mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 21:12:55 -04:00
Sanify sample directory references.
Before, I had a gross hardcoded path in moonfire-db.cc + a hacky Recording::sample_file_path (which is StrCat(sample_file_dir, "/", uuid), essentially). Now, things expect to take a File* to the sample file directory and use openat(2). Several things had to change in the process: * RealFileSlice now takes a File* dir. * File has an Open that returns an fd (for RealFileSlice's benefit). * BuildMp4 now is in WebInterface rather than MoonfireDatabase. The latter only manages the SQLite database, so it shouldn't know anything about the sample file directory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,10 +79,23 @@ class RealFile : public File {
return 0;
int Open(const char *path, int flags, int *fd) final {
return Open(path, flags, 0, fd);
int Open(const char *path, int flags, std::unique_ptr<File> *f) final {
return Open(path, flags, 0, f);
int Open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode, int *fd) final {
int ret = openat(fd_, path, flags, mode);
if (ret < 0) {
return errno;
*fd = ret;
return 0;
int Open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode,
std::unique_ptr<File> *f) final {
int ret = openat(fd_, path, flags, mode);
@ -63,7 +63,9 @@ class File {
virtual int Close() = 0;
// openat(), returning 0 on success or errno>0 on failure.
virtual int Open(const char *path, int flags, int *fd) = 0;
virtual int Open(const char *path, int flags, std::unique_ptr<File> *f) = 0;
virtual int Open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode, int *fd) = 0;
virtual int Open(const char *path, int flags, mode_t mode,
std::unique_ptr<File> *f) = 0;
@ -89,8 +91,8 @@ class MockFile : public File {
MOCK_METHOD0(Close, int());
// Open is wrapped here because gmock's SetArgPointee doesn't work well with
// std::unique_ptr.
// The std::unique_ptr<File> variants of Open are wrapped here because gmock's
// SetArgPointee doesn't work well with std::unique_ptr.
int Open(const char *path, int flags, std::unique_ptr<File> *f) final {
File *f_tmp = nullptr;
@ -107,6 +109,8 @@ class MockFile : public File {
return ret;
MOCK_METHOD3(Open, int(const char *, int, int *));
MOCK_METHOD4(Open, int(const char *, int, mode_t, int *));
MOCK_METHOD3(OpenRaw, int(const char *, int, File **));
MOCK_METHOD4(OpenRaw, int(const char *, int, mode_t, File **));
MOCK_METHOD3(Read, int(void *, size_t, size_t *));
@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ namespace {
class RealFile : public VirtualFile {
RealFile(re2::StringPiece mime_type, re2::StringPiece filename,
RealFile(re2::StringPiece mime_type, File *dir, re2::StringPiece filename,
const struct stat &statbuf)
: mime_type_(mime_type.as_string()), stat_(statbuf) {
slice_.Init(filename, ByteRange(0, statbuf.st_size));
slice_.Init(dir, filename, ByteRange(0, statbuf.st_size));
~RealFile() final {}
@ -246,17 +246,19 @@ bool EvBuffer::AddFile(int fd, ev_off_t offset, ev_off_t length,
return true;
void RealFileSlice::Init(re2::StringPiece filename, ByteRange range) {
void RealFileSlice::Init(File *dir, re2::StringPiece filename,
ByteRange range) {
dir_ = dir;
filename_ = filename.as_string();
range_ = range;
int64_t RealFileSlice::AddRange(ByteRange range, EvBuffer *buf,
std::string *error_message) const {
int fd = open(filename_.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
int err = errno;
*error_message = StrCat("open ", filename_, ": ", strerror(err));
int fd;
int ret = dir_->Open(filename_.c_str(), O_RDONLY, &fd);
if (ret != 0) {
*error_message = StrCat("open ", filename_, ": ", strerror(ret));
return -1;
if (!buf->AddFile(fd, range_.begin + range.begin, range.size(),
@ -442,11 +444,11 @@ void HttpServe(const std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> &file, evhttp_request *req) {
return ServeChunkCallback(con, serve);
void HttpServeFile(evhttp_request *req, const std::string &mime_type,
void HttpServeFile(evhttp_request *req, const std::string &mime_type, File *dir,
const std::string &filename, const struct stat &statbuf) {
return HttpServe(
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile>(new RealFile(mime_type, filename, statbuf)),
return HttpServe(std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile>(
new RealFile(mime_type, dir, filename, statbuf)),
} // namespace moonfire_nvr
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <re2/stringpiece.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "string.h"
namespace moonfire_nvr {
@ -170,7 +171,8 @@ class VirtualFile : public FileSlice {
class RealFileSlice : public FileSlice {
void Init(re2::StringPiece filename, ByteRange range);
// |dir| must outlive the RealFileSlice.
