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Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
// This file is part of Moonfire NVR, a security camera digital video recorder.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Scott Lamb <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
// permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
// OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
// individual source file, and distribute linked combinations including
// the two.
// You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all
// of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
// exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the
// file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
// so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you delete
// this exception statement from all source files in the program, then
// also delete it here.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
//! Sample file directory management.
//! This includes opening files for serving, rotating away old files, and saving new files.
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
use db;
use error::Error;
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
use libc;
use recording;
use openssl::crypto::hash;
use std::cmp;
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
use std::ffi;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::mem;
use std::os::unix::io::FromRawFd;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use uuid::Uuid;
/// A sample file directory. This is currently a singleton in production. (Maybe in the future
/// Moonfire will be extended to support multiple directories on different spindles.)
/// If the directory is used for writing, the `start_syncer` function should be called to start
/// a background thread. This thread manages deleting files and writing new files. It synces the
/// directory and commits these operations to the database in the correct order to maintain the
/// invariants described in `design/`.
pub struct SampleFileDir {
db: Arc<db::Database>,
/// The open file descriptor for the directory. The worker uses it to create files and sync the
/// directory. Other threads use it to open sample files for reading during video serving.
fd: Fd,
// Lock order: don't acquire mutable.lock() while holding db.lock().
mutable: Mutex<SharedMutableState>,
/// A file descriptor associated with a directory (not necessarily the sample file dir).
pub struct Fd(libc::c_int);
impl Drop for Fd {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if unsafe { libc::close(self.0) } < 0 {
let e = io::Error::last_os_error();
warn!("Unable to close sample file dir: {}", e);
impl Fd {
/// Opens the given path as a directory.
pub fn open(path: &str) -> Result<Fd, io::Error> {
let cstring = ffi::CString::new(path)
.map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, e))?;
let fd = unsafe { libc::open(cstring.as_ptr(), libc::O_DIRECTORY | libc::O_RDONLY, 0) };
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into());
/// Locks the directory with the specified `flock` operation.
pub fn lock(&self, operation: libc::c_int) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let ret = unsafe { libc::flock(self.0, operation) };
if ret < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into());
impl SampleFileDir {
pub fn new(path: &str, db: Arc<db::Database>) -> Result<Arc<SampleFileDir>, Error> {
let fd = Fd::open(path)?;
db: db,
fd: fd,
mutable: Mutex::new(SharedMutableState{
next_uuid: None,
/// Opens the given sample file for reading.
pub fn open_sample_file(&self, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<fs::File, io::Error> {
self.open_int(uuid, libc::O_RDONLY, 0)
/// Creates a new writer.
/// Note this doesn't wait for previous rotation to complete; it's assumed the sample file
/// directory has sufficient space for a couple recordings per camera in addition to the
/// cameras' total `retain_bytes`.
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
/// The new recording will continue from `prev` if specified; this should be as returned from
/// a previous `close` call.
pub fn create_writer<'a>(&self, channel: &'a SyncerChannel, prev: Option<PreviousWriter>,
camera_id: i32, video_sample_entry_id: i32)
-> Result<Writer<'a>, Error> {
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
// Grab the next uuid. Typically one is cached—a sync has usually completed since the last
// writer was created, and syncs ensure `next_uuid` is filled while performing their
// transaction. But if not, perform an extra database transaction to reserve a new one.
let uuid = match self.mutable.lock().unwrap().next_uuid.take() {
Some(u) => u,
None => {
info!("Committing extra transaction because there's no cached uuid");
let mut db = self.db.lock();
let mut tx = db.tx()?;
let u = tx.reserve_sample_file()?;
let f = match self.open_int(uuid, libc::O_WRONLY | libc::O_EXCL | libc::O_CREAT, 0o600) {
Ok(f) => f,
Err(e) => {
self.mutable.lock().unwrap().next_uuid = Some(uuid);
return Err(e.into());
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
Writer::open(f, uuid, prev, camera_id, video_sample_entry_id, channel)
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
/// Opens a sample file within this directory with the given flags and (if creating) mode.
