest(e: &http_entity::Entity<Body>) -> Vec<u8> {
e.get_range(0 .. e.len())
.fold(hash::Hasher::new(hash::MessageDigest::sha1()).unwrap(), |mut sha1, chunk| {
Ok::<_, ::hyper::Error>(sha1)
/// Information used within `BoxCursor` to describe a box on the stack.
@ -1256,13 +1292,13 @@ mod tests {
/// A cursor over the boxes in a `.mp4` file. Supports moving forward and up/down the box
/// stack, not backward. Panics on error.
struct BoxCursor<'a> {
mp4: &'a http_entity::Entity<Error>,
struct BoxCursor {
mp4: File,
stack: Vec<Mp4Box>,
impl<'a> BoxCursor<'a> {
pub fn new(mp4: &'a http_entity::Entity<Error>) -> BoxCursor<'a> {
impl BoxCursor {
pub fn new(mp4: File) -> BoxCursor {
mp4: mp4,
stack: Vec::new(),
@ -1274,11 +1310,11 @@ mod tests {
fn internal_push(&mut self, pos: u64, max: u64) -> bool {
if pos == max { return false; }
let mut hdr = [0u8; 16];
self.mp4.write_to(pos .. pos+8, &mut &mut hdr[..]).unwrap();
fill_slice(&mut hdr[..8], &self.mp4, pos);
let (len, hdr_len, boxtype_slice) = match BigEndian::read_u32(&hdr[..4]) {
0 => (self.mp4.len() - pos, 8, &hdr[4..8]),
1 => {
self.mp4.write_to(pos+8 .. pos+12, &mut &mut hdr[..]).unwrap();
fill_slice(&mut hdr[8..], &self.mp4, pos + 8);
(BigEndian::read_u64(&hdr[4..12]), 16, &hdr[12..])
l => (l as u64, 8, &hdr[4..8]),
@ -1306,17 +1342,19 @@ mod tests {
/// Gets the specified byte range within the current box, starting after the box type.
/// Must not be at EOF.
pub fn get(&self, r: Range<u64>, mut buf: &mut [u8]) {
pub fn get(&self, start: u64, buf: &mut [u8]) {
let interior = &self.stack.last().expect("at root").interior;
assert!(r.end < interior.end - interior.start);
self.mp4.write_to(r.start+interior.start .. r.end+interior.start, &mut buf).unwrap();
assert!(start + (buf.len() as u64) < interior.end - interior.start);
fill_slice(buf, &self.mp4, start+interior.start);
pub fn get_all(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let interior = self.stack.last().expect("at root").interior.clone();
let len = (interior.end - interior.start) as usize;
trace!("get_all: start={}, len={}", interior.start, len);
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(len);
self.mp4.write_to(interior, &mut out).unwrap();
unsafe { out.set_len(len) };
fill_slice(&mut out[..], &self.mp4, interior.start);
@ -1324,7 +1362,7 @@ mod tests {
/// Must not be at EOF.
pub fn get_u32(&self, p: u64) -> u32 {
let mut buf = [0u8; 4];
self.get(p .. p+4, &mut buf);
self.get(p, &mut buf);
@ -1360,14 +1398,14 @@ mod tests {
/// Information returned by `find_track`.
struct Track<'a> {
edts_cursor: Option<BoxCursor<'a>>,
stbl_cursor: BoxCursor<'a>,
struct Track {
edts_cursor: Option<BoxCursor>,
stbl_cursor: BoxCursor,
/// Finds the `moov/trak` that has a `tkhd` associated with the given `track_id`, which must
/// exist.
fn find_track(mp4: &http_entity::Entity<Error>, track_id: u32) -> Track {
fn find_track(mp4: File, track_id: u32) -> Track {
let mut cursor = BoxCursor::new(mp4);
@ -1377,7 +1415,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut version = [0u8; 1];
cursor.get(0 .. 1, &mut version);
cursor.get(0, &mut version);
// Let id_pos be the offset after the FullBox section of the track_id.
let id_pos = match version[0] {
@ -1459,7 +1497,7 @@ mod tests {
db.list_recordings_by_time(TEST_CAMERA_ID, all_time, |r| {
let d = r.duration_90k;
assert!(skip_90k + shorten_90k < d);
builder.append(&db, r, skip_90k .. d - shorten_90k).unwrap();
builder.append(&*db, r, skip_90k .. d - shorten_90k).unwrap();
@ -1470,7 +1508,14 @@ mod tests {
let mut filename = dir.to_path_buf();
let mut out = fs::OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&filename).unwrap();
mp4.write_to(0 .. mp4.len(), &mut out).unwrap();
use ::std::io::Write;
mp4.get_range(0 .. mp4.len())
.for_each(|chunk| {
@ -1536,7 +1581,7 @@ mod tests {
// Time range [2, 2+4+6+8) means the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th samples should be included.