void Init(File *dir, re2::StringPiece filename, ByteRange range);
int64_t size() const final { return range_.size(); }
@ -178,6 +180,7 @@ class RealFileSlice : public FileSlice {
std::string *error_message) const final;
File *dir_;
std::string filename_;
ByteRange range_;
@ -289,7 +292,7 @@ void HttpServe(const std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> &file, evhttp_request *req);
// Serve a file over HTTP. Expects the caller to supply a sanitized |filename|
// (rather than taking it straight from the path specified in |req|).
void HttpServeFile(evhttp_request *req, const std::string &mime_type,
void HttpServeFile(evhttp_request *req, const std::string &mime_type, File *dir,
const std::string &filename, const struct stat &statbuf);
namespace internal {
@ -414,9 +414,6 @@ bool MoonfireDatabase::ListMp4Recordings(
return false;
recording.sample_file_path =
recording.sample_file_sha1 = run.ColumnBlob(5).as_string();
recording.video_index = run.ColumnBlob(6).as_string();
recording.video_samples = run.ColumnInt64(7);
@ -463,85 +460,6 @@ bool MoonfireDatabase::ListReservedSampleFiles(std::vector<Uuid> *reserved,
return true;
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> MoonfireDatabase::BuildMp4(
Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message) {
LOG(INFO) << "Building mp4 for camera: " << camera_uuid.UnparseText()
<< ", start_time_90k: " << start_time_90k
<< ", end_time_90k: " << end_time_90k;
Mp4FileBuilder builder;
int64_t next_row_start_time_90k = start_time_90k;
int64_t rows = 0;
bool ok = true;
auto row_cb = [&](Recording &recording,
const VideoSampleEntry &sample_entry) {
if (rows == 0 && recording.start_time_90k != next_row_start_time_90k) {
*error_message = StrCat(
"recording starts late: ", PrettyTimestamp(recording.start_time_90k),
" (", recording.start_time_90k, ") rather than requested: ",
PrettyTimestamp(start_time_90k), " (", start_time_90k, ")");
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
} else if (recording.start_time_90k != next_row_start_time_90k) {
*error_message = StrCat("gap/overlap in recording: ",
PrettyTimestamp(next_row_start_time_90k), " (",
next_row_start_time_90k, ") to: ",
PrettyTimestamp(recording.start_time_90k), " (",
recording.start_time_90k, ") before row ", rows);
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
next_row_start_time_90k = recording.end_time_90k;
if (rows > 0 && recording.video_sample_entry_id != sample_entry.id) {
*error_message =
StrCat("inconsistent video sample entries: this recording has id ",
recording.video_sample_entry_id, " previous had ",
sample_entry.id, " (sha1 ", ToHex(sample_entry.sha1), ")");
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
} else if (rows == 0) {
// TODO: correct bounds within recording.
// Currently this can return too much data.
builder.Append(std::move(recording), 0,
return IterationControl::kContinue;
if (!ok ||
!ListMp4Recordings(camera_uuid, start_time_90k, end_time_90k, row_cb,
error_message)) {
return false;
if (rows == 0) {
*error_message = StrCat("no recordings in range");
return false;
if (next_row_start_time_90k != end_time_90k) {
*error_message = StrCat("recording ends early: ",
PrettyTimestamp(next_row_start_time_90k), " (",
next_row_start_time_90k, "), not requested: ",
PrettyTimestamp(end_time_90k), " (", end_time_90k,
") after ", rows, " rows");
return false;
VLOG(1) << "...(3/4) building VirtualFile from " << rows << " recordings.";
auto file = builder.Build(error_message);
if (file == nullptr) {
return false;
VLOG(1) << "...(4/4) success, " << file->size() << " bytes, etag "
<< file->etag();
return file;
std::vector<Uuid> MoonfireDatabase::ReserveSampleFiles(
int n, std::string *error_message) {
if (n == 0) {
@ -157,14 +157,6 @@ class MoonfireDatabase {
std::string *error_message);
// TODO: more nuanced error code for HTTP.
// TODO: this should move somewhere that has access to the
// currently-writing Recording as well.
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> BuildMp4(Uuid camera_uuid,
int64_t start_time_90k,
int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message);
bool ListReservedSampleFiles(std::vector<Uuid> *reserved,
std::string *error_message);
@ -205,7 +205,19 @@ bool Stream::Init(std::string *error_message) {
return false;
return manager_.Init(error_message);
if (!manager_.Init(error_message)) {
return false;
int ret = env_->fs->Open(camera_path_.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY,
if (ret != 0) {
*error_message =
StrCat("Unable to open ", camera_path_, ": ", strerror(ret));
return false;
return true;
// Call from dedicated thread. Runs until shutdown requested.