fn open_int(&self, uuid: Uuid, flags: libc::c_int, mode: libc::c_int)
-> Result<fs::File, io::Error> {
let p = SampleFileDir::get_rel_pathname(uuid);
let fd = unsafe { libc::openat(self.fd.0, p.as_ptr(), flags, mode) };
if fd < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
unsafe { Ok(fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd)) }
/// Gets a pathname for a sample file suitable for passing to open or unlink.
fn get_rel_pathname(uuid: Uuid) -> [libc::c_char; 37] {
let mut buf = [0u8; 37];
write!(&mut buf[..36], "{}", uuid.hyphenated()).expect("can't format uuid to pathname buf");
// libc::c_char seems to be i8 on some platforms (Linux/arm) and u8 on others (Linux/amd64).
// Transmute, suppressing the warning that happens on platforms in which it's already u8.
unsafe { mem::transmute::<[u8; 37], [libc::c_char; 37]>(buf) }
/// Unlinks the given sample file within this directory.
fn unlink(fd: &Fd, uuid: Uuid) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let p = SampleFileDir::get_rel_pathname(uuid);
let res = unsafe { libc::unlinkat(fd.0, p.as_ptr(), 0) };
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
/// Syncs the directory itself.
fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
let res = unsafe { libc::fsync(self.fd.0) };
if res < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
/// State shared between users of the `SampleFileDirectory` struct and the syncer.
struct SharedMutableState {
next_uuid: Option<Uuid>,
/// A command sent to the syncer. These correspond to methods in the `SyncerChannel` struct.
enum SyncerCommand {
AsyncSaveRecording(db::RecordingToInsert, fs::File),
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
/// A channel which can be used to send commands to the syncer.
/// Can be cloned to allow multiple threads to send commands.
pub struct SyncerChannel(mpsc::Sender<SyncerCommand>);
/// State of the worker thread.
struct SyncerState {
dir: Arc<SampleFileDir>,
to_unlink: Vec<Uuid>,
to_mark_deleted: Vec<Uuid>,
cmds: mpsc::Receiver<SyncerCommand>,
/// Starts a syncer for the given sample file directory.
/// There should be only one syncer per directory, or 0 if operating in read-only mode.
/// This function will perform the initial rotation synchronously, so that it is finished before
/// file writing starts. Afterward the syncing happens in a background thread.
/// Returns a `SyncerChannel` which can be used to send commands (and can be cloned freely) and
/// a `JoinHandle` for the syncer thread. At program shutdown, all `SyncerChannel` clones should be
/// removed and then the handle joined to allow all recordings to be persisted.
pub fn start_syncer(dir: Arc<SampleFileDir>)
-> Result<(SyncerChannel, thread::JoinHandle<()>), Error> {
let to_unlink = dir.db.lock().list_reserved_sample_files()?;
let (snd, rcv) = mpsc::channel();
let mut state = SyncerState {
dir: dir,
to_unlink: to_unlink,
to_mark_deleted: Vec::new(),
cmds: rcv,
thread::Builder::new().name("syncer".into()).spawn(move ||
impl SyncerChannel {
/// Asynchronously syncs the given writer, closes it, records it into the database, and
/// starts rotation.
fn async_save_recording(&self, recording: db::RecordingToInsert, f: fs::File) {
self.0.send(SyncerCommand::AsyncSaveRecording(recording, f)).unwrap();
fn async_abandon_recording(&self, uuid: Uuid) {
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
/// For testing: flushes the syncer, waiting for all currently-queued commands to complete.
pub fn flush(&self) {
let (snd, rcv) = mpsc::sync_channel(0);
rcv.recv().unwrap_err(); // syncer should just drop the channel, closing it.
impl SyncerState {
fn run(&mut self) {
loop {
match self.cmds.recv() {
Err(_) => return, // all senders have closed the channel; shutdown
Ok(SyncerCommand::AsyncSaveRecording(recording, f)) =>, f),
Ok(SyncerCommand::AsyncAbandonRecording(uuid)) => self.abandon(uuid),
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
Ok(SyncerCommand::Flush(_)) => {}, // just drop the supplied sender, closing it.