let mp4 = make_mp4_from_encoder(&db, encoder, 2 .. 2+4+6+8);
let track = find_track(&mp4, 1);
let track = find_track(mp4, 1);
let mut cursor = track.stbl_cursor;
@ -1590,7 +1635,7 @@ mod tests {
// Time range [2+4+6, 2+4+6+8) means the 4th sample should be included.
// The 3rd gets pulled in also because it's a sync frame and the 4th isn't.
let mp4 = make_mp4_from_encoder(&db, encoder, 2+4+6 .. 2+4+6+8);
let track = find_track(&mp4, 1);
let track = find_track(mp4, 1);
// Examine edts. It should skip the 3rd frame.
let mut cursor = track.edts_cursor.unwrap();
@ -1721,26 +1766,23 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(all(test, feature="nightly"))]
mod bench {
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate test;
use futures::future;
use futures::stream::BoxStream;
use hyper;
use hyper::header;
use http_entity;
use recording;
use reffers::ARefs;
use self::test::Bencher;
use std::str;
use super::tests::create_mp4_from_db;
use testutil::{self, TestDb};
/// An HTTP server for benchmarking.
/// It's used as a singleton via `lazy_static!` for two reasons:
/// * to avoid running out of file descriptors. `#[bench]` functions apparently get called
/// many times as the number of iterations is tuned, and hyper servers
/// [can't be shut down](https://github.com/hyperium/hyper/issues/338), so
/// otherwise the default Ubuntu 16.04.1 ulimit of 1024 files is quickly exhausted.
/// * so that when getting a CPU profile of the benchmark, more of the profile focuses
/// on the HTTP serving rather than the setup.
/// It's used as a singleton via `lazy_static!` so that when getting a CPU profile of the
/// benchmark, more of the profile focuses on the HTTP serving rather than the setup.
/// Currently this only serves a single `.mp4` file but we could set up variations to benchmark
/// different scenarios: with/without subtitles and edit lists, different lengths, serving
@ -1752,32 +1794,40 @@ mod bench {
impl BenchServer {
fn new() -> BenchServer {
let mut listener = hyper::net::HttpListener::new("").unwrap();
use hyper::net::NetworkListener;
let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap();
let server = hyper::Server::new(listener);
let url = hyper::Url::parse(
format!("http://{}:{}/", addr.ip(), addr.port()).as_str()).unwrap();
let db = TestDb::new();
testutil::add_dummy_recordings_to_db(&db.db, 60);
let mp4 = create_mp4_from_db(db.db.clone(), db.dir.clone(), 0, 0, false);
let p = mp4.initial_sample_byte_pos;
use std::thread::spawn;
spawn(move || {
use hyper::server::{Request, Response, Fresh};
let (db, dir) = (db.db.clone(), db.dir.clone());
let _ = server.handle(move |req: Request, res: Response<Fresh>| {
let mp4 = create_mp4_from_db(db.clone(), dir.clone(), 0, 0, false);
http_entity::serve(&mp4, &req, res).unwrap();
let p = mp4.0.initial_sample_byte_pos;
let (tx, rx) = ::std::sync::mpsc::channel();
::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = hyper::server::Http::new()
.bind(&addr, move || Ok(MyService(mp4.clone())))
let addr = rx.recv().unwrap();
url: url,
url: hyper::Url::parse(&format!("http://{}:{}/", addr.ip(), addr.port())).unwrap(),
generated_len: p,
struct MyService(super::File);
impl hyper::server::Service for MyService {
type Request = hyper::server::Request;
type Response = hyper::server::Response<BoxStream<ARefs<'static, [u8]>, hyper::Error>>;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = future::FutureResult<Self::Response, Self::Error>;
fn call(&self, req: hyper::server::Request) -> Self::Future {
future::ok(http_entity::serve(self.0.clone(), &req))
lazy_static! {
static ref SERVER: BenchServer = { BenchServer::new() };
@ -1816,11 +1866,12 @@ mod bench {
let p = server.generated_len;
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(p as usize);
b.bytes = p;
let client = hyper::Client::new();
let client = reqwest::Client::new().unwrap();
let mut run = || {
use self::reqwest::header::{Range, ByteRangeSpec};
let mut resp =
.header(header::Range::Bytes(vec![header::ByteRangeSpec::FromTo(0, p - 1)]))
.header(Range::Bytes(vec![ByteRangeSpec::FromTo(0, p - 1)]))
@ -375,7 +375,8 @@ impl Segment {
/// desired start time. (The caller is responsible for creating an edit list to skip the
/// undesired portion.) It will end at the first frame after the desired range (unless the
/// desired range extends beyond the recording).