@ -463,7 +475,7 @@ void Stream::HttpCallbackForFile(evhttp_request *req, const string &filename) {
if (!manager_.Lookup(filename, &s)) {
return evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "File not found.");
HttpServeFile(req, "video/mp4", StrCat(camera_path_, "/", filename), s);
HttpServeFile(req, "video/mp4", camera_dir_.get(), filename, s);
Nvr::Nvr() {
@ -185,7 +185,8 @@ class Stream {
const int32_t rotate_interval_;
const moonfire_nvr::Camera camera_;
FileManager manager_; // thread-safe.
FileManager manager_; // thread-safe.
std::unique_ptr<File> camera_dir_; // thread-safe.
// State below is used only by the thread in Run().
@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ class IntegrationTest : public testing::Test {
IntegrationTest() {
tmpdir_path_ = PrepareTempDirOrDie("mp4-integration-test");
int ret =
GetRealFilesystem()->Open(tmpdir_path_.c_str(), O_RDONLY, &tmpdir_);
int ret = GetRealFilesystem()->Open(tmpdir_path_.c_str(),
O_RDONLY | O_DIRECTORY, &tmpdir_);
CHECK_EQ(0, ret) << strerror(ret);
@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ class IntegrationTest : public testing::Test {
// Set start time to 2015-04-26 00:00:00 UTC.
index.Init(&recording, UINT64_C(1430006400) * kTimeUnitsPerSecond);
SampleFileWriter writer(tmpdir_.get());
recording.sample_file_path = StrCat(tmpdir_path_, "/clip.sample");
if (!writer.Open("clip.sample", &error_message)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "open clip.sample: " << error_message;
std::string filename = recording.sample_file_uuid.UnparseText();
if (!writer.Open(filename.c_str(), &error_message)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "open " << filename << ": " << error_message;
return recording;
auto in = GetRealVideoSource()->OpenFile("../src/testdata/clip.mp4",
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class IntegrationTest : public testing::Test {
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> CreateMp4FromSingleRecording(
const Recording &recording) {
Mp4FileBuilder builder;
Mp4FileBuilder builder(tmpdir_.get());
builder.Append(Recording(recording), 0,
@ -360,9 +360,11 @@ class ScopedMp4Box {
// * mdat (media data container)
class Mp4File : public VirtualFile {
Mp4File(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mp4FileSegment>> segments,
Mp4File(File *sample_file_dir,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mp4FileSegment>> segments,
VideoSampleEntry &&video_sample_entry)
: segments_(std::move(segments)),
: sample_file_dir_(sample_file_dir),
ftyp_(re2::StringPiece(kFtypBox, sizeof(kFtypBox))),
moov_trak_mdia_hdlr_(re2::StringPiece(kHdlrBox, sizeof(kHdlrBox))),
@ -390,8 +392,9 @@ class Mp4File : public VirtualFile {
initial_sample_byte_pos_ = slices_.size();
for (const auto &segment : segments_) {
sample_file_dir_, segment->recording.sample_file_uuid.UnparseText(),
slices_.Append(&segment->sample_file_slice, FileSlices::kLazy);
mdat_.header().largesize = ToNetworkU64(slices_.size() - size_before_mdat);
@ -541,6 +544,7 @@ class Mp4File : public VirtualFile {
int64_t initial_sample_byte_pos_ = 0;
File *sample_file_dir_ = nullptr;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Mp4FileSegment>> segments_;
VideoSampleEntry video_sample_entry_;
FileSlices slices_;
@ -749,8 +753,8 @@ std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> Mp4FileBuilder::Build(std::string *error_message) {
return std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile>();
return std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile>(
new Mp4File(std::move(segments_), std::move(video_sample_entry_)));
return std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile>(new Mp4File(
sample_file_dir_, std::move(segments_), std::move(video_sample_entry_)));
} // namespace moonfire_nvr
@ -130,6 +130,13 @@ struct Mp4FileSegment {
// Builder for a virtual .mp4 file.
class Mp4FileBuilder {
// |sample_file_dir| must outlive the Mp4FileBuilder and the returned
// VirtualFile.
explicit Mp4FileBuilder(File *sample_file_dir)
: sample_file_dir_(sample_file_dir) {}
Mp4FileBuilder(const Mp4FileBuilder &) = delete;
void operator=(const Mp4FileBuilder &) = delete;
// Append part or all of a recording.
// Note that |recording.video_sample_entry_sha1| must be added via
// AddSampleEntry.