/// Rotates files for all cameras and deletes stale reserved uuids from previous runs.
fn initial_rotation(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut to_delete = Vec::new();
let mut db = self.dir.db.lock();
for (camera_id, camera) in db.cameras_by_id() {
self.get_rows_to_delete(&db, *camera_id, camera, 0, &mut to_delete)?;
let mut tx = db.tx()?;
for row in to_delete {
if !self.to_unlink.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new(format!("failed to unlink {} sample files",
let mut db = self.dir.db.lock();
let mut tx = db.tx()?;
/// Saves the given recording and causes rotation to happen.
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
/// Note that part of rotation is deferred for the next cycle (saved writing or program startup)
/// so that there can be only one dir sync and database transaction per save.
fn save(&mut self, recording: db::RecordingToInsert, f: fs::File) {
if let Err(e) = self.save_helper(&recording, f) {
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
error!("camera {}: will discard recording {} due to error while saving: {}",
recording.camera_id, recording.sample_file_uuid, e);
fn abandon(&mut self, uuid: Uuid) {
/// Internal helper for `save`. This is separated out so that the question-mark operator
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
/// can be used in the many error paths.
fn save_helper(&mut self, recording: &db::RecordingToInsert, f: fs::File)
-> Result<(), Error> {
Rust rewrite I should have submitted/pushed more incrementally but just played with it on my computer as I was learning the language. The new Rust version more or less matches the functionality of the current C++ version, although there are many caveats listed below. Upgrade notes: when moving from the C++ version, I recommend dropping and recreating the "recording_cover" index in SQLite3 to pick up the addition of the "video_sync_samples" column: $ sudo systemctl stop moonfire-nvr $ sudo -u moonfire-nvr sqlite3 /var/lib/moonfire-nvr/db/db sqlite> drop index recording_cover; sqlite3> create index of command as in schema.sql...; sqlite3> ^D Some known visible differences from the C++ version: * .mp4 generation queries SQLite3 differently. Before it would just get all video indexes in a single query. Now it leads with a query that should be satisfiable by the covering index (assuming the index has been recreated as noted above), then queries individual recording's indexes as needed to fill a LRU cache. I believe this is roughly similar speed for the initial hit (which generates the moov part of the file) and significantly faster when seeking. I would have done it a while ago with the C++ version but didn't want to track down a lru cache library. It was easier to find with Rust. * On startup, the Rust version cleans up old reserved files. This is as in the design; the C++ version was just missing this code. * The .html recording list output is a little different. It's in ascending order, with the most current segment shorten than an hour rather than the oldest. This is less ergonomic, but it was easy. I could fix it or just wait to obsolete it with some fancier JavaScript UI. * commandline argument parsing and logging have changed formats due to different underlying libraries. * The JSON output isn't quite right (matching the spec / C++ implementation) yet. Additional caveats: * I haven't done any proof-reading of + install instructions. * There's a lot of code quality work to do: adding (back) comments and test coverage, developing a good Rust style. * The ffmpeg foreign function interface is particularly sketchy. I'd eventually like to switch to something based on autogenerated bindings. I'd also like to use pure Rust code where practical, but once I do on-NVR motion detection I'll need to existing C/C++ libraries for speed (H.264 decoding + OpenCL-based analysis).
2016-11-25 17:34:00 -05:00
if !self.to_unlink.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::new(format!("failed to unlink {} files.", self.to_unlink.len())));
let mut to_delete = Vec::new();
let mut l = self.dir.mutable.lock().unwrap();
let mut db = self.dir.db.lock();
let mut new_next_uuid = l.next_uuid;
let camera =
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("no such camera {}", recording.camera_id)))?;
self.get_rows_to_delete(&db, recording.camera_id, camera,
recording.sample_file_bytes as i64, &mut to_delete)?;
let mut tx = db.tx()?;
if new_next_uuid.is_none() {
new_next_uuid = Some(tx.reserve_sample_file()?);
l.next_uuid = new_next_uuid;
self.to_unlink.extend(to_delete.iter().map(|row| row.uuid));
/// Gets rows to delete to bring a camera's disk usage within bounds.