pub fn new(db: &db::LockedDatabase, recording: &db::ListRecordingsRow,
pub fn new(db: &db::LockedDatabase,
recording: &db::ListRecordingsRow,
desired_range_90k: Range<i32>) -> Result<Segment, Error> {
let mut self_ = Segment{
camera_id: recording.camera_id,
@ -30,15 +30,20 @@
//! Tools for implementing a `http_entity::Entity` body composed from many "slices".
use error::{Error, Result};
use reffers::ARefs;
use futures::stream::{self, BoxStream};
use futures::Stream;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::ops::Range;
pub type Chunk = ARefs<'static, [u8]>;
pub type Body = stream::BoxStream<Chunk, ::hyper::Error>;
/// Writes a byte range to the given `io::Write` given a context argument; meant for use with
/// `Slices`.
pub trait Slice {
type Ctx;
pub trait Slice : Sync + Sized + 'static {
type Ctx: Send + Clone;
type Chunk: Send;
/// The byte position (relative to the start of the `Slices`) beyond the end of this slice.
/// Note the starting position (and thus length) are inferred from the previous slice.
@ -47,22 +52,10 @@ pub trait Slice {
/// Writes `r` to `out`, as in `http_entity::Entity::write_to`.
/// The additional argument `ctx` is as supplied to the `Slices`.
/// The additional argument `l` is the length of this slice, as determined by the `Slices`.
fn write_to(&self, ctx: &Self::Ctx, r: Range<u64>, l: u64, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<()>;
fn get_range(&self, ctx: &Self::Ctx, r: Range<u64>, len: u64)
-> stream::BoxStream<Self::Chunk, ::hyper::Error>;
/// Calls `f` with an `io::Write` which delegates to `inner` only for the section defined by `r`.
/// This is useful for easily implementing the `ContextWriter` interface for pieces that generate
/// data on-the-fly rather than simply copying a buffer.
pub fn clip_to_range<F>(r: Range<u64>, l: u64, inner: &mut io::Write, mut f: F) -> Result<()>
where F: FnMut(&mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {
// Just create a buffer for the whole slice and copy out the relevant portion.
// One might expect it to be faster to avoid this memory allocation and extra copying, but
// benchmarks show when making many 4-byte writes it's better to be able to inline many
// Vec::write_all calls then make one call through traits to hyper's write logic.
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(l as usize);
f(&mut buf)?;
inner.write_all(&buf[r.start as usize .. r.end as usize])?;
fn get_slices(ctx: &Self::Ctx) -> &Slices<Self>;
/// Helper to serve byte ranges from a body which is broken down into many "slices".
@ -114,56 +107,53 @@ impl<S> Slices<S> where S: Slice {
/// Writes `range` to `out`.
/// This interface mirrors `http_entity::Entity::write_to`, with the additional `ctx` argument.
pub fn write_to(&self, ctx: &S::Ctx, range: Range<u64>, out: &mut io::Write) -> Result<()> {
pub fn get_range(&self, ctx: &S::Ctx, range: Range<u64>)
-> BoxStream<S::Chunk, ::hyper::Error> {
if range.start > range.end || range.end > self.len {
return Err(Error{
description: format!("Bad range {:?} for slice of length {}", range, self.len),
cause: None});
error!("Bad range {:?} for slice of length {}", range, self.len);
return stream::once(Err(::hyper::Error::Incomplete)).boxed();
// Binary search for the first slice of the range to write, determining its index and
// (from the preceding slice) the start of its range.
let (mut i, mut slice_start) = match self.slices.binary_search_by_key(&range.start,
|s| s.end()) {
Ok(i) if i == self.slices.len() - 1 => return Ok(()), // at end.
let (i, slice_start) = match self.slices.binary_search_by_key(&range.start, |s| s.end()) {
Ok(i) => (i+1, self.slices[i].end()), // desired start == slice i's end; first is i+1!