@ -159,6 +166,7 @@ class Mp4FileBuilder {
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> Build(std::string *error_message);
File *sample_file_dir_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<internal::Mp4FileSegment>> segments_;
VideoSampleEntry video_sample_entry_;
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ constexpr int64_t kMaxRecordingDuration = 5 * 60 * kTimeUnitsPerSecond;
struct Recording {
int64_t id = -1;
int64_t camera_id = -1;
std::string sample_file_path;
std::string sample_file_sha1;
Uuid sample_file_uuid;
int64_t video_sample_entry_id = -1;
@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ void WebInterface::HandleMp4View(evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
std::string error_message;
auto file = this_->mdb_->BuildMp4(camera_uuid, start_time_90k, end_time_90k,
auto file = this_->BuildMp4(camera_uuid, start_time_90k, end_time_90k,
if (file == nullptr) {
// TODO: more nuanced HTTP status codes.
return evhttp_send_error(req, HTTP_INTERNAL,
@ -221,4 +221,83 @@ void WebInterface::HandleMp4View(evhttp_request *req, void *arg) {
return HttpServe(file, req);
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> WebInterface::BuildMp4(
Uuid camera_uuid, int64_t start_time_90k, int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message) {
LOG(INFO) << "Building mp4 for camera: " << camera_uuid.UnparseText()
<< ", start_time_90k: " << start_time_90k
<< ", end_time_90k: " << end_time_90k;
Mp4FileBuilder builder(sample_file_dir_);
int64_t next_row_start_time_90k = start_time_90k;
int64_t rows = 0;
bool ok = true;
auto row_cb = [&](Recording &recording,
const VideoSampleEntry &sample_entry) {
if (rows == 0 && recording.start_time_90k != next_row_start_time_90k) {
*error_message = StrCat(
"recording starts late: ", PrettyTimestamp(recording.start_time_90k),
" (", recording.start_time_90k, ") rather than requested: ",
PrettyTimestamp(start_time_90k), " (", start_time_90k, ")");
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
} else if (recording.start_time_90k != next_row_start_time_90k) {
*error_message = StrCat("gap/overlap in recording: ",
PrettyTimestamp(next_row_start_time_90k), " (",
next_row_start_time_90k, ") to: ",
PrettyTimestamp(recording.start_time_90k), " (",
recording.start_time_90k, ") before row ", rows);
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
next_row_start_time_90k = recording.end_time_90k;
if (rows > 0 && recording.video_sample_entry_id != sample_entry.id) {
*error_message =
StrCat("inconsistent video sample entries: this recording has id ",
recording.video_sample_entry_id, " previous had ",
sample_entry.id, " (sha1 ", ToHex(sample_entry.sha1), ")");
ok = false;
return IterationControl::kBreak;
} else if (rows == 0) {
// TODO: correct bounds within recording.
// Currently this can return too much data.
builder.Append(std::move(recording), 0,
return IterationControl::kContinue;
if (!ok ||
!mdb_->ListMp4Recordings(camera_uuid, start_time_90k, end_time_90k,
row_cb, error_message)) {
return false;
if (rows == 0) {
*error_message = StrCat("no recordings in range");
return false;
if (next_row_start_time_90k != end_time_90k) {
*error_message = StrCat("recording ends early: ",
PrettyTimestamp(next_row_start_time_90k), " (",
next_row_start_time_90k, "), not requested: ",
PrettyTimestamp(end_time_90k), " (", end_time_90k,
") after ", rows, " rows");
return false;
VLOG(1) << "...(3/4) building VirtualFile from " << rows << " recordings.";
auto file = builder.Build(error_message);
if (file == nullptr) {
return false;
VLOG(1) << "...(4/4) success, " << file->size() << " bytes, etag "
<< file->etag();
return file;
} // namespace moonfire_nvr
@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ namespace moonfire_nvr {
class WebInterface {
explicit WebInterface(MoonfireDatabase *mdb) : mdb_(mdb) {}
// |mdb| and |sample_file_dir| must outlive the WebInterface.
WebInterface(MoonfireDatabase *mdb, File *sample_file_dir)
: mdb_(mdb), sample_file_dir_(sample_file_dir) {}
WebInterface(const WebInterface &) = delete;
void operator=(const WebInterface &) = delete;
@ -70,7 +72,14 @@ class WebInterface {
static void HandleCameraDetail(evhttp_request *req, void *arg);
static void HandleMp4View(evhttp_request *req, void *arg);
// TODO: more nuanced error code for HTTP.
std::shared_ptr<VirtualFile> BuildMp4(Uuid camera_uuid,
int64_t start_time_90k,
int64_t end_time_90k,
std::string *error_message);
MoonfireDatabase *const mdb_;
File *const sample_file_dir_;
} // namespace moonfire_nvr
Reference in New Issue
Block a user