fn get_rows_to_delete(&self, db: &MutexGuard<db::LockedDatabase>, camera_id: i32,
camera: &db::Camera, extra_bytes_needed: i64,
to_delete: &mut Vec<db::ListOldestSampleFilesRow>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let bytes_needed = camera.sample_file_bytes + extra_bytes_needed - camera.retain_bytes;
let mut bytes_to_delete = 0;
if bytes_needed <= 0 {
debug!("{}: have remaining quota of {}", camera.short_name, -bytes_needed);
return Ok(());
let mut n = 0;
db.list_oldest_sample_files(camera_id, |row| {
bytes_to_delete += row.sample_file_bytes as i64;
n += 1;
bytes_needed > bytes_to_delete // continue as long as more deletions are needed.
if bytes_needed > bytes_to_delete {
return Err(Error::new(format!("{}: couldn't find enough files to delete: {} left.",
camera.short_name, bytes_needed)));
info!("{}: deleting {} bytes in {} recordings ({} bytes needed)",
camera.short_name, bytes_to_delete, n, bytes_needed);
/// Tries to unlink all the uuids in `self.to_unlink`. Any which can't be unlinked will
/// be retained in the vec.
fn try_unlink(&mut self) {
let to_mark_deleted = &mut self.to_mark_deleted;
let fd = &self.dir.fd;
self.to_unlink.retain(|uuid| {
if let Err(e) = SampleFileDir::unlink(fd, *uuid) {
if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
warn!("dir: Sample file {} already deleted!", uuid.hyphenated());
} else {
warn!("dir: Unable to unlink {}: {}", uuid.hyphenated(), e);
} else {
/// Single-use struct to write a single recording to disk and commit its metadata to the database.
/// Use `SampleFileDir::create_writer` to create a new writer. `Writer` hands off its state to the
/// syncer when done. It either saves the recording to the database (if I/O errors do not prevent
/// this) or marks it as abandoned so that the syncer will attempt to unlink the file.
pub struct Writer<'a>(Option<InnerWriter<'a>>);
/// The state associated with a `Writer`. The indirection is for the `Drop` trait; `close` moves
/// `f` and `index.video_index` out of the `InnerWriter`, which is not allowed on a struct with
/// a `Drop` trait. To avoid this problem, the real state is surrounded by an `Option`. The
/// `Option` should none only after close is called, and thus never in a way visible to callers.
struct InnerWriter<'a> {
syncer_channel: &'a SyncerChannel,
f: fs::File,
index: recording::SampleIndexEncoder,
uuid: Uuid,
corrupt: bool,
hasher: hash::Hasher,
/// The end time of the previous segment in this run, if any.
prev_end: Option<recording::Time>,
/// The start time of this segment, based solely on examining the local clock after frames in
/// this segment were received. This is initially `None`, filled in on the second packet in
/// the segment, and refined as more packets are received. See `design/` for more
/// information. This will be used as the official start time iff `prev_end` is None.
local_start: Option<recording::Time>,
camera_id: i32,
video_sample_entry_id: i32,
run_offset: i32,
/// A sample which has been written to disk but not added to `index`. Index writes are one
/// sample behind disk writes because the duration of a sample is the difference between its
/// pts and the next sample's pts. A sample is flushed when the next sample is written, when
/// the writer is closed cleanly (the caller supplies the next pts), or when the writer is
/// closed uncleanly (with a zero duration, which the `.mp4` format allows only at the end).
unflushed_sample: Option<UnflushedSample>,
struct UnflushedSample {
local_time: recording::Time,
pts_90k: i64,
len: i32,
is_key: bool,
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct PreviousWriter {
end_time: recording::Time,
run_offset: i32,
impl<'a> Writer<'a> {
/// Opens the writer; for use by `SampleFileDir` (which should supply `f`).