Err(i) if i == 0 => (0, 0), // desired start < slice 0's end; first is 0.
Err(i) => (i, self.slices[i-1].end()), // desired start < slice i's end; first is i.
// There is at least one slice to write.
// Iterate through and write each slice until the end.
let mut start_pos = range.start - slice_start;
loop {
let s = &self.slices[i];
let end = s.end();
let l = end - slice_start;
if range.end <= end { // last slice.
return s.write_to(ctx, start_pos .. range.end - slice_start, l, out);
s.write_to(ctx, start_pos .. end - slice_start, l, out)?;
// Setup next iteration.
start_pos = 0;
slice_start = end;
i += 1;
let start_pos = range.start - slice_start;
let bodies = stream::unfold(
(ctx.clone(), i, start_pos, slice_start), move |(c, i, start_pos, slice_start)| {
let (body, end);
let self_ = S::get_slices(&c);
if i == self_.slices.len() { return None }
let s = &self_.slices[i];
if range.end == slice_start + start_pos { return None }
end = ::std::cmp::min(range.end, s.end());
let l = end - slice_start;
body = s.get_range(&c, start_pos .. end - slice_start, l);
Some(Ok::<_, ::hyper::Error>((body, (c, i+1, 0, end))))
mod tests {
use error::{Error, Result};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::error::Error as E;
use std::io::Write;
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use futures::stream::{self, BoxStream};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::vec::Vec;
use super::{Slice, Slices, clip_to_range};
use super::{Slice, Slices};
use testutil;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct FakeWrite {
writer: &'static str,
pub struct FakeChunk {
slice: &'static str,
range: Range<u64>,
@ -173,146 +163,84 @@ mod tests {
impl Slice for FakeSlice {
type Ctx = RefCell<Vec<FakeWrite>>;
type Ctx = &'static Slices<FakeSlice>;
type Chunk = FakeChunk;
fn end(&self) -> u64 { self.end }
fn write_to(&self, ctx: &RefCell<Vec<FakeWrite>>, r: Range<u64>, _l: u64, _out: &mut Write)
-> Result<()> {
ctx.borrow_mut().push(FakeWrite{writer: self.name, range: r});
fn get_range(&self, _ctx: &&'static Slices<FakeSlice>, r: Range<u64>, _l: u64)
-> BoxStream<FakeChunk, ::hyper::Error> {
stream::once(Ok(FakeChunk{slice: self.name, range: r})).boxed()
fn get_slices(ctx: &&'static Slices<FakeSlice>) -> &'static Slices<Self> { *ctx }
pub fn new_slices() -> Slices<FakeSlice> {
let mut s = Slices::new();
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5, name: "a"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13, name: "b"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13+7, name: "c"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13+7+17, name: "d"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13+7+17+19, name: "e"});
lazy_static! {
static ref SLICES: Slices<FakeSlice> = {
let mut s = Slices::new();
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5, name: "a"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13, name: "b"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13+7, name: "c"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13+7+17, name: "d"});
s.append(FakeSlice{end: 5+13+7+17+19, name: "e"});
pub fn size() {
assert_eq!(5 + 13 + 7 + 17 + 19, new_slices().len());
assert_eq!(5 + 13 + 7 + 17 + 19, SLICES.len());
pub fn exact_slice() {
// Test writing exactly slice b.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 5 .. 18, &mut dummy).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&[FakeWrite{writer: "b", range: 0 .. 13}], &w.borrow()[..]);
let out = SLICES.get_range(&&*SLICES, 5 .. 18).collect().wait().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&[FakeChunk{slice: "b", range: 0 .. 13}], &out[..]);
pub fn offset_first() {
// Test writing part of slice a.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 1 .. 3, &mut dummy).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&[FakeWrite{writer: "a", range: 1 .. 3}], &w.borrow()[..]);
let out = SLICES.get_range(&&*SLICES, 1 .. 3).collect().wait().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&[FakeChunk{slice: "a", range: 1 .. 3}], &out[..]);
pub fn offset_mid() {
// Test writing part of slice b, all of slice c, and part of slice d.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 17 .. 26, &mut dummy).unwrap();
let out = SLICES.get_range(&&*SLICES, 17 .. 26).collect().wait().unwrap();
FakeWrite{writer: "b", range: 12 .. 13},
FakeWrite{writer: "c", range: 0 .. 7},
FakeWrite{writer: "d", range: 0 .. 1},
], &w.borrow()[..]);
FakeChunk{slice: "b", range: 12 .. 13},
FakeChunk{slice: "c", range: 0 .. 7},
FakeChunk{slice: "d", range: 0 .. 1},
], &out[..]);
pub fn everything() {
// Test writing the whole Slices.
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 0 .. 61, &mut dummy).unwrap();
let out = SLICES.get_range(&&*SLICES, 0 .. 61).collect().wait().unwrap();
FakeWrite{writer: "a", range: 0 .. 5},
FakeWrite{writer: "b", range: 0 .. 13},
FakeWrite{writer: "c", range: 0 .. 7},
FakeWrite{writer: "d", range: 0 .. 17},
FakeWrite{writer: "e", range: 0 .. 19},
], &w.borrow()[..]);
FakeChunk{slice: "a", range: 0 .. 5},
FakeChunk{slice: "b", range: 0 .. 13},
FakeChunk{slice: "c", range: 0 .. 7},
FakeChunk{slice: "d", range: 0 .. 17},
FakeChunk{slice: "e", range: 0 .. 19},
], &out[..]);
pub fn at_end() {
let s = new_slices();
let w = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
let mut dummy = Vec::new();
s.write_to(&w, 61 .. 61, &mut dummy).unwrap();
let empty: &[FakeWrite] = &[];
assert_eq!(empty, &w.borrow()[..]);
pub fn test_clip_to_range() {
let mut out = Vec::new();
// Simple case: one write with everything.
clip_to_range(0 .. 5, 5, &mut out, |w| {
assert_eq!(b"01234", &out[..]);
// Same in a few writes.
clip_to_range(0 .. 5, 5, &mut out, |w| {
assert_eq!(b"01234", &out[..]);
// Limiting to a prefix.
clip_to_range(0 .. 2, 5, &mut out, |w| {
w.write_all(b"0").unwrap(); // all of this write
w.write_all(b"123").unwrap(); // some of this write
w.write_all(b"4").unwrap(); // none of this write
assert_eq!(b"01", &out[..]);
// Limiting to part in the middle.
clip_to_range(2 .. 4, 5, &mut out, |w| {
w.write_all(b"0").unwrap(); // none of this write
w.write_all(b"1234").unwrap(); // middle of this write
w.write_all(b"5678").unwrap(); // none of this write
assert_eq!(b"23", &out[..]);
// If the callback returns an error, it should be propagated (fast path or not).
clip_to_range(0 .. 4, 4, &mut out, |_| Err(Error::new("some error".to_owned())))
"some error");
clip_to_range(0 .. 1, 4, &mut out, |_| Err(Error::new("some error".to_owned())))
"some error");
// TODO: if inner.write does a partial write, the next try should start at the correct
// position.
let out = SLICES.get_range(&&*SLICES, 61 .. 61).collect().wait().unwrap();
let empty: &[FakeChunk] = &[];
assert_eq!(empty, &out[..]);
@ -35,15 +35,20 @@ use core::str::FromStr;
use db;
use dir::SampleFileDir;
use error::Error;
use futures::Stream;
use futures::{future, stream};
use json;
use http_entity;
use hyper::{header,server,status};
use hyper::uri::RequestUri;
use hyper::{header, status};
use hyper::server::{self, Request, Response};
use mime;
use mp4;
use parking_lot::MutexGuard;
use recording;
use reffers::ARefs;
use regex::Regex;
use serde_json;
use slices;
use std::cmp;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Write;
@ -75,17 +80,6 @@ enum Path {
fn get_path_and_query(uri: &RequestUri) -> (&str, &str) {
match *uri {
RequestUri::AbsolutePath(ref both) => match both.find('?') {
Some(split) => (&both[..split], &both[split+1..]),
None => (both, ""),
RequestUri::AbsoluteUri(ref u) => (u.path(), u.query().unwrap_or("")),
_ => ("", ""),
fn decode_path(path: &str) -> Path {
if path == "/" {
return Path::CamerasList;
@ -116,8 +110,8 @@ fn decode_path(path: &str) -> Path {
fn is_json(req: &server::Request) -> bool {
if let Some(accept) = req.headers.get::<header::Accept>() {
fn is_json(req: &Request) -> bool {
if let Some(accept) = req.headers().get::<header::Accept>() {
return accept.len() == 1 && accept[0].item == *JSON &&
accept[0].quality == header::Quality(1000);
@ -182,11 +176,6 @@ impl fmt::Display for HumanizedTimestamp {
pub struct Handler {
db: Arc<db::Database>,
dir: Arc<SampleFileDir>,
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Segments {
ids: Range<i32>,
@ -227,33 +216,40 @@ impl Segments {
impl Handler {
pub struct Service {
db: Arc<db::Database>,
dir: Arc<SampleFileDir>,
impl Service {
pub fn new(db: Arc<db::Database>, dir: Arc<SampleFileDir>) -> Self {
Handler{db: db, dir: dir}
Service{db: db, dir: dir}
fn not_found(&self, mut res: server::Response) -> Result<(), Error> {
*res.status_mut() = status::StatusCode::NotFound;
res.send(b"not found")?;
fn not_found(&self) -> Result<Response<slices::Body>, Error> {
.with_body(stream::once(Ok(ARefs::new(&b"not found"[..]))).boxed()))
fn list_cameras(&self, req: &server::Request, mut res: server::Response) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn list_cameras(&self, req: &Request) -> Result<Response<slices::Body>, Error> {
let json = is_json(req);
let buf = {
let db = self.db.lock();
if json {
serde_json::to_vec(&json::ListCameras{cameras: db.cameras_by_id()})?