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
fn open(f: fs::File, uuid: Uuid, prev: Option<PreviousWriter>, camera_id: i32,
video_sample_entry_id: i32, syncer_channel: &'a SyncerChannel) -> Result<Self, Error> {
syncer_channel: syncer_channel,
f: f,
index: recording::SampleIndexEncoder::new(),
uuid: uuid,
corrupt: false,
hasher: hash::Hasher::new(hash::Type::SHA1)?,
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
prev_end:|p| p.end_time),
local_start: None,
camera_id: camera_id,
video_sample_entry_id: video_sample_entry_id,
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
run_offset:|p| p.run_offset).unwrap_or(0),
unflushed_sample: None,
/// Writes a new frame to this segment.
/// `local_time` should be the local clock's time as of when this packet was received.
pub fn write(&mut self, pkt: &[u8], local_time: recording::Time, pts_90k: i64,
is_key: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let w = self.0.as_mut().unwrap();
if let Some(unflushed) = w.unflushed_sample.take() {
let duration = (pts_90k - unflushed.pts_90k) as i32;
w.index.add_sample(duration, unflushed.len, unflushed.is_key);
w.local_start = Some(w.extend_local_start(unflushed.local_time));
let mut remaining = pkt;
while !remaining.is_empty() {
let written = match w.f.write(remaining) {
Ok(b) => b,
Err(e) => {
if remaining.len() < pkt.len() {
// Partially written packet. Truncate if possible.
if let Err(e2) = w.f.set_len(w.index.sample_file_bytes as u64) {
error!("After write to {} failed with {}, truncate failed with {}; \
sample file is corrupt.", w.uuid.hyphenated(), e, e2);
w.corrupt = true;
return Err(Error::from(e));
remaining = &remaining[written..];
w.unflushed_sample = Some(UnflushedSample{
local_time: local_time,
pts_90k: pts_90k,
len: pkt.len() as i32,
is_key: is_key});
/// Cleanly closes the writer, using a supplied pts of the next sample for the last sample's
/// duration (if known). If `close` is not called, the `Drop` trait impl will close the trait,
/// swallowing errors and using a zero duration for the last sample.
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
pub fn close(mut self, next_pts: Option<i64>) -> Result<PreviousWriter, Error> {
impl<'a> InnerWriter<'a> {
fn extend_local_start(&mut self, pkt_local_time: recording::Time) -> recording::Time {
let new = pkt_local_time - recording::Duration(self.index.total_duration_90k as i64);
match self.local_start {
None => new,
Some(old) => cmp::min(old, new),
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
fn close(mut self, next_pts: Option<i64>) -> Result<PreviousWriter, Error> {
if self.corrupt {
return Err(Error::new(format!("recording {} is corrupt", self.uuid)));
let unflushed =
self.unflushed_sample.take().ok_or_else(|| Error::new("no packets!".to_owned()))?;
let duration = match next_pts {
None => 0,
Some(p) => (p - unflushed.pts_90k) as i32,
self.index.add_sample(duration, unflushed.len, unflushed.is_key);
let local_start = self.extend_local_start(unflushed.local_time);
let mut sha1_bytes = [0u8; 20];
let start_time = self.prev_end.unwrap_or(local_start);
let end = start_time + recording::Duration(self.index.total_duration_90k as i64);
let recording = db::RecordingToInsert{
camera_id: self.camera_id,
sample_file_bytes: self.index.sample_file_bytes,
time: start_time .. end,
local_time: local_start,
video_samples: self.index.video_samples,
video_sync_samples: self.index.video_sync_samples,
video_sample_entry_id: self.video_sample_entry_id,
sample_file_uuid: self.uuid,
video_index: self.index.video_index,
sample_file_sha1: sha1_bytes,
run_offset: self.run_offset,
flags: 0, // TODO
self.syncer_channel.async_save_recording(recording, self.f);
2016-12-29 15:33:34 -05:00
end_time: end,
run_offset: self.run_offset,
impl<'a> Drop for Writer<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(w) = self.0.take() {
// Swallow any error. The caller should only drop the Writer without calling close()
// if there's already been an error. The caller should report that. No point in
// complaining again.
let _ = w.close(None);