} else {
res.headers_mut().set(header::ContentType(if json { JSON.clone() } else { HTML.clone() }));
.with_header(header::ContentType(if json { JSON.clone() } else { HTML.clone() }))
.with_header(header::ContentLength(buf.len() as u64))
fn list_cameras_html(&self, db: &db::LockedDatabase) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
fn list_cameras_html(&self, db: MutexGuard<db::LockedDatabase>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
<!DOCTYPE html>\n\
@ -287,8 +283,8 @@ impl Handler {
fn camera(&self, uuid: Uuid, query: &str, req: &server::Request, mut res: server::Response)
-> Result<(), Error> {
fn camera(&self, uuid: Uuid, query: Option<&str>, req: &Request)
-> Result<Response<slices::Body>, Error> {
let json = is_json(req);
let buf = {
let db = self.db.lock();
@ -297,28 +293,31 @@ impl Handler {
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new("no such camera".to_owned()))?;
serde_json::to_vec(&json::Camera::new(camera, true))?
} else {
self.camera_html(&db, query, uuid)?
self.camera_html(db, query, uuid)?
res.headers_mut().set(header::ContentType(if json { JSON.clone() } else { HTML.clone() }));
.with_header(header::ContentType(if json { JSON.clone() } else { HTML.clone() }))
.with_header(header::ContentLength(buf.len() as u64))
fn camera_html(&self, db: &db::LockedDatabase, query: &str, uuid: Uuid)
-> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
fn camera_html(&self, db: MutexGuard<db::LockedDatabase>, query: Option<&str>,
uuid: Uuid) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
let (r, trim) = {
let mut time = recording::Time(i64::min_value()) .. recording::Time(i64::max_value());
let mut trim = false;
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"start_time" => time.start = recording::Time::parse(value)?,
"end_time" => time.end = recording::Time::parse(value)?,
"trim" if value == "true" => trim = true,
_ => {},
if let Some(q) = query {
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(q.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"start_time" => time.start = recording::Time::parse(value)?,
"end_time" => time.end = recording::Time::parse(value)?,
"trim" if value == "true" => trim = true,
_ => {},
(time, trim)
let camera = db.get_camera(uuid)
@ -396,13 +395,14 @@ impl Handler {
fn camera_recordings(&self, uuid: Uuid, query: &str, req: &server::Request,
mut res: server::Response) -> Result<(), Error> {
let r = Handler::get_optional_range(query)?;
fn camera_recordings(&self, uuid: Uuid, query: Option<&str>, req: &Request)
-> Result<Response<slices::Body>, Error> {
let r = Service::get_optional_range(query)?;
if !is_json(req) {
*res.status_mut() = status::StatusCode::NotAcceptable;
res.send(b"only available for JSON requests")?;
return Ok(());
return Ok(Response::new()
Ok(ARefs::new(&b"only available for JSON requests"[..]))).boxed()));
let mut out = json::ListRecordings{recordings: Vec::new()};
@ -424,13 +424,14 @@ impl Handler {
let buf = serde_json::to_vec(&out)?;
.with_header(header::ContentLength(buf.len() as u64))
fn camera_view_mp4(&self, uuid: Uuid, query: &str, req: &server::Request,
res: server::Response) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn camera_view_mp4(&self, uuid: Uuid, query: Option<&str>, req: &Request)
-> Result<Response<slices::Body>, Error> {
let camera_id = {
let db = self.db.lock();
let camera = db.get_camera(uuid)
@ -438,117 +439,127 @@ impl Handler {
let mut builder = mp4::FileBuilder::new();
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"s" => {
let s = Segments::parse(value).map_err(
|_| Error::new(format!("invalid s parameter: {}", value)))?;
debug!("camera_view_mp4: appending s={:?}", s);
let mut est_segments = (s.ids.end - s.ids.start) as usize;
if let Some(end) = s.end_time {
// There should be roughly ceil((end - start) / desired_recording_duration)
// recordings in the desired timespan if there are no gaps or overlap,
// possibly another for misalignment of the requested timespan with the
// rotate offset and another because rotation only happens at key frames.
let ceil_durations = (end - s.start_time +
est_segments = cmp::min(est_segments, (ceil_durations + 2) as usize);
let db = self.db.lock();
let mut prev = None;
let mut cur_off = 0;
db.list_recordings_by_id(camera_id, s.ids.clone(), |r| {
if let Some(q) = query {
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(q.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"s" => {
let s = Segments::parse(value).map_err(
|_| Error::new(format!("invalid s parameter: {}", value)))?;
debug!("camera_view_mp4: appending s={:?}", s);
let mut est_segments = (s.ids.end - s.ids.start) as usize;
if let Some(end) = s.end_time {
// There should be roughly ceil((end - start) /
// desired_recording_duration) recordings in the desired timespan if
// there are no gaps or overlap, possibly another for misalignment of
// the requested timespan with the rotate offset and another because
// rotation only happens at key frames.
let ceil_durations = (end - s.start_time +
est_segments = cmp::min(est_segments, (ceil_durations + 2) as usize);
let db = self.db.lock();
let mut prev = None;
let mut cur_off = 0;
db.list_recordings_by_id(camera_id, s.ids.clone(), |r| {
// Check for missing recordings.
match prev {
None if r.id == s.ids.start => {},
None => return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, s.ids.start))),
Some(id) if r.id != id + 1 => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, id + 1)));
_ => {},
prev = Some(r.id);
// Add a segment for the relevant part of the recording, if any.
let end_time = s.end_time.unwrap_or(i64::max_value());
let d = r.duration_90k as i64;
if s.start_time <= cur_off + d && cur_off < end_time {
let start = cmp::max(0, s.start_time - cur_off);
let end = cmp::min(d, end_time - cur_off);
let times = start as i32 .. end as i32;
debug!("...appending recording {}/{} with times {:?} (out of dur {})",
r.camera_id, r.id, times, d);
builder.append(&db, r, start as i32 .. end as i32)?;
} else {
debug!("...skipping recording {}/{} dur {}", r.camera_id, r.id, d);
cur_off += d;
// Check for missing recordings.
match prev {
None if r.id == s.ids.start => {},
None => return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, s.ids.start))),
Some(id) if r.id != id + 1 => {
Some(id) if s.ids.end != id + 1 => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, id + 1)));
camera_id, s.ids.end - 1)));
None => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, s.ids.start)));
_ => {},
prev = Some(r.id);
// Add a segment for the relevant part of the recording, if any.
let end_time = s.end_time.unwrap_or(i64::max_value());
let d = r.duration_90k as i64;
if s.start_time <= cur_off + d && cur_off < end_time {
let start = cmp::max(0, s.start_time - cur_off);
let end = cmp::min(d, end_time - cur_off);
let times = start as i32 .. end as i32;
debug!("...appending recording {}/{} with times {:?} (out of dur {})",
r.camera_id, r.id, times, d);
builder.append(&db, r, start as i32 .. end as i32)?;
} else {
debug!("...skipping recording {}/{} dur {}", r.camera_id, r.id, d);
if let Some(end) = s.end_time {
if end > cur_off {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("end time {} is beyond specified recordings", end)));
cur_off += d;
// Check for missing recordings.
match prev {
Some(id) if s.ids.end != id + 1 => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, s.ids.end - 1)));
None => {
return Err(Error::new(format!("no such recording {}/{}",
camera_id, s.ids.start)));
_ => {},
if let Some(end) = s.end_time {
if end > cur_off {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("end time {} is beyond specified recordings", end)));
"ts" => builder.include_timestamp_subtitle_track(value == "true"),
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("parameter {} not understood", key))),
"ts" => builder.include_timestamp_subtitle_track(value == "true"),
_ => return Err(Error::new(format!("parameter {} not understood", key))),
let mp4 = builder.build(self.db.clone(), self.dir.clone())?;
http_entity::serve(&mp4, req, res)?;
Ok(http_entity::serve(mp4, req))
/// Parses optional `start_time_90k` and `end_time_90k` query parameters, defaulting to the
/// full range of possible values.
fn get_optional_range(query: &str) -> Result<Range<recording::Time>, Error> {
fn get_optional_range(query: Option<&str>) -> Result<Range<recording::Time>, Error> {
let mut start = i64::min_value();
let mut end = i64::max_value();
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(query.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"start_time_90k" => start = i64::from_str(value)?,
"end_time_90k" => end = i64::from_str(value)?,
_ => {},
if let Some(q) = query {
for (key, value) in form_urlencoded::parse(q.as_bytes()) {
let (key, value) = (key.borrow(), value.borrow());
match key {
"start_time_90k" => start = i64::from_str(value)?,
"end_time_90k" => end = i64::from_str(value)?,
_ => {},
Ok(recording::Time(start) .. recording::Time(end))
impl server::Handler for Handler {
fn handle(&self, req: server::Request, res: server::Response) {
let (path, query) = get_path_and_query(&req.uri);
let res = match decode_path(path) {
Path::CamerasList => self.list_cameras(&req, res),
Path::Camera(uuid) => self.camera(uuid, query, &req, res),
Path::CameraRecordings(uuid) => self.camera_recordings(uuid, query, &req, res),
Path::CameraViewMp4(uuid) => self.camera_view_mp4(uuid, query, &req, res),
Path::NotFound => self.not_found(res),
impl server::Service for Service {
type Request = Request;
type Response = Response<slices::Body>;
type Error = hyper::Error;
type Future = future::FutureResult<Self::Response, Self::Error>;
fn call(&self, req: Request) -> Self::Future {
debug!("request on: {}", req.uri());
let res = match decode_path(req.uri().path()) {
Path::CamerasList => self.list_cameras(&req),
Path::Camera(uuid) => self.camera(uuid, req.uri().query(), &req),
Path::CameraRecordings(uuid) => self.camera_recordings(uuid, req.uri().query(), &req),
Path::CameraViewMp4(uuid) => self.camera_view_mp4(uuid, req.uri().query(), &req),
Path::NotFound => self.not_found(),
if let Err(ref e) = res {
warn!("Error handling request: {}", e);
future::result(res.map_err(|e| {
error!("error: {}", e);
@ -599,6 +610,7 @@ mod tests {
#[cfg(all(test, feature="nightly"))]
mod bench {
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate test;
use hyper;
@ -612,18 +624,20 @@ mod bench {
impl Server {
fn new() -> Server {
let mut listener = hyper::net::HttpListener::new("").unwrap();
use hyper::net::NetworkListener;
let addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap();
let server = hyper::Server::new(listener);
let url = format!("http://{}:{}", addr.ip(), addr.port());
let db = TestDb::new();
testutil::add_dummy_recordings_to_db(&db.db, 1440);
let (tx, rx) = ::std::sync::mpsc::channel();
::std::thread::spawn(move || {
let h = super::Handler::new(db.db.clone(), db.dir.clone());
let _ = server.handle(h);
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let (db, dir) = (db.db.clone(), db.dir.clone());
let server = hyper::server::Http::new()
.bind(&addr, move || Ok(super::Service::new(db.clone(), dir.clone())))
Server{base_url: url}
let addr = rx.recv().unwrap();
Server{base_url: format!("http://{}:{}", addr.ip(), addr.port())}
@ -635,13 +649,13 @@ mod bench {
fn serve_camera_html(b: &mut Bencher) {
let server = &*SERVER;
let url = hyper::Url::parse(&format!("{}/cameras/{}/", server.base_url,
let url = reqwest::Url::parse(&format!("{}/cameras/{}/", server.base_url,
let mut buf = Vec::new();
b.iter(|| {
let client = hyper::Client::new();
let client = reqwest::Client::new().unwrap();
let mut resp = client.get(url.clone()).send().unwrap();
assert_eq!(resp.status, hyper::status::StatusCode::Ok);
assert_eq!(*resp.status(), reqwest::StatusCode::Ok);
use std::io::Read;
resp.read_to_end(&mut buf).unwrap();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user